598 research outputs found

    An investigation on the Acceptance of Facebook by Travellers for Travel Planning

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    Due to the emergence of social media and web 2.0 applications within the last few years, tourists' travel behaviour and decision-making changed. This study investigates tourists' behavioural intentions to use Facebook for travel planning purposes. To address this objective, a combination of survey and 19 interviews provided qualitative and quantitative data. Results indicated that Information search, Sharing travel experiences and Trust were the main determinants of intention to use Facebook. In particular, travellers view Facebook as a tourism information source, they are more willing to share their experiences on their own profile rather than a providers page and that they trust other tourism related sites more than Facebook. Practical and theoretical implications are discussed

    Exploring the Factors Determining Individuals’ SNS Continuance: An Empirical Study in the Chinese Context

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    IS continuance is important for IS providers to increase both their revenues and profits, and to achieve success. With the penetration of SNS into people’ lives, SNS has attracted the attentions of IS researchers and become a hot topic. This study develops a model to explore the factors determining individuals’ continuous intention and use of SNS. Based on 221 useful questionnaires, the research model is empirically tested together with a number of hypotheses. The results show that satisfaction together with perceived usefulness, perceived playfulness and social influence positively impact users’ continuance intention. Continuance intention and satisfaction are found to have positive influences on users’ continuous use of SNS, and continuous intention exerts a stronger influence on continuous use than satisfaction. The implications to theories and practice are discussed as well

    The use of Facebook in a multi-course collaborative project within a cross-cultural context

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    Facebook is the most popular social network site worldwide with over one billion active users every month (Facebook, 2012) and most university students are already using it. Therefore, implementing it into the classroom provides a familiar environment for students. The benefits of Facebook use, such as interaction, communication, social relationship, and participation, have been found to affect student motivation in learning (Lam, 2012). However, the role of Facebook use in student attitude and intention toward the project has not been examined in a multi-course, multi-cultural context

    eWOM & Referrals in Social Network Services

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    If a few decades ago the development of the Internet was instrumental in the interconnection between markets, nowadays the services provided by Web 2.0, such as social network sites (SNS) are the cutting edge. A proof of this trend is the exponential growth of social network users. The main objective of this work is to explore the mechanisms that promote the transmission and reception (WOM and referrals) of online opinions, in the context of the SNS, by buyers of travel services. The research includes some research lines: technology acceptance model (TAM), Social Identification Theory and Word-of-Mouth communication in virtual environment (eWOM). Based on these theories an explicative model has been proposed applying SEM analysis to a sample of SNS users’ of tourist service buyers. The results support the majority of the hypotheses and some relevant practical and theoretical implications have been pointed out for tourist managers

    Hubungan antara Tingkat Pemanfaatan Path, Frekuensi Face To Face Communication, dengan Eskalasi Hubungan Pertemanan Jarak Jauh.

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    Pertemanan jarak jauh bukan lagi menjadi hal yang asing saat ini. Seseorang bisa saja berpisah atau tidak lagi berdomisili di daerah yang sama dengan teman mereka dikarenakan oleh berbagai hal, salah satunya pendidikan. Namun, hubungan pertemanan jarak jauh tergolong rapuh dan membutuhkan USAha lebih untuk mempertahankannya karena menurunnya frekuensi face to face communication secara drastis. Berkat perkembangan teknologi, kini mempertahankan hubungan pertemana jarak jauh dapat terbantu dengan adanya sosial media, salah satunya Path.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan dengan menggunakan paradigma positivisktik. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah Alumni SMA 1 Batusangkar angkatan 2011 yang terlibat hubungan pertemanan jarak jauh, menjadi pengguna aktif sosial media Path minimal 1 tahun dan berusia antara 21 – 23 tahun. Penarikan sampel dilakukan secara purposive sampling dengan responden sejumlah 30 orang. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah wawancara terstruktur. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membuktikan adanya hubungan antara tingkat pemanfaatan Path, frekuensi face to face communication, dengan eskalasi hubungan pertemanan jarak jauh. Teori yang digunakan adalah CMC dan Teori Penetrasi sosial. Hipotesis dari penelitian ini adalah adanya hubungan antara tingkat pemanfaatan Path, frekuensi face to face communication, dengan eskalasi hubungan pertemanan jarak jauh.Berdasarakan hasil temuan dalam penelitian ini, terbukti bahwa adanya korelasi positif antara tingkat pemanfaatan Path dengan eskalasi hubungan pertemana jarak jauh. Semakin tinggi tingkat pemanfaatan Path maka semakin eskalasi hubungan pertemanan jarak jauh juga semakinnaik. Dengan memanfaatkan Path, seseorang bisa tetap terhubung dan berinteraksi dengan teman mereka sehingga mereka tetap dapat saling mengetahui perkembangan kehidupan satu sama lain. Selain itu juga terbukti adanya korelasi positif antara frekuensi face to face communication dengan eskalasi hubungan pertemanan jarak jauh. Semakin tinggi frekuensi face to face communication maka eskalasi hubungan pertemanan jarak jauh juga semakin naik. Saat melakukan komunikasi face to face, informasi yang dipertukarkan lebih luas dan lebih dalam dan personal. Dengan memanfaatkan sosial media Path dan face to face communication, akan dapat tercipta hubungan pertemanan jarak jauh yang harmonis dan menurunnya kemungkinan terjadinya konflik

    Young people as a user of Tik Tok: creative works and entertainment connoisseurs

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    Social media has expanded since globalization and digitization. This causes social media to become a place for every generation to enjoy entertainment or create entertainment itself. Some of the social media currently available are Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and others. These three social media have something in common, providing entertainment in the form of short videos. Tiktok is one of the social media applications on the rise and invites application users to be creative when creating content in the form of videos. Someone who was previously unknown to many people in the TikTok application becomes an influencer or public figure if the audience of the TikTok application likes the videos or the work of the video maker. Researchers will use descriptive qualitative methods by interviewing three sources whose have different backgrounds. By using the theory of use and gratification, researchers will see that the TikTok application connoisseur and the creator of the uploading works have a satisfying effect when watching or seeing good feedback from the audience of the application

    Peer influence in social media

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    This literature review will go through the relatively new field of study of peer influence in social media. The neurological study of electronic peer influence can be used to explain why users engage in social media, why social media marketing is effective and why the so-called influencers emerge amongst the social media users. The communication amongst the peers, word-of-mouth, was also a factor in the study. The review was conducted by studying the few peer influence social media studies that currently exist, as well as supporting subjects of word-of-mouth communication, the tie strength research and the endorser/product fit, which are the theories that support the idea of the social media influencer effect