49 research outputs found

    Structural and Star-forming Relations since z similar to 3: Connecting Compact Star-forming and Quiescent Galaxies

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    We study the evolution of the scaling relations that compare the effective density (Sigma(e), r 9.6 -9.3M(circle dot) kpc(-2), allowing the most efficient identification of compact SFGs and quiescent galaxies at every redshift

    The VANDELS survey: Global properties of CIII]lambda 1908 angstrom emitting star-forming galaxies at z similar to 3

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    Context. Strong nebular emission is ubiquitous in galaxies that contribute to cosmic reionization at redshift za a 6. High-ionization UV metal lines, such as CIII]λ1908 A, show high equivalent widths (EW) in these early galaxies, suggesting harder radiation fields at low metallicity than low-z galaxies of similar stellar mass. Understanding the physical properties driving the observed UV nebular line emission at high-z requires large and very deep spectroscopic surveys, which are now only accessible out to za a a 4. Aims. We study the mean properties of a large representative sample of 217 galaxies showing CIII] emission at 2a <a za <a 4, selected from a parent sample of a 750 main-sequence star-forming galaxies in the VANDELS survey. These CIII] emitters have a broad range of UV luminosities, allowing for a detailed stacking analysis to characterize their stellar mass, star formation rate (SFR), and metallicity as a function of the UV emission line ratios, EWs, and the carbon-to-oxygen (C/O) abundance ratio. Methods. Stacking provides unprecedented high signal-to-noise (S/N) spectra for CIII] emitters over more than three decades in luminosity, stellar mass, and SFR. This enables a full spectral fitting to derive stellar metallicities for each stack. Moreover, we use diagnostics based on photoionization models and UV line ratios to constrain the ionization sources of the galaxies and derive the C/O abundance. Results. Reliable CIII] detections (S/Na a ¥a 3) represent a 30% of the parent sample. However, stacked spectra of non-detections (S/Na <a 3) show weak (EW a 2 A) CIII] emission, suggesting that this line is common in normal star-forming galaxies at za a a 3. On the other hand, extreme CIII] emitters (EW(CIII]) a 8 A) are exceedingly rare (a 3%) in VANDELS. The UV line ratios of the sample suggest no ionization source other than massive stars. Stacks with larger EW(CIII]) show larger EW(Lyα) and lower metallicity, but not all CIII] emitters are Lyα emitters. The stellar metallicities of CIII] emitters are not significantly different from that of the parent sample, increasing from a 10% to a 40% solar for stellar masses log(Ma/Ma) a 9a? 10.5. The stellar mass-metallicity relation of the CIII] emitters is consistent with previous works, exhibiting a strong evolution from za =a 0 to za a a 3. The C/O abundances of the sample range between 35%a? 150% solar, with a noticeable increase with FUV luminosity and a smooth decrease with the CIII] EW. Here, we discuss the CIII] emitters in the C/Oa Fe/H and the C/Oa O/H planes and we find that they follow stellar and nebular abundance trends consistent with those of Milky Way halo and thick-disk stars and local HII galaxies, respectively. A qualitative agreement is also found with chemical evolution models, which suggests that CIII] emitters at za a a 3 are experiencing an active phase of chemical enrichment. Conclusions. Our results provide new insights into the nature of UV line emitters at za a a 2a 4, paving the way for future studies at higher z using the James Webb Space Telescope

    Ly alpha-emitting galaxies at 0.2 < z < 0.35 from GALEX spectroscopy

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    We have used the GALEX (Galaxy Evolution Explorer) spectroscopic survey mode, with a resolution of similar to 8 angstrom in the far-ultraviolet (FUV; 1350-1750 angstrom) and similar to 20 angstrom in the near-ultraviolet (NUV; 1950-2750 angstrom) for a systematic search of Ly alpha-emitting galaxies at low redshift. Our aim is to fill a gap between high-redshift surveys and a small set of objects studied in detail in the nearby universe. A blind search of 7018 spectra extracted in five deep exposures (5.65 deg(2)) has resulted in 96 Ly alpha-emitting galaxy candidates in the FUV domain after accounting for broad-line AGNs. The Ly alpha equivalent widths (EWs) are consistent with stellar population model predictions and show no trends as a function of UV color or UV luminosity, with the exception of a possible decrease in the most luminous objects that may be due to small-number statistics. The objects' distribution in EW is similar to that at z similar to 3, but their fraction among star-forming galaxies is smaller. Avoiding uncertain candidates, a subsample of 66 objects in the range 0.2 < z < 0.35 has been used to build a Ly alpha luminosity function (LF). The incompleteness due to objects with significant Ly alpha emission but a UV continuum too low for spectral extraction has been evaluated. A comparison with H alpha LFs in the same redshift domain is consistent with an average Ly alpha/H alpha of similar to 1 in about 15% of the star-forming galaxies. A comparison with high-redshift Ly alpha LFs implies an increase of the Ly alpha luminosity density by a factor of about 16 from z similar to 0.3 to z similar to 3. By comparison with the factor of 5 increase in the UV luminosity density in the same redshift range, this suggests an increase of the average Ly alpha escape fraction with redshift

    The relationship between galaxy and dark matter halo size from z ∼ 3 to the present

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    We explore empirical constraints on the statistical relationship between the radial size of galaxies and the radius of their host dark matter haloes from z similar to 0.1-3 using the Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA) and Cosmic Assembly Near Infrared Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey (CANDELS) surveys. We map dark matter halo mass to galaxy stellar mass using relationships from abundance matching, applied to the Bolshoi-Planck dissipationless N-body simulation. We define SRHR equivalent to r(e)/R-h as the ratio of galaxy radius to halo virial radius, and SRHR lambda equivalent to r(e)/(lambda R-h) as the ratio of galaxy radius to halo spin parameter times halo radius. At z similar to 0.1, we find an average value of SRHR similar or equal to 0.018 and SRHR. similar or equal to 0.5 with very little dependence on stellar mass. Stellar radius-halo radius (SRHR) and SRHR lambda have a weak dependence on cosmic time since z similar to 3. SRHR shows a mild decrease over cosmic time for low-mass galaxies, but increases slightly or does not evolve formoremassive galaxies. We find hints that at high redshift (z similar to 2-3), SRHR. is lower for more massive galaxies, while it shows no significant dependence on stellar mass at z less than or similar to 0.5. We find that for both the GAMA and CANDELS samples, at all redshifts from z similar to 0.1-3, the observed conditional size distribution in stellar mass bins is remarkably similar to the conditional distribution of lambda R-h. We discuss the physical interpretation and implications of these results

    A mass-dependent slope of the galaxy size-mass relation out to z ∼ 3 : further evidence for a direct relation between median galaxy size and median halo mass

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    We reassess the galaxy size-mass relation out to z similar to 3 using a new definition of size and a sample of >29,000 galaxies from the 3D-HST, CANDELS, and COSMOS-DASH surveys. Instead of the half-light radius r(50) we use r(80), the radius containing 80% of the stellar light. We find that the r(80)M(*) relation has the form of a broken power law, with a clear change of slope at a pivot mass M-p. Below the pivot mass the relation is shallow (r(80) proportional to M-*(0.)15); above it, it is steep (r(80) proportional to M-*(0.)6). The pivot mass increases with redshift, from log(M-p/M-circle dot) approximate to 10.2 at z = 0.4 to log(M-p/M-circle dot) approximate to 10.9 at z = 1.7-3. We compare these r(80)-M-* relations to the M-helo-M-* relations derived from galaxy-galaxy lensing, clustering analyses, and abundance matching techniques. Remarkably, the pivot stellar masses of both relations are consistent with each other at all redshifts, and the slopes are very similar both above and below the pivot when assuming M-halo proportional to r(8)(0)(3). The implied scaling factor to relate galaxy size to halo size is r(80)/R-vir = 0.047, independent of stellar mass and redshift. From redshift 0 to 1.5, the pivot mass also coincides with the mass where the fraction of star-forming galaxies is 50%, suggesting that the pivot mass reflects a transition from dissipational to dissipationless galaxy growth. Finally, our results imply that the scatter in the stellar-to-halo mass is relatively small for massive halos (similar to 0.2 dex for M-halo > 10(1)(2.)(5) M-circle dot)

    Faint end of the z similar to 3-7 luminosity function of Lyman-alpha emitters behind lensing clusters observed with MUSE

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    CONTACT: This paper presents the results obtained with the Multi-Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) at the ESO Very Large Telescope on the faint end of the Lyman-alpha luminosity function (LF) based on deep observations of four lensing clusters. The goal of our project is to set strong constraints on the relative contribution of the Lyman-alpha emitter (LAE) population to cosmic reionization. AIMS: The precise aim of the present study is to further constrain the abundance of LAEs by taking advantage of the magnification provided by lensing clusters to build a blindly selected sample of galaxies which is less biased than current blank field samples in redshift and luminosity. By construction, this sample of LAEs is complementary to those built from deep blank fields, whether observed by MUSE or by other facilities, and makes it possible to determine the shape of the LF at fainter levels, as well as its evolution with redshift. METHODS: We selected a sample of 156 LAEs with redshifts between 2.9 ≤ z ≤ 6.7 and magnification-corrected luminosities in the range 39 ≲ log L_{L_{y}_{a}} [erg s^{-1}] ≲43. To properly take into account the individual differences in detection conditions between the LAEs when computing the LF, including lensing configurations, and spatial and spectral morphologies, the non-parametric 1/V_{max} method was adopted. The price to pay to benefit from magnification is a reduction of the effective volume of the survey, together with a more complex analysis procedure to properly determine the effective volume V_{max} for each galaxy. In this paper we present a complete procedure for the determination of the LF based on IFU detections in lensing clusters. This procedure, including some new methods for masking, effective volume integration and (individual) completeness determinations, has been fully automated when possible, and it can be easily generalized to the analysis of IFU observations in blank fields. RESULTS: As a result of this analysis, the Lyman-alpha LF has been obtained in four different redshift bins: 2.9 <  z <  6, 7, 2.9 <  z <  4.0, 4.0 <  z <  5.0, and 5.0 <  z <  6.7 with constraints down to log L_{L_{y}_{a}} = 40.5. From our data only, no significant evolution of LF mean slope can be found. When performing a Schechter analysis also including data from the literature to complete the present sample towards the brightest luminosities, a steep faint end slope was measured varying from α = −1.69_{-0.08}^{0.08} to α = −1.87_{-0.12}^{0.12} between the lowest and the highest redshift bins. CONCLUSIONS: The contribution of the LAE population to the star formation rate density at z ∼ 6 is ≲50% depending on the luminosity limit considered, which is of the same order as the Lyman-break galaxy (LBG) contribution. The evolution of the LAE contribution with redshift depends on the assumed escape fraction of Lyman-alpha photons, and appears to slightly increase with increasing redshift when this fraction is conservatively set to one. Depending on the intersection between the LAE/LBG populations, the contribution of the observed galaxies to the ionizing flux may suffice to keep the universe ionized at z ∼ 6

    A super-linear 'radio-AGN main sequence' links mean radio-AGN power and galaxy stellar mass since z similar to 3

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    Mapping the average active galactic nucleus (AGN) luminosity across galaxy populations and over time reveals important clues regarding the interplay between supermassive black hole and galaxy growth. This paper presents the demography, mean power, and cosmic evolution of radio AGN across star-forming galaxies (SFGs) of different stellar masses (M).We exploit deep VLA-COSMOS 3 GHz data to build the rest-frame 1.4 GHz AGN luminosity functions at 0:1 z 4:5 hosted in SFGs. Splitting the AGN luminosity function into different M bins reveals that, at all redshifts, radio AGN are both more frequent and more luminous in higher M than in lower M galaxies. The cumulative kinetic luminosity density exerted by radio AGN in SFGs peaks at z 2, and it is mostly driven by galaxies with 10:5 log(M=M ) < 11. Averaging the cumulative radio AGN activity across all SFGs at each (M,z) results in a ‘radio-AGN main sequence’ that links the time-averaged radio-AGN power hLAGN 1:4 i and galaxy stellar mass, in the form: log h[LAGN 1:4 /WHz1]i = (20.97 0.16) + (2.51 0.34) log(1+z) + (1.41 0.09) (log[M /M ] – 10). The super-linear dependence on M , at fixed redshift, suggests enhanced radio-AGN activity in more massive SFGs as compared to star formation. We ascribe this enhancement to both a higher radio AGN duty cycle and a brighter radio-AGN phase in more massive SFGs. A remarkably consistent M dependence is seen for the evolving X-ray AGN population in SFGs. This similarity is interpreted as possibly driven by secular cold gas accretion fuelling both radio and X-ray AGN activity in a similar fashion over the galaxy’s lifetime.The Cosmic Dawn Center (DAWN) is funded by the Danish National Research Foundation, the Villum Fonden, European Union’s Horizon research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant and the Italian Ministry of University and Research.http://www.hanspub.org/Journal/AAS.htmlam2023Physic

    The Multiwavelength Survey By Yale-Chile (MUSYC) Wide K-Band Imaging, Photometric Catalogs, Clustering, And Physical Properties Of Galaxies At Z Similar To 2

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    We present K-band imaging of two similar to 30' x 30' fields covered by the Multiwavelength Survey by Yale-Chile (MUSYC) Wide NIR Survey. The SDSS 1030+05 and Cast 1255 fields were imaged with the Infrared Side Port Imager (ISPI) on the 4 m Blanco telescope at the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (CTIO) to a 5 sigma point-source limiting depth of K similar to 20 (Vega). Combining these data with the MUSYC optical UBVRIz imaging, we created multiband K-selected source catalogs for both fields. These catalogs, together with the MUSYC K-band catalog of the Extended Chandra Deep Field South (ECDF-S) field, were used to select K 20 BzK galaxies over an area of 0.71 deg(2). This is the largest area ever surveyed for BzK galaxies. We present number counts, redshift distributions, and stellar masses for our sample of 3261 BzK galaxies (2502 star-forming [sBzK] and 759 passively evolving [pBzK]), as well as reddening and star formation rate estimates for the star-forming BzK systems. We also present two-point angular correlation functions and spatial correlation lengths for both sBzK and pBzK galaxies and show that previous estimates of the correlation function of these galaxies were affected by cosmic variance due to the small areas surveyed. We have measured correlation lengths r(0) of 8.89 +/- 2.03 and 10.82 +/- 1.72 Mpc for sBzK and pBzK galaxies, respectively. This is the first reported measurement of the spatial correlation function of passive BzK galaxies. In the Lambda CDM scenario of galaxy formation, these correlation lengths at z similar to 2 translate into minimum masses of similar to 4 x 10(12) and similar to 9 x 10(12) M(circle dot) for the dark matter halos hosting sBzK and pBzK galaxies, respectively. The clustering properties of the galaxies in our sample are consistent with their being the descendants of bright Lyman break galaxies at z similar to 3, and the progenitors of present-day > 1L* galaxies.Astronom

    Spectroscopy of Kerr Black Holes with Earth- and Space-Based Interferometers

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    We estimate the potential of present and future interferometric gravitational-wave detectors to test the Kerr nature of black holes through "gravitational spectroscopy," i.e., the measurement of multiple quasinormal mode frequencies from the remnant of a black hole merger. Using population synthesis models of the formation and evolution of stellar-mass black hole binaries, we find that Voyager-class interferometers will be necessary to perform these tests. Gravitational spectroscopy in the local Universe may become routine with the Einstein Telescope, but a 40-km facility like Cosmic Explorer is necessary to go beyond z similar to 3. In contrast, detectors like eLISA (evolved Laser Interferometer Space Antenna) should carry out a few-or even hundreds-of these tests every year, depending on uncertainties in massive black hole formation models. Many space-based spectroscopical measurements will occur at high redshift, testing the strong gravity dynamics of Kerr black holes in domains where cosmological corrections to general relativity (if they occur in nature) must be significant

    Spectroscopy of z ∼ 6 i-dropout galaxies : frequency of Lyα emission and the sizes of Lyα-emitting galaxies

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    We report on deep spectroscopy, using LRIS on Keck I and FORS2 on the VLT, of a sample of 22 candidate z similar to 6 Lyman break galaxies (LBGs) selected by the (i)775 - z(850) > 1: 3 dropout criterion. Redshifts could be measured for eight objects. These redshifts are all in the range z = 5: 5-6.1, confirming the efficiency of the i775 - z850 color selection technique. Six of the confirmed galaxies show Ly alpha emission. Assuming that the 14 objects without redshifts are z similar to 6 LBGs that lack detectable Ly alpha emission lines, we infer that the fraction of Ly alpha-emitting LBGs with Ly alpha equivalent widths greater than 20 angstrom among z similar to 6 LBGs is approximate to 30%, similar to that found at z similar to 3. Every Ly alpha-emitting object in our sample is compact, with half-light radii r(hl) 97% confidence. We speculate that the small sizes of the Ly alpha-emitting LBGs are due to these objects being less massive than other LBGs at z similar to 6