19 research outputs found

    Типологія письменницького статусу: два досвіди – Ч. Мілош та Ґ. фон Реццорі

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    A number of typological coincidences in the texts of the Polish-American writer Cz. Miłosz, a Nobel prize winner and German classic G. Von Rezzori are considered. The work of these authors is a result of the crisis of the twentieth century, tragic decline of the traditional culture that was associated with the status of a writer in exile. Biographical background appears very organic for their texts , and in this case it almost coincides: the parents of both future artists “temporarily” left their land when the the situation in the empires was not stable – the Austria-Hungarian (in the case of Rezzori ) and Russian ( in the case of Miłosz). Both writers lived in exile. In their opinion, topos of childhood tragically detached from the future life events, generated separate thematic and anthropological link in their creative work . In this sense “The Issa Valley” (“Dolina Issy” 1955) by Cz. Miłosz and “The Snows Of Yesteryear” (“Blumen im Schnee” 1989) by Rezzori are the most exemplary. The works of a number of other representatives of the European literature of the twentieth century (e.g., “Others shores” by V. Nabokov ). The problem discussed is still relevant. Tendence to autobiographism as genre sign of their texts, and, in addition, the source of many images – primarily children and adolescent characters is evident. The most obvious typological parallels emerge in several dimensions: the perspective of ideological clichés (negation Nietzschean ideas of nihilism by each writer), specific system of images (including images of nannies Cassandra and Antonina), relection the typical paradigm , which presents a complete image of “the world of childhood”, besides – in relation to the issue of “language as poetic phenomenon” (Miłosz’s definition), that mirrors the multinational palette the lost homeland.Рассматривается ряд типологических схождений между текстами польско-американского писателя Ч. Милоша и немецкоязычного классика Г. фон Реццори, творчество которых является следствием кризисных состояний ХХ в., трагического упадка всей традиционной культуры, породившего статус списателя-изгнанника. Наиболее выразительно типологические параллели обнаруживают себя в перспективе идеологических клише (отрицание писателями ницшеанской идеи нигилизма), специфической персоносфере, демонстрировании типичных парадигм, которые воссоздают целостный образ „мира детства”, в отношении к вопросу „языка как поэтического феномена” (определение Милоша), отражающего мультинациональную палитру утерянной родины.Розглядається ряд типологічних збігів у текстах польсько-американського письменника Ч. Мілоша та німецькомовного класика Ґ. фон Реццорі, творчість яких постає наслідком кризових станів ХХ ст., трагічного занепаду всієї традиційної культури, що була пов’язана зі статусом письменника-вигнанця. Найбільш очевидно типологічні паралелі виявляються в перспективі ідеологічних кліше (заперечення письменниками ніцшеанської ідеї нігілізму), специфічній персоносфері, наведенні типових парадигм, за якими постає цілісний образ „світу дитинства”, у ставленні до питання „мови як поетичного феномену” (визначення Мілоша), яке віддзеркалює мультинаціональну палітру втраченої батьківщини.

    Poland in Transition: The Return of the Native

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    The Eleventh M. B. Grabowski Memorial Lecture, delivered by Sir Stephen Barrett, Formerly Her Majesty's Ambassador in Warsaw, at the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, 18 January 2001

    "Marginal" manipulations, or political consequences of changes to the structure of constituencies in elections to the Polish lower parliamentary chamber

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    W debacie publicznej co jakiś czas pojawiają się głosy o potrzebie istotnej zmiany systemu wyborczego w wyborach do Sejmu RP, której celem miałoby być wzmocnienie silniejszych ugrupowań. Jako przykład podaje się Węgry, gdzie zmiana reguł wyborczych pozwoliła partii rządzącej zachować większość mimo zmniejszenia poparcia wyborczego. Przeciwnicy takiego rozwiązania traktują to jako przejaw oczywistej manipulacji wyborczej. Celem tego artykułu jest analiza, na ile pojawiające się w debacie publicznej propozycje "minimalnych" zmian w strukturze sejmowych okręgów wyborczych wpłynęłyby na wyniki wyborcze poszczególnych ugrupowań politycznych i jakie wywołałoby to konsekwencje polityczne, w szczególności w kwestii premii dla ugrupowania zwycięskiego, możliwych wariantów koalicji rządowych, koncentracji systemu partyjnego na poziomie parlamentarnym i poziomu proporcjonalności wyborów. Przeprowadzona symulacja podziału głosów na mandaty - na podstawie danych historycznych (wybory z lat 2011 i 2015) oraz europejskich z 2019 roku - dla trzech możliwych do zastosowania wariantów struktury sejmowych okręgów wyborczych oraz ich porównanie z wynikami obecnego systemu pozwoli udzielić odpowiedzi na te pytania.In the Polish public debate, one occasionally hears voices advocating the need for a significant change in the system of elections to Sejm, the Lower Chamber of Parliament - the objective of such changes would be to strengthen larger parties. As an example to follow, proponents of these changes cite Hungary, where the changes in electoral rules allowed the party in power to retain majority in the legislative despite reduction in popular support. Opponents of this solution see it as a manifest electoral manipulation. The aim of the present paper is to analyze how the "marginal only" changes to the structure of constituencies electing members of Sejm postulated in the political arena would affect electoral results of individual political groups and what would be the broader political consequences. The author pays particular attention to expected impact of such changes on the majority bonus for the winning party, possible government coalition variants, concentration of party system at parliamentary level and proportionality of elections. Simulation of allocation of seats in Sejm based on votes cast was prepared for three possible variants of the structure of Sejm constituencies, on the basis of historical data (for the 2011 and 2015 elections) and the predicted results of 2019 elections. Comparison of the simulated outcomes with the results obtained in the system currently in place allows to answer the main question posed

    Interpretacja czynników operacyjnych w regulaminach i doktrynach wybranych państw w kontekście walki z tak zwanym Państwem Islamskim

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    The main reason, to take this subject was self-perception of the problems arising from the perception and definition of the operating factors in the art of war, to potential military operations against the so-called Islamic State. Operational factors do not have a clear source of their definition and perception of the art of war. Their importance in the art of war was and is treated in many cases instrumentally, their aspect of the phenomenon described operations or attributed to them only part of the description of environmental assessment to guide future actions. Analysis of the importance of operational factors indicating their wider range and finds its justification in the development of operational thinking in the art of war. It should be stressed that the ability to think of operating a psychological category entity associated with the development of thinking and mutual understanding. While the combination of thought process entity with its subject provides a reasonable basis for the use of the concept of thinking operating in the art of war. The thinking process operating relates to compounds and the relationship between perceived material objects of art of war and the influence of these relations on the preparation and organization of effective action. Therefore operational factors are the basis for the development of operational thinking in the art of war. Identification of the material objects of art of war is essential to perceive the relationship produced. You must have the awareness that in practice this means the correct identification of the area of operations and precise description of the parties, fighting. The study formulates assumptions of contemporary perception and interpretation of operational factors as the process of initiating any military action. It must be concluded that the accepted scope and structure (structure) of the work was determined the nature of the problems under consideration

    O źródłach postkomunizmu

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    Системная трансформация общества: исторический опыт, современность и перспективы

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    Vinokurova S. P. Systemic transformation of society: historical experience, modernity and prospectsСборник научных трудов содержит результаты исследований ученых по проблеме трансформационных и интеграционных процессов, проявляющихся в Беларуси и других европейских странах. Анализируются различные аспекты данных явлений: экономический, политический, культурно-образовательный, экологический и др. Сборник рассчитан на научных работников, специалистов в области философии, социологии, политологии, истории, экономики, преподавателей, аспирантов и студентов вузов

    Édition polonaise en France (L’)

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    “What sort of communists are you?” The struggle between nationalism and ideology in Poland between 1944 and 1956

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    The period between 1944 and 1956, also known as the “Stalinist period”, is one of the most controversial and turbulent in Polish history. The Polish communist party launched the project of restructuring Polish society, whose historically wellestablished national identity seemed incompatible with the communist project. Firstly, the communists effected a demographic change that resulted in a near monoethnic state. Simultaneously, they introduced a centrally planned economy, transformed state symbolism, initiated a national education system, attempted to reshape popular attitudes to religion, and launched a massive propaganda campaign to reinforce and popularize their objectives. This study seeks to investigate the communists’ attempts to accommodate Polish nationalism, the impact these attempts had on the success of the communist project in Poland and, by implication, the governments’ relationship with Poles and the USSR. By exploring these aspects of the debate, the author discovered that Polish communists, Poles themselves in most cases, struggled to find a balance between their national identity and the communist ideology. In fact, the thesis argues that leaders of the Polish communist government developed a dual identity in their approach to governing Poland: that is, they were primarily nationalists rather than Stalinist communists, but retained some key elements of the ideological and totalitarian framework. As a result, the Polish communist project deviated from the Soviet model and ultimately failed to produce a new and coherent narrative. Crucially, the spread of literacy and education throughout Polish society served to reinforce historic national identity. In 1956, due to popular unrest, the quasitotalitarian Polish state had to abandon Stalinist style rule and effectively the nationalist component from thereon dominated the narrative of the regime

    Ethnic nationalism and the myth of the threatening other: the case of Poland and perceptions of its Jewish minority from the late nineteenth century to the modern period.

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    This thesis is a socio-historical analysis of the ways in which the myth of the Internal Threatening Other influences national politics and culture and inter-ethnic relations between the majority group (the dominant ethnic nation) and the minority (perceived as the foremost Threatening Other). The case-study under examination is that of the Polish Jewish minority vis-a vis the Polish ethnic majority from the rise of fully-fledged Polish exclusivist ethno-nationalism in the 1880s up to the year 1968 which marks a final watershed in the history of Polish Jews - the purge and exile of most of its post-war remnants. The thesis examines the multi-faceted structure of the myth, its persistence and adaptability to different historical and socio-political conditions, and the variety of its uses in political culture: such as the purification of the state and dominant nation from the influence and presence of an ethnic minority; its role in anti-minority violence; in raising national cohesion; and in the delegitimisation of political enemies. The thesis is divided into six chapters. The first chapter explores some theoretical issues which underlie the analysis of the thesis; the second chapter examines the roots of the myth, its nascent pre-1880 forms and its development as a fully-fledged myth from the 1880s up to 1939; the third chapter examines the impact of the myth on the rationalisation and justification of anti-Jewish violence between 1918 and 1939: the fourth chapter examines the presence of the myth within the underground state and society during the Second World War; the fifth chapter examines the presence of the myth within political elites and non-elites in the early post-war Communist period 1945-1948 and the last chapter examines the use of the myth by the Communist state between 1967 and 1968

    Pierwsi polscy podr\uf3\u17cnicy w Stanach Zjednoczonych

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    S\u142owa kluczowe: Kajetan W\u119gierski (1756-1787); Tadeusz Ko\u15bciuszko (1746-1817); Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz (1758-1841); historia Stan\uf3w Zjednoczonych 18-19 w.; zwi\u105zki polsko-ameryka\u144skie w 18 i 19 w