256 research outputs found

    Proof of Concept of Wireless TERS Monitoring

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    Temporary earth retaining structures (TERS) help prevent collapse during construction excavation. To ensure that these structures are operating within design specifications, load forces on supports must be monitored. Current monitoring approaches are expensive, sparse, off-line, and thus difficult to integrate into predictive models. This work aims to show that wirelessly connected battery powered sensors are feasible, practical, and have similar accuracy to existing sensor systems. We present the design and validation of ReStructure, an end-to-end prototype wireless sensor network for collection, communication, and aggregation of strain data. ReStructure was validated through a six months deployment on a real-life excavation site with all but one node producing valid and accurate strain measurements at higher frequency than existing ones. These results and the lessons learnt provide the basis for future widespread wireless TERS monitoring that increase measurement density and integrate closely with predictive models to provide timely alerts of damage or potential failure

    EdgeSense: Edge-Mediated Spatial-Temporal Crowdsensing

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    Edge computing recently is increasingly popular due to the growth of data size and the need of sensing with the reduced center. Based on Edge computing architecture, we propose a novel crowdsensing framework called Edge-Mediated Spatial-Temporal Crowdsensing. This algorithm targets on receiving the environment information such as air pollution, temperature, and traffic flow in some parts of the goal area, and does not aggregate sensor data with its location information. Specifically, EdgeSense works on top of a secured peer-To-peer network consisted of participants and propose a novel Decentralized Spatial-Temporal Crowdsensing framework based on Parallelized Stochastic Gradient Descent. To approximate the sensing data in each part of the target area in each sensing cycle, EdgeSense uses the local sensor data in participants\u27 mobile devices to learn the low-rank characteristic and then recovers the sensing data from it. We evaluate the EdgeSense on the real-world data sets (temperature [1] and PM2.5 [2] data sets), where our algorithm can achieve low error in approximation and also can compete with the baseline algorithm which is designed using centralized and aggregated mechanism

    Scour detection with monitoring methods and machine learning algorithms - a critical review

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    Foundation scour is a widespread reason for the collapse of bridges worldwide. However, assessing bridges is a complex task, which requires a comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon. This literature review first presents recent scour detection techniques and approaches. Direct and indirect monitoring and machine learning algorithm-based studies are investigated in detail in the following sections. The approaches, models, characteristics of data, and other input properties are outlined. The outcomes are given with their advantages and limitations. Finally, assessments are provided at the synthesis of the research.This research was funded by FCT (Portuguese national funding agency for science, research, and technology)/MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC) under the R&D Unit Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering (ISISE), under reference UIDB/04029/2020 and trough the doctoral Grant 2021.06162.BD. This work has also been partly financed within the European Horizon 2020 Joint Technology Initiative Shift2Rail through contract no. 101012456 (IN2TRACK3)

    Recent Advances in Motion Analysis

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    The advances in the technology and methodology for human movement capture and analysis over the last decade have been remarkable. Besides acknowledged approaches for kinematic, dynamic, and electromyographic (EMG) analysis carried out in the laboratory, more recently developed devices, such as wearables, inertial measurement units, ambient sensors, and cameras or depth sensors, have been adopted on a wide scale. Furthermore, computational intelligence (CI) methods, such as artificial neural networks, have recently emerged as promising tools for the development and application of intelligent systems in motion analysis. Thus, the synergy of classic instrumentation and novel smart devices and techniques has created unique capabilities in the continuous monitoring of motor behaviors in different fields, such as clinics, sports, and ergonomics. However, real-time sensing, signal processing, human activity recognition, and characterization and interpretation of motion metrics and behaviors from sensor data still representing a challenging problem not only in laboratories but also at home and in the community. This book addresses open research issues related to the improvement of classic approaches and the development of novel technologies and techniques in the domain of motion analysis in all the various fields of application

    Routing protocol optimization in challenged multihop wireless networks

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    Durant ces dernières années, de nombreux travaux de recherches ont été menés dans le domaine des réseaux multi-sauts sans fil à contraintes (MWNs: Multihop Wireless Networks). Grâce à l'évolution de la technologie des systèmes mico-electro-méchaniques (MEMS) et, depuis peu, les nanotechnologies, les MWNs sont une solution de choix pour une variété de problèmes. Le principal avantage de ces réseaux est leur faible coût de production qui permet de développer des applications ayant un unique cycle de vie. Cependant, si le coût de fabrication des nœuds constituant ce type de réseaux est assez faible, ces nœuds sont aussi limités en capacité en termes de: rayon de transmission radio, bande passante, puissance de calcul, mémoire, énergie, etc. Ainsi, les applications qui visent l'utilisation des MWNs doivent être conçues avec une grande précaution, et plus spécialement la conception de la fonction de routage, vu que les communications radio constituent la tâche la plus consommatrice d'énergie.Le but de cette thèse est d'analyser les différents défis et contraintes qui régissent la conception d'applications utilisant les MWNs. Ces contraintes se répartissent tout le long de la pile protocolaire. On trouve au niveau application des contraintes comme: la qualité de service, la tolérance aux pannes, le modèle de livraison de données au niveau application, etc. Au niveau réseau, on peut citer les problèmes de la dynamicité de la topologie réseau, la présence de trous, la mobilité, etc. Nos contributions dans cette thèse sont centrées sur l'optimisation de la fonction de routage en considérant les besoins de l'application et les contraintes du réseau. Premièrement, nous avons proposé un protocole de routage multi-chemin "en ligne" pour les applications orientées QoS utilisant des réseaux de capteurs multimédia. Ce protocole repose sur la construction de multiples chemins durant la transmission des paquets vers leur destination, c'est-à-dire sans découverte et construction des routes préalables. En permettant des transmissions parallèles, ce protocole améliore la transmission de bout-en-bout en maximisant la bande passante du chemin agrégé et en minimisant les délais. Ainsi, il permet de répondre aux exigences des applications orientées QoS.Deuxièmement, nous avons traité le problème du routage dans les réseaux mobiles tolérants aux délais. Nous avons commencé par étudier la connectivité intermittente entre les différents et nous avons extrait un modèle pour les contacts dans le but pouvoir prédire les future contacts entre les nœuds. En se basant sur ce modèle, nous avons proposé un protocole de routage, qui met à profit la position géographique des nœuds, leurs trajectoires, et la prédiction des futurs contacts dans le but d'améliorer les décisions de routage. Le protocole proposé permet la réduction des délais de bout-en-bout tout en utilisant d'une manière efficace les ressources limitées des nœuds que ce soit en termes de mémoire (pour le stockage des messages dans les files d'attentes) ou la puissance de calcul (pour l'exécution de l'algorithme de prédiction).Finalement, nous avons proposé un mécanisme de contrôle de la topologie avec un algorithme de routage des paquets pour les applications orientés évènement et qui utilisent des réseaux de capteurs sans fil statiques. Le contrôle de la topologie est réalisé à travers l'utilisation d'un algorithme distribué pour l'ordonnancement du cycle de service (sleep/awake). Les paramètres de l'algorithme proposé peuvent être réglés et ajustés en fonction de la taille du voisinage actif désiré (le nombre moyen de voisin actifs pour chaque nœud). Le mécanisme proposé assure un compromis entre le délai pour la notification d'un événement et la consommation d'énergie globale dans le réseau.Great research efforts have been carried out in the field of challenged multihop wireless networks (MWNs). Thanks to the evolution of the Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) technology and nanotechnologies, multihop wireless networks have been the solution of choice for a plethora of problems. The main advantage of these networks is their low manufacturing cost that permits one-time application lifecycle. However, if nodes are low-costly to produce, they are also less capable in terms of radio range, bandwidth, processing power, memory, energy, etc. Thus, applications need to be carefully designed and especially the routing task because radio communication is the most energy-consuming functionality and energy is the main issue for challenged multihop wireless networks.The aim of this thesis is to analyse the different challenges that govern the design of challenged multihop wireless networks such as applications challenges in terms of quality of service (QoS), fault-tolerance, data delivery model, etc., but also networking challenges in terms of dynamic network topology, topology voids, etc. Our contributions in this thesis focus on the optimization of routing under different application requirements and network constraints. First, we propose an online multipath routing protocol for QoS-based applications using wireless multimedia sensor networks. The proposed protocol relies on the construction of multiple paths while transmitting data packets to their destination, i.e. without prior topology discovery and path establishment. This protocol achieves parallel transmissions and enhances the end-to-end transmission by maximizing path bandwidth and minimizing the delays, and thus meets the requirements of QoS-based applications. Second, we tackle the problem of routing in mobile delay-tolerant networks by studying the intermittent connectivity of nodes and deriving a contact model in order to forecast future nodes' contacts. Based upon this contact model, we propose a routing protocol that makes use of nodes' locations, nodes' trajectories, and inter-node contact prediction in order to perform forwarding decisions. The proposed routing protocol achieves low end-to-end delays while using efficiently constrained nodes' resources in terms of memory (packet queue occupancy) and processing power (forecasting algorithm). Finally, we present a topology control mechanism along a packet forwarding algorithm for event-driven applications using stationary wireless sensor networks. Topology control is achieved by using a distributed duty-cycle scheduling algorithm. Algorithm parameters can be tuned according to the desired node's awake neighbourhood size. The proposed topology control mechanism ensures trade-off between event-reporting delay and energy consumption.BORDEAUX1-Bib.electronique (335229901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Wearable and Nearable Biosensors and Systems for Healthcare

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    Biosensors and systems in the form of wearables and “nearables” (i.e., everyday sensorized objects with transmitting capabilities such as smartphones) are rapidly evolving for use in healthcare. Unlike conventional approaches, these technologies can enable seamless or on-demand physiological monitoring, anytime and anywhere. Such monitoring can help transform healthcare from the current reactive, one-size-fits-all, hospital-centered approach into a future proactive, personalized, decentralized structure. Wearable and nearable biosensors and systems have been made possible through integrated innovations in sensor design, electronics, data transmission, power management, and signal processing. Although much progress has been made in this field, many open challenges for the scientific community remain, especially for those applications requiring high accuracy. This book contains the 12 papers that constituted a recent Special Issue of Sensors sharing the same title. The aim of the initiative was to provide a collection of state-of-the-art investigations on wearables and nearables, in order to stimulate technological advances and the use of the technology to benefit healthcare. The topics covered by the book offer both depth and breadth pertaining to wearable and nearable technology. They include new biosensors and data transmission techniques, studies on accelerometers, signal processing, and cardiovascular monitoring, clinical applications, and validation of commercial devices

    De-ossifying the Internet Transport Layer : A Survey and Future Perspectives

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    ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their useful suggestions and comments.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Estudio y evaluación de prestaciones de redes inalámbricas de sensores

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    Querol Morata, J. (2010). Estudio y evaluación de prestaciones de redes inalámbricas de sensores. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/10354.Archivo delegad