77 research outputs found

    Properties and Applications of Love Surface Waves in Seismology and Biosensors

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    Shear horizontal (SH) surface waves of the Love type are elastic surface waves propagating in layered waveguides, in which surface layer is “slower” than the substrate. Love surface waves are of primary importance in geophysics and seismology, since most structural damages in the wake of earthquakes are attributed to the devastating SH motion inherent to the Love surface waves. On the other hand, Love surface waves found benign applications in biosensors used in biology, medicine, and chemistry. In this chapter, we briefly sketch a mathematical model for Love surface waves and present examples of the resulting dispersion curves for phase and group velocities, attenuation as well as the amplitude distribution as a function of the depth. We illustrate damages due to Love surface waves generated by earthquakes on real-life examples. In the following of this chapter, we present a number of representative examples for Love wave biosensors, which have been already used to DNA characterization, bacteria and virus detection, measurements of toxic substances, etc. We hope that the reader, after studying this chapter, will have a clear idea that deadly earthquakes and a beneficiary biosensor technology share the same physical phenomenon, which is the basis of a fascinating interdisciplinary research

    Bulk and Surface Acoustic Wave Sensor Arrays for Multi-Analyte Detection: A Review

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    Bulk acoustic wave (BAW) and surface acoustic wave (SAW) sensor devices have successfully been used in a wide variety of gas sensing, liquid sensing, and biosensing applications. Devices include BAW sensors using thickness shear modes and SAW sensors using Rayleigh waves or horizontally polarized shear waves (HPSWs). Analyte specificity and selectivity of the sensors are determined by the sensor coatings. If a group of analytes is to be detected or if only selective coatings (i.e., coatings responding to more than one analyte) are available, the use of multi-sensor arrays is advantageous, as the evaluation of the resulting signal patterns allows qualitative and quantitative characterization of the sample. Virtual sensor arrays utilize only one sensor but combine itwith enhanced signal evaluation methods or preceding sample separation, which results in similar results as obtained with multi-sensor arrays. Both array types have shown to be promising with regard to system integration and low costs. This review discusses principles and design considerations for acoustic multi-sensor and virtual sensor arrays and outlines the use of these arrays in multi-analyte detection applications, focusing mainly on developments of the past decade

    The development of microfluidic platforms for environmental analysis

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    There is currently a gap in the use of centrifugal microfluidics in the field environmental sensing. The purpose of this thesis was to develop new and innovative centrifugal microfluidic platforms, which could enhance current environmental monitoring strategy limitations; portability and in-situ capability, cost-effectiveness, generical design for multi-analyte detectability, and the minimal required end-user interaction. Included in the main body of the thesis will be a review article, providing the theoretical perspectives which have been demonstrated for microfluidic applications in other domains and recommendations for adaptation towards environmental sensing using centrifugal microfluidics, and three novel papers on the staged development of a multi- toxin detection platform aimed to be incorporated within the fully deployable MariaBox (Marine environmental in-situ assessment and monitoring toolBox, co-funded by the European Commission: contract no.614088) system. The aspects covered across these three original articles includes the development of a centrifugal microfluidic platform with complementary fluorescence detection system as an initial test bed for toxin bio- assay integration on-disc, progression of current centrifugally-automatable pneumatic microvalve mechanisms for increased actuation predictability, and the further combination of both of these detection and microvalve mechanisms for a complete on- disc, multi-toxin detection platform which has been designed specifically to be compatible with the deployable MariaBox platform

    Portable light detectors for bioluminescence biosensing applications: A comprehensive review from the analytical chemist's perspective

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    Bioluminescence, that is the emission of light in living organisms, has been extensively explored and applied for diverse bioanalytical applications, spanning from molecular imaging to biosensing. The unprecedented technological evolution of portable light detectors opened new possibilities to implement bioluminescence detection into miniaturized devices. We are witnessing a number of applications, including DNA sequencing, reporter gene assays, DNA amplification for point-of care and point-of need analyses relying on BL. Several photon detectors are currently available for measuring low light emission, such as photomultiplier tubes (PMT), charge-coupled devices (CCD), complementary metal oxide semiconductors (CMOS), single photon avalanche diodes (SPADs), silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) and smartphone-integrated CMOS. Each technology has pros and cons and several issues, such as temperature dependence of the instrumental specific noise, the power supply, imaging capability and ease of integration, should be considered in the selection of the most appropriate detector for the selected BL application

    Novel Electrochemical Biosensors for Clinical Assays

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    Biosensors, i.e., devices where biological molecules or bio(mimetic)structures are intimately coupled to a chemo/physical transducer for converting a biorecognition event into a measurable signal, have recently gained a wide (if not huge) academic and practical interest for the multitude of their applications in analysis, especially in the field of bioanalysis, medical diagnostics, and clinical assays. Indeed, thanks to their very simple use (permitting sometimes their application at home), the minimal sample pretreatment requirement, the higher selectivity, and sensitivity, biosensors are an essential tool in the detection and monitoring of a wide range of medical conditions from glycemia to Alzheimer’s disease as well as in the monitoring of drug responses. Soon, we expect that their importance and use in clinical diagnostics will expand rapidly so as to be of critical importance to public health in the coming years. This Special Issue would like to focus on recent research and development in the field of biosensors as analytical tools for clinical assays and medical diagnostics

    Bacterial detection using an anharmonic acoustic aptasensor

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    Infectious diseases are currently, one of the greatest global challenges in medicine. Rapid and precise diagnosis and identification of pathogen is important for timely initiation of appropriate antimicrobial therapy. However, many patients with infectious diseases receive empirical treatment rather than appropriate pathogen-directed therapy. As a result antimicrobials have been overused and/or misused, which has ultimately led to antimicrobial resistance (AMR). AMR is broadly considered as the most significant public health threat facing the world today. Policy makers from all over the world have recognised the urgent need for rapid point-of-care (POC) diagnostics that would not only identify pathogens but also provide antimicrobial susceptibility profiles in meaningful timeframe to initiate appropriate antimicrobial therapy and thereby, prevent AMR. Traditional culture-dependent diagnostic methods are still considered as gold standard methods. But they are very slow and generally require 18 to 48 hours with further 8 to 48 hours to perform antibiotic susceptibility test. Among culture-independent methods, PCR and ELISA are label-based, costly, laborious and require specialised equipment and trained personnel to operate them. Lateral flow assays (LFAs) that are low-cost, simple, rapid and paper-based portable detection platforms are very popular, as they can be applied at the POC. [Continues.

    Integrated circuit & system design for concurrent amperometric and potentiometric wireless electrochemical sensing

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    Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (CMOS) biosensor platforms have steadily grown in healthcare and commerial applications. This technology has shown potential in the field of commercial wearable technology, where CMOS sensors aid the development of miniaturised sensors for an improved cost of production and response time. The possibility of utilising wireless power and data transmission techniques for CMOS also allows for the monolithic integration of the communication, power and sensing onto a single chip, which greatly simplifies the post-processing and improves the efficiency of data collection. The ability to concurrently utilise potentiometry and amperometry as an electrochemical technique is explored in this thesis. Potentiometry and amperometry are two of the most common transduction mechanisms for electrochemistry, with their own advantages and disadvantages. Concurrently applying both techniques will allow for real-time calibration of background pH and for improved accuracy of readings. To date, developing circuits for concurrently sensing potentiometry and amperometry has not been explored in the literature. This thesis investigates the possibility of utilising CMOS sensors for wireless potentiometric and amperometric electrochemical sensing. To start with, a review of potentiometry and amperometry is evaluated to understand the key factors behind their operation. A new configuration is proposed whereby the reference electrode for both electrochemistry techniques are shared. This configuration is then compared to both the original configurations to determine any differences in the sensing accuracy through a novel experiment that utilises hydrogen peroxide as a measurement analyte. The feasibility of the configuration with the shared reference electrode is proven and utilised as the basis of the electrochemical configuration for the front end circuits. A unique front-end circuit named DAPPER is developed for the shared reference electrode topology. A review of existing architectures for potentiometry and amperometry is evaluated, with a specific focus on low power consumption for wireless applications. In addition, both the electrochemical sensing outputs are mixed into a single output data channel for use with a near-field communication (NFC). This mixing technique is also further analysed in this thesis to understand the errors arising due to various factors. The system is fabricated on TSMC 180nm technology and consumes 28”W. It measures a linear input current range from 250pA - 0.1”W, and an input voltage range of 0.4V - 1V. This circuit is tested and verified for both electrical and electrochemical tests to showcase its feasibility for concurrent measurements. This thesis then provides the integration of wireless blocks into the system for wireless powering and data transmission. This is done through the design of a circuit named SPACEMAN that consists of the concurrent sensing front-end, wireless power blocks, data transmission, as well as a state machine that allows for the circuit to switch between modes: potentiometry only, amperometry only, concurrent sensing and none. The states are switched through re-booting the circuit. The core size of the electronics is 0.41mmÂČ without the coil. The circuit’s wireless powering and data transmission is tested and verified through the use of an external transmitter and a connected printed circuit board (PCB) coil. Finally, the future direction for ongoing work to proceed towards a fully monolithic electrochemical technique is discussed through the next development of a fully integrated coil-on-CMOS system, on-chip electrodes with the electroplating and microfludics, the development of an external transmitter for powering the device and a test platform. The contributions of this thesis aim to formulate a use for wireless electrochemical sensors capable of concurrent measurements for use in wearable devices.Open Acces

    Interfacial Interactions between Implant Electrode and Biological Environment

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    Electrodes implanted into neural systems are known to degrade due to encapsulation by surrounding tissues. The mechanisms of electrode-tissue interactions and prediction of the behavior of electrode are yet to be achieved. This research will aim at establishing the fundamental knowledge of interfacial interactions between the host biological environment and an implanted electrode. We will identify the dynamic mechanisms of such interfacial interactions. Quantitative analysis of the electrical properties of interface will be conducted using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS). Results will be used to develop a general model to interpret electrical circuitry of the interface. This is expected to expand our understanding in the effects of interfacial interactions to the charge transport. The interfacial interactions of an implanted electrode with neural system will be studied in two types of electrodes: silver and graphene coated. The interfacial impedance of both samples will be studied using EIS. The development of the cellular interaction will be investigated using histological procedure. X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) will be employed to study the chemical effects on the silver electrodes. Atomic force microscopy and Raman spectroscopy will be used for material characterization of graphene-coated electrodes. In the study of silver electrode, two mechanisms affecting the interfacial impedance are proposed. First is the formation of silver oxide. The other is the immuno-response of tissue encapsulation. Histological results suggest that higher cell density cause higher impedance magnitude at the interface. It is also found that the cellular encapsulation dominates the increase in impedance for longer implanted time. In the study of graphene-coated electrode, it is found that the graphene can strongly prevent the metal substrate from being oxidized. It not only provides good electrical conductivity for signal transport, but also reduces the speed of the accumulation of tissue around the electrode. Such characteristics of graphene have great potential in the application of neural implant. Finally, the dynamic mechanisms of biological interaction are proposed. A model is also developed to represent the general circuitry of the interface between an implanted electrode and the neural system. The model has three major components, which are interfacial double layer, cellular encapsulation, and the substrate. The model presented in this study can compensate for selection and prediction of materials and their behaviors
