5 research outputs found

    Peran Mediasi Network Heterogeneity pada Hubungan Online Subjective Well-Being dan Social Media Fatigue pada Pengguna Media Sosial

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    The use of social media has many implications for individuals. One of the impacts that arises is users’ Online Subjective Well-Being (OSWB). This study aims to explore the relationship between OSWB and Social Media Fatigue (SMF) mediated by network heterogeneity; privacy concern, social comparison and selfdisclosure. This correlational research design used early adult respondents of a range of ages 20 - 30 years (N = 337) which was taken using non-probability quota sampling. Data was analyzed using SPSS Process (Model 4) by Hayes. The results showed that OSWB was able to predict SMF directly. The factors which succeed in mediating OSWB and SMF were self-disclosure, while privacy concerns and social comparison were unable to act as mediator. However, all three mediating variables have a positive correlation with SMF. Individuals with high OSWB are predicted to have lower SMF. In addition, the role of self-disclosure greatly determines the occurrence of SMF. Penggunaan media sosial membawa banyak implikasi bagi individu. Salah satu dampak yang muncul adalah Online Subjective Well-Being (OSWB) pengguna. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi hubungan antara OSWB dan Social Media Fatigue (SMF) yang dimediasi oleh network heterogeneity; privacy concren, social comparison dan self-disclosure. Penelitian koreasional ini melibatkan responden dewasa awal dengan rentang usia 20 - 30 tahun (N = 337) dengan pengambilan sampling menggunakan non probability quota sampling. Analisis data melalui SPSS Process (Model 4) oleh Hayes. Hasil penelitian menujukkan OSWB mampu memprediksi SMF secara langsung. Adapun faktor yang berhasil menjadi mediasi adalah self-disclosure sedangkan privacy concerns dan social comparison tidak mampu menjadi mediator. Namun demikian, ketiga variabel mediasi berkorelasi positif dengan SMF. Individu dengan OSWB yang tinggi diprediksi memiliki SMF yang lebih rendah. Selain itu, peran self-disclosure dalam diri sangat menentukan proses terjadinya SMF

    Social media users’ online subjective well-being and fatigue: A network heterogeneity perspective

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    Scholars have drawn increasing attention to the implications of the dark side of social media for users’ online subjective well-being (OSWB). We develop a research framework based on the limited-capacity model to examine the relationship between OSWB and social media fatigue. Moreover, we explore the associations between specific aspects related to network heterogeneity and social media fatigue for social media users in the United States of America (USA). Further, we examine the mediating effect of network heterogeneity on the association between OSWB and social media fatigue. We utilised a cross-sectional research design to collect data from Prolific Academic (N = 320) and analysed the data through structural equation modelling. The results indicate that OSWB is positively correlated with the network heterogeneity aspect of self-disclosure and negatively correlated with social comparison. OSWB, moreover, is negatively correlated with fatigue, while privacy concerns and self-disclosure are positively correlated with fatigue. Further, of the network heterogeneity aspects we considered, only social comparison is a partial mediator for the relationship between OSWB and social media fatigue. The findings provide insights into the pathways through which social media users’ OSWB and network heterogeneity can induce social media fatigue, raising critical implications for theory and practice.publishedVersio

    Social media users’ online subjective well-being and fatigue: A network heterogeneity perspective

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    Scholars have drawn increasing attention to the implications of the dark side of social media for users’ online subjective well-being (OSWB). We develop a research framework based on the limited-capacity model to examine the relationship between OSWB and social media fatigue. Moreover, we explore the associations between specific aspects related to network heterogeneity and social media fatigue for social media users in the United States of America (USA). Further, we examine the mediating effect of network heterogeneity on the association between OSWB and social media fatigue. We utilised a cross-sectional research design to collect data from Prolific Academic (N = 320) and analysed the data through structural equation modelling. The results indicate that OSWB is positively correlated with the network heterogeneity aspect of self-disclosure and negatively correlated with social comparison. OSWB, moreover, is negatively correlated with fatigue, while privacy concerns and self-disclosure are positively correlated with fatigue. Further, of the network heterogeneity aspects we considered, only social comparison is a partial mediator for the relationship between OSWB and social media fatigue. The findings provide insights into the pathways through which social media users’ OSWB and network heterogeneity can induce social media fatigue, raising critical implications for theory and practice

    Social media users’ online subjective well-being and fatigue: A network heterogeneity perspective

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    Scholars have drawn increasing attention to the implications of the dark side of social media for users’ online subjective well-being (OSWB). We develop a research framework based on the limited-capacity model to examine the relationship between OSWB and social media fatigue. Moreover, we explore the associations between specific aspects related to network heterogeneity and social media fatigue for social media users in the United States of America (USA). Further, we examine the mediating effect of network heterogeneity on the association between OSWB and social media fatigue. We utilised a cross-sectional research design to collect data from Prolific Academic (N = 320) and analysed the data through structural equation modelling. The results indicate that OSWB is positively correlated with the network heterogeneity aspect of self-disclosure and negatively correlated with social comparison. OSWB, moreover, is negatively correlated with fatigue, while privacy concerns and self-disclosure are positively correlated with fatigue. Further, of the network heterogeneity aspects we considered, only social comparison is a partial mediator for the relationship between OSWB and social media fatigue. The findings provide insights into the pathways through which social media users’ OSWB and network heterogeneity can induce social media fatigue, raising critical implications for theory and practice. </p