26 research outputs found

    Social Computing for Software Engineering: a Mapping Study.

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    There is a continual growth in the use of social computing within a breadth of business domains; such as marketing, public engagement and innovation management. Software engineering research, like other similar disciplines, has re- cently started to harness the power of social computing throughout the various development phases; from requirements elicitation to validation and maintenance and for the various methods of development and structures of development teams. However, despite this increasing effort, we still lack a clear picture of the current status of this research. To address that lack of knowledge, we conduct a systematic mapping study on the utilisation of social computing for software engineering. This will inform researchers and practitioners about the current status and progress of the field including the areas of current focus and the geographical and chronological distribution of the research. We do the mapping across a diversity of dimensions including the activities of software engineering, the types of research, the characteristics of social computing and the demographic attributes of the published work. Our study results show a growing interest in the field, mainly in academia, and a general trend toward developing designated social com- puting platforms and utilising them in mainly four software engineering areas; management, coding, requirements engineering, and maintenance and enhancement


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    Issues in misinterpretation of terms and miscommunication with stakeholders still persist although there are various approaches and tools available to elicit and capture accurate requirements. Specifically in healthcare domain, these issues need serious attention considering that there are myriad complex medical terminologies, unfamiliar to most requirements engineers. Further, accurate terms and words need to be captured as misinterpretations in eliciting requirements may lead to harmful consequences to human鈥檚 lives and well-being. This paper presents two preliminary studies that compare the difficulties in eliciting clinical and business requirements. Based on a survey conducted with 20 respondents, it was found that eliciting clinical functional requirements is more difficult than the business requirements. Similar findings were also drawn from interviews conducted with 5 experienced requirements engineers. They also claimed that a clinical domain library could help them to elicit accurate functional requirements. The domain library should also have e several functions that can be used to facilitate the elicitation of accurate functional requirements

    An infrastructure for planning, monitoring and reusing capstone projects with the help of semantic wikis

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    International audienceThe capstone project provides students, working in groups, with a significant project experience. Students should deliver one or several iterations of a software system, along with all artifacts appropriate to the process model they are using. A system based on reference and organizational models and powered by three semantic wikis (using SMW) is used to help the drive of capstone projects. This paper describes aspects raised by challenges of capstone projects management and presents the infrastructure of the solution we built

    Librer铆a de activos para la gesti贸n del conocimiento sobre procesos software: PAL-Wiki

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    La mejora de procesos de software describe las acciones a tomar para cambiar el proceso en la organizaci贸n y as铆 cumplir las necesidades de negocio y lograr sus objetivos de negocio m谩s efectivamente. Para lograr la implementaci贸n de estrategias de mejora del proceso se debe crear una infraestructura con soporte a la definici贸n, despliegue y realimentaci贸n del proceso y otras actividades relacionadas con el proceso Una de tales infraestructuras de soporte son las librer铆as de activos de proceso (Process Asset Library - PAL). Las PAL son repositorios de documentos con informaci贸n 煤til para el personal que est谩 definiendo, implementando, gestionando y ejecutando procesos en las organizaciones. Las PAL tambi茅n contribuyen al aprendizaje de procesos por medio de la consulta de activos que incluyan ejemplos y material de formaci贸n para entender y aplicar los procesos definidos. Sin embargo, actualmente las PAL presentan algunos problemas: almacenan conocimiento formal pero s贸lo en algunas est谩 estructurado y estandarizado seg煤n alg煤n modelo de referencia; el conocimiento informal y t谩cito no est谩 incluido; la medici贸n y preservaci贸n de los activos es un proceso dif铆cil de implementar; se requiere la definici贸n de los activos de forma colaborativa, estrategias adecuadas de b煤squeda de activos; y el almacenamiento de activos aplicados durante el desarrollo de proyectos espec铆ficos. Para solucionar estos problemas, esta tesis doctoral plantea la incorporaci贸n de t茅cnicas de gesti贸n del conocimiento basadas en tecnolog铆as Web 2.0. Espec铆ficamente, se ha utilizado una wiki como mecanismo para desarrollar la soluci贸n propuesta denominada PAL-Wiki. La PAL-Wiki se caracteriza por implementar un conjunto de procesos de gesti贸n del conocimiento que apoya el aprendizaje y uso de procesos de software. Las funciones de gesti贸n del conocimiento incluyen: adquisici贸n, organizaci贸n, distribuci贸n, utilizaci贸n, preservaci贸n y medici贸n del conocimiento sobre el proceso de software. La PAL-Wiki ha sido validada por medio de su aplicaci贸n en procesos de desarrollo 谩giles.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Software Process Improvement describes the actions to be taken to change the process in the organization and thus meeting the business needs and achieve their business objectives more effectively. To achieve the implementation of process improvement strategies should create an infrastructure to support the definition, deployment and feedback of the process and other activities related to the process. One such support infrastructure is the Process Asset Library - PAL. PALs are repositories of documents with useful information for staff that are defining, implementing, managing and executing processes in the organizations. The PAL also contributes to the learning process through the query of assets, including examples and training materials to understand and implement the defined processes. However, currently the PALs present some problems: formal knowledge stored but only some are structured and standardized according to a reference model, the informal and tacit knowledge is not included, and measuring and preservation of assets is a difficult process to implement; requires the definition of assets in a collaborative manner, appropriate strategies for searching assets and storage assets used during the development of specific projects. To solve these problems, this thesis proposes the incorporation of Knowledge Management techniques based on Web 2.0 technologies. Specifically, a wiki is used as a mechanism to develop the proposed solution called PAL-Wiki. The PAL-Wiki is characterized by implementing a set of knowledge management processes that support the learning and use of software processes. The knowledge management functions include: acquisition, organization, distribution, use, preservation and measurement of knowledge about the software process. The PAL-Wiki has been validated through its application in agile development processes

    Uso de wiki en elicitaci贸n distribuida de requisitos de software: un experimento controlado

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    El 茅xito de un proyecto de software depende en gran medida de una correcta elicitaci贸n de requisitos de software, as铆 mismo, la calidad de estos requisitos mejora en la medida que hay mayor participaci贸n de las personas involucradas. Esta participaci贸n se dificulta cuando la elicitaci贸n de requisitos de software se realiza en un entorno distribuido, es decir, cuando los actores est谩n geogr谩ficamente dispersos. Por ello el proceso de elicitaci贸n en ambientes distribuidos necesita de una plataforma que promueva la colaboraci贸n efectiva y eficiente de los involucrados, pudiendo ser las herramientas wikis 煤tiles para este prop贸sito. Este art铆culo presenta un experimento controlado, realizado para evaluar el uso de una wiki como herramienta de elicitaci贸n de requisitos distribuidos. El estudio abord贸 una problem谩tica real en la que participaron estudiantes universitarios, evidenciando que en un contexto distribuido y mediante el uso de una herramienta wiki se obtiene un Documento de Requisitos de Software con mayor precisi贸n.XI Workshop de Ingenier铆a de SoftwareRed de Universidades con Carreras de Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    Uso de wiki en elicitaci贸n distribuida de requisitos de software: un experimento controlado

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    El 茅xito de un proyecto de software depende en gran medida de una correcta elicitaci贸n de requisitos de software, as铆 mismo, la calidad de estos requisitos mejora en la medida que hay mayor participaci贸n de las personas involucradas. Esta participaci贸n se dificulta cuando la elicitaci贸n de requisitos de software se realiza en un entorno distribuido, es decir, cuando los actores est谩n geogr谩ficamente dispersos. Por ello el proceso de elicitaci贸n en ambientes distribuidos necesita de una plataforma que promueva la colaboraci贸n efectiva y eficiente de los involucrados, pudiendo ser las herramientas wikis 煤tiles para este prop贸sito. Este art铆culo presenta un experimento controlado, realizado para evaluar el uso de una wiki como herramienta de elicitaci贸n de requisitos distribuidos. El estudio abord贸 una problem谩tica real en la que participaron estudiantes universitarios, evidenciando que en un contexto distribuido y mediante el uso de una herramienta wiki se obtiene un Documento de Requisitos de Software con mayor precisi贸n.XI Workshop de Ingenier铆a de SoftwareRed de Universidades con Carreras de Inform谩tica (RedUNCI