3,901 research outputs found


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    In terms of quantity, the English (American) influence in the economic language is striking, remarkable. The adjustment of these terms is brief, relative, which is not a factor favoring the assimilation of loans, but is permissible, in principle, for Anglicisms. In what concerns the need for these loans, it can be deemed that the demarcation between "necessary loans" and "luxury loans" is not yet solid. Low frequency or isolated Anglicisms may be classified into the second category (some may even affect proper specialized communication). Even if enough Anglicisms recorded in the economic press will not remain in Romanian, "the era of the Internet, of globalization" , we may consider a greater influence of English in the economy (perhaps similar to computer science).Anglicisms, economic terms, specialized communication


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    General language features of the written press. The study emphasizes the main features of the language used in the contemporary written press, regarding also the evolution of the journalistic language. The study case is based on the way that the languagemedia, English words, linguistic fashion

    An XML-based Tool for Tracking English Inclusions in German Text

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    The use of lexicons and corpora advances both linguistic research and performances of current natural language processing (NLP) systems. We present a tool that exploits such resources, specifically English and German lexical databases and the World Wide Web to recognise English inclusions in German newspaper articles. The output of the tool can assist lexical resource developers in monitoring changing patterns of English inclusion usage. The corpus used for the classification covers three different domains. We report the classification results and illustrate their value to linguistic and NLP research

    Using foreign inclusion detection to improve parsing performance

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    Inclusions from other languages can be a significant source of errors for monolin-gual parsers. We show this for English in-clusions, which are sufficiently frequent to present a problem when parsing German. We describe an annotation-free approach for accurately detecting such inclusions, and de-velop two methods for interfacing this ap-proach with a state-of-the-art parser for Ger-man. An evaluation on the TIGER cor-pus shows that our inclusion entity model achieves a performance gain of 4.3 points in F-score over a baseline of no inclusion de-tection, and even outperforms a parser with access to gold standard part-of-speech tags.

    European Union Terminology Unification - Directions for the Contrastive Study of Two Slavic and Two Non-Slavic Languages (Bulgarian, Polish, Modern Greek and English)

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    This study attempts to characterize terminology unification in the European Union legislation, regarding both content and form. It analyzes terms related to the thematic field of environmental law in four official EU languages: two Slavic (Bulgarian and Polish) and two non-Slavic (Modern Greek and English). Different types of relations between the languages under comparison suggest possible directions for further comparative study. The comparison aims to identify differences and similarities in the componential structure, formal-grammatical structure, word formation structure, form variantivity, origin and formal status. The study may also testify to the presence of linguistic convergence processes in the multilingual European Union

    The influence of English on Spanish fashion terminology: -ing forms

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    As has been the case with other European languages, Spanish has welcomed the arrival of English words, in spite of all purist efforts to the contrary. Moreover, it has not only adopted and adapted true Anglicisms but it has also created other forms based on English patterns, such mechanisms particularly visible in the fashion jargon in Spanish. In this paper we focus on -ing forms in the Spanish language of fashion, which may at times be genuine Anglicisms (formal or semantic ones) or false Anglicisms (analogical creations, that is, English-looking lexical elements), found in Spanish editions of fashion magazines such as Vogue, Elle, InStyle, Grazia, Glamour, and Cosmopolitan. The main aim of this study is to qualitatively analyse and classify -ing Anglicisms and false Anglicisms in the aforementioned jargon in order to establish whether the impact of English in the Spanish fashion jargon is so important as to replace native words and expressions