16 research outputs found

    Exploring Spin-transfer-torque devices and memristors for logic and memory applications

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    As scaling CMOS devices is approaching its physical limits, researchers have begun exploring newer devices and architectures to replace CMOS. Due to their non-volatility and high density, Spin Transfer Torque (STT) devices are among the most prominent candidates for logic and memory applications. In this research, we first considered a new logic style called All Spin Logic (ASL). Despite its advantages, ASL consumes a large amount of static power; thus, several optimizations can be performed to address this issue. We developed a systematic methodology to perform the optimizations to ensure stable operation of ASL. Second, we investigated reliable design of STT-MRAM bit-cells and addressed the conflicting read and write requirements, which results in overdesign of the bit-cells. Further, a Device/Circuit/Architecture co-design framework was developed to optimize the STT-MRAM devices by exploring the design space through jointly considering yield enhancement techniques at different levels of abstraction. Recent advancements in the development of memristive devices have opened new opportunities for hardware implementation of non-Boolean computing. To this end, the suitability of memristive devices for swarm intelligence algorithms has enabled researchers to solve a maze in hardware. In this research, we utilized swarm intelligence of memristive networks to perform image edge detection. First, we proposed a hardware-friendly algorithm for image edge detection based on ant colony. Next, we designed the image edge detection algorithm using memristive networks

    Variation Analysis, Fault Modeling and Yield Improvement of Emerging Spintronic Memories

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    Towards Energy-Efficient and Reliable Computing: From Highly-Scaled CMOS Devices to Resistive Memories

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    The continuous increase in transistor density based on Moore\u27s Law has led us to highly scaled Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) technologies. These transistor-based process technologies offer improved density as well as a reduction in nominal supply voltage. An analysis regarding different aspects of 45nm and 15nm technologies, such as power consumption and cell area to compare these two technologies is proposed on an IEEE 754 Single Precision Floating-Point Unit implementation. Based on the results, using the 15nm technology offers 4-times less energy and 3-fold smaller footprint. New challenges also arise, such as relative proportion of leakage power in standby mode that can be addressed by post-CMOS technologies. Spin-Transfer Torque Random Access Memory (STT-MRAM) has been explored as a post-CMOS technology for embedded and data storage applications seeking non-volatility, near-zero standby energy, and high density. Towards attaining these objectives for practical implementations, various techniques to mitigate the specific reliability challenges associated with STT-MRAM elements are surveyed, classified, and assessed herein. Cost and suitability metrics assessed include the area of nanomagmetic and CMOS components per bit, access time and complexity, Sense Margin (SM), and energy or power consumption costs versus resiliency benefits. In an attempt to further improve the Process Variation (PV) immunity of the Sense Amplifiers (SAs), a new SA has been introduced called Adaptive Sense Amplifier (ASA). ASA can benefit from low Bit Error Rate (BER) and low Energy Delay Product (EDP) by combining the properties of two of the commonly used SAs, Pre-Charge Sense Amplifier (PCSA) and Separated Pre-Charge Sense Amplifier (SPCSA). ASA can operate in either PCSA or SPCSA mode based on the requirements of the circuit such as energy efficiency or reliability. Then, ASA is utilized to propose a novel approach to actually leverage the PV in Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) arrays using Self-Organized Sub-bank (SOS) design. SOS engages the preferred SA alternative based on the intrinsic as-built behavior of the resistive sensing timing margin to reduce the latency and power consumption while maintaining acceptable access time

    Design techniques for dense embedded memory in advanced CMOS technologies

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    University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. February 2012. Major: Electrical Engineering. Advisor: Chris H. Kim. 1 computer file (PDF); viii, 116 pages.On-die cache memory is a key component in advanced processors since it can boost micro-architectural level performance at a moderate power penalty. Demand for denser memories only going to increase as the number of cores in a microprocessor goes up with technology scaling. A commensurate increase in the amount of cache memory is needed to fully utilize the larger and more powerful processing units. 6T SRAMs have been the embedded memory of choice for modern microprocessors due to their logic compatibility, high speed, and refresh-free operation. However, the relatively large cell size and conflicting requirements for read and write make aggressive scaling of 6T SRAMs challenging in sub-22 nm. In this dissertation, circuit techniques and simulation methodologies are presented to demonstrate the potential of alternative options such as gain cell eDRAMs and spin-torque-transfer magnetic RAMs (STT-MRAMs) for high density embedded memories.Three unique test chip designs are presented to enhance the retention time and access speed of gain cell eDRAMs. Proposed bit-cells utilize preferential boostings, beneficial couplings, and aggregated cell leakages for expanding signal window between data `1' and `0'. The design space of power-delay product can be further enhanced with various assist schemes that harness the innate properties of gain cell eDRAMs. Experimental results from the test chips demonstrate that the proposed gain cell eDRAMs achieve overall faster system performances and lower static power dissipations than SRAMs in a generic 65 nm low-power (LP) CMOS process. A magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ) scaling scenario and an efficient HSPICE simulation methodology are proposed for exploring the scalability of STT-MRAMs under variation effects from 65 nm to 8 nm. A constant JC0*RA/VDD scaling method is adopted to achieve optimal read and write performances of STT-MRAMs and thermal stabilities for a 10 year retention are achieved by adjusting free layer thicknesses as well as projecting crystalline anisotropy improvements. Studies based on the proposed methodology show that in-plane STT-MRAM will outperform SRAM from 15 nm node, while its perpendicular counterpart requires further innovations in MTJ material properties in order to overcome the poor write performance from 22 nm node

    Circuit and Architecture Co-Design of STT-RAM for High Performance and Low Energy

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    Spin-Transfer Torque Random Access Memory (STT-RAM) has been proved a promising emerging nonvolatile memory technology suitable for many applications such as cache mem- ory of CPU. Compared with other conventional memory technology, STT-RAM offers many attractive features such as nonvolatility, fast random access speed and extreme low leakage power. However, STT-RAM is still facing many challenges. First of all, programming STT-RAM is a stochastic process due to random thermal fluctuations, so the write errors are hard to avoid. Secondly, the existing STT-RAM cell designs can be used for only single-port accesses, which limits the memory access bandwidth and constraints the system performance. Finally, while other memory technology supports multi-level cell (MLC) design to boost the storage density, adopting MLC to STT-RAM brings many disadvantages such as requirement for large transistor and low access speed. In this work, we proposed solutions on both circuit and architecture level to address these challenges. For the write error issues, we proposed two probabilistic methods, namely write-verify- rewrite with adaptive period (WRAP) and verify-one-while-writing (VOW), for performance improvement and write failure reduction. For dual-port solution, we propose the design methods to support dual-port accesses for STT-RAM. The area increment by introducing an additional port is reduced by leveraging the shared source-line structure. Detailed analysis on the performance/reliability degrada- tion caused by dual-port accesses is performed, and the corresponding design optimization is provided. To unleash the potential of MLC STT-RAM cache, we proposed a new design through a cross-layer co-optimization. The memory cell structure integrated the reversed stacking of magnetic junction tunneling (MTJ) for a more balanced device and design trade-off. In architecture development, we presented an adaptive mode switching mechanism: based on application’s memory access behavior, the MLC STT-RAM cache can dynamically change between low latency SLC mode and high capacity MLC mode. Finally, we present a 4Kb test chip design which can support different types and sizes of MTJs. A configurable sensing solution is used in the test chip so that it can support wide range of MTJ resistance. Such test chip design can help to evaluate various type of MTJs in the future

    High-Density Solid-State Memory Devices and Technologies

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    This Special Issue aims to examine high-density solid-state memory devices and technologies from various standpoints in an attempt to foster their continuous success in the future. Considering that broadening of the range of applications will likely offer different types of solid-state memories their chance in the spotlight, the Special Issue is not focused on a specific storage solution but rather embraces all the most relevant solid-state memory devices and technologies currently on stage. Even the subjects dealt with in this Special Issue are widespread, ranging from process and design issues/innovations to the experimental and theoretical analysis of the operation and from the performance and reliability of memory devices and arrays to the exploitation of solid-state memories to pursue new computing paradigms

    A Statistical STT-RAM Design View and Robust Designs at Scaled Technologies

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    Rapidly increased demands for memory in electronic industry and the significant technical scaling challenges of all conventional memory technologies motivated the researches on the next generation memory technology. As one promising candidate, spin-transfer torque random access memory (STT-RAM) features fast access time, high density, non-volatility, and good CMOS process compatibility. In recent years, many researches have been conducted to improve the storage density and enhance the scalability of STT-RAM, such as reducing the write current and switching time of magnetic tunneling junction (MTJ) devices. In parallel with these efforts, the continuous increasing of tunnel magneto-resistance(TMR) ratio of the MTJ inspires the development of multi-level cell (MLC) STT-RAM, which allows multiple data bits be stored in a single memory cell. Two types of MLC STT-RAM cells, namely, parallel MLC and series MLC, were also proposed. However, like all other nanoscale devices, the performance and reliability of STT-RAM cells are severely affected by process variations, intrinsic device operating uncertainties and environmental fluctuations. The storage margin of a MLC STT-RAM cell, i.e., the distinction between the lowest and highest resistance states, is partitioned into multiple segments for multi-level data representation. As a result, the performance and reliability of MLC STT-RAM cells become more sensitive to the MOS and MTJ device variations and the thermal-induced randomness of MTJ switching. In this work, we systematically analyze the impacts of CMOS and MTJ process variations, MTJ resistance switching randomness that induced by intrinsic thermal fluctuations, and working temperature changes on STT-RAM cell designs. The STT-RAM cell reliability issues in both read and write operations are first investigated. A combined circuit and magnetic simulation platform is then established to quantitatively study the persistent and non-persistent errors in STT-RAM cell operations. Then, we analyzed the extension of STT-RAM cell behaviors from SLC (single-level- cell) to MLC (multi-level- cell). On top of that, we also discuss the optimal device parameters of the MLC MTJ for the minimization of the operation error rate of the MLC STT-RAM cells from statistical design perspective. Our simulation results show that under the current available technology, series MLC STT-RAM demonstrates overwhelming benefits in the read and write reliability compared to parallel MLC STT-RAM and could potentially satisfy the requirement of commercial practices. Finally, with the detail analysis study of STT-RAM cells, we proposed several error reduction design, such as ADAMS structure, and FA-STT structure