3,340 research outputs found

    Long path and cycle decompositions of even hypercubes

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    We consider edge decompositions of the nn-dimensional hypercube QnQ_n into isomorphic copies of a given graph HH. While a number of results are known about decomposing QnQ_n into graphs from various classes, the simplest cases of paths and cycles of a given length are far from being understood. A conjecture of Erde asserts that if nn is even, â„“<2n\ell < 2^n and â„“\ell divides the number of edges of QnQ_n, then the path of length â„“\ell decomposes QnQ_n. Tapadia et al.\ proved that any path of length 2mn2^mn, where 2m<n2^m<n, satisfying these conditions decomposes QnQ_n. Here, we make progress toward resolving Erde's conjecture by showing that cycles of certain lengths up to 2n+1/n2^{n+1}/n decompose QnQ_n. As a consequence, we show that QnQ_n can be decomposed into copies of any path of length at most 2n/n2^{n}/n dividing the number of edges of QnQ_n, thereby settling Erde's conjecture up to a linear factor

    On realization graphs of degree sequences

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    Given the degree sequence dd of a graph, the realization graph of dd is the graph having as its vertices the labeled realizations of dd, with two vertices adjacent if one realization may be obtained from the other via an edge-switching operation. We describe a connection between Cartesian products in realization graphs and the canonical decomposition of degree sequences described by R.I. Tyshkevich and others. As applications, we characterize the degree sequences whose realization graphs are triangle-free graphs or hypercubes.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Parameterization Above a Multiplicative Guarantee

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    Parameterization above a guarantee is a successful paradigm in Parameterized Complexity. To the best of our knowledge, all fixed-parameter tractable problems in this paradigm share an additive form defined as follows. Given an instance (I,k) of some (parameterized) problem ? with a guarantee g(I), decide whether I admits a solution of size at least (at most) k+g(I). Here, g(I) is usually a lower bound (resp. upper bound) on the maximum (resp. minimum) size of a solution. Since its introduction in 1999 for Max SAT and Max Cut (with g(I) being half the number of clauses and half the number of edges, respectively, in the input), analysis of parameterization above a guarantee has become a very active and fruitful topic of research. We highlight a multiplicative form of parameterization above a guarantee: Given an instance (I,k) of some (parameterized) problem ? with a guarantee g(I), decide whether I admits a solution of size at least (resp. at most) k ? g(I). In particular, we study the Long Cycle problem with a multiplicative parameterization above the girth g(I) of the input graph, and provide a parameterized algorithm for this problem. Apart from being of independent interest, this exemplifies how parameterization above a multiplicative guarantee can arise naturally. We also show that, for any fixed constant ?>0, multiplicative parameterization above g(I)^(1+?) of Long Cycle yields para-NP-hardness, thus our parameterization is tight in this sense. We complement our main result with the design (or refutation of the existence) of algorithms for other problems parameterized multiplicatively above girth
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