31,853 research outputs found

    Consistency check between XML schema and class diagram for document versioning

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    A consistency check between design and implementation is usually done in order to check the correctness of the system’ requirements. However, if the requirements are changed over time, then the document versioning occurred within the requirements. For XML Schema, document versioning exists when there is a change in the XML Schema from its previous Schema. In order to detect the versioning of both XML Schemas, consistency rules check need to be performed to both class diagrams produced by both Schemas. The consistency between two XML Schemas are checked based on transformation rules and versioning rules. Transformation rules are used for translating the XML Schema into class diagram and versioning rules are used for checking the existing of document changes between two XML Schemas. Once two XML Schemas are different the consistency rules will be used for the consistency check. This paper presents an approach based on transformation rules and versioning rules to check consistency between XML Schema and UML class diagram when document versioning exist. The approach is then used for the case study to show how the consistency is checked in order to detect the versioning of two different XML Schemas. Based on the case study, the approach shows that two XML Schemas can be checked for their consistency when document versioning exist

    Consistency Check between XML Schema and Class Diagram for Document Versioning

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    A consistency check between design and implementation is usually done in order to check the correctness of the system’ requirements. However, if the requirements are changed over time, then the document versioning occurred within the requirements. For XML Schema, document versioning exists when there is a change in the XML Schema from its previous Schema. In order to detect the versioning of both XML Schemas, consistency rules check need to be performed to both class diagrams produced by both Schemas. The consistency between two XML Schemas is checked based on transformation rules and versioning rules. Transformation rules are used for translating the XML Schema into the class diagram, and versioning rules are used for checking the existing of document changes between two XML Schemas. Once two XML Schemas are different the consistency rules will be used for the consistency check. This paper presents an approach based on transformation rules and versioning rules to check consistency between XML Schema and UML class diagram when document versioning exist. The approach is then used for the case study to show how the consistency is checked in order to detect the versioning of two different XML Schemas. Based on the case study, the approach shows that two XML Schemas can be checked for their consistency when document versioning exist.

    Schem@Doc: a web-based XML schema visualizer

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    XML Schema is one of the most used specifications for defining types of XML documents. It provides an extensive set of primitive data types, ways to extend and reuse definitions and an XML syntax that simplifies automatic manipulation. However, many features that make XML Schema Definitions (XSD) so interesting also make them rather cumbersome to read. Several tools to visualize and browse schema definitions have been proposed to cope with this issue. The novel approach proposed in this paper is to base XSD visualization and navigation on the XML document itself, using solely the web browser, without requiring a pre-processing step or an intermediate representation. We present the design and implementation of a web-based XML Schema browser called schem@Doc that operates over the XSD file itself. With this approach, XSD visualization is synchronized with the source file and always reflects its current state. This tool fits well in the schema development process and is easy to integrate in web repositories containing large numbers of XSD files.European Commisssio

    XML documents schema design

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    The eXtensible Markup Language (XML) is fast emerging as the dominant standard for storing, describing and interchanging data among various systems and databases on the intemet. It offers schema such as Document Type Definition (DTD) or XML Schema Definition (XSD) for defining the syntax and structure of XML documents. To enable efficient usage of XML documents in any application in large scale electronic environment, it is necessary to avoid data redundancies and update anomalies. Redundancy and anomalies in XML documents can lead not only to higher data storage cost but also to increased costs for data transfer and data manipulation.To overcome this problem, this thesis proposes to establish a formal framework of XML document schema design. To achieve this aim, we propose a method to improve and simplify XML schema design by incorporating a conceptual model of the DTD with a theory of database normalization. A conceptual diagram, Graph-Document Type Definition (G-DTD) is proposed to describe the structure of XML documents at the schema level. For G- DTD itself, we define a structure which incorporates attributes, simple elements, complex elements, and relationship types among them. Furthermore, semantic constraints are also precisely defined in order to capture semantic meanings among the defined XML objects.In addition, to provide a guideline to a well-designed schema for XML documents, we propose a set of normal forms for G-DTD on the basis of rules proposed by Arenas and Libkin and Lv. et al. The corresponding normalization rules to transform from a G- DTD into a normal form schema are also discussed. A case study is given to illustrate the applicability of the concept. As a result, we found that the new normal forms are more concise and practical, in particular as they allow the user to find an 'optimal' structure of XML elements/attributes at the schema level. To prove that our approach is applicable for the database designer, we develop a prototype of XML document schema design using a Z formal specification language. Finally, using the same case study, this formal specification is tested to check for correctness and consistency of the specification. Thus, this gives a confidence that our prototype can be implemented successfully to generate an automatic XML schema design

    Gn-Dtd: Innovative Way for Normalizing XML Document

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    As XML becomes widely used, dealing with redundancies in XML data has become an increasingly important issue. Redundantly stored information can lead not just to a higher data storage cost, but also to increased costs for data transfer and data manipulation, such data redundancies can lead to potential update anomalies. One way to avoid data redundancies is to employ good schema design based on known functional dependencies. This paper presents a graphical approach to model XML documents based on a Data Type Documentation called Graphical  Notations-Data  Type   Documentation  (GN-DTD). GN-DTD allows us to  capture syntax and semantic of XML documents   in   a   simple   way   but   precise.  Using   various notations,  the important features of XML documents such as elements,   attributes,   relationship,   hierarchical    structure, cardinality,  sequence  and  disjunction  between  elements  or attribute are visualize clearly at the schema level. Keywords- XML Model, GN-DTD design, Normalization XML schema, Transformation Rules

    XML views, part III: An UML based design methodology for XML views

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    Object-Oriented (OO) conceptual models have the power in describing and modelling real-world data semantics and their inter-relationships in a form that is precise and comprehensible to users. Today UML has established itself as the language of choice for modelling complex enterprises information systems (EIS) using OO techniques. Conversely, the eXtensible Markup Language (XML) is fast emerging as the dominant standard for storing, describing and interchanging data among various enterprises systems and databases. With the introduction of XML Schema, which provides rich facilities for constraining and defining XML content, XML provides the ideal platform and the flexibility for capturing and representing complex enterprise data formats. Yet, UML provides insufficient modelling constructs for utilising XML schema based data description and constraints, while XML Schema lacks the ability to provide higher levels of abstraction (such as conceptual models) that are easily understood by humans. Therefore to enable efficient business application development of large-scale enterprise systems, we need UML like models with rich XML schema like semantics. To address such issue, in this paper, we proposed a generic, semantically rich view mechanism to conceptually model and design (using UML) XML domains to support data modelling of complex domains such as data warehousing and e-commerce systems. Our approach is based on UML and UML stereotypes to design and transform XML views

    Modeling views in the layered view model for XML using UML

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    In data engineering, view formalisms are used to provide flexibility to users and user applications by allowing them to extract and elaborate data from the stored data sources. Conversely, since the introduction of Extensible Markup Language (XML), it is fast emerging as the dominant standard for storing, describing, and interchanging data among various web and heterogeneous data sources. In combination with XML Schema, XML provides rich facilities for defining and constraining user-defined data semantics and properties, a feature that is unique to XML. In this context, it is interesting to investigate traditional database features, such as view models and view design techniques for XML. However, traditional view formalisms are strongly coupled to the data language and its syntax, thus it proves to be a difficult task to support views in the case of semi-structured data models. Therefore, in this paper we propose a Layered View Model (LVM) for XML with conceptual and schemata extensions. Here our work is three-fold; first we propose an approach to separate the implementation and conceptual aspects of the views that provides a clear separation of concerns, thus, allowing analysis and design of views to be separated from their implementation. Secondly, we define representations to express and construct these views at the conceptual level. Thirdly, we define a view transformation methodology for XML views in the LVM, which carries out automated transformation to a view schema and a view query expression in an appropriate query language. Also, to validate and apply the LVM concepts, methods and transformations developed, we propose a view-driven application development framework with the flexibility to develop web and database applications for XML, at varying levels of abstraction

    A Method for Mapping XML DTD to Relational Schemas In The Presence Of Functional Dependencies

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    The eXtensible Markup Language (XML) has recently emerged as a standard for data representation and interchange on the web. As a lot of XML data in the web, now the pressure is to manage the data efficiently. Given the fact that relational databases are the most widely used technology for managing and storing XML, therefore XML needs to map to relations and this process is one that occurs frequently. There are many different ways to map and many approaches exist in the literature especially considering the flexible nesting structures that XML allows. This gives rise to the following important problem: Are some mappings ‘better’ than the others? To approach this problem, the classical relational database design through normalization technique that based on known functional dependency concept is referred. This concept is used to specify the constraints that may exist in the relations and guide the design while removing semantic data redundancies. This approach leads to a good normalized relational schema without data redundancy. To achieve a good normalized relational schema for XML, there is a need to extend the concept of functional dependency in relations to XML and use this concept as guidance for the design. Even though there exist functional dependency definitions for XML, but these definitions are not standard yet and still having several limitation. Due to the limitations of the existing definitions, constraints in the presence of shared and local elements that exist in XML document cannot be specified. In this study a new definition of functional dependency constraints for XML is proposed that are general enough to specify constraints and to discover semantic redundancies in XML documents. The focus of this study is on how to produce an optimal mapping approach in the presence of XML functional dependencies (XFD), keys and Data Type Definition (DTD) constraints, as a guidance to generate a good relational schema. To approach the mapping problem, three different components are explored: the mapping algorithm, functional dependency for XML, and implication process. The study of XML implication is important to imply what other dependencies that are guaranteed to hold in a relational representation of XML, given that a set of functional dependencies holds in the XML document. This leads to the needs of deriving a set of inference rules for the implication process. In the presence of DTD and userdefined XFD, other set of XFDs that are guaranteed to hold in XML can be generated using the set of inference rules. This mapping algorithm has been developed within the tool called XtoR. The quality of the mapping approach has been analyzed, and the result shows that the mapping approach (XtoR) significantly improve in terms of generating a good relational schema for XML with respect to reduce data and relation redundancy, remove dangling relations and remove association problems. The findings suggest that if one wants to use RDBMS to manage XML data, the mapping from XML document to relations must based be on functional dependency constraints