13 research outputs found

    Comparison of traditional lecture and flipped classroom for teaching programming

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    [EN] Programming courses in undergraduate education seem to be predestined for a flipped classroom approach as learning programming requires a high personal contribution on the one hand and on the other hand, course participants typically start with a wide range of previous knowledge and skills. Within a flipped classroom students can organize their learning phases self-reliantly and put an individual amount of effort into each learning objective. Whilst in a traditional lecture it is not easy to motivate students, the flipped classroom requires students’ active involvement per se. Besides all these advantages, setting up such a course requires a high initial effort for the lecturer. Furthermore, students might prefer a lecture, as usually the work load is higher in a comparable flipped classroom course. Based on the idea of flipping a beginners programming course, we firstly explored the effects of a flipped classroom approach on an elective advanced pro­gram­ming course with a smaller student group. The paper compares the new course design and its effects on the students learning, on the teaching, as well as on the course preparation with the former traditional lecture. The com­parison is based on a survey, the students’ evaluation feedback and on the examination results.Pawelczak, D. (2017). Comparison of traditional lecture and flipped classroom for teaching programming. En Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Higher Education Advances. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 391-398. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD17.2017.5226OCS39139

    A Roadmap to Gamify Programming Education

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    P-D controller computer vision and robotics integration based for student’s programming comprehension improvement

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    The 21st-century skills needed to face the speed of understanding technology. Such as critical thinking in computer vision and robotics literacy, any student is hampered by the programming that is considered complicated. This study aims at the improvement of student embedded system programming competency with computer vision and mobile robotics integration approach. This method is proposed to attract the students to learn about embedded system programming by delivering integration between computer vision and robotics using the P-D controller since both of the fields are closely related. In this paper, the researcher described computer vision programming to get the data of captured images through the camera stream and then delivered the data into an embedded system to make the decision of robot movement. The output of this study is the improvement of a student’s ability to make an application to integrate a sensor system using a camera and the mobile robot running follow the line. The result of the test shows that the integration method between computer vision and robotics can improve the student’s programming comprehension by 40%. Based on the Feasibility test survey, it can be interpreted that from the whole assessment after being converted to qualitative data, all aspects of the learning stages of programming application tested with the integration of computer vision and robotics fall into the very feasible category for used with a percentage of feasibility by 77.44%

    The 4C’s of PAL – an evidence-based model for implementing peer assisted learning for mature students

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    Peer Assisted Leaning (PAL) programmes have been shown to enhance learner confidence and have an overall positive effect on learner comprehension, particularly in subjects traditionally perceived as difficult. This research describes the findings of a three-cycle Action Research study into the perceived benefits of implementing such a programme for mature students enrolled on a computer science programming module on an Access Foundation Programme in an Irish University. The findings from this study suggest that peer learning programmes offer students a valued support structure that aids transition and acculturation into tertiary education whilst simultaneously improving their subject-matter comprehension and confidence. An evidence-based model of PAL implementation for mature students was subsequently developed, underpinned by the associated pedagogic theory and the findings of the study. Our model promotes a student-focused peer educational enhancement framework that is transferable into the wider higher education setting

    Thai Computer Studies Student Teacher Complex Problem-Solving Skills Development: A Cooperative Learning Management Model

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    The research aim was to develop cooperative learning management (CLM) model using computational thinking (CT) and mind mapping techniques to promote Thai computer studies student-teacher (CSST) complex problem-solving skills (CPSS). The sample was 15 first-year CSSTs in the Faculty of Education's Computer Studies Department of Thailand's Thonburi Rajabhat University. The pre-study achievement test classified students into three levels (weak, moderate, or strong). Five experts were involved in the assessment of the CLM plan, which was determined to have a content validity index (CVI) at the highest level (mean = 4.00). They also evaluated the 21 indicator rubric scoring-type test tool for complex problem-solving skills (CPSS) and determined its CVI mean = 3.99. After a pilot test of 30 student teachers, a 42-item questionnaire was finalized. The final CPSS course involved five primary components within an eight-step process. The CSST used six sessions of four hours each. Results showed that the final course post-test score was 90.40 for all 15 student-teachers, significantly higher than the 70% achievement level setting

    A framework proposal for the design of video-assisted online learning environments for programming teaching

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    It is observed that in the wake of developments in digital technologies, the role of shareholders in the learning-teaching process changed and a transition from the classical face-to-face communication into online learning communication occurred. This transition also led to a change the knowledge and behaviours expected from indivudals. In this context, they are expected to acquire several skills considered as the skills of the 21st century, among which are critical and analytical thinking. Recent studies suggest that programming teaching is influential on these skills. However, programming teaching refers to a process which is structuraly difficult and complex. Thus, we need novel methods and techniques regarding programming teaching. Considering that particulalrly online learning environments have begun to be a crucial part of the learning-teaching process recently, it is believed that assisting onlne learning environments with learning videos in which audiovisual symbol systems are used together may play a crucial role in developing the programming skill that is abstract and unclear intuitively. From this point of view, this study aims to propose a framework related to desgning video-assisted online learning environments for programming teaching. To achieve this goal, the design-based research has been conducted. The research has been conducted through the participation of 48 (F: 27, M: 21) registered undergraduate students and of 4 instructors (F: 1, M: 3) of the Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology based in the Faculty of Education at a state university located in the east of Turkey. Observation forms, reflective student diaries, the focus group interview, interview, and graded scoring key were used as data collection tools. As a result of the research, a framework has been proposed in the context of "content", "visual design", "interaction" and "practicability" related to the design of video-assisted online learning environments for "cognitive", "affective", "methodological" and "environmental" problems. Suggestions were presented within the framework of the results obtained from the study and the experiences of the researcher

    Robotics in Fab Lab: Introduction to programming for Mechanical Engineering students

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    En este trabajo se analiza una experiencia piloto de la actividad “Taller de robótica” en el Fab Lab UNR, un laboratorio spacemaker creado en 2020 por la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Ingeniería y Agrimensura de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario, en el marco de las políticas de fortalecimiento de la educación de ingenieros. El equipo de investigación interdisciplinar indagó sobre los supuestos pedagógicos apropiados para introducir conceptos básicos de programación a estudiantes de ingeniería mecánica, con especial énfasis en: trabajo colaborativo, aprendizaje basado en problemas, motivación inicial, articulación horizontal entre asignaturas y balance adecuado entre conceptualización y procedimientos. Los primeros resultados muestran que la percepción de los estudiantes es positiva y que la secuencia didáctica resultó apropiada para trabajar con ingresantes, lo que confirma el potencial de estas prácticas de taller para aprender programación en el ciclo introductorio de carreras de ingeniería.In this work, a pilot experience of the "Robotics Workshop" activity at Fab Lab UNR is analyzed. It is a spacemaker laboratory created in 2020 by the Faculty of Exact Sciences, Engineering, and Surveying of the National University of Rosario, within the framework of the policies to strengthen engineering education. The interdisciplinary research team inquired about the appropriate pedagogical assumptions to introduce basic programming concepts to mechanical engineering students, with special emphasis on collaborative work, problembased learning, initial motivation, horizontal articulation between subjects, and an adequate balance between conceptualization and procedures. . The first results show that the perception of the students is positive and that the didactic sequence was appropriate to work with newcomers, which confirms the potential of these workshop practices to learn to program in the introductory cycle of engineering careers.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    O desenvolvimento de jogos no ensino da programação a alunos do 1º ciclo do curso profissional TGPSI

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    Relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, Mestrado em Ensino de Informática, Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2021O presente trabalho insere-se no âmbito da unidade curricular de Iniciação à Prática Profissional IV do Mestrado em Ensino da Informática. Pretende descrever a minha experiência de intervenção pedagógica na Escola Secundária Gago Coutinho (ESGC) em Alverca, numa turma do primeiro ano do Curso Profissional de Técnico de Gestão e Programação de Sistemas Informáticos, na disciplina de Programação de Sistemas e Informação. Tratando-se de um curso profissional com uma forte componente de formação técnica, a intervenção foi pensada com base na metodologia de Aprendizagem Baseada em Projetos (PjBL) onde os alunos realizaram um projeto, como estratégia de motivação, para a aprendizagem da programação C#. O tema para o projeto foi a igualdade de género e foi integrado com a disciplina de Cidadania e de Domínios de Autonomia Curricular (DAC). O projeto consiste em criar um jogo sobre a igualdade de género, sendo que os conteúdos abordados incidiram sobre o módulo 5, Estrutura de Dados Compostos, utilizando o software Visual Studio, C#, e usando o Windows Forms. O referido projeto foi implementado ao longo de 6 aulas de 90 minutos entre os dias 19 de março e 7 de abril de 2021. O jogo criado consiste em apresentar um cargo profissional a que concorrem duas pessoas. O jogador escolhe a pessoa que acha melhor para o cargo e depois aparecem outros candidatos e assim sucessivamente até chegar a um limite definido pelo programa. As pessoas são representadas em forma de carta e cada uma contém informação sobre o nome, género, idade, experiência profissional, habilitações académicas e uma fotografia. Cada par de cartas apresentadas representam sempre um candidato do género masculino e outra do género feminino. No final, com os dados recolhidos, pretende-se saber se o jogador respeita ou não a igualdade de género. Para avaliação da intervenção realizada, escolhi usar o Google Forms, para aplicação de um questionário online, como instrumento de recolha de dados, numa perspetiva exploratória das expectativas e perceções dos alunos em relação a duas dimensões: as dinâmicas e trabalho desenvolvido pelo professor e o projeto desenvolvido pelos alunos. Concluiu-se que os alunos consideraram esta metodologia positiva para as suas aprendizagens. A intervenção, mesmo tendo havido alguns ajustes na planificação, correspondeu às expectativas, e os alunos, no seu geral, responderam de forma positiva ao que foi pedido. No entanto, o facto de a intervenção ter sido em regime não presencial (devido à pandemia), fez com que alguns alunos, que durante a observação das aulas em regime presencial se mostraram aplicados e motivados, não se aplicassem tanto neste regime online. Pretende-se ainda apresentar a investigação feita durante a intervenção e que se refere à motivação que os alunos têm para usar os jogos nas suas aprendizagens. Em particular formulam-se as seguintes questões de investigação: 1. O desenvolvimento de jogos motiva os alunos para a aprendizagem da programação? 2. Que dificuldades os alunos apresentam na aprendizagem da programação através do desenvolvimento de jogos? Conclui-se este relatório, com uma reflexão sobre as opções tomadas e ilações para o trabalho docente futuro.The present work is part of the curricular unit of Introduction to Professional Practice IV of the Master’s Degree in ICT Teaching. It intends to describe my experience in the contacts with Gago Coutinho Secondary School (ESGC) in Alverca, in a class of the first year of the Professional Course of Technician of Management and Programming of Computer Systems. As it is a professional course with a strong technical training component, the intervention was designed based on the Project Based Learning (PjBL) methodology where students carried out a project, as a motivation strategy, for learning C # programming. The theme for the project was gender equality and was integrated with the subject of Citizenship and DAC (Cross Curriculum Projects). The project consisted in the creation of a game on gender equality, and its contents focused on module 5, Composite Data Structure, using Visual Studio software, C #, and using Windows forms. The project was implemented over 5 classes of 90 minutes. The game consisted of a presentation about a profession and two cards for the user, each with information about the name, gender, age, professional experience, academic qualifications, and a photograph. With this information, the user must select the person he considers most suitable for the job presented. This process is repeated a number of times, always with different cards. The cards presented are always male and female. In the end, with the data collected, it is intended to know whether the user respects gender equality or not. To assess the presentation, I chose to use Google Forms, for an online questionnaire, as a data collection instrument, in an exploratory perspective of the students' expectations and perceptions regarding two dimensions: the dynamics and work developed by the teacher and the project developed by the students. It was concluded that the students considered this methodology positive for their learning. The intervention, even though there were some adjustments in the planning, lived up to the expectations, and the students, in general, responded well to what was asked. However, the fact that the intervention was via video conferencing (due to the pandemic), caused some students, who during the observation of face-to-face classes to were active and motivated, did participate as much through this online remote work option. It is also intended to present the research that will be done during the intervention and that refers to the motivation that students should have to use games in their learning. In particular, the following research questions will be addressed: 1. Does game development motivate students to learn programming? 2. What difficulties do students have in learning programming through game development? This report concludes with a reflection on the options taken and the links for future teaching work

    Threshold concepts in web development: the impact of education and experience on the perceptions of practitioners

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    The Threshold Concepts (TCs) framework posits characteristics of critical concepts that enable a learner to see things in a new and unforgettable way that allows the incorporation of cognitive approaches and skills needed by professionals in the discipline. All previous research has been qualitatively oriented toward discovery of candidate TCs, without, so far, quantitative studies of the candidate TCs recognition within the professional ranks. An underrepresented group in previous research is that of Web development professionals. This proposal describes initial quantitative research utilizing the TCs framework in the Web development area to measure the perception of candidate TCs by professionals in the field. This study developed and utilized a new survey instrument to determine how a national sample of current Web development professionals perceive a candidate TC and how their work experience and level of education impact their perceptions. The particular candidate TC, Separation of Content, Presentation, and Behavior (SCPB), and its appropriate identifying characteristics were selected from results of previous qualitative research. An exploratory analysis using SPSS was done on results from an initial group surveyed and results from a later group were used for a confirmatory analysis using PLS-SEM. The exploratory analysis sought to reduce the contributing factors used to identify the TC, and these factors and their measures then were used with the latter group in the confirmatory analysis. The factors identified for use were the characteristics of Transformative, Troublesome, Irreversible, and Bounded. The PLS-SEM analysis confirmed that SCPB is perceived as a TC by working Web development professionals by virtue of it containing these characteristics, as the theory indicates. The study looked at work experience, in terms of years in computing and years specifically in Web development, and education, in terms of education level (degree(s) received, if any), degree in a computing field, and years since last in formal education. All of these indicated a significant influence on perception, either positively or negatively, except for the last item which did not exhibit statistical significance in this case

    The Use of Team-Based Learning to Improve Unit Test Scores of Adult Learners in Introduction to Programming Courses in a Small Southwest Georgia University

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    Low success rates in the introduction to programming course at a small southwest Georgia state university have led to a low retention rate in the computer science degree program. The instructional strategy used to teach the course could contribute to the low success rates of the students in the course. Andragogy, the adult learning theory, was used as the theoretical framework for this study. The purpose of this quantitative causal-comparative study was to determine if differences existed in the numerical unit test scores between students who took introduction to programming using a traditional lecture and lab-based class format and students who took introduction to programming using a team-based learning format. The participants included 52 students who took the introduction to programming course during Spring 2019 and Fall 2019. The students’ unit test scores were analyzed using a series of ANCOVAs. No statistically significant differences were found in the unit test scores between the students who took introduction to programming using a traditional lecture and lab-based format and the students who took introduction to programming using a team-based learning format. By introducing the students to team-based learning earlier in the introduction to programming course, students’ confidence in their ability to make decisions could increase, course withdrawal rates could decrease, and the students’ ability to work in teams could be improved