433 research outputs found

    Bigraphical Logics for XML

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    Bigraphs have been recently proposed as a meta-model for global computing resources; they are built orthogonally on two structures: a hierarchical ‘place’ graph for locations and a ‘link’ (hyper-)graph for connections. XML is now the standard meta-language for the data exchange and storage on the web. In this paper we address the similarities between bigraphs and XML and we propose bigraphs as a rich model for XML (and XML contexts). Building on this idea we proceed by investigating how the recently proposed logic of BiLog can be instantiated to describe, query and reason about web data (and web contexts)

    Generic Schema Matching with Cupid

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    Schema matching is a critical step in many applications, such as XML message mapping, data warehouse loading, and schema integration. In this paper, we investigate algorithms for generic schema matching, outside of any particular data model or application. We first present a taxonomy for past solutions, showing that a rich range of techniques is available. We then propose a new algorithm, Cupid, that discovers mappings between schema elements based on their names, data types, constraints, and schema structure, using a broader set of techniques than past approaches. Some of our innovations are the integrated use of linguistic and structural matching, context-dependent matching of shared types, and a bias toward leaf structure where much of the schema content resides. After describing our algorithm, we present experimental results that compare Cupid to two other schema matching systems

    From XML to XML: The why and how of making the biodiversity literature accessible to researchers

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    We present the ABLE document collection, which consists of a set of annotated volumes of the Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). These follow our work on automating the markup of scanned copies of the biodiversity literature, for the purpose of supporting working taxonomists. We consider an enhanced TEI XML markup language, which is used as an intermediate stage in translating from the initial XML obtained from Optical Character Recognition to the target taXMLit. The intermediate representation allows additional information from external sources such as a taxonomic thesaurus to be incorporated before the final translation into taXMLit

    Agraphs: Definition, implementation and tools

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    Agraphs are a graph-based language representation, transformation and exchange format. In the same vein as XML, Agraphs form a general data representation mechanism that needs to be instantiated in different specific applications. In this paper, we present the Agraphs data structure, programming interface and related tools, identify their main features with respect to exchange format characteristics, and compare them to other existing exchange formats. These different features are illustrated on an instance of Agraphs for modular Petri nets

    SAFIR: A Simple API for Financial Information Requests

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    We describe a general structure allowing to represent in a regular and extensible way all the financial data available in a research laboratory (at present, the Adaptive Computer Systems Laboratory of the Université de Montréal). After an analysis of field, we clarify the XML representation of information and introduce a C++ interface allowing to reach it by a powerful mechanism of requests. We describe in appendix a methodology allowing to find the option strike prices from databases containing only the prices and the ticker symbols; this methodology is robust in the presence of irregular strike prices (not corresponding to the tickers). Nous décrivons une structure générale permettant de représenter de manière régulière et extensible toutes les données financières disponibles dans un laboratoire de recherche (présentement, le Laboratoire d'informatique des systèmes adaptatifs de l'Université de Montréal). Après une analyse de domaine, nous explicitons la représentation XML de l'information et introduisons une interface C++ permettant d'y accéder par un mécanisme de requêtes puissant. Nous décrivons en appendice une méthodologie permettant de retrouver les prix d'exercice (strikes) d'options depuis des bases de données contenant seulement des prix et les "ticker symbols"; cette méthodologie est robuste en présence de prix d'exercice irréguliers (qui ne correspondent pas aux tickers).Financial database, XML, DTD, C++, option strike price discovery, irregular strike prices, Base de données financières, XML, DTD, C++, redécouverte de prix d'exercice d'options, prix d'exercice irréguliers

    Controlling redundancy in referring expressions

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    Krahmer et al.’s (2003) graph-based framework provides an elegant and flexible approach to the generation of referring expressions. In this paper, we present the first reported study that systematically investigates how to tune the parameters of the graph-based framework on the basis of a corpus of human-generated descriptions. We focus in particular on replicating the redundant nature of human referring expressions, whereby properties not strictly necessary for identifying a referent are nonetheless included in descriptions. We show how statistics derived from the corpus data can be integrated to boost the framework’s performance over a non-stochastic baseline

    Intelligent XML Tag Classification Techniques for XML Encryption Improvement

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    Flexibility, friendliness, and adaptability have been key components to use XML to exchange information across different networks providing the needed common syntax for various messaging systems. However excess usage of XML as a communication medium shed the light on security standards used to protect exchanged messages achieving data confidentiality and privacy. This research presents a novel approach to secure XML messages being used in various systems with efficiency providing high security measures and high performance. system model is based on two major modules, the first to classify XML messages and define which parts of the messages to be secured assigning an importance level for each tag presented in XML message and then using XML encryption standard proposed earlier by W3C [3] to perform a partial encryption on selected parts defined in classification stage. As a result, study aims to improve both the performance of XML encryption process and bulk message handling to achieve data cleansing efficiently