1,710 research outputs found

    Biodiversity Studies on Oscillatoriaceae form Jalgaon Nala of Ashti Taluka in Beed District, India

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    A Critical study has been made on biodiversitical studies of oscillatoiriaceae (cyanophyceae) in Jalgaon Nala of Ashti Taluka in Beed district during the period form June 2007 to May 2009. Algal samples were collected at monthly interval form five sites of Jalgaon Nala during the period of investigation. Microphotograph and line drawings of algal taxa were made by Digital camera and camera lucida. Algal taxa of cyanophyceae were indetified with the help of standard monographs and recent literature. In present study oscillatoriaceae included six genera. Viz Arthrospira Spirulina,  Oscillatoria, Phormidium, Lyngbya, and Mircocoleus were recorded. A total 33 algal taxa of oscillatoriaceae were recorded in present biodeversitical study. Among 33 algal taxa species of oscillatoria are dominant compared to other taxa.1P.G. Department of Botany, Mrs.K.S.K. College Beed- 431122 (M.S.), India; 2Department of Botany, Sir Sayyed College, Aurangabad, India * Corresponding Author, Email: [email protected] Cite This Article As: S.M. Talekar, M.J. Jadhav, S.K. Jogdand . 2010. Biodiversity Studies on Oscillatoriaceae form Jalgaon Nala of Ashti Taluka in Beed District, India. J. Exp. Sci. 1(2): 03-04

    Phylogenetic Analysis of Algal Symbionts Associated with Four North American Amphibian Egg Masses

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    Egg masses of the yellow-spotted salamander Ambystoma maculatum form an association with the green alga “Oophila amblystomatis” (Lambert ex Wille), which, in addition to growing within individual egg capsules, has recently been reported to invade embryonic tissues and cells. The binomial O. amblystomatis refers to the algae that occur in A. maculatum egg capsules, but it is unknown whether this population of symbionts constitutes one or several different algal taxa. Moreover, it is unknown whether egg masses across the geographic range of A. maculatum, or other amphibians, associate with one or multiple algal taxa. To address these questions, we conducted a phylogeographic study of algae sampled from egg capsules of A. maculatum, its allopatric congener A. gracile, and two frogs: Lithobates sylvatica and L. aurora. All of these North American amphibians form associations with algae in their egg capsules. We sampled algae from egg capsules of these four amphibians from localities across North America, established representative algal cultures, and amplified and sequenced a region of 18S rDNA for phylogenetic analysis. Our combined analysis shows that symbiotic algae found in egg masses of four North American amphibians are closely related to each other, and form a well-supported clade that also contains three strains of free-living chlamydomonads. We designate this group as the ‘Oophila’ clade, within which the symbiotic algae are further divided into four distinct subclades. Phylogenies of the host amphibians and their algal symbionts are only partially congruent, suggesting that host-switching and co-speciation both play roles in their associations. We also established conditions for isolating and rearing algal symbionts from amphibian egg capsules, which should facilitate further study of these egg mass specialist algae

    Phytoplankton of the Olaf Prydz Bay (Indian Ocean, East Antarctica) in February 1969

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    Paper received 10 December 1979.Qualitative and quantitative composition of phytoplankton of the Olaf Prydz Bay (Indian Ocean, East Antarctica) was determined on the basis of 49 samples collected at 34 sampling stations during the period from the 15th to 24th February 1969. Altogether 59 taxa of algae were identified — among them: 57 taxa of the class Bacillariophyceae, 1 species of the class Chrysophyceae and 1 genus of the class Dinophyceae. Species occurring most frequently and most abundantly in the Olaf Prydz Bay are diatoms: Thalassiothrix antarctica, Chaetoceros criophilus, Nitzschia curta, Rhizosolenia alata. At some stations Chaetoceros dichaeta occurred in great numbers. A decrease in phytoplankton numbers in the areas south of 67 S is associated with the lack of neritic algae among dominant species.Диатомеи преобладали как качественно, так и количественно в фитопланктоне залива Прюдс, сектор Индийского океана, Антарктида. Было определено 59 таксонов водо- рослей, среди которых 57 принадлежит к классу Bacillariophyceae, 1 — к классу Chrysophyceae и 1 — к классу Dinophyceae. В прибрежных местах отбора проб найболее численны были неритические виды: Nitzschia curta и Chaetoceros dichaeta, а также океани- ческий вид Thalassiothrix antarctica. В местах отдаленных от берега (на север от 67° ю.ш.) найболее численными были океанические виды: Rhizosolenia alata, Chaetoceros criophilus. Thalassiothrix antarctica. Rhizosolenia styliformis, Rhizosolenia hebatata f. semispina. Одновре- менное присутствие неритических и океанических видов наблюдалось во всем заливе. Выделено 11 видов, выступающих в большинстве мест. Чаще всего выступали: Thalassiothrix antarctica, Chaetoceros criophilus, Nitzschia curta, Rhizosolenia alata. На севере от 67° ю.ш. наблюдось отсутствие неритических водорослей среди доминирующих видов. Одновре- менно заметно снижалась численность фитопланктона.Okrzemki dominują jakościowo i ilościowo w fitoplanktonie występującym w Zatoce Olafa Prydza leżącej u wybrzeży Antarktydy w sektorze Oceanu Indyjskiego. Zidentyfikowano 59 taksonów glonów, z czego 57 należy do klasy Bacillariophyceae, 1 do klasy Chrysophyceae i 1 do klasy Dinophyceae. Na stanowiskach przybrzeżnych największy udział procentowy miały gatunki nerytyczne Nitzschia curta i Chaetoceros dichaeta oraz gatunek oceaniczny Thalassiothrix antarctica. Na stanowiskach oddalonych od brzegu (na północ od 67°S) największy udział miały gatunki oceaniczne: Rhizosolenia alata, Chaetoceros criophilus, Thalassiothrix antarctica, Rhizosolenia styliformis i Rhizosolenia hebetata f. semispina. Jednoczesne występowanie gatunków nerytycznych i oceanicznych obserwowano w całej Zatoce. Wyróżniono U gatunków występujących na większości stanowisk. Najczęściej występowały: Thalassiothrix antarctica, Chaetoceros criophilus, Nitzschia curta i Rhizosolenia alata. Na północ od 67°S brak jest wśród gatunków dominujących glonów nerytycznych. Jednocześnie zaznacza się spadek liczebności fitoplanktonu

    Phytogenic food of Euphausia superba Dana caught in the southern Drake Passage and the Bransfield Strait, February—March 1981 (BIOMASS-FIBEX)

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    These studies were carried out on board of the r/v "Profesor Siedlecki" within the Programme MR-I-29A of the Polish Academy of Sciences, during the Antarctic Expedition headed by Dr. S. Rakusa-Suszczewski. Paper received 3 December 1981.The phytogenic food composition in the stomachs of Euphausia superba Dana, caught at 18 sampling stations in the Antarctic part of the Atlantic Ocean, was analysed. The material used was taken from krill catches made from the board of the r/v "Profesor Siedlecki" in the sector "A" of the BIOMASS-FIBEX Programme, in February and March 1981. In the food of Euphausia superba 70 algal taxa were identified, including 68 taxa belonging to Bacillariophyceae and two to Chrvsophyceae. Planctonic diatoms were the main component of the food of Euphausia superba. Single benthic diatoms were found occasionally.Badano zawartość żołądków Euphausia superba pobranych trałem przemysłowym i siatką Bongo nr r/v ..Profesor Siedlecki" w czasie realizacji programu BIOMASS-FIBEX, w lutym i marcu 1981 r. Stacje wyznaczone były w części antarktycznej Oceanu Atlantyckiego w okolicach Szetlandów Południowych (rys. 1). Żołądki pobierano ze świeżo złowionych osobników. W pokarmie Euphausia superba zidentyfikowano 70 taksonów glonów, w tym 68 okrzemek (tabela I). Najczęściej i najliczniej w pokarmie występowały okrzemki: Nitzschia curta, Nitzschia cylindrica, Nitzschia sp., Chaetoceros sp., Coscinodiscus sp. W Cieśninie Bransfielda dominowały rodzaje Coscinodiscus i Chaetoceros, w Cieśninie Drake'a i na zachód od wyspy Anvers przeważały gatunki z rodzaju Nitzschia. Wiele okrzemek obecnych w żołądkach było rozdrobnionych, a ich identyfikacja odbywała się na podstawie zachowanych fragmentów. Głównym składnikiem pokarmu roślinnego Euphausia superba były okrzemki planktonowe. Pojedynczo występowały okrzemki bentosowe.Programme MR-I-29A of the Polish Academy of Science

    A Listing of Algal Taxa Collected from South Dakota Wetlands

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    Algal samples were collected from 52 wetlands in eastern South Dakota during summer, 1984. In this study, 20 wetland types were sampled using the classification of Cowardian et al. (1979). Seven of the 20 habitat types were compared statistically. the algal taxonomic composition in all but two differed significantly form each other. Water chemistry parameterscould be statistically compared within three habitat types. Significantly different algal taxa were present in different pH and conductivity ranges but not alkalinity ranges. Algal taxa are listed with their percent frequency of occurance in lacustrine, palustrine and riverine habitat types sampled

    Presentation of Verified Algal Taxa as Reference Sources

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    A data base of the algae of Arkansas ecoregions has been established to describe the numerous taxa that occur within the aquatic ecosystems included in these regions. The organisms were identified with the aid of diverse literature from throughout the world. These sources are written in multiple languages and the living organisms had to be compared with outline or silhouette drawings. These illustrations may include shading, but none present the true color of the organism but only the characteristics of the descriptive source. Primary characteristics used to identify algae is based upon pigmentation of the plastid and the number and position of the flagella as well as gross morphology. The focus of this research project was to develop a photographic system which would permit the recording of living organisms with various forms of microscopy with correct color and with arrested flagellar movement. These parameters dictated the use of an electronic flash source with metering and control system after the light has passed through the microscope. Most commercially available systems use preset flash intensities and/or durations. These systems require the use of neutral density filters or other adaptions to attain specified magnifications-illumination method- flash settings. The system for this project uses off-the-shelf components with a modified flashtube holder which positions the tube in the axis of the light beam between the field and iris diaphrams. The light is measured off-the-film so that the combined light from the microscope and flash are included. The flash is quenched and shutter closed based upon the combined reading. This system permits the operator to change magnification and/or illumination technique (brightfield, phase-contrast or Nomarski) without adjusting the flash or camera setting

    The discovery of Antillean algal taxa described by Duchassaing in 1850

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    This note is to call attention to a number of marine algal taxa from the Antilles that were described by Placide Duchassaing in his 1850 work Animaux radiaires des Antilles . The mid‐19 th century was a period when the distinction between marine invertebrates and some calcified benthic marine algae was still not always clear. The names of these algal taxa were validated, although no figures or details on their specific provenance were provided, other than they were from Duchassaing's collections from the Antilles. Duchassaing assigned his new algal species to the following genera: Galaxaura , Amphiroa , Jania , Melobesia and Nullipora . (© 2013 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/110044/1/101_ftp.pd

    Impacto de depredadores y niveles de recursos sobre rasgos fisiológicos de Fissurella crassa (Archeogastropoda

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    Indexación: Web of Science; RedalycThe effects of predators on the density of prey and their resources have been widely studied; however, there is little evidence on the effects of the predators in conjunction with the availability of resources on the traits of the prey, which could affect foraging activities. In this study, the physiological state and the escape response of the intertidal herbivore Fissurella crassa were evaluated in two sites which differ in terms of the abundance of its predator Heliaster helianthus. The results suggest that the escape response of F. crassa in the site with greater predator density and lower resource availability could require a better body condition that is compensated with increments in foraging. The results highlight the need to address the physiological perspective in community ecology in order to understand the interactions within these communities.Los efectos de los depredadores sobre la densidad de presas y sus recursos ha sido ampliamente estudiado, sin embargo existe escasa evidencia sobre los efectos de los depredadores en combinación con la disponibilidad de recursos relacionados con los rasgos de las presas que pueden afectar la actividad de forrajeo. En este estudio se evaluó el estado fisiológico y la respuesta de escape del herbívoro intermareal Fissurella crassa en dos sitios con diferencias en la abundancia de su depredador Heliaster helianthus. Los resultados sugieren que la respuesta de escape de F. crassa en el sitio de mayor densidad del depredador y baja disponibilidad de recursos, podría requerir una mejor condición corporal que se compensé con un incremento en el forrajeo. Los resultados destacan la necesidad de abordar la perspectiva fisiológica en ecología de comunidades para entender mejor las interacciones dentro de estas comunidades.http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=5784430400

    Check List of the algae in Diyala River, Iraq

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    A total of 722 algal taxa are recorded in Diyala River by different authors. Most of the identification algae belong to three Divisions: Bacillariophyceae (367, 50.8%), Chlorophyceae (179, 24.8%), and Cyanophyceae (126, 17.5%)

    New records and observations of macroalgae and associated pathogens from the Falkland Islands, Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego

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    Subantarctic and Antarctic regions remain little explored with regards to their seaweed diversity. This study is based upon collections in the early 1970s and 2007–2013. It is supported by sequencing COI (mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I) and reports new records for four species of brown algae Hincksia granulosa, Hincksia sandriana, Myriotrichia clavaeformis, Syringoderma australe), four red algae (Erythrotrichia carnea, Paraglossum salicifolium, Phycodrys antarctica, Plumariopsis eatonii), one green alga (Chaetomorpha aerea) and of the oomycete Anisolpidium ectocarpii. A further four brown algae are reported at genus level and discussed (Cladostephus sp., Colpomenia sp., Dictyota sp., Punctaria sp.). Observations of the biology of three brown algal taxa (Cladothele decaisnei, Geminocarpus geminatus, Halopteris obovata) from the region are also reported here