18 research outputs found

    A virtuális térben élő fogyasztó. Identitás és fogyasztás a Second Life világában = Consumers in the digital age. Identity and Consumption in Second Life

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    Jelen kutatás rávilágít arra, hogy olyan virtuális világok alkalmasak „ösztönözni” a felhasználókat arra, hogy fokozott mértékben virtuális fogyasztásba bocsátkozzanak, melyek lehetővé teszik a közösséghez való tartozásra, az önértékelésre és az önmegvalósításra vonatkozó szükségletek kielégítését, valamint a virtuális identitás pozitív megélését. Kialakított modellem révén a vállalatok segítséget kapnak abban, hogy milyen fogyasztói jellemzőkre érdemes különös figyelmet fordítaniuk. További gyakorlati vonatkozás az is, hogy a disszertációban kialakított általános modell számtalan komplex fogalom praktikus, mérhető jellemzőit mutatja be, melyek révén rávilágít arra, hogy a fogyasztói identitás sajátosságainak kutatása hasznos adalékokkal szolgálhatnak azon vállalatok számára, melyek a virtuális világokban kívánnak terjeszkedni. Az internet és a világhálós alkalmazások rohamos térnyerése, a különféle játékok és virtuális világok elterjedése számtalan új lehetőséget teremt a vállalatok számára, melyek teljes kiaknázására csak úgy nyílhat lehetőségük, ha képesek megérteni a fogyasztók jellemzőit, egyedi tulajdonságait és szokásait

    Virtual World Platforms End-User Motives

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    This study enlists four motive constructs (achievement, control, escapism, and friendship) to show significant differences exist across when applied to different VWs platforms, and shows VW platform studies need to be investigated in isolation, and not in combination. The four motive constructs differ, and in structural equation modelling they can be treated as a combined suite of input motives, and against one VW platform at a time. Such studies offer developers (and relational marketers) direction when formulating and building their VW platform’s sustainable positioning modelling outcome directions

    Cybersecurity governance: A scoping review

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    Purpose: Security measures have become increasingly important due to the expansion of the cyber environments. National and international entities are exposing themselves to cybersecurity risks, and they are growing in number every day. Theoretical Framework: With a comprehensive cybersecurity plan, threats can be eliminated. Implementing this plan is possible by involving all stakeholders in the management processes because the idea of management is insufficient. To ensure cybersecurity, this study highlights the significance of cybersecurity and cybergovernance in the digital world. Design: The study findings and recommendations for cybersecurity governance were reviewed. A scoping review research model was used for this purpose. Findings:A basic and documentary research model related to research philosophy were developed for the application technique. The scope of the research includes publications from Scopus. Studies from the last ten years were downloaded using the selected keywords. Originality: The results show that despite research that has led to local cybersecurity governance solutions in several countries, a comprehensive governance framework has not yet been established. Instead, there is a hidden conflict over control of this region, not its governance.

    Motyvacija viešajame sektoriuje ‒ motyvacinių alternatyvų teorinės įžvalgos Maslowo poreikių hierarchijos kontekste

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    The significance of Maslow theory of human needs remains in the various organizations because of its simplicity and adaptability. In order to meet the motivational system need in public sector and saving public money, the theory based on the psychological factors must be considered. The article disclose the application of theory finding that the theory of a priori structure has been established in the traditional public administration model. Reviewing the dissemination of the theory in the background of New Public Management and indicating possible negative implications for the civil servants emerged due to self- actualization of the highest factor of motivation theory, it is proposed to re-integrate the theory of Maslow implementing Frankl’s self-transcendence factor in the New Governance.Straipsnyje nagrinėjama Maslowo teorija viešojo administravimo modelių metamorfozės kontekste. Apžvelgiant teorijos anatomiją bei pritaikant jos logiką analizuojant tradicinį viešojo administravimo modelį, atskleidžiama kylanti problema, susijusi su aukščiausiu saviraiškos veiksniu valstybės tarnybos kontekste. Taip pat nagrinėjamos galimos individualistinės saviraiškos veiksnio neigiamos implikacijos ypatingai naujosios viešosios vadybos koncepcijoje. Siekiant reintegruoti Maslowo teoriją, naujajame viešajame valdyme kaip alternatyvą pasiūloma atlikti teorinį grupavimą, įdiegiant Franklio savitranscendenciją kaip šio modelio motyvacinį normatyvą

    A Hierarchical Model of Virtual Experience and Its Influences on the Perceived Value and Loyalty of Customers

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    Many businesses use virtual experience (VE) to enhance the overall customer experience, though extant research offers little guidance for how to improve consumers’ VE. This study, anchored in activity theory, examines key drivers of VE and its influences on value perceptions and customer loyalty. A hierarchical model indicates that VE comprises second-order variables (i.e., social presence, social capital, flow experience, and situational involvement) and third-order variables (i.e., communal and individual experience). The results obtained from a substantive model further reveal that VE positively influences perceptions of both economic and social value and thus influences loyalty in both the real world and virtual environments

    Uloga nepovoljnih Ĺľivotnih iskustava u djeÄŤjoj dobi u razvoju problematiÄŤne uporabe medija i interneta - pregled istraĹľivanja

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    Korištenje interneta, koje nam olakšava komunikaciju i pruža mogućnost zabave, postalo je sastavni dio svakodnevnog života. Međutim uporaba interneta ponekad bude prekoračena i prijeđe u problematičnu uporabu interneta. Česti predmet istraživanja su prediktori razvoja problematične uporabe interneta. Nekoliko je istraživanja ispitivalo ulogu nepovoljnih iskustava u dječjoj dobi na kasniji razvoj problematične uporabe medija i interneta te je cilj ovoga rada prikazati dosadašnja istraživanja o povezanosti ova dva konstrukta. Pretražene su tri baze: Scopus, EBSCO, PsycInfo te je analizirano 12 istraživanja. Istraživanja prikazana u ovom radu upućuju na mogući učinak nepovoljnih životnih iskustava u dječjoj dobi na razvoj problematične uporabe interneta i medija, ali u istraživanjima su prisutna određena ograničenja koja su opisana u radu te su dani prijedlozi za unapređenje metodologije istraživanja. Analizirana istraživanja mogu poslužiti za razvoj preventivnih aktivnosti i intervencija usmjerenih na problematičnu uporabu interneta, a koje su zasnovane na znanjima o traumi

    Career Motivation of NGO Professionals in Songkhla Province of Thailand: A Qualitative Study

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the career motivation of professionals in non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Songkhla province of Thailand. Professionals were defined as the university graduates. The research questions were: What factors motivate the NGO professionals to choose NGOs as the workplace? Why did the professionals choose the NGO over the other alternative career options? Later when they were more experienced, why did they choose to continue to remain in the NGO profession? A mixed method within qualitative approach using in-depth interviews, non-participant observation and secondary document analysis was utilized to conduct the study. There were 16 respondents who came from 5 NGOs in Songkhla province. All 5 NGOs that were chosen to conduct the research were the members of the NGO Coordinating Committee on Rural Development in the South of Thailand (NGO-COD South). Hahn’s (2008) data analysis model was used as the basis of qualitative data analysis. The level 1, level 2, and level 3 coding of Hahn’s (2008) data analysis model was adopted for reducing the qualitative data, category development, and refining the themes respectively. This study had reached the level 3 coding of Hahn’s (2008) data analysis model. Then, the refined themes were used for writing the thesis. This study found that the NGO professionals in Songkhla province seemed to be motivated by non-financial factors (social goals, job characteristics, commitment, and happiness at work) rather than financial factors (salary and benefits). Since this study purposely chose the NGOs in Songkhla province of Thailand for qualitative investigation, the results of this study may not be generalizable to other regions or other sectors. Therefore, the future researchers should explore further on the issue of career motivation in NGOs in other regions as well as the issue of career motivation in other sectors (i.e. public sector and private sector) in order to fill up the gap of knowledge in this area