16 research outputs found

    Pattern based processing of XPath queries

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    As the popularity of areas including document storage and distributed systems continues to grow, the demand for high performance XML databases is increasingly evident. This has led to a number of research eorts aimed at exploiting the maturity of relational database systems in order to in- crease XML query performance. In our approach, we use an index structure based on a metamodel for XML databases combined with relational database technology to facilitate fast access to XML document elements. The query process involves transforming XPath expressions to SQL which can be executed over our optimised query engine. As there are many dierent types of XPath queries, varying processing logic may be applied to boost performance not only to indi- vidual XPath axes, but across multiple axes simultaneously. This paper describes a pattern based approach to XPath query processing, which permits the execution of a group of XPath location steps in parallel

    Scalable XQuery type matching

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    XML Schema awareness has been an integral part of the XQuery language since its early design stages. Matching XML data against XML types is the main operation that backs up XQuery type expressions, such as typeswitch, instance of, or certain XPath operators. This interaction is particularly vital in data-centric XQuery applications, where data come with detailed type information from an XML Schema document. So far there has been little work on the optimization of those operations. This work presents an efficient implementation of the runtime aspects of XML Schema support. We propose type ranks as a novel and uniform way to implement all facets of type matching in the W3C XQuery Recommendation. As a concise encoding of the type hierarchy defined by an XML Schema document, type ranks minimize the cost of checking the runtime type of XQuery singleton items. By aggregating type ranks, we leverage the grouping capabilities of modern DBMS implementations to efficiently execute type matching on XQuery sequences. In addition, we improve the complexity bounds incurring with typeswitch expressions over existing approaches. Experiments on an off-the-shelf database system demonstrate the potential of our approach

    The relational XQuery puzzle: a look-back on the pieces found so far

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    Given the tremendous versatility of relational database implementations toward awide range of database problems, it seems only natural to consider them as back-ends for XML data processing. Yet, the assumptions behind the language XQuery are considerably different to those in traditional RDBMSs. The underlying data model is a tree, data and results carry an intrinsic order, queries are described using explicit iteration and, after all, problems are everything else but regular. Solving the relational XQuery puzzle, therefore, has challenged anumber of research groups over the past years. The purpose of this article is to summarize and assess some of the results that have been obtained during this period to solve the puzzle. Our main focus is on the Pathfinder XQuery compiler, afull reference implementation of apurely relational XQuery processor. As we dissect its components, we relate them to other work in the field and also point to open problems and limitations in the context of relational XQuery processin

    A node partitioning strategy for optimising the performance of XML queries

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    For ease of communication between heterogeneous systems, the eXtensible Markup Language (XML) has been widely adopted as a data storage format. However, XML query processing presents issues both in terms of query performance and updatability. Thus, many are choosing to shred XML data into relational databases in order to benet from its mature technology. The problem with this approach is that (often complex and time consuming) data transformation processes are required to transform XML data to relational tables and vice versa. Additionally, many of the benets of XML data can be lost during these processes. In this dissertation, we present a process that partitions nodes within an XML document into disjoint subsets. Briefly, as there are fewer partitions than there are nodes, a more efficient join operation can be performed between partitions, thus reducing the number of inefficient node comparisons. The number and size of partitions varies depending on the structure and layout in the XML document, and the number of partitions impacts query performance. Therefore, we also provide a partition classication process, which signicantly reduces the number of partitions because each partition class represents many equivalent partitions within the XML document. In this dissertation, we will demonstrate that our approach outperforms similar approaches for a large subset of XML queries by eliminating complex join operations (where possible) during the query process

    Acta Cybernetica : Volume 21. Number 3.

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