8 research outputs found

    Summarizing Text for Indonesian Language by Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation and Genetic Algorithm

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    The number of documents progressively increases especially for the electronic one. This degrades effectivity and efficiency in managing them. Therefore, it is a must to manage the documents. Automatic text summarization is able to solve by producing text document summaries. The goal of the research is to produce a tool to summarize documents in Bahasa: Indonesian Language. It is aimed to satisfy the user's need of relevant and consistent summaries. The algorithm is based on sentence features scoring by using Latent Dirichlet Allocation and Genetic Algorithm for determining sentence feature weights. It is evaluated by calculating summarization speed, precision, recall, F-measure, and some subjective evaluations. Extractive summaries from the original text documents can represent important information from a single document in Bahasa with faster summarization speed compared to manual process. Best F-measure value is 0,556926 (with precision of 0.53448 and recall of 0.58134) and summary ratio of 30%

    Summarizing Text for Indonesian Language by Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation and Genetic Algorithm

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    The number of documents progressively increases especially for the electronic one. This degrades effectivity and efficiency in managing them. Therefore, it is a must to manage the documents. Automatic text summarization is able to solve by producing text document summaries. The goal of the research is to produce a tool to summarize documents in Bahasa: Indonesian Language. It is aimed to satisfy the user’s need of relevant and consistent summaries. The algorithm is based on sentence features scoring by using Latent Dirichlet Allocation and Genetic Algorithm for determining sentence feature weights. It is evaluated by calculating summarization speed, precision, recall, F-measure, and some subjective evaluations. Extractive summaries from the original text documents can represent important information from a single document in Bahasa with faster summarization speed compared to manual process. Best F-measure value is 0,556926 (with precision of 0.53448 and recall of 0.58134) and summary ratio of 30%

    Maximum Marginal Relevance and Vector Space Model for Summarizing Students' Final Project Abstracts

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    Automatic summarization is reducing a text document with a computer program to create a summary that retains the essential parts of the original document. Automatic summarization is necessary to deal with information overload, and the amount of data is increasing. A summary is needed to get the contents of the article briefly. A summary is an effective way to present extended information in a concise form of the main contents of an article, and the aim is to tell the reader the essence of a central idea. The simple concept of a summary is to take an essential part of the entire contents of the article. Which then presents it back in summary form. The steps in this research will start with the user selecting or searching for text documents that will be summarized with keywords in the abstract as a query. The proposed approach performs text preprocessing for documents: sentence breaking, case folding, word tokenizing, filtering, and stemming. The results of the preprocessed text are weighted by term frequency-inverse document frequency (tf-idf), then weighted for query relevance using the vector space model and sentence similarity using cosine similarity. The next stage is maximum marginal relevance for sentence extraction. The proposed approach provides comprehensive summarization compared with another approach. The test results are compared with manual summaries, which produce an average precision of 88%, recall of 61%, and f-measure of 70%

    Automating Text Encapsulation Using Deep Learning

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    Data is an important aspect in any form be it communication, reviews, news articles, social media data, machine or real-time data. With the emergence of Covid-19, a pandemic seen like no other in recent times, information is being poured in from all directions on the internet. At times it is overwhelming to determine which data to read and follow. Another crucial aspect is separating factual data from distorted data that is being circulated widely. The title or short description of this data can play a key role. Many times, these descriptions can deceive a user with unwanted information. The user is then more likely to spread this information with his colleagues/family and if they too are unaware, this false piece of information can spread like a forest wildfire. Deep machine learning models can play a vital role in automatically encapsulating the description and providing an accurate overview. This automated overview can then be used by the end user to determine if that piece of information can be consumed or not. This research presents an efficient Deep learning model for automating text encapsulation and its comparison with existing systems in terms of data, features and their point of failures. It aims at condensing text percepts more accurately

    Bilingual Extractive Text Summarization Model using Textual Pattern Constraints

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    In the era of digital information, an auto-generated summary can help readers to easily find important and relevant information. Most of the studies and benchmark data sets in the field of text summarization are in English. Hence, there is a need to study the potential of Malay language in this field. This study also highlights the problems in identifying and generating important information in extractive summaries. This is because existing text representation models such as BOW has weaknesses in inaccurate semantic representation, while the N-gram model has the issue of producing very high word vector dimensions. In this study, a bilingual text summarization model named MYTextSumBASIC has been developed to generate an extractive summary automatically in Malay and English. The MYTextSumBASIC summarizer model applies a text representation model known as FASP using three Textual Pattern Constraints, namely word item constraints, adjacent word constraints and sequence size constraints. There are three main phases in the framework of MYTextSumBASIC model, which are the development of the Malay language corpus, the development of MYTextSumBASIC model using FASP and the summary evaluation phase. In the summary evaluation phase, using the Malay language data sets of 100 news articles, the summaries produced by MYTextSumBASIC outperformed the summary generated by Baseline (Lead) and OTS summarizer with the highest average for retrieval (R) is 0.5849, precision (P) is 0.5736 and the F-score (Fm) is 0.5772. For manual evaluation by linguists, the MYTextSumBASIC method yielded a reading score of 4.1 and 3.87 for summary content generated using a random data set. Further experiments using the 2002 DUC English benchmark data set of 102 news articles have also shown that the MYTextSumBASIC model outperformed the best and lowest systems in the comparison with the mean retrieval values of ROUGE-1 (0.43896) and ROUGE-2 (0.19918). These findings conclude that the FASP text representation feature along with the textual pattern constraints used by our model can be used for bilingual text with competitive performance compared to other text summarization models

    Theory and Applications for Advanced Text Mining

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    Due to the growth of computer technologies and web technologies, we can easily collect and store large amounts of text data. We can believe that the data include useful knowledge. Text mining techniques have been studied aggressively in order to extract the knowledge from the data since late 1990s. Even if many important techniques have been developed, the text mining research field continues to expand for the needs arising from various application fields. This book is composed of 9 chapters introducing advanced text mining techniques. They are various techniques from relation extraction to under or less resourced language. I believe that this book will give new knowledge in the text mining field and help many readers open their new research fields

    Discourse analysis of arabic documents and application to automatic summarization

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    Dans un discours, les textes et les conversations ne sont pas seulement une juxtaposition de mots et de phrases. Ils sont plutôt organisés en une structure dans laquelle des unités de discours sont liées les unes aux autres de manière à assurer à la fois la cohérence et la cohésion du discours. La structure du discours a montré son utilité dans de nombreuses applications TALN, y compris la traduction automatique, la génération de texte et le résumé automatique. L'utilité du discours dans les applications TALN dépend principalement de la disponibilité d'un analyseur de discours performant. Pour aider à construire ces analyseurs et à améliorer leurs performances, plusieurs ressources ont été annotées manuellement par des informations de discours dans des différents cadres théoriques. La plupart des ressources disponibles sont en anglais. Récemment, plusieurs efforts ont été entrepris pour développer des ressources discursives pour d'autres langues telles que le chinois, l'allemand, le turc, l'espagnol et le hindi. Néanmoins, l'analyse de discours en arabe standard moderne (MSA) a reçu moins d'attention malgré le fait que MSA est une langue de plus de 422 millions de locuteurs dans 22 pays. Le sujet de thèse s'intègre dans le cadre du traitement automatique de la langue arabe, plus particulièrement, l'analyse de discours de textes arabes. Cette thèse a pour but d'étudier l'apport de l'analyse sémantique et discursive pour la génération de résumé automatique de documents en langue arabe. Pour atteindre cet objectif, nous proposons d'étudier la théorie de la représentation discursive segmentée (SDRT) qui propose un cadre logique pour la représentation sémantique de phrases ainsi qu'une représentation graphique de la structure du texte où les relations de discours sont de nature sémantique plutôt qu'intentionnelle. Cette théorie a été étudiée pour l'anglais, le français et l'allemand mais jamais pour la langue arabe. Notre objectif est alors d'adapter la SDRT à la spécificité de la langue arabe afin d'analyser sémantiquement un texte pour générer un résumé automatique. Nos principales contributions sont les suivantes : Une étude de la faisabilité de la construction d'une structure de discours récursive et complète de textes arabes. En particulier, nous proposons : Un schéma d'annotation qui couvre la totalité d'un texte arabe, dans lequel chaque constituant est lié à d'autres constituants. Un document est alors représenté par un graphe acyclique orienté qui capture les relations explicites et les relations implicites ainsi que des phénomènes de discours complexes, tels que l'attachement, la longue distance du discours pop-ups et les dépendances croisées. Une nouvelle hiérarchie des relations de discours. Nous étudions les relations rhétoriques d'un point de vue sémantique en se concentrant sur leurs effets sémantiques et non pas sur la façon dont elles sont déclenchées par des connecteurs de discours, qui sont souvent ambigües en arabe. o une analyse quantitative (en termes de connecteurs de discours, de fréquences de relations, de proportion de relations implicites, etc.) et une analyse qualitative (accord inter-annotateurs et analyse des erreurs) de la campagne d'annotation. Un outil d'analyse de discours où nous étudions à la fois la segmentation automatique de textes arabes en unités de discours minimales et l'identification automatique des relations explicites et implicites du discours. L'utilisation de notre outil pour résumer des textes arabes. Nous comparons la représentation de discours en graphes et en arbres pour la production de résumés.Within a discourse, texts and conversations are not just a juxtaposition of words and sentences. They are rather organized in a structure in which discourse units are related to each other so as to ensure both discourse coherence and cohesion. Discourse structure has shown to be useful in many NLP applications including machine translation, natural language generation and language technology in general. The usefulness of discourse in NLP applications mainly depends on the availability of powerful discourse parsers. To build such parsers and improve their performances, several resources have been manually annotated with discourse information within different theoretical frameworks. Most available resources are in English. Recently, several efforts have been undertaken to develop manually annotated discourse information for other languages such as Chinese, German, Turkish, Spanish and Hindi. Surprisingly, discourse processing in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) has received less attention despite the fact that MSA is a language with more than 422 million speakers in 22 countries. Computational processing of Arabic language has received a great attention in the literature for over twenty years. Several resources and tools have been built to deal with Arabic non concatenative morphology and Arabic syntax going from shallow to deep parsing. However, the field is still very vacant at the layer of discourse. As far as we know, the sole effort towards Arabic discourse processing was done in the Leeds Arabic Discourse Treebank that extends the Penn Discourse TreeBank model to MSA. In this thesis, we propose to go beyond the annotation of explicit relations that link adjacent units, by completely specifying the semantic scope of each discourse relation, making transparent an interpretation of the text that takes into account the semantic effects of discourse relations. In particular, we propose the first effort towards a semantically driven approach of Arabic texts following the Segmented Discourse Representation Theory (SDRT). Our main contributions are: A study of the feasibility of building a recursive and complete discourse structures of Arabic texts. In particular, we propose: An annotation scheme for the full discourse coverage of Arabic texts, in which each constituent is linked to other constituents. A document is then represented by an oriented acyclic graph, which captures explicit and implicit relations as well as complex discourse phenomena, such as long-distance attachments, long-distance discourse pop-ups and crossed dependencies. A novel discourse relation hierarchy. We study the rhetorical relations from a semantic point of view by focusing on their effect on meaning and not on how they are lexically triggered by discourse connectives that are often ambiguous, especially in Arabic. A thorough quantitative analysis (in terms of discourse connectives, relation frequencies, proportion of implicit relations, etc.) and qualitative analysis (inter-annotator agreements and error analysis) of the annotation campaign. An automatic discourse parser where we investigate both automatic segmentation of Arabic texts into elementary discourse units and automatic identification of explicit and implicit Arabic discourse relations. An application of our discourse parser to Arabic text summarization. We compare tree-based vs. graph-based discourse representations for producing indicative summaries and show that the full discourse coverage of a document is definitively a plus