15 research outputs found

    Parallel local search for solving Constraint Problems on the Cell Broadband Engine (Preliminary Results)

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    We explore the use of the Cell Broadband Engine (Cell/BE for short) for combinatorial optimization applications: we present a parallel version of a constraint-based local search algorithm that has been implemented on a multiprocessor BladeCenter machine with twin Cell/BE processors (total of 16 SPUs per blade). This algorithm was chosen because it fits very well the Cell/BE architecture and requires neither shared memory nor communication between processors, while retaining a compact memory footprint. We study the performance on several large optimization benchmarks and show that this achieves mostly linear time speedups, even sometimes super-linear. This is possible because the parallel implementation might explore simultaneously different parts of the search space and therefore converge faster towards the best sub-space and thus towards a solution. Besides getting speedups, the resulting times exhibit a much smaller variance, which benefits applications where a timely reply is critical

    Problèmes d'optimisation dans les jeux avec GHOST

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    National audienceCet article présente GHOST, un solveur d'optimisation combinatoire qu'un développeur de jeux de stratégie en temps réel (RTS) peut utiliser comme une boîte noire pour résoudre tout problème modélisé comme un problème de satisfaction/optimisation de contraintes. Nous montrons une manière de modéliser trois diffé-rents problèmes de RTS dans ce formalisme, chacun de ces problèmes appartenant à un niveau d'abstraction spécifique, en utilisant le jeu RTS StarCraft comme environnement de test. Sur chacun de ces trois problèmes, GHOST retourne des solutions de très bonne qualité en l'espace de quelques dizaines de millisecondes

    Modelling distributed network attacks with constraints

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    NeMODe is a declarative system for computer network intrusion detection, providing a declarative domain specific language for describing network intrusion signatures which can span several network packets, by stating constraints over network packets, describing relations between several packets in a declarative and expressive way. It provides several back-end detection mechanisms, all based on a constraint programming framework, to perform the detection of the desired signatures. In this work, we demonstrate how to model and perform the detection of distributed network attacks using each of the detection mechanisms provided by NeMODe, based in Gecode, adaptive search and MiniSat to perform the detection of the specific intrusions. We also use the sliding network traffic window version of the adaptive search back-end detection mechanism to simulate live network traffic and evaluate the performance of the system in conditions near to real life networks

    Large-scale parallelism for constraint-based local search: the costas array case study

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    International audienceWe present the parallel implementation of a constraint-based Local Search algorithm and investigate its performance on several hardware plat-forms with several hundreds or thousands of cores. We chose as the basis for these experiments the Adaptive Search method, an efficient sequential Local Search method for Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSP). After preliminary experiments on some CSPLib benchmarks, we detail the modeling and solving of a hard combinatorial problem related to radar and sonar applications: the Costas Array Problem. Performance evaluation on some classical CSP bench-marks shows that speedups are very good for a few tens of cores, and good up to a few hundreds of cores. However for a hard combinatorial search problem such as the Costas Array Problem, performance evaluation of the sequential version shows results outperforming previous Local Search implementations, while the parallel version shows nearly linear speedups up to 8,192 cores. The proposed parallel scheme is simple and based on independent multi-walks with no communication between processes during search. We also investigated a cooperative multi-walk scheme where processes share simple information, but this scheme does not seem to improve performance

    Robustness and Flexibility of GHOST

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    Dans les actes de AAAI Eleventh Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital EntertainmentInternational audienceGHOST is a framework to help game developers to model and implement their own optimization problems, or to simply instantiate a problem already encoded in GHOST. Previous works show that GHOST leads to high-quality solutions in some tens of milliseconds for three RTS-related problems: build order, wall-in placement and target selection. In this paper, we present two new problems in GHOST: pathfinding and resource allocation. The goal of this paper is to show the robustness of the framework, having very good results for a problem it is not designed for (pathfinding), and to show its flexibility, where it is easy to propose different models of the same problem (resource allocation problem)

    Parallel Local Search for the Costas Array Problem

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    The Costas Array Problem is a highly combina- torial problem linked to radar applications. We present in this paper its detailed modeling and solving by Adaptive Search, a constraint-based local search method. Experiments have been done on both sequential and parallel hardware up to several hundreds of cores. Performance evaluation of the sequential version shows results outperforming previous implementations, while the parallel version shows nearly linear speedups up to 8,192 cores

    Large-Scale Parallelism for Constraint-Based Local Search: The Costas Array Case Study

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    Abstract We present the parallel implementation of a constraint-based Local Search algorithm and investigate its performance on several hardware platforms with several hundreds or thousands of cores. We chose as the basis for these experiments the Adaptive Search method, an efficient sequential Local Search method for Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSP). After preliminary experiments on some CSPLib benchmarks, we detail the modeling and solving of a hard combinatorial problem related to radar and sonar applications: the Costas Array Problem. Performance evaluation on some classical CSP benchmarks shows that speedups are very good for a few tens of cores, and good up to a few hundreds of cores. However for a hard combinatorial search problem such as the Costas Array Problem, performance evaluation of the sequential version shows results outperforming previous Local Search implementations, while the parallel version shows nearly linear speedups up to 8,192 cores. The proposed parallel scheme is simple and based on independent multi-walks with no communication between processes during search. We also investigated a cooperative multi-walk scheme where processes share simple information, but this scheme does not seem to improve performance

    A review of literature on parallel constraint solving

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    As multicore computing is now standard, it seems irresponsible for constraints researchers to ignore the implications of it. Researchers need to address a number of issues to exploit parallelism, such as: investigating which constraint algorithms are amenable to parallelisation; whether to use shared memory or distributed computation; whether to use static or dynamic decomposition; and how to best exploit portfolios and cooperating search. We review the literature, and see that we can sometimes do quite well, some of the time, on some instances, but we are far from a general solution. Yet there seems to be little overall guidance that can be given on how best to exploit multicore computers to speed up constraint solving. We hope at least that this survey will provide useful pointers to future researchers wishing to correct this situation