18 research outputs found

    The view from elsewhere: perspectives on ALife Modeling

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    Many artificial life researchers stress the interdisciplinary character of the field. Against such a backdrop, this report reviews and discusses artificial life, as it is depicted in, and as it interfaces with, adjacent disciplines (in particular, philosophy, biology, and linguistics), and in the light of a specific historical example of interdisciplinary research (namely cybernetics) with which artificial life shares many features. This report grew out of a workshop held at the Sixth European Conference on Artificial Life in Prague and features individual contributions from the workshop's eight speakers, plus a section designed to reflect the debates that took place during the workshop's discussion sessions. The major theme that emerged during these sessions was the identity and status of artificial life as a scientific endeavor

    Complexity and the limits of ecological engineering

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    ABSTRACT. The present-day concept of complexity is reviewed and discussed with respect to its potential implication

    El mundo de las ciencias de la complejidad

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    La situación es verdaderamente apasionante. Mientras que en el mundo llamado real –y entonces se hace referencia a dominios como la política, la economía, los conflictos militares y sociales, por ejemplo–, la percepción natural –digamos: de los medios y la opinión pública– es que el país y el mundo se encuentran en condiciones difíciles; en algunos casos, dramática; y en muchas ocasiones trágica, en el campo del progreso del conocimiento asistimos a una magnífica vitalidad. Esta vitalidad se expresa en la ciencia de punta y, notablemente, en las ciencias de la complejidad. Mientras que la ciencia normal –para volver a la expresión de Kuhn– se encuentra literalmente a la defensiva en numerosos campos, temas y problemas –digamos, a la defensiva con respecto al decurso de los acontecimientos y a las dinámicas del mundo contemporáneo–, en el contexto del estudio de los sistemas complejos adaptativos asistimos a una vitalidad que es prácticamente desconocida para la corriente principal de académicos –independientemente de los niveles en los que trabajan–, de científicos, de administradores de educación y de ciencia y tecnología (por ejemplo rectores, vicerrectores, decanos, directores de departamentos, tomadores de decisión, políticos y gobernantes). La corriente principal del conocimiento (mainstream) desconoce una circunstancia, un proceso, una dinámica que sí es conocida por parte de quienes trabajan e investigan activamente en el campo de las ciencias de la complejidad

    Multi-Agent Fitness Functions For Evolutionary Architecture

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    The dynamics of crowd movements are self-organising and often involve complex pattern formations. Although computational models have recently been developed, it is unclear how well their underlying methods capture local dynamics and longer-range aspects, such as evacuation. A major part of this thesis is devoted to an investigation of current methods, and where required, the development of alternatives. The main purpose is to utilise realistic models of pedestrian crowds in the design of fitness functions for an evolutionary approach to architectural design. We critically review the state-of-the-art in pedestrian and evacuation dynamics. The concept of 'Multi-Agent System' embraces a number of approaches, which together encompass important local and longer-range aspects. Early investigations focus on methods-cellular automata and attractor fields-designed to capture these respective levels. The assumption that pattern formations in crowds result from local processes is reflected in two dimensional cellular automata models, where mathematical rules operate in local neighbourhoods. We investigate an established cellular automata and show that lane-formation patterns are stable only in a low-valued density range. Above this range, such patterns suddenly randomise. By identifying and then constraining the source of this randomness, we are only able to achieve a small degree of improvement. Moreover, when we try to integrate the model with attractor fields, no useful behaviour is achieved, and much of the randomness persists. Investigations indicate that the unwanted randomness is associated with 2-lattice phase transitions, where local dynamics get invaded by giant-component clusters during the onset of lattice percolation. Through this in-depth investigation, the general limits to cellular automata are ascertained-these methods are not designed with lattice percolation properties in mind and resulting models depend, often critically, on arbitrarily chosen neighbourhoods. We embark on the development of new and more flexible methodologies. Rather than treating local and global dynamics as separate entities, we combine them. Our methods are responsive to percolation, and are designed around the following principles: 1) Inclusive search provides an optimal path between a pedestrian origin and destination. 2) Dynamic boundaries protect search and are based on percolation probabilities, calculated from local density regimes. In this way, more robust dynamics are achieved. Simultaneously, longer-range behaviours are also specified. 3) Network-level dynamics further relax the constraints of lattice percolation and allow a wider range of pedestrian interactions. Having defined our methods, we demonstrate their usefulness by applying them to lane-formation and evacuation scenarios. Results reproduce the general patterns found in real crowds. We then turn to evolution. This preliminary work is intended to motivate future research in the field of Evolutionary Architecture. We develop a genotype-phenotype mapping, which produces complex architectures, and demonstrate the use of a crowd-flow model in a phenotype-fitness mapping. We discuss results from evolutionary simulations, which suggest that obstacles may have some beneficial effect on crowd evacuation. We conclude with a summary, discussion of methodological limitations, and suggestions for future research

    QUERI : un système de question-réponse collaboratif et interactif

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    Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal

    Actas do 10º Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica

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    Actas do 10º Encontro Portugês de Computação Gráfica, Lisboa, 1-3 de Outubro de 2001A investigação, o desenvolvimento e o ensino na área da Computação Gráfica constituem, em Portugal, uma realidade positiva e de largas tradições. O Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica (EPCG), realizado no âmbito das actividades do Grupo Português de Computação Gráfica (GPCG), tem permitido reunir regularmente, desde o 1º EPCG realizado também em Lisboa, mas no já longínquo mês de Julho de 1988, todos os que trabalham nesta área abrangente e com inúmeras aplicações. Pela primeira vez no historial destes Encontros, o 10º EPCG foi organizado em ligação estreita com as comunidades do Processamento de Imagem e da Visão por Computador, através da Associação Portuguesa de Reconhecimento de Padrões (APRP), salientando-se, assim, a acrescida colaboração, e a convergência, entre essas duas áreas e a Computação Gráfica. Este é o livro de actas deste 10º EPCG.INSATUniWebIcep PortugalMicrografAutodes

    Evolving hierarchical visually guided neural network agents to investigate complex interactions.

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    A complex system is a system with a large number of interacting components without any mechanism for central control that displays self organisation. Understanding how these interactions affect the overall behaviour of a system is of great interest to science. Indeed, researchers use a wide variety of models to investigate complex systems. The problem with most models is that they disregard the hierarchical nature of complex systems: they ignore the fact that components of real world systems tend to be complex systems as well. This prevents researchers from investigating the interactions taking place between the lower and the higher levels of the model which may be crucial in order to gain a full understanding of the examined phenomena and of complex systems in general. Therefore, this thesis introduces Mosaic World, a multi-agent model for the purpose of investigating interactions (focusing on 'complex' multilevel interactions) within a hierarchical complex system, in addition to other computational and biological hypotheses. Mosaic World comprises a population of evolving neural network agents that inhabit a changing visual environment. By analysing the interactions that occur within Mosaic World, this thesis demonstrates the importance of incorporating hierarchical complexity into a model, and contributes to our understanding of hierarchical complex systems by showing how selective pressures cause differentiation across levels. Additionally, the study of multilevel interactions is used to probe several hypotheses and provides the following contributions among others: Analysis of agent evolvability as affected by the usage of different types of structural mutations in the evolutionary process. Demonstration that agents controlled by modular neural networks are fitter than agents that are controlled by non-modular neural networks the improvement in fitness occurs through specialisation of modules. Empirical support for a biological theory suggesting that colour vision evolved as a method of dealing with ambiguous stimuli

    Methodological Investigations in Agent-Based Modelling: With Applications for the Social Sciences

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    This open access book examines the methodological complications of using complexity science concepts within the social science domain. The opening chapters take the reader on a tour through the development of simulation methodologies in the fields of artificial life and population biology, then demonstrates the growing popularity and relevance of these methods in the social sciences. Following an in-depth analysis of the potential impact of these methods on social science and social theory, the text provides substantive examples of the application of agent-based models in the field of demography. This work offers a unique combination of applied simulation work and substantive, in-depth philosophical analysis, and as such has potential appeal for specialist social scientists, complex systems scientists, and philosophers of science interested in the methodology of simulation and the practice of interdisciplinary computing research.