1,249 research outputs found

    Implementation of Open Source applications “Serious Game” for rehabilitation

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    Serious Games and Virtual Reality (VR) are present nowadays as an alternative to traditional rehabilitation therapies. This project describes the workflow to develop videogames for health monitoring as well as a source of entertainment for physiotherapy patients, primarily patients that suffer hemiparesis caused by a neurological disease like a stroke. We propose the last version of Microsoft Kinect sensors as low cost game controller and the software Unity to develop Open Source Rehabilitation Serious Games. These Serious Games try to imitate physiotherapy sessions performed in movement recovery therapies, reducing the waiting list of patients together with time and costs to hospitals. The premise is that the gameplay makes patients execute upper body exercises alongside equilibrium training, meanwhile they are monitored extracting useful data and results for the physicians.Ingeniería Biomédic

    Assisted On-Job Training

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    A critical analysis of the application of augmented reality (AR) for monitoring and documentation of construction site progress in the Irish AEC industry.

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    Sarnot, L. (2021) A critical analysis of the application of augmented reality (AR) for monitoring and documentation of construction site progress in the Irish AEC industry, Capstone Project from the MSc in aBIM

    Augmented reality applied in safety equipment inspections

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    The construction industry, and in particular a construction site, is a hazardous place for workers who are exposed to several risks. The dynamism and the complex interaction between the workers, machinery and the environment can lead to dangerous risks that need to be resolved. According to the European Union, the Architecture, Engineering, Construction and Operations (AECO) industry possess one of the highest accident rates among other industries, primarily due to the significant exposure to a construction site's risks compared to others. The accident rate is still relatively high despite the effort that the industry has made in terms of Occupational Risk Prevention (ORP) during the last years. The vision is to achieve the philosophy of zero accidents, which requires more effective methodologies that improve the capacity and the knowledge of the people involved in a construction site. These innovative solutions, consisting of building up risk-preventive data, training, and developing new technological tools to use on-site, are being studied and implemented by the industry. Nevertheless, there is still potential for enhancement on new methodologies that guarantees the safety of the workers

    Implementação de Processos RH em SAP

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    Nowadays, HR management is a vital element for any business area in the world. For large scale companies, having a central tool to execute and approve all personnel data changes (including hiring and transferring employees) allows them to easily keep data up to date and reduce costs; all of this by using a global standard process. The purpose of this dissertation is to prove how SAP HCM Processes & Forms (HCM P&F) can be used to create an interactive web application to manage all HR processes within a company (supporting any technology in the front-end) and how it compares to legacy applications that hold their own business logic instead of leveraging SAP ERP rules and functionalities. Consequently, this document will describe in detail an implementation of HCM P&F developed by Konkconsulting, to show how it stands out in comparison to other application models. This implementation is currently used by a multinational corporation and supports over 10 types of HR processes with 200 fields.Hoje em dia, a gestão de Recursos Humanos é um elemento fundamental para qualquer negócio no mundo. Empresas de média-grande magnitude necessitam de ferramentas centrais para gerir inúmeros processos (por exemplo: contratações, transferências e promoções), bem como facilitar as alterações de dados aos seus colaboradores. O facto de ter estes processos bem definidos permite comunicação rápida entre colaboradores, redução de burocracia e consequentemente, redução de custos. Este documento descreve um modelo de desenvolvimento, orientado a SAP, para a criação de uma aplicação MSS/ESS que permita atingir os objectivos enunciados acima. Para isto, será apresentada a framework SAP HCM Processes & Forms (HCM P&F) e demonstrado como esta pode ser utilizada para criar uma aplicação interactiva, que tire partido de todas as regras de negócio do ERP SAP – uma vantagem evidente sobre outros modelos de desenvolvimento. A solução apresentada está também preparada para suportar qualquer tecnologia de apresentação. A implementação deste modelo foi levada a cabo pela Konkconsulting para uma multinacional com um modelo de Recursos Humanos complexo. A aplicação é neste momento utilizada por milhares de utilizadores e suporta mais de 10 tipos de processos

    Creating a Testing Framework and Workflow for Developers New to Web Application Engineering

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    Web applications are quickly replacing standalone applications for everyday tasks. These web applications need to be tested to ensure proper functionality and reliability. There have been substantial efforts to create tools that assist with the testing of web applications, but there is no standard set of tools or a recommended workflow to ensure speed of development and strength of application. We have used and outlined the merits of a number of existing testing tools and brought together the best among them to create what we believe is a fully- featured, easy to use, testing framework and workflow for web application devel- opment. We then took an existing web application, PolyXpress, and augmented its development process to include our workflow suggestions in order to incorporate testing at all levels. PolyXpress is a web application that “allows you to create location-based stories, build eTours, or create restaurant guides. It is the tool that will bring people to locations in order to entertain, educate, or provide amazing deals.”[10] After incorporating our testing procedures, we immediately detected previously unknown bugs in the software. In addition, there is now a workflow in place for future developers to use which will expedite their testing and development

    Immersive Visualization in Biomedical Computational Fluid Dynamics and Didactic Teaching and Learning

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    Virtual reality (VR) can stimulate active learning, critical thinking, decision making and improved performance. It requires a medium to show virtual content, which is called a virtual environment (VE). The MARquette Visualization Lab (MARVL) is an example of a VE. Robust processes and workflows that allow for the creation of content for use within MARVL further increases the userbase for this valuable resource. A workflow was created to display biomedical computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and complementary data in a wide range of VE’s. This allows a researcher to study the simulation in its natural three-dimensional (3D) morphology. In addition, it is an exciting way to extract more information from CFD results by taking advantage of improved depth cues, a larger display canvas, custom interactivity, and an immersive approach that surrounds the researcher. The CFD to VR workflow was designed to be basic enough for a novice user. It is also used as a tool to foster collaboration between engineers and clinicians. The workflow aimed to support results from common CFD software packages and across clinical research areas. ParaView, Blender and Unity were used in the workflow to take standard CFD files and process them for viewing in VR. Designated scripts were written to automate the steps implemented in each software package. The workflow was successfully completed across multiple biomedical vessels, scales and applications including: the aorta with application to congenital cardiovascular disease, the Circle of Willis with respect to cerebral aneurysms, and the airway for surgical treatment planning. The workflow was completed by novice users in approximately an hour. Bringing VR further into didactic teaching within academia allows students to be fully immersed in their respective subject matter, thereby increasing the students’ sense of presence, understanding and enthusiasm. MARVL is a space for collaborative learning that also offers an immersive, virtual experience. A workflow was created to view PowerPoint presentations in 3D using MARVL. A resulting Immersive PowerPoint workflow used PowerPoint, Unity and other open-source software packages to display the PowerPoint presentations in 3D. The Immersive PowerPoint workflow can be completed in under thirty minutes

    Improving Perioperative Data Integrity and Quality via Electronic Medical Record Reconciliation

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    This case study investigates data integrity and quality within the perioperative process via embedded quality control check (QCC) rules, used within a business process management framework to support patient care documentation, performance reporting, patient billing, data analysis, and regulatory agency audits. The study identifies specific perioperative nursing care documentation as electronic medical records and demonstrates how QCC rules, an embedded QCC process, and QCC rule violation reconciliation is applicable to ensuring data integrity and quality within integrated hospital information systems. Based on a 166-month longitudinal study of a large 1,157 registered-bed academic medical center, this study provides a priori business process management examples of data integrity and quality within the perioperative process. Recognizing existing limitations, potential capabilities, and the subsequent contextual understanding are contributing factors that yield measured improvement. Theoretical and practical implications and/or limitations of this study’s results are also discussed

    An Event Monitor and Response Framework Based on the WSLogA Architecture

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    Web services provide organizations with a powerful infrastructure by which information and products may be distributed, but the task of supporting Web service systems can be difficult due to the complex nature of environment configuration and operation. Tools are needed to monitor and analyze such Enterprise environments so that appropriate engineering, quality control, or business activities can be pursued. This investigation resulted in the development of a software development kit, the WSLogA Framework, which is inspired by the vision of Cruz et al. (2003, 2004). The WSLogA Framework provides distributed Enterprise systems with a platform for comprehensive information capture and environment management. Five component groups are intended for employment to enable integrated workflows addressing monitoring and response activities, but these components may also be used individually to facilitate the phased integration of the WSLogA Framework into existing environments. The WSLogA Framework\u27s design is portable across technology platforms (e.g., Java and .NET) and a variety of technologies may be substituted for the provided implementations to address unique system architectures. The WSLogA Framework supersedes existing logging and monitoring solutions in terms of both capability and intent. Applications based on the WSLogA Framework have an internal, real-time view of their operation and may adjust their environment based on the information provided by events related to their or system activities. The WSLogA Framework is intended as a software development kit around which system functionality may be organized and implemented, which makes the WSLogA Framework an architectural peer or complement to traditional application frameworks such as Spring\u27s Web module. WSLogA Framework based systems should be envisioned as information appliance elements rather than traditionally scoped applications or services