617 research outputs found

    Bεnga sebr Burkina Faso yĭnga

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    Performance Evaluation of Small white Common Bean Genotypes in Eastern Amhara, Ethiopia

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    Common bean regional variety trial was carried out at Sirinka, Jari, Cheffa and West belesa (Gondar) from 2017 to 2019 cropping season. The objectives of the trial were to evaluate the performance of genotypes for grain yield and yield related traits and to select and promote the promising ones for verification. Fourteen genotypes including Awash-2 (standard check) were tested using RCBD. Analysis of variance and GGE biplot analysis was employed on multi-environment grain yield data. The combined analysis of variance showed significant differences for both main and interaction effects of genotypes, locations which led to exploit the significant effect of genotype-by-environment interaction. Based on the analysis of variance and GGE biplot analysis, two varieties namely DAB-413 and ZABR 16575-51 F-22 with average grain yield of 2729 kg/ha and 2501 kg/ha, respectively were selected, verified and DAB-413 and have been released for Sirinka, Jari, Cheffa and similar areas in Ethiopia. Therefore, DAB-413 has been recommended for the tested and other similar common bean growing areas to increase production and productivity of this crop.

    Bεnga sebr Burkina Faso yĭnga

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    Playwright: Tennessee Williams Director: Hal J. Todd Setting: James R. Earle Jr. Costumes: Janet Hanreddy Lighting: Gerald Grantham Academic Year: 1970-1971https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/productions_1970s/1009/thumbnail.jp

    Determining grain seed micronutrient contents (iron and zinc) and cooking time for selected dry bean cultivars

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    Micronutrient deficiencies caused by lack of Iron (Fe), Zinc (Zn) and Vitamin A in the human body have negative effect with regard to health issues worldwide. Imbalances of these nutrients in the human body create a significant risk of illness and mortality among children under five years of age, pregnant women and lactating mothers. Some of the food crops that thought to reduce micronutrients include rice, sweet potato, dry bean, sorghum, corn, barley, and finger millet have been biofortified through ways of agronomic practices, conventional breeding, or modern biotechnology. Despite the fact that dry beans address Fe and Zn  deficiencies based on recommended dietary allowances (RDA), they often take a long time to cook. Many communities have limited cooking resources which make them rely on burning wood, charcoal or other biofuels that require more time and money. This study identified dry bean cultivars with enhanced Fe and Zn concentration levels and fast cooking time from 200 cultivars. Experiments were conducted under a complete randomized block design with two replications, 200 cultivars, and two different agro-ecologies. Iron and Zinc concentration levels were determined from the harvested seed grains of each bean cultivar using X-Ray Fluorescence while cooking time of similar cultivars were determined using the Mattson cooker. The variation of Fe and Zn concentration was significantly different at (p<0.001) among the treatments and environments. The range was between 46.76 mg/kg to 107.25 mg/kg for Fe and 21.70 mg/kg to 42.35 mg/kg for Zn concentration. From two testing sites, the concentration of Fe was higher at Lyamungo than SARI and Zn showed inversely proportional to these tested sites which means that the  environment and soils were not homogenous in terms of soil health. The highest water uptake was 61.54% and the lowest was 3.70% and the higher the water uptake the lower the cooking time. Fast cooking time was ~15 min and the longest was ~76 min. Small seed-sized cultivars showed fast  cooking time than large-seeded. These two traits in identified cultivars will enhance dry bean consumption, which will contribute to alleviating micronutrient deficiencies in this global growing population

    Il valore di φῶς in due metafore di luce e di ombra: Aesch. «Pers.» 150-152, 165-169

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    Identification et quantification des échanges nappes/rivière par analyse spatiale

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    National audienceLe travail présenté dans cette communication est issu de l'action de recherche ZABR (Zone Atelier Bassin du Rhône)/Agence de l'Eau Rhône, Méditerranée et Corse débutée en juin 2006 et intitulée « Évaluation des échanges nappes/rivière et de la part des apports souterrains dans l'alimentation des eaux de surface (cours d'eau, plans d'eau, zones humides) - Application au fleuve Rhône et à ses aquifères superficiels » (Bornette & al., 2007, 2008). La finalité de cette action de recherche est tant scientifique qu'opérationnelle. Elle vise à produire un outil d'interprétation des échanges nappes/rivière, assorti de préconisations pour la gestion de la ressource en eau et de la biodiversité selon la politique définie par la transposition de la Directive Cadre Européenne sur l'Eau (DCEeau, 2006) en droit français et les grands axes du Plan Rhône (Diren-RA, 2005)

    Caractérisation spatio-temporelle des échanges nappes/rivière à l'échelle de deux grands fleuves français : application aux secteurs de Donzère-Mondragon (Rhône) et Ecozone du Forez (Loire)

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    International audienceL'application de la Directive Cadre Européenne sur l'eau (DCE-eau), tant au niveau global qu'au niveau local, impose de mieux connaître le fonctionnement des zones d'interface des hydrosystèmes, notamment fluviaux, et en particulier des zones d'échanges entre eaux souterraines et superficielles (DCEeau, 2006). Pour le SDAGE (Schéma Directeur d'Aménagement et de Gestion des Eaux) du bassin Rhône Méditerranée et Corse, la connaissance de l'évolution quantitative des ressources superficielles et souterraines représente aussi un enjeu majeur (SDAGErmc, 2009). Cette problématique est également formulée en termes de besoins et d'attentes du programme Plan Rhône : « Qualité des eaux, ressources et biodiversité : compréhension des échanges entre fleuve et aquifères » (PR, 2005). De plus, une telle problématique visant à caractériser spatialement les échanges nappes/rivière a aussi une dimension temporelle en lien avec « les changements globaux » et « la prospective changement climatique » à court terme (influence des régimes transitoires au pas de temps saisonniers) ou à long terme (horizon 2100). La finalité scientifique du projet présenté dans cet article vise à proposer un outil interdisciplinaire pour l'identification et l'évaluation, tant qualitative que quantitative (caractérisation), des échanges entre le fleuve Rhône et ses aquifères superficiels depuis le lac Léman jusqu'à la mer Méditerranée en tenant compte du caractère anthropisé du fleuve. Un tel outil contribuera à la préservation des nappes phréatiques, patrimoine souterrain et invisible, et plus généralement à la préservation de la ressource en eau et de la biodiversité sur le bassin du Rhône. Dans un objectif de gestion coordonnée de la ressource en eau tant superficielle que souterraine, et plus généralement de préservation de la ressource en eau et de la biodiversité sur le corridor alluvionnaire du Rhône, les premiers résultats montrent qu'il est possible : 1) d'estimer la contribution des eaux souterraines au débit du Rhône et d'identifier leur origine ; 2) d'identifier à l'échelle du corridor alluvionnaire, les portions de nappe les plus directement sous influence du fleuve et les plus vulnérables à une pollution du Rhône ; 3) d'identifier les milieux superficiels et humides sous dépendance majoritaire d'apports souterrains ; 4) de transposer la méthode à d'autres cours d'eau comme le fleuve Loire. Après une brève description des deux secteurs d'étude, suivie d'une présentation synthétique de la méthode de caractérisation des échanges nappes/rivière. Les principaux résultats associés aux deux secteurs d'étude pour deux périodes hydrologiques caractéristiques (hautes-eaux et basses-eaux de nappe) sont présentés. Les aspects novateurs du travail sont ensuite soulignés, avant de conclure

    The Qāḍīs of Fusṭāṭ-Miṣr under the Ṭūlūnids and the Ikhshīdids: the Judiciary and Egyptian Autonomy

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    International audienceThe second half of the third/ninth and the fourth/tenth centuries are of particular importance for the development of the judiciary in the central lands of the Abbasid caliphate. At the end of the mihna period and the victory of Sunnism under al-Mutawakkil (r. 232-247/847-861), the caliphate agreed not to interfere further within the legal sphere, thus allowing the principal schools of law to complete their development toward their classical structure. In Iraq, thanks to the growing independence of the legal sphere and to the political weakness of the caliphate, the qadis increased their judicial freedom. Meanwhile, the political situation in Egypt was very different. The provincial rulers and two successive dynasties, the Tulunids (254-292/868-905) and the Ikhshidids (323-358/935-969), profited from the weakness of the caliphate, and imposed their autonomy de facto. The role played by the judiciary in this process is still unclear, as is the impact of Egyptian autonomy on the development of the local judiciary. In this paper, I discuss the evolution of the relationship between the Egyptian governors and the judiciary, from the accession of Ahmad b. Tulun in 254/868 until the arrival of the Fatimids in 358/969. Several elements are taken into consideration: (1) The institutional links between political power and the judiciary: Who appointed the qadis? How were they selected? Did the government choose to rely on local scholars or did the qadis come from outside the province? (2) The financial connection between the governors and the qadis, which was not only symbolic of the delegation of power, but could also denote the submission of the judiciary to the government. (3) The daily interactions between the qadis and the governors. (4) The judicial practice of the qadis. (5) Their reputation. I study to what extent the judiciary and its control was a political issue for the Tulunids and the Ikhshidids, and how the efforts of these two dynasties to build an Egyptian autonomy had important consequences on the structure of the legal milieu

    Ultrasonic vocalizations in Eph/ephrin mutant mice

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    Purpose: Murine mammals, more commonly known as mice, emit ultrasonic vocalizations or “yelps” to communicate. It has been found that adult mice use these vocalizations to communicate with each other, and infant mice utilize ultrasonic vocalizations to communicate with their mother. It is known that a relationship exists between hearing ability and vocalization (Bass-Ringdahl, 2010). This study aims to record yelps/ vocalizations of four strains of mouse pups to determine how the development of hearing relates to the vocalizations that are emitted. It is thought that mice with compromised genes that encode for signaling proteins that are essential to the development of auditory connections may emit abnormal vocalizations. Thus, it is possible that the earliest relevant behavior that predicts normal auditory development in mice is the emission of vocalizations of mouse pups. Method: A total of one hundred fifty seven tests of pups between 7 and 26 days age were tested alone in a dark, sound-attenuating booth. The duration of the test time depended on the age of the pup. A B&K model 4939 ¼-inch microphone connected to an Agilent 35670 Spectrum Analyzer recorded all sounds between 10 and 100 kHz above a threshold (40 dB SPL – slightly above background). The yelps emitted were organized into four experimental groups, wild-type (WT), ephrin-B3null, ephrin-B3lacZ, and ephrin-B2lacZ, based on the subject’s genetic strain. A statistical analysis was performed to determine the yelp rate and pitch range of each group of mice. Results: This study found that ephrin-B3null (a traditional knockout) emit significantly more vocalizations than other groups. The ephrin-B3lacZ group that still expresses the protein but has compromised signaling had the fewest total vocalizations, but also the highest percentage of overall sounds in the range of the ultrasonic vocalizations. Conclusions: The Eph/ephrin genotype, known to affect hearing, also affects neonatal vocalizations

    Zakat Fitrah (Kajian Hadis Tematik)

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    Zakat fitrah constitutes the obligatory of every Moslem based on some hadis using the phrase umara or faradha. Hadis about zakat fitrah is shahih, either form. Its sanad or matn. Zakat fitran is very benefial for individuals to enlighten his soul after doing the fast during Ramahan, beside; it is also useful for social necessity