183 research outputs found

    Component-based records: a novel method to record transaction design work

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    The growing pressures from global competitive markets signal the inevitable challenge for companies to rapidly design and develop new successful products. To continually improve design quality and efficiency, companies must consider how to speed design processes, minimise human-errors, avoid unnecessary iterations, and sustain knowledge embedded in the design process. All of these issues strongly concern one topic: how to make and exploit records of design activities. Using process modelling ideas, this paper introduces a new method called component-based records, in place of traditional design reports. The proposed method records transaction elements of the actual design processes undertaken in a design episode, which aims to continually improve design quality and efficiency, reduce designers’ workload for routine tasks, and sustain competitiveness of companies

    W3 - XML Applications / Applicazioni di XML

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    W2 - XML Applications

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    Automatic code generation based on generic description of intelligent instrument

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    International audienceThis paper presents an automatic outputs generation based on XML description of intelligent instruments. This description uses the service based approach called INOMs. The XML representation of intelligent instruments enables three different outputs: user informations output in html format, supervisor information output, and source code output for selected field bus network target. The intelligent instrument model is briefly described and the area of interest consists in the automatic code generation. A basic example is presented in order to illustrate the different steps and to show the simplicity of the operational implementation

    Documentos XML: transformaciones con XSL/XSLT y Xalan

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    Un documento eXtensible Markup Language o XML es uno cuya sintaxis está predefinida por el estándar, pero cuya estructura está definida por el usuario. Este puede crear un tipo de documento y hacerlo público, si quiere, en una Document Type Declaration (o DTD) para que otros puedan también escribir instancias de ese tipo de documento. Sobre un tipo de documentos XML se puede desarrollar un sistema de intercambio de información entre dispositivos con diferentes capacidades o entre aplicaciones con diferentes necesidades y, como vamos a tratar en este caso, también definir transformaciones para ser aplicadas sobre los documentos de un tipo. Estas transformaciones pueden servir para convertir entre tipos de documentos ¿compatibles¿ (esto es que compartan algunas partes de su estructura) y, como es nuestro objetivo, en darle una apariencia que lo haga legible para el usuario final. Este es un caso habitual de los documentos para la web que originalmente se ofrecen como documentos HTML; pero que en función del dispositivo o la aplicación, puede ser necesario disponer también de una versión en PDF o en libro electrónico (eBook/ePUB). Esto se puede hacer, sin utilizar XML, si se mantienen como documentos separados, lo que obliga a llevar cuenta de actualizar cada cambio en todas las versiones de los documentos. Una solución alternativa es partir de un único documento sin una representación (como es el caso de XML) y, sobre él, aplicar transformaciones. Eso lo hace especialmente indicado para situaciones en las que se espera poder disponer de varios formatos para el mismo contenido, como p. ej., a partir de XML se puede obtener una versión en texto ASCII, en otro vocabulario de XML (SVG, RSS, etc.), HTML, RTF, eBook, ODT, DOCX, TeX o PDF. Un documento escrito en lenguaje eXtensible Stylesheet Language (o XSL), será el que contenga las instrucciones para hacerlo.Agustí Melchor, M. (2019). Documentos XML: transformaciones con XSL/XSLT y Xalan. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/123514DE

    XML in Motion from Genome to Drug

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    Information technology (IT) has emerged as a central to the solution of contemporary genomics and drug discovery problems. Researchers involved in genomics, proteomics, transcriptional profiling, high throughput structure determination, and in other sub-disciplines of bioinformatics have direct impact on this IT revolution. As the full genome sequences of many species, data from structural genomics, micro-arrays, and proteomics became available, integration of these data to a common platform require sophisticated bioinformatics tools. Organizing these data into knowledgeable databases and developing appropriate software tools for analyzing the same are going to be major challenges. XML (eXtensible Markup Language) forms the backbone of biological data representation and exchange over the internet, enabling researchers to aggregate data from various heterogeneous data resources. The present article covers a comprehensive idea of the integration of XML on particular type of biological databases mainly dealing with sequence-structure-function relationship and its application towards drug discovery. This e-medical science approach should be applied to other scientific domains and the latest trend in semantic web applications is also highlighted

    An XML/RST-based approach to multilingual document generation for the web

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    This paper shows how the framework of Rhetorical Structure Theory (RST) for discourse modelling can be expressed through XML annotations and then used to implement a natural language generation (NLG) system for the web. The system applies simplified RST schemes to the elaboration of a master document in XML from which content segments are chosen to suit the user's needs. The personalisation of the document is achieved through the application of a sequence of filtering levels of content selection based on the user aspects given as input.This research was partly supported by the Basque Government (XML-Bi, PI1999-72 project)