4 research outputs found

    ''FlyVIZ'': A Novel Display Device to Provide Humans with 360o Vision by Coupling Catadioptric Camera with HMD.

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    International audienceHave you ever dreamed of having eyes in the back of your head? In this paper we present a novel display device called FlyVIZ which enables humans to experience a real-time 360° vision of their surroundings for the first time. To do so, we combine a panoramic image acquisition system (positioned on top of the user's head) with a Head-Mounted Display (HMD). The omnidirectional images are transformed to fit the characteristics of HMD screens. As a result, the user can see his/her surroundings, in real-time, with 360° images mapped into the HMD field-of- view. We foresee potential applications in different fields where augmented human capacity (an extended field-of-view) could benefit, such as surveillance, security, or entertainment. FlyVIZ could also be used in novel perception and neuroscience studies

    DLT-Like Calibration of Central Catadioptric Cameras

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    International audienceIn this study, we present a calibration technique that is valid for all single-viewpoint catadioptric cameras. We are able to represent the projection of 3D points on a catadioptric image linearly with a 6 × 10 projection matrix, which uses lifted coordinates for image and 3D points. This projection matrix can be computed with enough number of 3D-2D correspondences (minimum 20 points distributed in three different planes). We show how to decompose it to obtain intrinsic and extrinsic parameters. Moreover, we use this parameter estimation followed by a non-linear optimization to calibrate various types of cameras. Our results are based on the sphere camera model which considers that every central catadioptric system can be modeled using two projections, one from 3D points to a unitary sphere and then a perspective projection from the sphere to the image plane. We tested our method both with simulations and real images

    Wide Field of View Head Mounted Display for Tele-presence with an Omnidirectional Image Sensor

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    Recently, the omnidirectional image sensors have been applied to tele-presence systems, because the sensor can capture images with large field of views at video rate. On the other hand, head mount display (HMD) has been generally used as a personal display for virtual reality applications such as a tele-presence. However, almost all HMDs have a problem that the field of view (FOV), about 60 degree horizontally, of its presented image was terribly narrower than that of human. The problem makes reality and immersion lower in these applications. In this paper, we propose highimmersive visualization system that can display 180 degrees horizontal view by using a new catadioptrical HMD and an omnidirectional image sensor. The HMD consists of ellipsoidal and hyperboloidal curved mirrors, and can display 180 degrees horizontal view

    Validation of human body biological parameters for robotic visual telepresence

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    Tato diplomová práce představuje sebou výzkumnou práce v oblasti robotické vizuální teleprezence. Na začátku se vysvětluje samotný princip vizuální teleprezence a dělá se klasifikace robotů dle jejich vlastností a koncepcí. Dále je přehled moderních stávajících robotů. Navazující kapitola pojednává o lidském zrakovém systému, jeho základních parametrech a funkcích včetně parametrů pohybů hlavy. Následně byly rozebrány součástí teleprezenčního systému a byl proveden výběr kritických parametrů pro vizuální teleprezence. Na závěr teoretické časti byly navrženy experimenty pro ověření biologických parametrů člověka. V praktické častí byla provedena měření rozsahu a rychlosti pohybů hlavy, rozlišení oka v závislosti na osvětlení a měření zorného pole člověka. A také byla provedena série experimentů pro praktické technické provedení teleprezenčního systému pro záchranný robot třídy Orpheus.This work presents a research in the field of robotic visual telepresence. At the beginning explains the principle of teleprezence and it makes classification of robots according to their properties and concepts. Furthermore, there is a review of modern existing robots. The following chapter discusses the human visual system, the basic parameters and functions including parameters of head movements. Subsequently have been selected critical parameters for visual telepresence. At the conclusion of the theoretical part were designed some experiments to validation of human body biological parameters. In the practical part was conducted measuring the extent and speed of head movements, eye distinction depending on the lighting and measurement of visual field man. Also, a series of experiments was performed for practical technical embodiment of the telepresence system rescue robot for class Orpheus.