123,481 research outputs found

    Persaingan Tanaman Jagung (Zea Mays) dan Rumput Teki (Cyperus Rotundus) pada Pengaruh Cekaman Garam (NaCl)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan Zea mays yang bersaing dengan Cyperus rotundus pada pengaruh cekaman garam (NaCl).Metode yang digunakan replacement series menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan 3 ulangan. Dengan perlakuan cekaman garam (NaCl) 0ppm, 500ppm, 1000ppm, dan 1500ppm. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada kultur tunggal terjadi persaingan intraspesies antara Zea mays maupun Cyperus rotundus sedangkan pada kultur campuran terjadi persaingan interspesies antara Zea mays dan Cyperus rotundus. Pada (0ppm) dan (500ppm) Cyperus rotundus lebih dominan dari pada Zea mays.Pada (1500ppm) Zea mays lebih dominan dari pada Cyperus rotundus.Sedangkan pada (1000ppm) Zea mays dan Cyperus rotundus terhambat pertumbuhannya

    Susceptibility of maize varieties to opposite mating type strains of Fusarium verticillioides

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    Fusarium verticillioides the causal agent of maize ear rot is world wide distributed heterothalic species with dimictic mating system of reproduction. Presented paper summarizes results of fourth years (2007 – 2010) field studies analyzing disease severity of maize plant after inoculation with opposite mating type strains of the fungus. Genotypes of fourth maize cultivars (Zea mays var indentata, Zea mays var indurata, Zea mays var everta and Zea mays var saccharata) were inoculated with two F. verticillioides isolates KFI 2856 and KFI 3011 representing respectively MAT1-1 and MAT1-2 subpopulation of the species. Infection degree was evaluated using six degree (0 – 5) rating scale at seven days intervals after inoculation. Obtained results revealed that mating type of analyzed species had not significant impact on maize ear infection in any of growing seasons. Reaction of particular maize varieties against ear rot due to F. verticillioides in particular years were stable. The lowest infection degree exhibited plants of Zea mays var everta while the highest susceptibility Zea mays var saccharata. Regardless of cropping seasons significantly less was affected genotypes of sweet maize (Su1) than super sweet (Sh2)

    Genetic variation and relationships of Zea mays and Sorghum species using RAPD-PCR and

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    Genetic relationship between some species of Zea mays and Sorghum was determined using sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) of seed protein and random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD-PCR) markers. According to SDS-PAGE analysis, 78 band were identified across the studied species. The number of bands varies from 17 bands in sample number 5 to 6 in sample number 6. Analysis of RAPD-PCR of DNA provided more precise information concerning relationships between Zea mays and Sorghum species than SDS-PAGE analysis. A remarkable result from this study was identifying a close relationship between Zea mays spp mays and Zea mays spp Mexicana. Further support comes from the molecular data of RAPD, which indicate that close relationship between Sorghum valgare and Sorghum bicolor.Keywords: Zea mays, Sorgum volgare pres, Punciu milia ceaum L. protein, random amplification of polymorphic DNA.African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(27), pp. 4269-427

    Zea mays plant as a suitable phytoremediator for soil matrix contaminated with cadmium

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    As a green technique for environmental protection and  sustainability, Zea mays capacity to bioaccumulate cadmium was studied. The impacts of cadmium on some plant growth  parameters such as vine length, leaf area, fresh shoot weight and fresh root weight were monitored for the Zea mays over a period of 28days. It was observed that the level of cadmium (Cd) sorbed by the Zea mays seedling increased with increase in cadmium (Cd) load in the soil material. The uptake efficiency which ranged from 24.8-54.6% decreases with increase in the cadmium level in the soil. The plant was more sensitive to cadmium stress at the early stage of development (7day old seedlings) than at later stage (21day old seedlings) though, germination rate was not  significantly affected by cadmium stress. Biomass production as well as the leaf area was not significantly affected by the cadmium stress on the maize seedlings. It was also observed that amount of cadmium translocated to the shoot was three times the amount accumulated at the root hence, little or no potential effect on the crop yield and quality. Zea mays may be used as phytoremediator for soil contaminated with cadmium.Key Words: Zea mays, growth parameters, phytotoxicity, uptake efficiency and cadmiu

    Uji Aktivitas Antioksidan Ekstrak Etanol Rambut Jagung (Zea mays L.) dengan Menggunakan Metode 2,2-difenil-1-pikrilhidrazil (DPPH)

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    ABSTRAKPengujian aktivitas antioksidan pada ekstrak etanol Rambut Jagung (Zea Mays L.) yang telah dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode DPPH (2,2-difenil-1-pikrilhidrazil). Sebagai kontrol positif digunakan vitamin C. Ekstrak etanol  diperoleh dengan metode maserasi. Aktivitas antioksidan sampel ditentukan oleh besarnya persentase peredaman radikal DPPH. Ekstrak etanol rambut jagung memiliki aktivitas antioksidan lebih tinggi dibanding dengan vitamin C sebesar 7,73 ppm dan masuk dalam kategori sangat kuat. Kata kunci : DPPH, Rambut Jagung, Uji Aktvitas Antioksidan, (Zea mays L.). ABSTRACTThe antioxidant activity test of ethanol corn hair (Zea Mays L.) extract has been done by using DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl). As a positive control used vitamin C. The ethanol extract is obtained by maceration method. The antioxidant activity of the sample is determined by the percentage of DPPH radical reduction. Ethanol corn hair extract has higher antioxidant activity than vitamin C at 7.73 ppm and in the category of very strong.Keywords: Antioxidant Activity Test, DPPH, Hair Corn, (Zea mays L.)

    Review: Maize research and production in Nigeria

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    Maize (Zea mays) is a major important cereal being cultivated in the rainforest and the derived Savannah zones of Nigeria. Land races, improved high yielding and pest and diseases resistant varieties of maize have been developed. Key words: Maize, Zea mays, Nigeria. African Journal of Biotechnology Vol.3(6) 2004: 302-30

    Effect of chelating agents on phytoextraction of Ni from contaminated Soil by Zea mays

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    The effects of application of CDTA, (CA), DTPA, NTA and FYM on the growth of Zea mays and its Ni uptake and accumulation were investigated using the pot-culture experiments. Application of chelating agents decreased the dry matter yield of roots of Zea mays while, higher values of dry matter yield (11.35 g pot-1) was observedin case of FYM sewage sludge amended soil at 80 days after sowing. FYM addition was found beneficial as compared to control (Ni90). Dry matter yield of shoots of Zea mays increased over control due to application of CDTA and FYM. The highest value of dry matter yield of shoot (86.05 g pot-1) was observed in case of CDTA withsewage sludge amended soil at 80 days after sowing. Whereas reverse trend was observed in NTA, CA and DTPA treated soils. Chelating agents enhanced the Ni uptake by both roots and shoots, higher values of Ni uptake by roots (3415.44 ?g pot-1 ) and shoots (10104.98 ?g pot-1 ) Was observed in NTA and CDTA treated soil after 80 days of sowing in amended as compared to sewage sludge unamended soil. Application of CDTA followed by NTA was found more effective in enhancing the Ni uptake by Zea mays roots and shoots than any other chelating agents at both the growth stages. The chelating agents are found useful in enhancing phytoextractability of Ni by Zea mays. Hence, marginally Ni contaminated soil may be remediated by adding chelating agents

    Modificaciones histológicas del cartílago hialino a nivel de la articulación maleolar en ratas artríticas tratadas con Zea mays L (variedad morada)

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    El documento digital no refiere asesorDemuestra que el extracto de Zea mays L reduce las modificaciones histológicas en el cartílago hialino a nivel de la articulación maleolar en términos de la estructura, células y estado de integridad del cartílago, en ratas artríticas inducidas por pristane. Realiza un modelo de artritis en ratas Sprague Dawley inducido por pristane vía subdérmica (0.2 ml). Se distribuyeron en control positivo (n=10) vehículo (1ml/100g), Metotrexato (n=10) 0,1mg/Kg, Indometacina (n=10) 0.6 mg/kg, Zea mays 1% (n=10) 100mg/Kg, Zea mays 10% (n=10) 1000mg/Kg, Metotrexato +Zea mays 10% (n=10) 1000mg/Kg + 0,1mg/Kg, control negativo (n=5) VO (21 días), evaluándose la estructura, modificaciones celulares y estado de integridad del cartílago histológicamente a nivel de la articulación maleolar. Encuentra que Zea mays 1%, 10% y Metotrexato + Zea mays 10% presentaron diferencias al control positivo en estructura del cartílago. Las modificaciones celulares evidenciaron diferencias sólo en control positivo y en Metotrexato con Zea mays 10%. Hay diferencias en relación a la integridad del cartílago entre Zea mays 10% y Metotrexato + Zea mays 10% en comparación al control positivo. En el control positivo el 70% desarrolló artritis moderada y en Zea mays 1% fue 60%. El grupo Zea mays 10% desarrolló artritis moderada (40%), y otro 40% no desarrolló la enfermedad. El grupo Metotrexato +Zea mays 10%, el 70% no desarrolló la enfermedad, y ninguno hizo artritis moderada. Demuestra que la reducción de las modificaciones histológicas en el cartílago hialino a nivel de la articulación maleolar en términos de la estructura, células y estado de integridad del cartílago, tratadas Zea mays L en ratas son significativas.Tesi
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