7 research outputs found

    Clustering of reads with alignment-free measures and quality values

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    BACKGROUND: The data volume generated by Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) technologies is growing at a pace that is now challenging the storage and data processing capacities of modern computer systems. In this context an important aspect is the reduction of data complexity by collapsing redundant reads in a single cluster to improve the run time, memory requirements, and quality of post-processing steps like assembly and error correction. Several alignment-free measures, based on k-mers counts, have been used to cluster reads. Quality scores produced by NGS platforms are fundamental for various analysis of NGS data like reads mapping and error detection. Moreover future-generation sequencing platforms will produce long reads but with a large number of erroneous bases (up to 15 %). RESULTS: In this scenario it will be fundamental to exploit quality value information within the alignment-free framework. To the best of our knowledge this is the first study that incorporates quality value information and k-mers counts, in the context of alignment-free measures, for the comparison of reads data. Based on this principles, in this paper we present a family of alignment-free measures called D(q)-type. A set of experiments on simulated and real reads data confirms that the new measures are superior to other classical alignment-free statistics, especially when erroneous reads are considered. Also results on de novo assembly and metagenomic reads classification show that the introduction of quality values improves over standard alignment-free measures. These statistics are implemented in a software called QCluster (http://www.dei.unipd.it/~ciompin/main/qcluster.html)

    LAF : Logic Alignment Free and its application to bacterial genomes classification

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    Alignment-free algorithms can be used to estimate the similarity of biological sequences and hence are often applied to the phylogenetic reconstruction of genomes. Most of these algorithms rely on comparing the frequency of all the distinct substrings of fixed length (k-mers) that occur in the analyzed sequences. In this paper, we present Logic Alignment Free (LAF), a method that combines alignment-free techniques and rule-based classification algorithms in order to assign biological samples to their taxa. This method searches for a minimal subset of k-mers whose relative frequencies are used to build classification models as disjunctive-normal-form logic formulas (if-then rules). We apply LAF successfully to the classification of bacterial genomes to their corresponding taxonomy. In particular, we succeed in obtaining reliable classification at different taxonomic levels by extracting a handful of rules, each one based on the frequency of just few k-mers. State of the art methods to adjust the frequency of k-mers to the character distribution of the underlying genomes have negligible impact on classification performance, suggesting that the signal of each class is strong and that LAF is effective in identifying it.Peer reviewe

    MetaProb: Accurate metagenomic reads binning based on probabilistic sequence signatures

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    Abstract Motivation Sequencing technologies allow the sequencing of microbial communities directly from the environment without prior culturing. Taxonomic analysis of microbial communities, a process referred to as binning, is one of the most challenging tasks when analyzing metagenomic reads data. The major problems are the lack of taxonomically related genomes in existing reference databases, the uneven abundance ratio of species and the limitations due to short read lengths and sequencing errors. Results MetaProb is a novel assembly-assisted tool for unsupervised metagenomic binning. The novelty of MetaProb derives from solving a few important problems: how to divide reads into groups of independent reads, so that k-mer frequencies are not overestimated; how to convert k-mer counts into probabilistic sequence signatures, that will correct for variable distribution of k-mers, and for unbalanced groups of reads, in order to produce better estimates of the underlying genome statistic; how to estimate the number of species in a dataset. We show that MetaProb is more accurate and efficient than other state-of-the-art tools in binning both short reads datasets (F-measure 0.87) and long reads datasets (F-measure 0.97) for various abundance ratios. Also, the estimation of the number of species is more accurate than MetaCluster. On a real human stool dataset MetaProb identifies the most predominant species, in line with previous human gut studies. Availability and Implementation https://bitbucket.org/samu661/metaprob Contacts [email protected] or [email protected] Supplementary information Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. </jats:sec

    New Robust Similarity Measures Derived from Entropic Profiles

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    Enhancers are stretches of DNA that play a major role in development geneexpression. They contain short DNA motifs so that their classification can be addressed by alignment-free compositional approaches. The contributions of this work are the development of the statistical properties of entropic profiles and the definition of new similarity measures derived from them. Experiments on both simulated and real enhancers reveal that the multi-resolution property enhances the similarity score

    Quality value based models and methods for sequencing data

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    First isolated by Friedrich Miescher in 1869 and then identified by James Watson and Francis Crick in 1953, the double stranded DeoxyriboNucleic Acid (DNA) molecule of Homo sapiens took fifty years to be completely reconstructed and to finally be at disposal to researchers for deep studies and analyses. The first technologies for DNA sequencing appeared around the mid-1970s; among them the most successful has been chain termination method, usually referred to as Sanger method. They remained de-facto standard for sequencing until, at the beginning of the 2000s, Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technologies started to be developed. These technologies are able to produce huge amount of data with competitive costs in terms of dollars per base, but now further advances are revealing themselves in form of Single Molecule Real Time (SMRT) based sequencer, like Pacific Biosciences, that promises to produce fragments of length never been available before. However, none of above technologies are able to read an entire DNA, they can only produce short fragments (called reads) of the sample in a process referred to as sequencing. Although all these technologies have different characteristics, one recurrent trend in their evolution has been represented by the constant grow of the fraction of errors injected into the final reads. While Sanger machines produce as low as 1 erroneous base in 1000, the recent PacBio sequencers have an average error rate of 15%; NGS machines place themselves roughly in the middle with the expected error rate around 1%. With such a heterogeneity of error profiles and, as more and more data is produced every day, algorithms being able to cope with different sequencing technologies are becoming fundamental; at the same time also models for the description of sequencing with the inclusion of error profiling are gaining importance. A key feature that can make these approaches really effective is the ability of sequencers of producing quality scores which measure the probability of observing a sequencing error. In this thesis we present a stochastic model for the sequencing process and show its application to the problems of clustering and filtering of reads. The novel idea is to use quality scores to build a probabilistic framework that models the entire process of sequencing. Although relatively straightforward, the developing of such a model goes through the proper definition of probability spaces and events on such spaces. To keep the model simple and tractable several simplification hypotheses need to be introduce, each of them, however, must be explicitly stated and extensively discussed. The final result is a model for sequencing process that can be used: to give probabilistic interpretation of the problems defined on sequencing data and to characterize corresponding probabilistic answers (i.e., solutions). To experimentally validate the aforementioned model, we apply it to two different problems: reads clustering and reads filtering. The first set of experiments goes through the introduction of a set of novel alignment-free measures D2 resulting from the extension of the well known D2 -type measures to incorporate quality values. More precisely, instead of adding a unit contribution to the k-mers count statistic (as for D2 statistics), each k- mer contributes with an additive term corresponding to its probability of being correct as defined by our stochastic model. We show that this new measures are effective when applied to clustering of reads, by employing clusters produced with D2 as input to the problems of metagenomic binning and de-novo assembly. In the second set of experiments conducted to validate our stochastic model, we applied the same definition of correct read to the problem of reads filtering. We first define rank filtering which is a lossless filtering technique that sorts reads based on a given criterion; then we used the sorted list of reads as input of algorithms for reads mapping and de-novo assembly. The idea is that, on the reordered set, reads ranking higher should have better quality than the ones at lower ranks. To test this conjecture, we use such filtering as pre-processing step of reads mapping and de-novo assembly; in both cases we observe improvements when our rank filtering approach is used

    Whole-Genome Phylogeny by Virtue of Unic Subwords

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    With the progress of modern sequencing technologies a number of complete genomes is now available. Traditional motif discovery tools cannot handle this massive amount of data, therefore the comparison of complete genomes can be carried out only with ad hoc methods. In this work we propose a distance function based on subword compositions, which extends the Average Common Subword approach(ACS) of Ulitsky et al. ACS is closely related to the cross entropy estimated between two entire genome sequences, and thus to some set of ``independent'' subwords, namely their redundant common subwords. Then, we filter their redundant common subwords by means of underlying-paired motifs, which relate to each other regions of two genome sequences. This set of motifs is, by construction, linear in the size of input and without overlap; we call the selected motifs, underlying-paired irredundant common subwords, or simply unic subwords. Preliminary results show the validity of our method, and suggest novel computational approaches for analyzing the evolution of genomes