180 research outputs found

    A Review Of Design And Control Of Automated Guided Vehicle Systems

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    This paper presents a review on design and control of automated guided vehicle systems. We address most key related issues including guide-path design, estimating the number of vehicles, vehicle scheduling, idle-vehicle positioning, battery management, vehicle routing, and conflict resolution. We discuss and classify important models and results from key publications in literature on automated guided vehicle systems, including often-neglected areas, such as idle-vehicle positioning and battery management. In addition, we propose a decision framework for design and implementation of automated guided vehicle systems, and suggest some fruitful research directions

    Control of free-ranging automated guided vehicles in container terminals

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    Container terminal automation has come to the fore during the last 20 years to improve their efficiency. Whereas a high level of automation has already been achieved in vertical handling operations (stacking cranes), horizontal container transport still has disincentives to the adoption of automated guided vehicles (AGVs) due to a high degree of operational complexity of vehicles. This feature has led to the employment of simple AGV control techniques while hindering the vehicles to utilise their maximum operational capability. In AGV dispatching, vehicles cannot amend ongoing delivery assignments although they have yet to receive the corresponding containers. Therefore, better AGV allocation plans would be discarded that can only be achieved by task reassignment. Also, because of the adoption of predetermined guide paths, AGVs are forced to deploy a highly limited range of their movement abilities while increasing required travel distances for handling container delivery jobs. To handle the two main issues, an AGV dispatching model and a fleet trajectory planning algorithm are proposed. The dispatcher achieves job assignment flexibility by allowing AGVs towards to container origins to abandon their current duty and receive new tasks. The trajectory planner advances Dubins curves to suggest diverse optional paths per origin-destination pair. It also amends vehicular acceleration rates for resolving conflicts between AGVs. In both of the models, the framework of simulated annealing was applied to resolve inherent time complexity. To test and evaluate the sophisticated AGV control models for vehicle dispatching and fleet trajectory planning, a bespoke simulation model is also proposed. A series of simulation tests were performed based on a real container terminal with several performance indicators, and it is identified that the presented dispatcher outperforms conventional vehicle dispatching heuristics in AGV arrival delay time and setup travel time, and the fleet trajectory planner can suggest shorter paths than the corresponding Manhattan distances, especially with fewer AGVs.Open Acces

    Autonomous mobile robot travel under deadlock and collision prevention algorithms by agent-based modelling in warehouses

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    Recent dramatic increase in e-commerce has also increased the adoption of automation technologies in warehouses. Autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) are from those technologies widely utilized in warehouse operations. It is important to design the operation of those robotic systems in such a way that, they meet the current and future system requirements correctly. In this paper, we study flexible travel of AMRs in warehouses by developing smart deadlock and collision prevention algorithms on agent-based modelling. By that, AMR agents can interact with each other and environment, so that they can make smart decisions maximizing their goals. We compare the performance of the developed flexible travel system with non-flexible designs where there is a single AMR dedicated to a specific zone so that no deadlock or collision possibility takes place. The results show that AMRs may provide up to 39% improvement in the flexible system compared to its non-flexible design

    Development of an Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) based Smart Robotic Warehouse Management System

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    According to data of Census and Statistics Department, freight transport and storage services contributed to 90% of the employment of logistics sector in the period from 2010 to 2014. Traditional warehouse operations in Hong Kong are labor-intensive without much automation. With the rapid increasing transaction volume through multi-channel, the preference for next-day delivery service has been increasing. As a result, 3rd party logistics providers have realized the importance of operational efficiency. With the advent of Industry 4.0 emerging technologies including Autonomous Robots, Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), Cloud Computing, etc., a smart robotic warehouse management system is proposed as it redefines the warehouse put-away and picking operations from man-to-goods to goods-to-man using autonomous mobile robots. This paper aims to develop and implement an IIoT-based smart robotic warehouse system for managing goods and autonomous robots, as well as to make use of the autonomous mobile robots to deliver the goods automatically for put-away and picking operations. The significance of the paper is to leverage the Industry 4.0 emerging technologies to implement the concept of smart warehousing for better utilization of floor space and labor force so as to improve logistics operational efficiency

    Multi AGV Communication Failure Tolerant Industrial Supervisory System

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    Hoje em dia, em muitos ambientes industriais que utilizam vários robots, existe o problema de controlar o tráfego. Para se controlar o tráfego é preciso planear caminhos seguros, evitar os chamados deadlocks e estar imune a falhas de rede. O objetivo deste projeto consiste em implementar um sistema supervisor que controle esse tráfego, ou seja, seja capaz de detetar as falhas de rede, detetar desvios nas rotas dos robôs e replanear se necessário. O sistema de planeamento de trajetórias é o TEA*, um algoritmo A* mas que entra com a noção de tempo.The use of multi AGV implies an optimisation of traffic control. Several approaches focus on a trajectory planning method that guarantees an efficient and safe coordination of multi AGV. However, many fail to detect, treat and prevent the possible failure and delay in the communication between the AGV and the control platform. These faults can result in possible deadlock situations and collisions. In environments where communication faults are common, we might face a decrease of efficiency. Therefore, the aim of this project is to implement a supervisory system that controls the traffic of a fleet of AGV by being able to detect communication faults, delays in the communication, deviations in the routes of the robots and re-plan trajectories if necessary. For this purpose, the algorithm TEA*, an A* based algorithm (a graph search algorithm) with time notion, will be used to keep the efficiency and allow time optimisations

    Intelligent Control of Vehicle-Based Internal Transport Systems

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    “Intelligent control of vehicle-based internal transport (VBIT) systems” copes with real-time dispatching and scheduling of internal-transport vehicles, such as forklifts and guided vehicles. VBIT systems can be found in warehouses, distribution centers, manufacturing plants, airport and transshipment terminals. Using simulation of two realworld environments, dispatching rules described in literature and several newly introduced rules are compared on performance. The performance evaluation suggests that in environments where queue space is not a restriction, distance-based dispatching rules such as shortest-travel-distance-first outperform time-based dispatching rules such as modified-first-come-first-served and using load prearrival information has a significant positive impact on reducing the average load waiting time. Experimental results also reveal that multi-attribute dispatching rules combining distance and time aspects of vehicles and loads are robust to variations in working conditions. In addition, multi-attribute rules which take vehicle empty travel distance and vehicle requirement at a station into account perform very well in heavy-traffic VBIT systems such as baggage handling systems. Besides dispatching rules, the potential contribution of dynamic vehicle scheduling for VBIT systems is investigated. Experiments using simulation in combination with optimization show that when sufficient pre-arrival information is available a dynamic scheduling approach outperforms the dispatching approach. This thesis also evaluates the impact of guide-path layout, load arrival rate and variance, and the amount of load pre-arrival information on different vehicle control approaches (scheduling and dispatching). Based on experimental results, recommendations for selecting appropriate vehicle control approaches for specific situations are presented

    Safety function analysis in an industrial production process

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia e Gestão IndustrialAim: The purpose of this work was to identify and assess safety features on a production line of paper manufacturer called Renova. The assessment includes technical as well as organisational factors. The study was carried out through the evaluation of safety functions (SF), either present or absent in the system analyzed. Methods: The methodology applied was the SFA (Safety Function Analysis), which was developed by Harms-Ringdahl in 2001 and was updated further, in 2011 (draft version). The analytical framework was applied in two processes (raw material loading and transversal cut of log) of a production line (Line H4) of Renova. Results: In the first process analyzed (raw material loading), 47 safety functions (SF) were identified and evaluated, whereas 36 SF were assessed in the second case (transversal cut of log). The evaluation has shown that most of the SF considered are in good condition and being well monitored, therefore they do not need any improvements. In contrast, this work has also identified a number of safety functions that need essential improvements. Conclusions: As a consequence of this SFA analysis, the author proposes a number of specific recommendations to improve safety and the system’s performance in general. Since Renova is a manufacturer of paper products, fire safety is of paramount importance and one of the most relevant recommendations is perhaps the implementation of thermo graphic tests to identify possible hot spots that may originate a fire

    Intelligent Simulation Modeling of a Flexible Manufacturing System with Automated Guided Vehicles

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    Although simulation is a very flexible and cost effective problem solving technique, it has been traditionally limited to building models which are merely descriptive of the system under study. Relatively new approaches combine improvement heuristics and artificial intelligence with simulation to provide prescriptive power in simulation modeling. This study demonstrates the synergy obtained by bringing together the "learning automata theory" and simulation analysis. Intelligent objects are embedded in the simulation model of a Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS), in which Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) serve as the material handling system between four unique workcenters. The objective of the study is to find satisfactory AGV routing patterns along available paths to minimize the mean time spent by different kinds of parts in the system. System parameters such as different part routing and processing time requirements, arrivals distribution, number of palettes, available paths between workcenters, number and speed of AGVs can be defined by the user. The network of learning automata acts as the decision maker driving the simulation, and the FMS model acts as the training environment for the automata network; providing realistic, yet cost-effective and risk-free feedback. Object oriented design and implementation of the simulation model with a process oriented world view, graphical animation and visually interactive simulation (using GUI objects such as windows, menus, dialog boxes; mouse sensitive dynamic automaton trace charts and dynamic graphical statistical monitoring) are other issues dealt with in the study