1,254 research outputs found

    Automated Generating of Processing Elements for FPGA

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    Některé aplikace zpracovávající informace, jako je například monitorování počítačových sítí, vyžadují nepřetržité zpracovávání dat přicházejících vysokou rychlostí. S tím, jak tato rychlost vývojem stále stoupá, je žádoucí, aby bylo zpracovávání dat prováděno pomocí hardwarové implementace. Tato práce navrhuje konfigurační systém transformující uživatelem poskytnutou definici procesních funkcí na VHDL definici hardwarové implementace těchto funkcí. Systém je zaměřen na monitorování síťového provozu ve vysokorychlostních sítích.Some information processing applications, such as computer networks monitoring, need to continuously perform processing of rapidly incoming data. As the speed of the incoming data increases, it is desirable to perform the processing in the hardware. This work proposes a configuration system that generates a VHDL specification of a hardware data processing circuit based on a user-provided definition of data and computation operations. The system focuses on network traffic monitoring in multi-gigabit computer networks.

    A High Speed Networked Signal Processing Platform for Multi-element Radio Telescopes

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    A new architecture is presented for a Networked Signal Processing System (NSPS) suitable for handling the real-time signal processing of multi-element radio telescopes. In this system, a multi-element radio telescope is viewed as an application of a multi-sensor, data fusion problem which can be decomposed into a general set of computing and network components for which a practical and scalable architecture is enabled by current technology. The need for such a system arose in the context of an ongoing program for reconfiguring the Ooty Radio Telescope (ORT) as a programmable 264-element array, which will enable several new observing capabilities for large scale surveys on this mature telescope. For this application, it is necessary to manage, route and combine large volumes of data whose real-time collation requires large I/O bandwidths to be sustained. Since these are general requirements of many multi-sensor fusion applications, we first describe the basic architecture of the NSPS in terms of a Fusion Tree before elaborating on its application for the ORT. The paper addresses issues relating to high speed distributed data acquisition, Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) based peer-to-peer networks supporting significant on-the fly processing while routing, and providing a last mile interface to a typical commodity network like Gigabit Ethernet. The system is fundamentally a pair of two co-operative networks, among which one is part of a commodity high performance computer cluster and the other is based on Commercial-Off The-Shelf (COTS) technology with support from software/firmware components in the public domain.Comment: 19 pages, 4 eps figures, To be published in Experimental Astronomy (Springer

    SatCat5: A Low-Power, Mixed-Media Ethernet Network for Smallsats

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    In any satellite, internal bus and payload systems must exchange a variety of command, control, telemetry, and mission-data. In too many cases, the resulting network is an ad-hoc proliferation of complex, dissimilar protocols with incomplete system-to-system connectivity. While standards like CAN, MIL-STD-1553, and SpaceWire mitigate this problem, none can simultaneously solve the need for high throughput and low power consumption. We present a new solution that uses Ethernet framing and addressing to unify a mixed-media network. Low-speed nodes (0.1-10 Mbps) use simple interfaces such as SPI and UART to communicate with extremely low power and minimal complexity. High-speed nodes use so-called “media-independent” interfaces such as RMII, RGMII, and SGMII to communicate at rates up to 1000 Mbps and enable connection to traditional COTS network equipment. All are interconnected into a single smallsat-area-network using a Layer-2 network switch, with mixed-media support for all these interfaces on a single network. The result is fast, easy, and flexible communication between any two subsystems. SatCat5 is presented as a free and open-source reference implementation of this mixed-media network switch, with power consumption of 0.2-0.7W depending on network activity. Further discussion includes example protocols that can be used on such networks, leveraging IPv4 when suitable but also enabling full-featured communication without the need for a complex protocol stack

    On the Exploration of FPGAs and High-Level Synthesis Capabilities on Multi-Gigabit-per-Second Networks

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Escuela Politécnica Superior, Departamento de Tecnología Electrónica y de las Comunicaciones. Fecha de lectura: 24-01-2020Traffic on computer networks has faced an exponential grown in recent years. Both links and communication equipment had to adapt in order to provide a minimum quality of service required for current needs. However, in recent years, a few factors have prevented commercial off-the-shelf hardware from being able to keep pace with this growth rate, consequently, some software tools are struggling to fulfill their tasks, especially at speeds higher than 10 Gbit/s. For this reason, Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) have arisen as an alternative to address the most demanding tasks without the need to design an application specific integrated circuit, this is in part to their flexibility and programmability in the field. Needless to say, developing for FPGAs is well-known to be complex. Therefore, in this thesis we tackle the use of FPGAs and High-Level Synthesis (HLS) languages in the context of computer networks. We focus on the use of FPGA both in computer network monitoring application and reliable data transmission at very high-speed. On the other hand, we intend to shed light on the use of high level synthesis languages and boost FPGA applicability in the context of computer networks so as to reduce development time and design complexity. In the first part of the thesis, devoted to computer network monitoring. We take advantage of the FPGA determinism in order to implement active monitoring probes, which consist on sending a train of packets which is later used to obtain network parameters. In this case, the determinism is key to reduce the uncertainty of the measurements. The results of our experiments show that the FPGA implementations are much more accurate and more precise than the software counterpart. At the same time, the FPGA implementation is scalable in terms of network speed — 1, 10 and 100 Gbit/s. In the context of passive monitoring, we leverage the FPGA architecture to implement algorithms able to thin cyphered traffic as well as removing duplicate packets. These two algorithms straightforward in principle, but very useful to help traditional network analysis tools to cope with their task at higher network speeds. On one hand, processing cyphered traffic bring little benefits, on the other hand, processing duplicate traffic impacts negatively in the performance of the software tools. In the second part of the thesis, devoted to the TCP/IP stack. We explore the current limitations of reliable data transmission using standard software at very high-speed. Nowadays, the network is becoming an important bottleneck to fulfill current needs, in particular in data centers. What is more, in recent years the deployment of 100 Gbit/s network links has started. Consequently, there has been an increase scrutiny of how networking functionality is deployed, furthermore, a wide range of approaches are currently being explored to increase the efficiency of networks and tailor its functionality to the actual needs of the application at hand. FPGAs arise as the perfect alternative to deal with this problem. For this reason, in this thesis we develop Limago an FPGA-based open-source implementation of a TCP/IP stack operating at 100 Gbit/s for Xilinx’s FPGAs. Limago not only provides an unprecedented throughput, but also, provides a tiny latency when compared to the software implementations, at least fifteen times. Limago is a key contribution in some of the hottest topic at the moment, for instance, network-attached FPGA and in-network data processing

    Network Traffic Processing with PFQ

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    This paper presents Packet Family Queue (PFQ), a high-performance framework for packet processing designed to flexibly handle network applications parallelism and making traffic processing safe and easy. PFQ is an open-source module for the Linux kernel that combines software-accelerated packet I/O to in-kernel early stage packet processing and fine-grained distribution to network applications and physical devices. PFQ does not require any modification to network device drivers and exposes programming interfaces to multi-threaded applications natively designed to run on top of it, as well as to legacy monitoring tools using the pcap library. The results show that the flexibility and the backward compatibility provided by PFQ do not impact its processing performance that, in fact, reaches line rate figures in the cases of pure speed tests and real practical monitoring use cases on 10+ Gb/s links

    Characterizing, managing and monitoring the networks for the ATLAS data acquisition system

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    Particle physics studies the constituents of matter and the interactions between them. Many of the elementary particles do not exist under normal circumstances in nature. However, they can be created and detected during energetic collisions of other particles, as is done in particle accelerators. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) being built at CERN will be the world's largest circular particle accelerator, colliding protons at energies of 14 TeV. Only a very small fraction of the interactions will give raise to interesting phenomena. The collisions produced inside the accelerator are studied using particle detectors. ATLAS is one of the detectors built around the LHC accelerator ring. During its operation, it will generate a data stream of 64 Terabytes/s. A Trigger and Data Acquisition System (TDAQ) is connected to ATLAS -- its function is to acquire digitized data from the detector and apply trigger algorithms to identify the interesting events. Achieving this requires the power of over 2000 computers plus an interconnecting network capable of sustaining a throughput of over 150 Gbit/s with minimal loss and delay. The implementation of this network required a detailed study of the available switching technologies to a high degree of precision in order to choose the appropriate components. We developed an FPGA-based platform (the GETB) for testing network devices. The GETB system proved to be flexible enough to be used as the ba sis of three different network-related projects. An analysis of the traffic pattern that is generated by the ATLAS data-taking applications was also possible thanks to the GETB. Then, while the network was being assembled, parts of the ATLAS detector started commissioning -- this task relied on a functional network. Thus it was imperative to be able to continuously identify existing and usable infrastructure and manage its operations. In addition, monitoring was required to detect any overload conditions with an indication where the excess demand was being generated. We developed tools to ease the maintenance of the network and to automatically produce inventory reports. We created a system that discovers the network topology and this permitted us to verify the installation and to track its progress. A real-time traffic visualization system has been built, allowing us to see at a glance which network segments are heavily utilized. Later, as the network achieves production status, it will be necessary to extend the monitoring to identify individual applications' use of the available bandwidth. We studied a traffic monitoring technology that will allow us to have a better understanding on how the network is used. This technology, based on packet sampling, gives the possibility of having a complete view of the network: not only its total capacity utilization, but also how this capacity is divided among users and software applicati ons. This thesis describes the establishment of a set of tools designed to characterize, monitor and manage complex, large-scale, high-performance networks. We describe in detail how these tools were designed, calibrated, deployed and exploited. The work that led to the development of this thesis spans over more than four years and closely follows the development phases of the ATLAS network: its design, its installation and finally, its current and future operation


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    Cyber intrusions have become a serious problem with growing frequency and complexity. Current Intrusion Detection/Prevention Systems (IDS/IPS) are deficient in speed and/or accuracy. Expert systems are one functionally effective IDS/IPS method. However, they are in general computationally intensive and too slow for real time requirements. This poor performance prohibits expert system's applications in gigabit networks. This dissertation describes a novel intrusion prevention expert system architecture that utilizes the parallel search capability of Content Addressable Memory (CAM) to perform intrusion detection at gigabit/second wire speed. A CAM is a parallel search memory that compares all of its entries against input data in parallel. This parallel search is much faster than the serial search operation in Random Access Memory (RAM). The major contribution of this thesis is to accelerate the expert system's performance bottleneck "match" processes using the parallel search power of a CAM, thereby enabling the expert systems for wire speed network IDS/IPS applications. To map an expert system's Match process into a CAM, this research introduces a novel "Contextual Rule" (C-Rule) method that fundamentally changes expert systems' computational structures without changing its functionality for the IDS/IPS problem domain. This "Contextual Rule" method combines expert system rules and current network states into a new type of dynamic rule that exists only under specific network state conditions. This method converts the conventional two-database match process into a one-database search process. Therefore it enables the core functionality of the expert system to be mapped into a CAM and take advantage of its search parallelism.This thesis also introduces the CAM-Assisted Intrusion Prevention Expert System (CAIPES) architecture and shows how it can support the vast majority of the rules in the 1999 Lincoln Lab's DARPA Intrusion Detection Evaluation data set, and rules in the open source IDS "Snort". Supported rules are able to detect single-packet attacks, abusive traffic and packet flooding attacks, sequences of packets attacks, and flooding of sequences attacks. Prototyping and simulation have been performed to demonstrate the detection capability of these four types of attacks. Hardware simulation of an existing CAM shows that the CAIPES architecture enables gigabit/s IDS/IPS