20 research outputs found

    Оценка уровня виртуальной интеллектуальности прикладной программно-технической системы на основе анализа эргономической модели

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    Отмечаются недостатки подходов к оценке интеллектуальности систем с элементами искусственного интеллекта, которые базируются на идеологии коэффициентов IQ в сочетании с экспертными оценками их составляющих. Предлагается развитие этих подходов в направлении оценки сравнительного уровня виртуальной интеллектуальности на основе построения эргономической модели процесса взаимодействия «пользователь-компьютер» и анализа интеллектуальной нагрузки на пользователяВідзначені недоліки підходів до оцінки інтелектуальності систем з елементами штучного інтелекту, що базуються на ідеології коефіцієнтів IQ у сполученні з експертними оцінками їхніх складових. Пропонується розвиток цих підходів у напрямку оцінки порівняльного рівня віртуальної інтелектуальності на основі побудови ергономічної моделі «користувач-комп’ютер» і аналізу інтелектуального навантаження на користувачаIt is noted shortcomings of approaches to estimations of the system intelligence with the elements of the artificial intellect based on the ideology IQ coefficient in combination with expert estimations of their components. It is proposed the development of these approaches in the direction of ergonomic model of the interaction process “usercomputer” and analysis of the intellectual load on use

    Трудоемкость интерфейса пользователя в задаче поиска образца в справочнике и ее оценка на основе модели GOMS

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    Рассматривается количественная оценка характеристик интерфейса пользователя в задаче поиска образца в справочнике на основе применения модели GOMS. Приводятся результаты расчета, обсуждаются особенности оценки интеллектуальной нагрузки на пользователя в модели GOMS.Розглядається кількісна оцінка характеристик інтерфейсу користувача у задачі пошуку зразка у довіднику на основі застосування моделі GOMS. Наводяться результати розрахунку, обговорюються особливості оцінки інтелектуального навантаження на користувача у модeлі GOMS.The quantity value of the user interface characteristics in the task of manual on the base of applying model GOMS is discussed. The results of counting are given, the pecularities of the estimation of the intellectual load on user GOMS model are discussed

    Decoded: Exploring user involvement in the early stages of software development

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    This research aims to explore how user involvement in software development can contribute to innovation in interfaces and system functionality as well as create supporting literature for human-centered design in the software development process. To achieve this, a mixed-methodology approach is used to validate users as co-creators in the early stages of development. This is done through direct engagement with users, the adaption of the GOMS framework to develop human-centered methods for engagement, and the use of evaluative surveys. By combining GOMS and human-centered design, researchers could frame engagement methods for the elicitation of system functionality and interface design requirements. Researchers then synthesized requirements from user generated data, developed a prototype, and compared it to a prototype developed without user involvement. Early results show that user-generated prototyping provides key insights into the development of software features, user flow, and information architecture

    Analytical Evaluation of Groupware Usability in Concerted Work Scenarios

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    This paper addresses the usability evaluation of groupware tools supporting teams working in an intensive concerted effort towards a shared goal. Considering the evaluation of this technology in such scenario is a complex and costly endeavor, we propose a discount analytical evaluation approach. Our approach uses available models of human performance to estimate groupware usability. The paper illustrates the use of the Keystroke-Level Model for analyzing a concerted work scenario and shows how the adopted evaluation method affords analytical experiments with alternative groupware designs. This paper contributes to understand the fine-grained details involved in groupware desig

    Quantitative Analysis of Shared Workspace Usability

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    In this paper we propose a discount analytical approach for quantitatively evaluating shared workspace usability. We started with existing models of human performance, developed in the Human-Computer Interaction field and thus focused on single user interactions, and studied the benefits of extending them to collaborative scenarios. The obtained results indicate that the proposed approach: (1) facilitates the fine-grained analysis of intensive concerted work scenarios; (2) provides quantitative estimates of collaborative actions performed in shared workspaces; and (3) affords comparing alternative design decisions, using shared workspace usability metrics derived from the aforementioned quantitative estimate

    Analisa usabilitas dan perancangan petunjuk penggunaan (user manual) efektif fan efisien

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    Perkembangan tekhnologi saat ini sudah menjadi bagian dari kehidupan sehari-hari, baik dari segi barang elektronik maupun informasi. Banyak dari produk yang tergantikan fungsinya dalam perkembangan teknologi ini. Salah satunya yakni petunjuk penggunaan. Petunjuk penggunaan merupakan salah satu kelengkapan yang wajib ada dalam suatu produk elektronik dan telekomunikasi. Hal ini tercantum dalam Peraturan Menteri Perdagangan Nomor 19/M-DAG/PER/5/2009 tentang Pendaftaran Petunjuk Penggunaan (user manual). Namun pada saat ini, orang sudah jarang dalam penggunaan buku petunjuk penggunaan jarang menggunakan petunjuk penggunaan. Hal ini dikarenakan mudahnya untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai hal-hal yang diperlukan dari internet, baik dari website resmi maupun website diskusi. Padahal penggunaan dokumen tidak dapat dipisahkan dari kehidupan sehari-hari. Untuk itulah penelitian usabilitas dokumen ini perlu dilakukan agar dapat diketahui desain seperti apakah yang sebaiknya digunakan. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisa usabilitas pada dokumen. Dokumen yang digunakan pada penelitian ini merupakan dokumen Petunjuk Penggunaan (User Manual). User Manual yang digunakan merupakan user manual dari sembilan merek mesin cuci yang dipasarkan di Indonesia. Selanjutnya, akan dilakukan pengambilan data untuk lima bagian dari keseluruhan buku petunjuk penggunaan menggunakan kuesioner. Dari data yang didapatkan analisa untuk setiap bagian petunjuk penggunaan. Hasil dari analisa tersebut didapatkan buku petunjuk penggunaan yang mudah dipahami adalah buku petunjuk penggunaan yang memiliki kalimat yang cenderung singkat dan jelas. Selain itu, buku penggunaan juga dilengkapi dengan gambar yang jelas dan simbol-simbol yang membantu pemahaman pengguna. =========================================================================================================== The development of technology today has become part of everyday life, both in terms of electronic goods and information. Many of the products are replaced in function by the development of this technology. One of them is the usage instructions. The usage manual is one of the must-have tools in an electronic and telecommunication product. This is stated in regulation of the Minister of Trade No. 19/M-DAG/PER/5/2009 concerning User Guide Registration. However at this time, people are rarely in the use of the user manual. This is because it is easy to get information about the things that are required from the internet, both from the official website and discussion website. Whereas the use of documents can not be separated from everyday life. For that reason, the study of reusability of this document needs to performed in order to know what kind of design should be used. In this study conducted to analyze the reusability of the document. The document used in this study is a User Manual document. User Manual used is a user manual of nine brands of washing machines that are marketed in Indonesia. Furthermore, there will be data retrieval for five sections of the entire user manual using the questionaire. From the data obtained the analysis for each section of the usage manual. The results of the analysis obtained an user manual that is easy to understand is a user manual that has a sentence that tends to be short and clear. In addition, the usage book also comes with clear images and symbols that help the user understanding

    Development and analysis of an Internet browsing utilizing the overscan technique for persons with physical disabilities

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    Persons with a severe disability often use scanning as an indirect selection technique for operating augmentative and alternative communication aids and computer access. For information that can be organized in advance, including lists of communication elements such as words and phrases, users often employ rate enhancing scanning methods like the row-column scanning technique. However, row-column scanning requires selection elements to be grouped into defined rows and columns, and therefore does not work well with Internet browsing due to the non-grouped layout of HTML pages. This work attempts to develop an improved scanning technique for Internet browsing by designing interfaces to compare two contemporary scanning techniques with the overscan scanning technique, also known as the critically damped selection technique. The hypothesis of this investigation is that the overscan technique is a viable technique for persons with a severe physical disability to use to access the Internet. Alphabetic and Internet browsing interfaces were designed to test the error rates, throughput, key press times, reaction times, and activation forces for three different scanning methods: linear, row-column, and overscan. The effectiveness of the interface was determined by testing each interface with individuals without a disability, and a Goals, Operators, Methods, and Selection Rules (GOMS) model for the three scanning methods tests was developed. The throughput of the overscan technique was a significant improvement over the linear scan technique for both the alphabetic and Internet interfaces. The individuals testing the interface were able to realize this increased throughput while maintaining error rates which were slightly less than the error rates measured while using the row-column interface. The error rates for the overscan and row-column scanning techniques were greater than the error rates for the linear scanning technique, but the time lost on erroneous selections was much less than the time gained through the use of the overscan and row-column selection techniques. The overscan technique was shown to be a viable scanning technique for Internet browsing. Use of overscan as a method of indirect selection for Internet browsing could connect individuals to the Internet who are not now linked to this electronic communication medium

    Integrating a usable security protocol for user authentication into the requirements and design process

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    L'utilisabilité et la sécurité sont des éléments cruciaux dans le processus d'authentification des utilisateurs. L'un des défis majeurs auquel font face les organisations aujourd'hui est d'offrir des systèmes d'accès aux ressources logiques (par exemple, une application informatique) et physiques (par exemple, un bâtiment) qui soient à la fois sécurisées et utilisables. Afin d'atteindre ces objectifs, il faut d'abord mettre en œuvre les trois composantes indispensables que sont l'identification (c.-à-d., définir l'identité d'un utilisateur), l'authentification (c.-à-d., vérifier l'identité d'un utilisateur) et l'autorisation (c.-à-d., accorder des droits d'accès à un utilisateur). Plus particulièrement, la recherche en authentification de l'utilisateur est essentielle. Sans authentification, par exemple, des systèmes informatiques ne sont pas capables de vérifier si un utilisateur demandant l'accès à une ressource possède les droits de le faire. Bien que plusieurs travaux de recherche aient porté sur divers mécanismes de sécurité, très peu de recherches jusqu'à présent ont porté sur l'utilisabilité et la sécurité des méthodes d'authentification des utilisateurs. Pour cette raison, il nous paraît nécessaire de développer un protocole d'utilisabilité et de sécurité pour concevoir les méthodes d'authentification des utilisateurs. La thèse centrale de ce travail de recherche soutient qu'il y a un conflit intrinsèque entre la création de systèmes qui soient sécurisés et celle de systèmes qui soient facile d'utilisation. Cependant, l'utilisabilité et la sécurité peuvent être construites de manière synergique en utilisant des outils d'analyse et de conception qui incluent des principes d'utilisabilité et de sécurité dès l'étape d'Analyse et de Conception de la méthode d'authentification. Dans certaines situations il est possible d'améliorer simultanément l'utilisabilité et la sécurité en revisitant les décisions de conception prises dans le passé. Dans d'autres cas, il est plus avantageux d'aligner l'utilisabilité et la sécurité en changeant l'environnement régulateur dans lequel les ordinateurs opèrent. Pour cette raison, cette thèse a comme objectif principal non pas d'adresser l'utilisabilité et la sécurité postérieurement à la fabrication du produit final, mais de faire de la sécurité un résultat naturel de l'étape d'Analyse et de Conception du cycle de vie de la méthode d'authentification. \ud ______________________________________________________________________________ \ud MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : authentification de l'utilisateur, utilisabilité, sécurité informatique, contrôle d'accès

    HCI models, theories, and frameworks: Toward a multidisciplinary science

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    Motivation The movement of body and limbs is inescapable in human-computer interaction (HCI). Whether browsing the web or intensively entering and editing text in a document, our arms, wrists, and fingers are at work on the keyboard, mouse, and desktop. Our head, neck, and eyes move about attending to feedback marking our progress. This chapter is motivated by the need to match the movement limits, capabilities, and potential of humans with input devices and interaction techniques on computing systems. Our focus is on models of human movement relevant to human-computer interaction. Some of the models discussed emerged from basic research in experimental psychology, whereas others emerged from, and were motivated by, the specific need in HCI to model the interaction between users and physical devices, such as mice and keyboards. As much as we focus on specific models of human movement and user interaction with devices, this chapter is also about models in general. We will say a lot about the nature of models, what they are, and why they are important tools for the research and development of humancomputer interfaces. Overview: Models and Modeling By its very nature, a model is a simplification of reality. However a model is useful only if it helps in designing, evaluating, or otherwise providing a basis for understanding the behaviour of a complex artifact such as a computer system. It is convenient to think of models as lying in a continuum, with analogy and metaphor at one end and mathematical equations at the other. Most models lie somewhere in-between. Toward the metaphoric end are descriptive models; toward the mathematical end are predictive models. These two categories are our particular focus in this chapter, and we shall visit a few examples of each. Two models will be presented in detail and in case studies: Fitts' model of the information processing capability of the human motor system and Guiard's model of bimanual control. Fitts' model is a mathematical expression emerging from the rigors of probability theory. It is a predictive model at the mathematical end of the continuum, to be sure, yet when applied as a model of human movement it has characteristics of a metaphor. Guiard's model emerged from a detailed analysis of how human's use their hands in everyday tasks, such as writing, drawing, playing a sport, or manipulating objects. It is a descriptive model, lacking in mathematical rigor but rich in expressive power