152 research outputs found

    Religion und Identität : zum Wandel semantischer Strukturen der Selbstthematisierung im Modernisierungsprozeß

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    1 Einleitung 2 Die Religionskonzeption des Brief des Pastors im Kontext der Religionsvorstellungen der Aufklärung 3 Die Umdeutung religiöser Schemata zum modernen Individualitätskonzept 3.1 "Elend" und ‘Erlösung’ in Luthers Theologie 3.2 Die "Erlösung" als Begrün-dung und Legitimation "sinnlich-irdischer Individualität" 3.2.1 Die Rolle Christi 3.2.2 Die Rolle der Sakramente 3.2.3 "Erlösung" und "Heil" 3.3 Das "Elend" der Selbstentfremdung 3.4 Religion, Liebe und Kunst als Korrespondenzräume sozial exkludierter Individualität 4 Schlu

    Perspektiven künftiger Arbeit von Geschichtsvereinen

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    Monika Maron und Jenny Erpenbeck: DDR im Zeichen der Moderne

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    Literature by authors from the GDR has often been read with a focus on its sociopolitical context ‒ before and after the fall of the Wall. This rather one-dimensional approach has resulted in a lack of engagement with the more complex issues raised in many of those texts. Frequently, they address broader theoretical questions and delve into universal themes, which tend to be overlooked or sidelined. This PhD thesis concentrates on a selection of post-Wende texts by Monika Maron and Jenny Erpenbeck, two authors from the former East Germany. Starting from the premise that both authors' oeuvres serve on one level as critical investigations of the GDR and the significant aftermath of its collapse, I aim to demonstrate that these narratives have more to offer. My analysis brings to light the complexity of the examined works by addressing what it regards as their central themes: the exploration of questions around the topics of Heimat and memory. This research project draws attention to the texts' representation of underlying issues such as dislocation and fragmentation, and in doing so it examines how both authors depict concerns that go beyond the GDR and its demise. A key task is the analysis of the ways in which Monika Maron and Jenny Erpenbeck portray the symptoms of a wider ‘modern conditionʼ, a state characterized by instability and uncertainty. Based on the concept of ambivalence, introduced to the debates about modernity by Zygmunt Bauman in the early 1990s, this original comparative approach explores the failure and the ultimate collapse of the socialist utopia as a paradigm for the breakdown of the ‘grand narrativesʼ in modern, Western pluralist societies. Thus, this PhD thesis illuminates how both authors position themselves in relation to competing discourses about the GDR, and it simultaneously alerts the reader to the texts' inherent complexity by revealing their strong ties to topical issues regarding the much-debated term of modernity. Ultimately, I claim that Maron and Erpenbeck set out to investigate the impact of larger processes of fragmentation, and try to establish the possible role of and a ‘placeʼ for the individual that is exposed to historical forces and the rapid changes of spatio-temporal parameters within modernity, of which the GDR experience forms one part

    Ökonomie des Opfers. Literatur im Zeichen des Suizids

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    Warum bleibt im Gedächtnis nur, was nicht aufhört, weh zu tun, wie Nietzsche einmal gesagt hat? Der vorliegende Sammelband sucht Antworten darauf – im Werk und im Suizid von Autoren wie Heinrich von Kleist, Virginia Woolf, Yukio Mishima, Anne Sexton, Hermann Burger und David Foster Wallace. Es scheint einen fatalen Zusammenhang zu geben zwischen Dichtung, die den Erwartungshorizont der Zeitgenossen sprengt, und dem Suizid des Dichters – einen fatalen Zusammenhang auch von Suizid und Nachruhm eines Autors. Von individuellen Leiden abgesehen gilt: Wer monströs als Subjekt aus der Geschichte verschwindet, taucht irgendwann als Objekt von Geschichten wieder auf, erreicht Aufmerksamkeit in Nachrufen, Erzählungen, mündlicher und schriftlicher Historiografie. Dergestalt paradox ist die Ökonomie des Selbstopfers, in der sich auch eine vorgängige Anökonomie verbergen kann

    Die Idee der neuen Welt in Fritz von Unruhs Trilogie Ein Geschlecht.

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    F\u27ritz: von Unruh, who lives at Oranieuhof in Diez an der Lahn, was born in 1885. He wrote the first two parts of his trilogy Ein Geschlecht during the literary movement in Germany which is known as Expressionismus . The yet, unpublished third part was not finished until 1958. It was in this trilogy that he developed his ideas of a new world. The upheaval and destruction of World War I shattered the complacency of life and traditions which had so long been ingrained in Europe. This traumatic experience resulted in a new examination of life, its meaning and sense. The stark reality in which Germany found herself after the war and the contradictory abundance of material, intellectual and spiritual striving in social and economic worlds appeared as a prelude for a new order in the world Gestalt. It was during this time that Unruh began work on his trilogy which was to incorporate his idea of a new world. Two facts are especially important in the development of his ideas. First, he himself was of noble birth. The traditions of unquestionable service and loyalty to church and state were a part of him. The sense of duty which was deeply ingrained in him experienced, however, a fundamental change. This change became the nucleus for his trilogy. Secondly, his experiences as an officer in World War I served as an impetus in the development of his Weltanschauung. His newly found idea of a new world may be seen as an evolving process which first finds expression in his war poem Vor der Entscheidung and is brought to realization in the trilogy. \u27The central theme of this thesis is an interpretation of these works which will show the development of his ideas. They lead us from rebellion to chaos and to a new cosmos

    Die Leiden des alten und neuen Werther

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    Página 32-33Der Thomanerchor und sein Kantor, Lenka v. Körber, Herbert Reich, Evangelischer Verlag GMBH, Hamburg-Volksdorf, 1954.Heinz DresselPágina 33 a 36Heinrich Fausel: D. Martin Luther. Der Reformator im Kampf um Evangelium und Kirche. Luthers Werden und Wirken im Spiegel eigener Zeugnisse. 2. Auflage. 1955. VIII, 476 S. Im Calwer Verlag in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Quellverlag Stuttgart. - Ganzleinen 19,80 DM.FriedrichPágina 36 a 43Eine Handvoll Oliven aus Israel.Johannes Jelline

    Johannes von Müller's Briefe an Karl Morgenstern

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    The debate on universals has been stimulated by advances in cultural studies and the humanities in general. Considering literature as a universal feature that can be found in any culture, the question is: a) what are the characteristics of literature as an anthropological constant? b) which specific occurrences of literature can be found in different times, cultures and languages – and how is it possible to compare them? c) How has literature been able to mediate over time between different cultures and their often opposing concepts? The wide field of literature transgressing and bridging borders comes into play here, e.g. translations, multilingual and “intercultural” literatures, travel journals and ethnographic interpretations. The main part of the anthology highlights the interplay of cultural impregnation and a universal motivation to express oneself by means of literature – by theoretical approaches as well as by studies with a view on German literature from the outside and/or a focus on the representation of the world in German literary texts. The closing chapter, “intercultural text workshop” enables the reader to gain insight into an ever more important feature of present-day literature: texts from authors who deliberately opted for German as their literary language - Marica Bodrožić, Tzveta Sofronieva, Yoko Tawada, José F.A. Oliver and Ilija Trojano