80 research outputs found

    Improved phrase-based SMT with syntactic reordering patterns learned from lattice scoring

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    In this paper, we present a novel approach to incorporate source-side syntactic reordering patterns into phrase-based SMT. The main contribution of this work is to use the lattice scoring approach to exploit and utilize reordering information that is favoured by the baseline PBSMT system. By referring to the parse trees of the training corpus, we represent the observed reorderings with source-side syntactic patterns. The extracted patterns are then used to convert the parsed inputs into word lattices, which contain both the original source sentences and their potential reorderings. Weights of the word lattices are estimated from the observations of the syntactic reordering patterns in the training corpus. Finally, the PBSMT system is tuned and tested on the generated word lattices to show the benefits of adding potential sourceside reorderings in the inputs. We confirmed the effectiveness of our proposed method on a medium-sized corpus for Chinese-English machine translation task. Our method outperformed the baseline system by 1.67% relative on a randomly selected testset and 8.56% relative on the NIST 2008 testset in terms of BLEU score

    Source-side syntactic reordering patterns with functional words for improved phrase-based SMT

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    Inspired by previous source-side syntactic reordering methods for SMT, this paper focuses on using automatically learned syntactic reordering patterns with functional words which indicate structural reorderings between the source and target language. This approach takes advantage of phrase alignments and source-side parse trees for pattern extraction, and then filters out those patterns without functional words. Word lattices transformed by the generated patterns are fed into PBSMT systems to incorporate potential reorderings from the inputs. Experiments are carried out on a medium-sized corpus for a Chinese–English SMT task. The proposed method outperforms the baseline system by 1.38% relative on a randomly selected testset and 10.45% relative on the NIST 2008 testset in terms of BLEU score. Furthermore, a system with just 61.88% of the patterns filtered by functional words obtains a comparable performance with the unfiltered one on the randomly selected testset, and achieves 1.74% relative improvements on the NIST 2008 testset

    Evaluating syntax-driven approaches to phrase extraction for MT

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    In this paper, we examine a number of different phrase segmentation approaches for Machine Translation and how they perform when used to supplement the translation model of a phrase-based SMT system. This work represents a summary of a number of years of research carried out at Dublin City University in which it has been found that improvements can be made using hybrid translation models. However, the level of improvement achieved is dependent on the amount of training data used. We describe the various approaches to phrase segmentation and combination explored, and outline a series of experiments investigating the relative merits of each method

    Hybridity in MT: experiments on the Europarl corpus

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    (Way & Gough, 2005) demonstrate that their Marker-based EBMT system is capable of outperforming a word-based SMT system trained on reasonably large data sets. (Groves & Way, 2005) take this a stage further and demonstrate that while the EBMT system also outperforms a phrase-based SMT (PBSMT) system, a hybrid 'example-based SMT' system incorporating marker chunks and SMT sub-sentential alignments is capable of outperforming both baseline translation models for French{English translation. In this paper, we show that similar gains are to be had from constructing a hybrid 'statistical EBMT' system capable of outperforming the baseline system of (Way & Gough, 2005). Using the Europarl (Koehn, 2005) training and test sets we show that this time around, although all 'hybrid' variants of the EBMT system fall short of the quality achieved by the baseline PBSMT system, merging elements of the marker-based and SMT data, as in (Groves & Way, 2005), to create a hybrid 'example-based SMT' system, outperforms the baseline SMT and EBMT systems from which it is derived. Furthermore, we provide further evidence in favour of hybrid systems by adding an SMT target language model to all EBMT system variants and demonstrate that this too has a positive e®ect on translation quality

    Getting Past the Language Gap: Innovations in Machine Translation

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    In this chapter, we will be reviewing state of the art machine translation systems, and will discuss innovative methods for machine translation, highlighting the most promising techniques and applications. Machine translation (MT) has benefited from a revitalization in the last 10 years or so, after a period of relatively slow activity. In 2005 the field received a jumpstart when a powerful complete experimental package for building MT systems from scratch became freely available as a result of the unified efforts of the MOSES international consortium. Around the same time, hierarchical methods had been introduced by Chinese researchers, which allowed the introduction and use of syntactic information in translation modeling. Furthermore, the advances in the related field of computational linguistics, making off-the-shelf taggers and parsers readily available, helped give MT an additional boost. Yet there is still more progress to be made. For example, MT will be enhanced greatly when both syntax and semantics are on board: this still presents a major challenge though many advanced research groups are currently pursuing ways to meet this challenge head-on. The next generation of MT will consist of a collection of hybrid systems. It also augurs well for the mobile environment, as we look forward to more advanced and improved technologies that enable the working of Speech-To-Speech machine translation on hand-held devices, i.e. speech recognition and speech synthesis. We review all of these developments and point out in the final section some of the most promising research avenues for the future of MT

    A Hybrid Machine Translation Framework for an Improved Translation Workflow

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    Over the past few decades, due to a continuing surge in the amount of content being translated and ever increasing pressure to deliver high quality and high throughput translation, translation industries are focusing their interest on adopting advanced technologies such as machine translation (MT), and automatic post-editing (APE) in their translation workflows. Despite the progress of the technology, the roles of humans and machines essentially remain intact as MT/APE are moving from the peripheries of the translation field closer towards collaborative human-machine based MT/APE in modern translation workflows. Professional translators increasingly become post-editors correcting raw MT/APE output instead of translating from scratch which in turn increases productivity in terms of translation speed. The last decade has seen substantial growth in research and development activities on improving MT; usually concentrating on selected aspects of workflows starting from training data pre-processing techniques to core MT processes to post-editing methods. To date, however, complete MT workflows are less investigated than the core MT processes. In the research presented in this thesis, we investigate avenues towards achieving improved MT workflows. We study how different MT paradigms can be utilized and integrated to best effect. We also investigate how different upstream and downstream component technologies can be hybridized to achieve overall improved MT. Finally we include an investigation into human-machine collaborative MT by taking humans in the loop. In many of (but not all) the experiments presented in this thesis we focus on data scenarios provided by low resource language settings.Aufgrund des stetig ansteigenden Übersetzungsvolumens in den letzten Jahrzehnten und gleichzeitig wachsendem Druck hohe Qualität innerhalb von kürzester Zeit liefern zu müssen sind Übersetzungsdienstleister darauf angewiesen, moderne Technologien wie Maschinelle Übersetzung (MT) und automatisches Post-Editing (APE) in den Übersetzungsworkflow einzubinden. Trotz erheblicher Fortschritte dieser Technologien haben sich die Rollen von Mensch und Maschine kaum verändert. MT/APE ist jedoch nunmehr nicht mehr nur eine Randerscheinung, sondern wird im modernen Übersetzungsworkflow zunehmend in Zusammenarbeit von Mensch und Maschine eingesetzt. Fachübersetzer werden immer mehr zu Post-Editoren und korrigieren den MT/APE-Output, statt wie bisher Übersetzungen komplett neu anzufertigen. So kann die Produktivität bezüglich der Übersetzungsgeschwindigkeit gesteigert werden. Im letzten Jahrzehnt hat sich in den Bereichen Forschung und Entwicklung zur Verbesserung von MT sehr viel getan: Einbindung des vollständigen Übersetzungsworkflows von der Vorbereitung der Trainingsdaten über den eigentlichen MT-Prozess bis hin zu Post-Editing-Methoden. Der vollständige Übersetzungsworkflow wird jedoch aus Datenperspektive weit weniger berücksichtigt als der eigentliche MT-Prozess. In dieser Dissertation werden Wege hin zum idealen oder zumindest verbesserten MT-Workflow untersucht. In den Experimenten wird dabei besondere Aufmertsamfit auf die speziellen Belange von sprachen mit geringen ressourcen gelegt. Es wird untersucht wie unterschiedliche MT-Paradigmen verwendet und optimal integriert werden können. Des Weiteren wird dargestellt wie unterschiedliche vor- und nachgelagerte Technologiekomponenten angepasst werden können, um insgesamt einen besseren MT-Output zu generieren. Abschließend wird gezeigt wie der Mensch in den MT-Workflow intergriert werden kann. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es verschiedene Technologiekomponenten in den MT-Workflow zu integrieren um so einen verbesserten Gesamtworkflow zu schaffen. Hierfür werden hauptsächlich Hybridisierungsansätze verwendet. In dieser Arbeit werden außerdem Möglichkeiten untersucht, Menschen effektiv als Post-Editoren einzubinden

    Hybrid data-driven models of machine translation

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    Corpus-based approaches to Machine Translation (MT) dominate the MT research field today, with Example-Based MT (EBMT) and Statistical MT (SMT) representing two different frameworks within the data-driven paradigm. EBMT has always made use of both phrasal and lexical correspondences to produce high-quality translations. Early SMT models, on the other hand, were based on word-level correpsondences, but with the advent of more sophisticated phrase-based approaches, the line between EBMT and SMT has become increasingly blurred. In this thesis we carry out a number of translation experiments comparing the performance of the state-of-the-art marker-based EBMT system of Gough and Way (2004a, 2004b), Way and Gough (2005) and Gough (2005) against a phrase-based SMT (PBSMT) system built using the state-of-the-art PHARAOphHra se-based decoder (Koehn, 2004a) and employing standard phrasal extraction in euristics (Koehn et al., 2003). In additin e describe experiments investigating the possibility of combining elements of EBMT and SMT in order to create a hybrid data-driven model of MT capable of outperforming either approach from which it is derived. Making use of training and testlng data taken from a French-Enghsh translation memory of Sun Microsystems computer documentation, we find that while better results are seen when the PBSMT system is seeded with GIZA++ word- and phrasebased data compared to EBMT marker-based sub-sentential alignments, in general improvements are obtained when combinations of this 'hybrid' data are used to construct the translation and probability models. While for the most part the baseline marker-based EBMT system outperforms any flavour of the PBSbIT systems constructed in these experiments, combining the data sets automatically induced by both GIZA++ and the EBMT system leads to a hybrid system which improves on the EBMT system per se for French-English. On a different data set, taken from the Europarl corpus (Koehn, 2005), we perform a number of experiments maklng use of incremental training data sizes of 78K, 156K and 322K sentence pairs. On this data set, we show that similar gains are to be had from constructing a hybrid 'statistical EBMT' system capable of outperforming the baseline EBMT system. This time around, although all 'hybrid' variants of the EBMT system fall short of the quality achieved by the baseline PBSMT system, merging elements of the marker-based and SMT data, as in the Sun Mzcrosystems experiments, to create a hybrid 'example-based SMT' system, outperforms the baseline SMT and EBMT systems from which it is derlved. Furthermore, we provide further evidence in favour of hybrid data-dr~ven approaches by adding an SMT target language model to all EBMT system variants and demonstrate that this too has a positive effect on translation quality. Following on from these findings we present a new hybrid data-driven MT architecture, together with a novel marker-based decoder which improves upon the performance of the marker-based EBMT system of Gough and Way (2004a, 2004b), Way and Gough (2005) and Gough (2005), and compares favourably with the stateof-the-art PHARAOH SMHT decoder (Koehn, 2004a)

    The integration of machine translation and translation memory

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    We design and evaluate several models for integrating Machine Translation (MT) output into a Translation Memory (TM) environment to facilitate the adoption of MT technology in the localization industry. We begin with the integration on the segment level via translation recommendation and translation reranking. Given an input to be translated, our translation recommendation model compares the output from the MT and the TMsystems, and presents the better one to the post-editor. Our translation reranking model combines k-best lists from both systems, and generates a new list according to estimated post-editing effort. We perform both automatic and human evaluation on these models. When measured against the consensus of human judgement, the recommendation model obtains 0.91 precision at 0.93 recall, and the reranking model obtains 0.86 precision at 0.59 recall. The high precision of these models indicates that they can be integrated into TM environments without the risk of deteriorating the quality of the post-editing candidate, and can thereby preserve TM assets and established cost estimation methods associated with TMs. We then explore methods for a deeper integration of translation memory and machine translation on the sub-segment level. We predict whether phrase pairs derived from fuzzy matches could be used to constrain the translation of an input segment. Using a series of novel linguistically-motivated features, our constraints lead both to more consistent translation output, and to improved translation quality, reflected by a 1.2 improvement in BLEU score and a 0.72 reduction in TER score, both of statistical significance (p < 0.01). In sum, we present our work in three aspects: 1) translation recommendation and translation reranking models that can access high quality MT outputs in the TMenvironment, 2) a sub-segment translation memory and machine translation integration model that improves both translation consistency and translation quality, and 3) a human evaluation pipeline to validate the effectiveness of our models with human judgements

    Phrase extraction and rescoring in statistical machine translation

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    The lack of linguistically motivated translation units or phrase pairs in Phrase-based Statistical Machine Translation (PB-SMT) systems is a well-known source of error. One approach to minimise such errors is to supplement the standard PB-SMT models with phrase pairs extracted from parallel treebanks (linguistically annotated and aligned corpora). In this thesis, we extend the treebank-based phrase extraction framework with percolated dependencies – a hitherto unutilised knowledge source – and evaluate its usability through more than a dozen syntax-aware phrase extraction models. However, the improvement in system performance is neither consistent nor conclusive despite the proven advantages of linguistically motivated phrase pairs. This leads us to hypothesize that the PB-SMT pipeline is flawed as it often fails to access perfectly good phrase-pairs while searching for the highest scoring translation (decoding). A model error occurs when the highest-probability translation (actual output of a PB-SMT system) according to a statistical machine translation model is not the most accurate translation it can produce. In the second part of this thesis, we identify and attempt to trace these model errors across state-of-the-art PB-SMT decoders by locating the position of oracle translations (the translation most similar to a reference translation or expected output of a PB-SMT system) in the n-best lists generated by a PB-SMT decoder. We analyse the impact of individual decoding features on the quality of translation output and introduce two rescoring algorithms to minimise the lower ranking of oracles in the n-best lists. Finally, we extend our oracle-based rescoring approach to a reranking framework by rescoring the n-best lists with additional reranking features. We observe limited but optimistic success and conclude by speculating on how our oracle-based rescoring of n-best lists can help the PB-SMT system (supplemented with multiple treebank-based phrase extractions) get optimal performance out of linguistically motivated phrase pairs