381,267 research outputs found

    Measuring of Dependency between the Heart Rate and the Human Movement

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    Import 04/07/2011Tato bakalářská práce pojednává o měření závislosti tepové frekvence na pohybu. Práce je teoreticko-praktického charakteru. Teoretická část vysvětluje, co je to tepová frekvence, jakými způsoby se určuje a co se pomocí jejího měření dá zjistit o zdravotním stavu probanda. Zároveň je zde objasněno za jakých podmínek by měly probíhat zátěžové testy a také závislost tepové frekvence na různých stupních pohybové zátěže. Praktická část je složena ze zátěžových testů realizovaných na běžícím pásu. V průběhu testů je u jednotlivců pomocí hrudního pásu měřena tepová frekvence a data jsou zaznamenána do počítače. Data jsou dále zpracována v programu Matlab a Microsoft Excel. V programu Microsoft Excel je provedeno statistické zpracování dat korelační a regresní analýzou.This bachelor thesis deals with the measurement of heartbeat depending on the movement of persons. The thesis have a theoretical and practical character. The theoretical part explains what it is a heartbeat, what ways it is determined and what we can identify by measurement it about health of the person. Also there is explained how to do stress tests and what is the relationship between heartbeat and different levels of physical stress. The practical part is composed of the stress tests on a treadmill. During the stress test is monitoring heartbeat by chest strap for individual person and these data are recorded into a computer. After monitoring data are processed in program Matlab and Microsoft Excel. Data are statistical computing with correlation and regression analysis in program Microsoft Excel.450 - Katedra měřicí a řídicí technikyvýborn

    Start with why: how great leaders inspire everyone to take action by Simon Sinek

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    Recensão crítica à obra de Simon Sinek, "Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone To Take Action". New York: Penguin, 2011“Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone To Take Action”, is a book written by Simon Sinek, who is one of my favourite non-fiction authors ever. Simon Sinek gave one of the most popular TED Talks ever How great leaders Inspire action that gathered seventeen million views. The TED Talk gives you a good tast what the book is about. He develops an activity as consultant for companies like Microsoft and 3M and collaborates with media like The New York Times and FastCompany. The book of Simon Sinek revolves around three questions from a business point of view: What? How? Why? Throughout the book the author argues that “Why” should be central to what companies do. The “How” and “What” should then derive from do “Why”. The intention is that organizations should inspire workers and customers to act

    Pelatihan Pembuatan Diagram dengan Microsoft Excel di SMP Mainang Kabupaten Alor

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     Diagram making training using Microsoft Excel is a community service carried out at the Toyg State Junior High School, which is in the Toyg Village, Alor Regency. This activity was carried out for 1 day during the training. This training aims to make students understand how to present diagrams using Microsoft Excel. The material provided has been prepared before the training, namely regarding the presentation of data with diagrams in the statistics subject. The method used is presentation and then direct practice is carried out by students. The obstacle at school is that there are no computer facilities so this is a new thing for them and they are very enthusiastic about participating in this training, so that the children quickly understand what they are being trained to do

    Copyright, Licensing, and the First Screen

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    As patent, copyright, and other intellectual property rights have assumed greater economic importance, the manner in which those rights are used has come under increased scrutiny. Recently filed antitrust litigation against Microsoft Corporation, for example, focuses on the terms under which Microsoft has licensed its Windows® operating system to computer manufacturers (generally referenced as OEMs, for Original Equipment Manufacturers). In particular, parties to the litigation complain about the license agreements\u27 requirement that the first screen to appear when customers initially turn on ( boot up ) a computer display certain features common across all Windows-based platforms. The first screen provision has been portrayed as evidence that Microsoft seeks to undermine competitors in the computer software market.... Microsoft does supply a very large proportion of operating systems for personal computers, having dramatically outdistanced the competition with its Windows operating system for Intel-compatible computers. All of those challenging Microsoft start with the predicate that its Windows system is the de facto standard for most types of personal computer in the U.S. Plaintiffs assume that Microsoft has monopoly power as a result of Windows\u27 success and argue that Microsoft has misused the advantage it enjoys with the success of Windows by various actions, particularly provisions in contracts licensing others to use Windows. The plaintiffs do not claim that Microsoft is engaged in or is facilitating a horizontal conspiracy-as would occur if Microsoft agreed with competing software firms to restrain output in a given product line. Instead, plaintiffs allege that Microsoft\u27s vertical relations with other firms-in which Microsoft contracts with others in a principal-agent relationship-improperly use the power of its copyright for Windows and that system\u27s success in the marketplace. That is the essence of the complaint respecting the first screen provision: that the rights conferred by copyright do not permit Microsoft to ask its licensees to bind themselves in that way. That complaint is problematic in part because it seems on its face to stand copyright law on its head. Copyright law provides an exclusive right for the owner to decide when and how to allow the copyrighted material to be used. Antitrust law, consequently, long has applied different standards to ordinary vertical agreements and agreements licensing intellectual property rights. Unfortunately, court decisions have not followed a single, straight line respecting the relationship between antitrust and intellectual property right laws, as discussed below, and the Microsoft case requires delineation of the way antitrust law should deal with copyright licensing, if not with contract arrangements more generally. Even if that issue is resolved favorably to plaintiffs (who dispute Microsoft\u27s contention that intellectual property laws trump antitrust), there is a second problem. Antitrust analysis of vertical relationships under the rule of reason would require evaluation of the efficiency gains and costs of the challenged actions. Although such evaluations are done in many different settings, the complaints\u27 allegations of improper provisions in licensing contracts call for an analysis that parses particular contract terms. That analysis necessarily entails an artificial assignment of effects among contract terms and is likely to be distorted from the considerations informing parties to the contracts. This paper examines the first screen provision in the context of the law and practice respecting computer software licensing. The first section provides background on copyright. The second section explores the considerations relevant to licensing contracts. The third section addresses the intersection between antitrust and copyright licensing. The fourth section directly considers the first screen provision-what it does, what interests it serves, and what efficiencies it generates. A concluding section argues that, while the provision should pass antitrust muster, the process of examining such licensing provisions under the antitrust laws may do more harm than good

    A Social Analysis of Software Development Teams: Three Models and their Differences

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    In this paper we analyze the socio-technical activity called software development by focusing on the social perspective. We do so to pursue two questions: What can we learn about software development by focusing on its social aspects and what insight does a social perspective give us regarding the production methods, techniques and tools uses in software development? From the social perspective, this analysis suggests three models of software teams. For each of these we outline, compare, and comment on issues with the way the task, methods and tools are conceptualized. We include a brief discussion of hybrid models such as those used at Microsoft and other packaged software vendors

    Mystic Microsoft : a journey of transformation in the halls of high technology

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    258 p. ; 23 cm.Libro ElectrónicoWhere do you go if you want to grow spiritually? A church? A monastery? India? Tibet? What about the heart of high-tech corporate multinationalism? If you’ve ever thought that God only works through formal religious or spiritual channels, think again! Mystic Microsoft demonstrates that when there’s sincerity of heart and a willingness to offer oneself into whatever Life brings, God can (and will) find a way to guide one’s inner growth in any setting. In this fascinating story, one of Microsoft’s most visible technology experts during the company’s most expansive growth phase (1988-1996) relates how the very circumstances of his career were the vehicle through which he was inwardly transformed. With insight, wit, and colorful anecdotes about life in the world’s leading software company, Kraig Brockschmidt illustrates how one’s career, such as his experience writing the Windows Calculator and his bestselling book, Inside OLE 2, can be a tremendous opportunity for spiritual growth. As he writes, “In the course of my eight and a half years with [Microsoft] I learned and experienced exactly what you would expect from direct [spiritual] training in a monastery or ashram...” Mystic Microsoft thus offers hope to those who feel that their careers are at odds with their inner aspirations and those who seek to find a deeper meaning in their worldly responsibilities.Prologue A Trend Inverted One Homecoming Two Baby Steps Three Pole Shift Four Opportunity Five Leap of Faith Six Esprit de Corps Seven A Bigger Pot Eight A Mile in Their Shoes Nine Only So High Ten Flash Flood Eleven Name, Fame, Guru Game Twelve Purpose Thirteen A Flick of the Switch Fourteen Breakthrough Fifteen Enoughonaire Sixteen Fade to Light Epilogue About the Author Inde

    Corporate Social Responsibility of Multinational Corporations

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    Corporate social responsibilities (CSR) are becoming increasingly important in today’s business world. Companies should care about their stakeholders’ interests but at the same time, they should place more emphasis on other areas apart from solely profits making. Most people used to think that businesses are taking advantages from consumers. Nonetheless, nowadays stakeholders are not only concern about profits; they are more interested in company regarding various economic, environmental, ethical, governance, and social aspects, since these factors significantly affect the fate of the company in long term. Research has proven that there is a competitive advantage for corporations that have a higher reputation and are more socially responsible in their CSR program. Many multinational companies such as Starbucks, the Body Shop, and Microsoft, establish well-developed code of conduct; they also strive to achieve some social missions in order to do businesses ethically, minimize negative environmental impacts, raise public attention on certain issues, raise funds and donations, increase employees’ job satisfaction, and more. The thesis will further demonstrate the significance of CSR and explore what companies have done to contribute to the world by comparing Apple and Microsoft, two well-known multinational corporations in the information technology industry

    Texture Synthesis

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    Import 05/08/2014Má bakalářská práce se zabývá syntézou textur. Zpočátku popisuji různé přístupy, jaké typy algoritmů syntézy textur se používaly nebo používají a jaké výhody a nevýhody poskytují. Pro implementaci jsme vybrali algoritmus syntézy textur vytvořený skupinou Microsoft Research s názvem Parallel Controllable Texture Synthesis[1], který implementuji v jazyce C++ za pomocí knihovny OpenCV. Tento algoritmus následně do detailů popisuji a vysvětluji, na jakém principu funguje a jak zásadně mohou vstupní hodnoty uživatele ovlivňovat výstupní textury vytvořené pomocí tohoto algoritmu. V kapitole čtvrté vyhodnocuji uměle vytvořené textury, dobu zpracování, kvalitu a jaké nastavení vstupních hodnot je nejlepší použít. V poslední kapitole lehce nastiňuji, čeho by chtěli vývojáři v oblasti syntézy textur ještě v budoucnosti dosáhnout.My bachelor thesis deals with texture synthesis. At first, I’m describing differences between different approaches and what is good and bad about them. For my implementation and testing purposes we chose one texture synthesis algorithm invented by Microsoft Research group, called Parallel Controllable Texture Synthesis [1]. I'm explaining and describing in detail how is this algorithm working and how the user is capable of affecting the output texture by the input values for example by adding more randomness etcetera. In the fourth chapter I analyze artificial texture, processing time and what user input values are the best to use. In the last chapter I lightly outline what the developers would like to achieve in the future with texture synthesis algorithms.460 - Katedra informatikyvýborn

    Student and Instructor Responses to E-Feedback

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    This empirical study provides further insight into how instructors decide on the methods used to respond to student writing and whether these criteria match what students want from this feedback. What are instructors\u27 considerations when they adopt e-feedback practices? Do these considerations align or conflict with student preferences for how they receive feedback? How does the rhetorical content of these technologies (visual presentation and choices offered to users) affect the ways both teachers and students use them? To address a research gap, this study focuses on e-feedback, which is in-document feedback from instructors distributed via the Web to students (also called digital feedback or electronic feedback) in two of the formats most widely used by college composition instructors: comments added to Microsoft Word files and comments left in GradeMark, the essay annotation and grading platform embedded within Turnitin.com. By comparing through surveys student impressions of e-feedback with the criteria instructors use to make decisions about what technologies to use when commenting, my goal is to give teachers a tool to make better-informed choices