29 research outputs found

    The rise of Facebook-based communication in the energy sector

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    Purpose of social networking use and victimisation: Are there any differences between university students and those not in HE?

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    Current literature widely reports successful uses of social media as a source of information, collaborative and learning tool for students in higher education. Although universities increasingly promote the use of Social Network Services (SNS) little is known about how students use them. Also the adverse effects of social media activity, such as cybercrime victimisation in HE, are under explored. Concerns over informal leisure use of SNS by students leading to cyber victimisation may help explain slow adoption of social media in education. This paper shows, however, that students use SNS in a similar way to those users who are not in education, with more that 60% using SNS for both socialising and gathering information. We find that students are less likely to be victims of cybercrime than non-students suggesting that SNS activity is less risky within the university lifespan. The implications of this study are significant for policy and practice for universities and educational authorities

    Cinq façons de maîtriser la logistique organisationnelle, les backends et les flux de travail

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    Organizational backends and logistics are often complex and many institutions set-up their workflows based on manual and tedious processes that negatively shape their interactions with stakeholders. Incorporating new technologies can be intimidating, however there exists a plethora of financially and technically accessible resources, that don’t require any coding knowledge, that institutions can utilize to enhance their organizational workflow and stakeholder experience. Guided by our own learning experiences in optimal logistical set-up and user design, we wish to highlight five effective and easily implementable tricks to aid higher institutions and student groups in healthcare accomplish their administrative duties.Les backends et la logistique des organisations sont souvent complexes et de nombreuses institutions établissent leurs flux de travail sur la base de processus manuels et fastidieux qui influencent négativement leurs interactions avec les parties prenantes. L'intégration de nouvelles technologies peut être intimidante, mais il existe une pléthore de ressources financièrement et techniquement accessibles, qui ne nécessitent aucune connaissance en codage, que les institutions peuvent utiliser pour améliorer leur flux de travail organisationnel et l'expérience des parties prenantes. Guidés par nos propres expériences d'apprentissage en matière de mise en place d'une logistique optimale et de conception pour l'utilisateur, nous souhaitons mettre en avant cinq astuces efficaces et faciles à mettre en œuvre pour aider les établissements supérieurs et les groupes d'étudiants en soins de santé à accomplir leurs tâches administratives

    Collaborative competencies in professional social networking: Are students short changed by curriculum in business education?

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    Social networks have earned their indisputable place as a collaborative learning tool in education. In this paper, we address the gap in literature on developing a set of competencies to allow graduates to make the most of collaborative technologies for business and professional activity as well as career management. Based on a survey of over 600 business school graduates from AMBA accredited UK universities, we are able to identify the level of awareness and degree of application of professional usage of social networks amongst students. Our results show that work experience and age of the business students play a significant role in their usage of social networks for professional purposes, knowledge and career management. The data shows that younger students are more social networking savvy when it comes to identifying business opportunities, while older graduates are less confident. This is important as traditionally graduate students are individuals in their mid careers and the skill gap between generation Y and the experienced graduates need to be bridged by adequate curriculum changes

    Live-Stream Shopping is Landing in Germany: An Analysis of the Stickiness Intention of German Customers

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    Live-stream shopping (LSS) has emerged as a highly profitable social commerce phenomenon that revolutionizes the retail industry in recent years. Especially COVID-19 reinforces this trend. However, research in LSS is still in its infancy. The current study sheds new light onto live-stream shopping in Europe, particularly Germany, as a first study. It analyzes the perceived value and the communication process between the retailer and the customer. Particularly the communication process has not been investigated in this context before so that new theoretical and empirical insights are provided. The results show that German customers’ stickiness is more driven by the functional than the hedonic value. Moreover, the influence of retailers’ social presence differs among younger and older customers


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    With the advent of web 2.0, social networking sites (SNSs) have mushroomed. Gaining competitive advantage by retaining users in the SNS is an important issue for operators. By conceptualizing stickiness as the state of individuals’ prolong stay on the SNS, the aim of this study is to explore the process of formatting SNS stickiness in the context of Facebook from the perspectives of media richness theory, uses & gratifications (U & G) theory, and intimacy. Data was collected from the northern Taiwan University. A total of 187 questionnaires were selected for the data analysis. The results support the following conclusions: 1) the media richness provided by the Facebook website directly influences users’ gratifications, including interpersonal utility and social utility; 2) the intimacy is an important mediating variable involving in the process of formatting Facebook stickiness; and 3) Facebook stickiness is indirectly influenced by gratifications, interpersonal utility and social utility, which exerts its effect through intimacy. By integrating the theoretical perspectives of media richness theory, U & G theory with intimacy into the process model of formatting Facebook stickiness, this study provides both academics and practitioners with insight into how Facebook stickiness form and enable SNS manager to retain their users


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    This article provides a comprehensive literature review about the post-adoption stage of social network sites (SNS) usage with the special focus on habitual use and terminating stages. The extant research has examined this topic mainly from two perspectives: namely, intentional and habitual. Findings from each of these two perspectives are synthesized and used to build a process model to better understand how different intentions and behaviors of users manifest in different stages of SNS post-adoption phase. The process model suggests that disturbances such as technical glitches and privacy leaks trigger users’ awareness of the ‘dark sides’ of habitual SNS use. In addition, the awareness of negative impacts of addictive use, which are perceived as threats, motivates people to switch from or quit SNS. This paper contributes to SNS research by synthesizing fragmented theoretical explanations and providing a visual tool that helps researchers to develop a deeper understanding of the dynamics in the SNS post-adoption phase. Practitioners will gain insights into how to retain existing users and better manage processes related to users who wish to quit

    The role of learning analytics in networking for business and leisure: A study of culture and gender differences in social platform users

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    Engagement with social networking sites is influenced by the cognitive and learning processes which in turn is influenced by culture. This paper aims at unbundling the effect of culture on the use of social network sites and thus contributes to our understanding on the way cognitive and learning processes influence the engagement with social networks. The study of over 600 social networking users addresses how professional and leisure use of social networks differs across cultures, gender and other demographics. Firstly, by utilising ANOVA techniques we associate users' behaviour with nationality and furthermore through the use of an ordered logistics regression we delineate clusters of users by the purpose of social networking adoption and their cultural characteristics. Our study helps bridge the gap in literature on identifying how cultural traits, nationality and gender affect both business and leisure use of social networking. The implications of differences in user behaviour driven by nationality and gender warrant further need for applying learning analytics in social platforms to enhance user experience. Future directions of research on social networking in relation to cognition and culture are offered for discussion


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    Cilj ovoga istraživanja je ispitati stavove korisnika Facebook stranica udruga za zašti-tu životinja o ulozi Facebooka u promociji prava i zaštite životinja. Također, utvrditi koje koristi korisnici imaju od objava na Facebook stranicama udruga za zaštitu životinja i što korisnici na njima rade odnosno koje su vrste digitalnih aktivnosti (npr. „lajkanje‟, dijeljenje sadržaja) najzastupljenije. Istraživanje je izvedeno mrežnim samoprocjenjujućim upitnikom na uzorku od 600 sudionika koji prate barem jednu hrvatsku udrugu za zaštitu životinja na Facebooku. Istraživanjem smo utvrdili kako sudionici većinom smatraju kako je Facebook doprinio promociji prava i zaštite životinja te kako ih je bolje upoznao s navedenom temom. Koristi koje imaju od objava udruga za zaštitu životinja na Facebooku su; komunikacija s važnim dionicima te informiranje i edukacija o temama vezanim za promociju prava i zaštitu životinja. Također, najzastupljenije digitalne aktivnosti korisnika su; „lajkanje‟ objava, poticanje drugih da pomognu te izražavanje tuge, ljutnje ili sreće zbog izgleda i/ili stanja životinje koja je prikazana na Facebooku. Izvedeno istraživanje daje nam uvide o pozitivnoj percepciji uloge Facebooka u kontekstu promocije prava i zaštite životinja.The aim of this research was to examine the attitudes of users of animal welfare associa-tion’ Facebook pages about the role of Facebook in the promotion of animal rights and welfare. Also, to determine what benefits users have from animal welfare association Fa-cebook pages and what do users do on their Facebook, or what type of digital activities (eg. likes, sharing) are most represented. The research was conducted by an online ques-tionnaire on a sample of 600 participants who are Facebook followers of at least one Croa-tian animal welfare association. The results show that participants believe Facebook has contributed to the promotion of animal rights and welfare and that it has better intro-duced them to this topic. The benefits they get from animal welfare associations’ Facebook pages are; communication with important stakeholders, information and education on animal rights and welfare. Also, their digital activities are; likes, encouraging others to help, and expressing grief, anger or happiness over the appearance and/or condition of the animal shown. The conducted research gives us insight into the perception of a positive role of Facebook in the context of animal rights and welfare