8 research outputs found

    A survey on acoustic positioning systems for location-based services

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    Positioning systems have become increasingly popular in the last decade for location-based services, such as navigation, and asset tracking and management. As opposed to outdoor positioning, where the global navigation satellite system became the standard technology, there is no consensus yet for indoor environments despite the availability of different technologies, such as radio frequency, magnetic field, visual light communications, or acoustics. Within these options, acoustics emerged as a promising alternative to obtain high-accuracy low-cost systems. Nevertheless, acoustic signals have to face very demanding propagation conditions, particularly in terms of multipath and Doppler effect. Therefore, even if many acoustic positioning systems have been proposed in the last decades, it remains an active and challenging topic. This article surveys the developed prototypes and commercial systems that have been presented since they first appeared around the 1980s to 2022. We classify these systems into different groups depending on the observable that they use to calculate the user position, such as the time-of-flight, the received signal strength, or the acoustic spectrum. Furthermore, we summarize the main properties of these systems in terms of accuracy, coverage area, and update rate, among others. Finally, we evaluate the limitations of these groups based on the link budget approach, which gives an overview of the system's coverage from parameters such as source and noise level, detection threshold, attenuation, and processing gain.Agencia Estatal de InvestigaciónResearch Council of Norwa

    Sistema de localização automática de dispositivos móveis com recurso à sequências perfeitas de rádio frequência

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    Recent advancements in the area of nanotechnology have brought us into a new age of pervasive computing devices. These computing devices grow ever smaller and are being used in ways which were unimaginable before. Recent interest in developing a precise indoor positioning system, as opposed to existing outdoor systems, has given way to much research heading into the area. The use of these small computing devices offers many conveniences for usage in indoor positioning systems. This thesis will deal with using small computing devices Raspberry Pi’s to enable and improve position estimation of mobile devices within closed spaces. The newly patented Orthogonal Perfect DFT Golay coding sequences will be used inside this scenario, and their positioning properties will be tested. After that, testing and comparisons with other coding sequences will be done

    3D Positioning system with optical sensors using encoding techniques

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    Esta tesis doctoral se centra en el desarrollo y la mejora de los Sistemas de Posicionamiento Locales (LPS) en interiores, los cuales se utilizan en entornos no compatibles con señales GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) para localizar, seguir y guiar a personas, objetos o vehículos. Se han realizado numerosos estudios para llevar a cabo un sistema de posicionamiento en entornos interiores, donde las personas pasan aproximadamente el 80% de su tiempo. Algunas de las técnicas propuestas emplean diversas señales, como acústicas, de radiofrecuencia, mecánicas u ópticas, entre otras. Por su bajo coste, facilidad de integración en el entorno de trabajo y ausencia de riesgos para la salud, la tecnología óptica es una alternativa viable que ha comenzado a expandirse rápidamente. Esta tesis aporta propuestas que permiten establecer las bases para el desarrollo de un LPS óptico basado en técnicas de codificación y sensores QADA. Se han propuesto dos diseños: un LPS orientado a la privacidad, basado en un conjunto de cuatro LEDs transmisores, aunque fácilmente extensible a más emisores, que actúan como balizas en ubicaciones conocidas y un único sensor QADA que actúa como el receptor a posicionar; y un LPS centralizado basado en un conjunto de transmisores móviles y al menos dos receptores QADA colocados en ubicaciones conocidas. Se han estudiado los módulos transmisor y receptor. En concreto, se propone un esquema de codificación para la emisión del transmisor, que proporciona capacidad de acceso múltiple, así como robustez frente a bajas relaciones señal a ruido y condiciones adversas como los efectos de multicamino y cerca-lejos. Además, para mejorar las prestaciones de la propuesta sin aumentar significativamente el tiempo de emisión, se han analizado diferentes secuencias y sus longitudes, como los códigos LS (Loosely Synchronized) o las secuencias pseudoaleatorias (Kasami). Por otro lado, el módulo receptor está compuesto por un sensor QADA, una apertura cuadrada y una etapa de filtrado para reducir las interferencias no deseadas. El sensor QADA y la apertura se han modelado para, en primer lugar, analizar la influencia de la longitud de la apertura en la linealidad de las ecuaciones de estimación del punto imagen y, en segundo lugar, determinar los parámetros intrínsecos que modelan el receptor (longitud, altura, desalineación y descentrado de la apertura respecto al sensor QADA), de forma que se pueda implementar un algoritmo de calibración para mejorar la precisión del sistema propuesto. El LPS tiene como objetivo estimar la posición 3D de un objeto estático o en movimiento. Para ello, se diseñan varios algoritmos basados en técnicas de triangulación con determinación de ángulos de llegada (AoA) y técnicas homograficas que resuelven el problema de la perspectiva de n puntos (PnP) del sistema pin-hole propuesto. Todas las propuestas han sido verificadas mediante simulaciones y pruebas experimentales en una gran variedad de situaciones: utilizando luz visible o infrarroja, secuencias LS o Kasami, diferentes longitudes de apertura, distintas distancias entre transmisores y receptores, diferentes algoritmos de posicionamiento y varias rotaciones del receptor. Finalmente, las pruebas experimentales han demostrado que es posible posicionar con errores de menos de 5 centímetros

    Riemannian Optimization for Convex and Non-Convex Signal Processing and Machine Learning Applications

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    The performance of most algorithms for signal processing and machine learning applications highly depends on the underlying optimization algorithms. Multiple techniques have been proposed for solving convex and non-convex problems such as interior-point methods and semidefinite programming. However, it is well known that these algorithms are not ideally suited for large-scale optimization with a high number of variables and/or constraints. This thesis exploits a novel optimization method, known as Riemannian optimization, for efficiently solving convex and non-convex problems with signal processing and machine learning applications. Unlike most optimization techniques whose complexities increase with the number of constraints, Riemannian methods smartly exploit the structure of the search space, a.k.a., the set of feasible solutions, to reduce the embedded dimension and efficiently solve optimization problems in a reasonable time. However, such efficiency comes at the expense of universality as the geometry of each manifold needs to be investigated individually. This thesis explains the steps of designing first and second-order Riemannian optimization methods for smooth matrix manifolds through the study and design of optimization algorithms for various applications. In particular, the paper is interested in contemporary applications in signal processing and machine learning, such as community detection, graph-based clustering, phase retrieval, and indoor and outdoor location determination. Simulation results are provided to attest to the efficiency of the proposed methods against popular generic and specialized solvers for each of the above applications


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    Narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT) is a low-power wide-area (LPWA) technology built on long-term evolution (LTE) functionalities and standardized by the 3rd-Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). Due to its support for massive machine-type communication (mMTC) and different IoT use cases with rigorous standards in terms of connection, energy efficiency, reachability, reliability, and latency, NB-IoT has attracted the research community. However, as the capacity needs for various IoT use cases expand, the LTE evolved packet core (EPC) system's numerous functionalities may become overburdened and suboptimal. Several research efforts are currently in progress to address these challenges. As a result, an overview of these efforts with a specific focus on the optimized architecture of the LTE EPC functionalities, the 5G architectural design for NB-IoT integration, the enabling technologies necessary for 5G NB-IoT, 5G new radio (NR) coexistence with NB-IoT, and feasible architectural deployment schemes of NB-IoT with cellular networks is discussed. This thesis also presents cloud-assisted relay with backscatter communication as part of a detailed study of the technical performance attributes and channel communication characteristics from the physical (PHY) and medium access control (MAC) layers of the NB-IoT, with a focus on 5G. The numerous drawbacks that come with simulating these systems are explored. The enabling market for NB-IoT, the benefits for a few use cases, and the potential critical challenges associated with their deployment are all highlighted. Fortunately, the cyclic prefix orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (CPOFDM) based waveform by 3GPP NR for improved mobile broadband (eMBB) services does not prohibit the use of other waveforms in other services, such as the NB-IoT service for mMTC. As a result, the coexistence of 5G NR and NB-IoT must be manageably orthogonal (or quasi-orthogonal) to minimize mutual interference that limits the form of freedom in the waveform's overall design. As a result, 5G coexistence with NB-IoT will introduce a new interference challenge, distinct from that of the legacy network, even though the NR's coexistence with NB-IoT is believed to improve network capacity and expand the coverage of the user data rate, as well as improves robust communication through frequency reuse. Interference challenges may make channel estimation difficult for NB-IoT devices, limiting the user performance and spectral efficiency. Various existing interference mitigation solutions either add to the network's overhead, computational complexity and delay or are hampered by low data rate and coverage. These algorithms are unsuitable for an NB-IoT network owing to the low-complexity nature. As a result, a D2D communication based interference-control technique becomes an effective strategy for addressing this problem. This thesis used D2D communication to decrease the network bottleneck in dense 5G NBIoT networks prone to interference. For D2D-enabled 5G NB-IoT systems, the thesis presents an interference-avoidance resource allocation that considers the less favourable cell edge NUEs. To simplify the algorithm's computing complexity and reduce interference power, the system divides the optimization problem into three sub-problems. First, in an orthogonal deployment technique using channel state information (CSI), the channel gain factor is leveraged by selecting a probable reuse channel with higher QoS control. Second, a bisection search approach is used to find the best power control that maximizes the network sum rate, and third, the Hungarian algorithm is used to build a maximum bipartite matching strategy to choose the optimal pairing pattern between the sets of NUEs and the D2D pairs. The proposed approach improves the D2D sum rate and overall network SINR of the 5G NB-IoT system, according to the numerical data. The maximum power constraint of the D2D pair, D2D's location, Pico-base station (PBS) cell radius, number of potential reuse channels, and cluster distance impact the D2D pair's performance. The simulation results achieve 28.35%, 31.33%, and 39% SINR performance higher than the ARSAD, DCORA, and RRA algorithms when the number of NUEs is twice the number of D2D pairs, and 2.52%, 14.80%, and 39.89% SINR performance higher than the ARSAD, RRA, and DCORA when the number of NUEs and D2D pairs are equal. As a result, a D2D sum rate increase of 9.23%, 11.26%, and 13.92% higher than the ARSAD, DCORA, and RRA when the NUE’s number is twice the number of D2D pairs, and a D2D’s sum rate increase of 1.18%, 4.64% and 15.93% higher than the ARSAD, RRA and DCORA respectively, with an equal number of NUEs and D2D pairs is achieved. The results demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed scheme. The thesis also addressed the problem where the cell-edge NUE's QoS is critical to challenges such as long-distance transmission, delays, low bandwidth utilization, and high system overhead that affect 5G NB-IoT network performance. In this case, most cell-edge NUEs boost their transmit power to maximize network throughput. Integrating cooperating D2D relaying technique into 5G NB-IoT heterogeneous network (HetNet) uplink spectrum sharing increases the system's spectral efficiency and interference power, further degrading the network. Using a max-max SINR (Max-SINR) approach, this thesis proposed an interference-aware D2D relaying strategy for 5G NB-IoT QoS improvement for a cell-edge NUE to achieve optimum system performance. The Lagrangian-dual technique is used to optimize the transmit power of the cell-edge NUE to the relay based on the average interference power constraint, while the relay to the NB-IoT base station (NBS) employs a fixed transmit power. To choose an optimal D2D relay node, the channel-to-interference plus noise ratio (CINR) of all available D2D relays is used to maximize the minimum cell-edge NUE's data rate while ensuring the cellular NUEs' QoS requirements are satisfied. Best harmonic mean, best-worst, half-duplex relay selection, and a D2D communication scheme were among the other relaying selection strategies studied. The simulation results reveal that the Max-SINR selection scheme outperforms all other selection schemes due to the high channel gain between the two communication devices except for the D2D communication scheme. The proposed algorithm achieves 21.27% SINR performance, which is nearly identical to the half-duplex scheme, but outperforms the best-worst and harmonic selection techniques by 81.27% and 40.29%, respectively. As a result, as the number of D2D relays increases, the capacity increases by 14.10% and 47.19%, respectively, over harmonic and half-duplex techniques. Finally, the thesis presents future research works on interference control in addition with the open research directions on PHY and MAC properties and a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis presented in Chapter 2 to encourage further study on 5G NB-IoT

    Recent Advances in Indoor Localization Systems and Technologies

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    Despite the enormous technical progress seen in the past few years, the maturity of indoor localization technologies has not yet reached the level of GNSS solutions. The 23 selected papers in this book present the recent advances and new developments in indoor localization systems and technologies, propose novel or improved methods with increased performance, provide insight into various aspects of quality control, and also introduce some unorthodox positioning methods