40 research outputs found

    Muusikateraapia meditsiinis

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    Eesti Arst 2016; 95(11):747–74

    Neuroloogia ja neurofüsioloogia areng põhjalas ühe elukäigu taustal

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    Eesti Arst 2012; 91(7):380–38

    Karskustöö sünnitab eugeenikaliikumise

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    Estonia between the two world wars was among the few societies in Europe to have a strong eugenics movement (eugenics society was established in 1924) and to accept eugenic legislation (Sterilisation Law from the year 1936). The roots of the eugenics ideology reach into the pre-independence era, when, in the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century the Estonian national discourse was notoriously biologized owing to the so-called small nation’s self perception, highlighting, and both the quality and quantity issues of the "national body". The birth of the eugenics ideology in Estonia can be linked to the developments in the local abstinence movement. The latter, which emerged in the 1880s, became by the early 20th century medically oriented and dominated by the leaders of the national movement who tried to use the initiative for political goals. The latter aspect gave the movement a paternalist accent, alienating the national elites from the masses involved in the movement. There was also a gap within the ideological framework of the movement itself, taking place between the proponents of the so-called direct and indirect anti-alcohol work. The first, representing mainly the modest and liberal section of the national elites, stressed the people’s free will and personal choice. The second wing, deriving from radical intellectuals, many of which later turned to solidarism, favoured the imposing of limitations and regulations by the society to keep people away from alcohol. This approach was criticized by the liberals for the paternalist approach it was containing, rendering human beings to plainly biological entities. This also played an important role in the increasing significance of the anti-alcohol movement in supporting the emergence of a eugenic society. The Estonian eugenics movement and the ideology it was carrying reached its peak in 1934 when the state followed an autocratic/totalitarian path of development. The concept supporting antidemocratic developments was “national entirety”, the latter containing a notorious degree of solidarist (biologized) approach. It was the era when the parallel histories of eugenics and the temperance movement started to move apart - the eugenics ideology being preferred by the state as it placed its own interests, rather than the interests of individual citizens, to the fore

    Capgras’ sündroom

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    Capgras’ sündroom (ka negatiivne teisikuluul) on psüühiline seisund, mille puhul patsient usub, et keegi tema lähedastest on ära vahetatud teisikuga. Tegemist on levinuima luululise vääridentifitseerimise sündroomiga, mis on praktikas aladiagnoositud, kuna kaasub tihti teiste vaimse tervise häiretega ja jääb nende varju. Capgras’ sündroom on oma nime saanud prantsuse psühhiaatri Joseph Capgras’ järgi, kes oma kolleegi Jean Reboul-Lachaux’ga kirjeldas esimest korda seda sündroomi 1923. aastal. Teisikuluul on üks mitmest paranoiliste luulude alla kuuluvatest sündroomidest. Sündroomi täpsed tekkepõhjused ei ole teada ning on võimalik, et sündroomi teke on seotud mitmete teiste haigustega. Artiklis on tutvustatud Capgras’ sündroomi sümptomeid, võimalikke tekkepõhjuseid ja olemasolevaid ravivõimalusi ning esitatud mõned illustreerivad kliinilised juhud

    Kõnekeskuse reorganisatsioon perinataalse insuldi korral: haigusjuhu kirjeldus

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    Artiklis on käsitletud 9aastase lapse haigusjuhtu eesmärgiga tutvustada vasema hemisfääri perinataalse insuldi korral kujunevat ajufunktsioonide reorganisatsiooni. Patsiendil teostati funktsionaalne magnetresonantstomograafia (fMRT) motoorse ja sensoorse kõnekeskuse aktivatsioonitestidega. Mõlemad kõnekeskused lokaliseerusid paremas hemisfääris, kusjuures kliiniliselt lapsel kõnehäiret ei esinenud. Eesti Arst 2009; 88(1):52−5

    Tallinna ja Tartu koolide algklasside õpetajate arvamused käitumisprobleemide ja lugemisprobleemide koosesinemise kohta

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    Hipoteraapia tõhusus tserebraalparalüüsiga laste ravis

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    Neuroscientific discourse in Madeleine Thien's "Dogs at the perimeter"

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    The present thesis analyses the function of neuroscientific discourse in Madeleine Thien’s novel Dogs at the Perimeter. The aim of the thesis is to explore the role and importance of neuroscientific descriptions and medical stories in the novel with regard to diasporic historical trauma and its workings, and diasporic historical trauma attending and coping mechanisms. The analysis is done through the examination of the similarities between diasporic historical trauma and structural trauma, meaning brain damage or brain lesions, on the example of the neuroscientific discourse presented in the novel. The present thesis consists of four parts: the introduction, two core chapters and the conclusion. The introduction highlights the general importance of the literary work in the light of the European migration crisis and waves of Syrian migration to Canada in addition to context-specific trauma attending. Furthermore, it gives an overview of Thien’s novel and discusses some of its aspects that are necessary for the analysis of the main character’s trauma.https://www.ester.ee/record=b5195623*es

    Religiooni ja patopsühholoogia magistriseminar

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    BeSt programmi toetusel loodud e-kursuse "Religiooni ja patopsühholoogia magistriseminar" õppematerjalid

    Valitud loengud sünnitusabi ja günekoloogia alalt. 9. [osa], Ekstragenitaalsed ning günekoloogilised haigused ja rasedus

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