76 research outputs found

    What makes you a digital native? Is it enough to be born after 1980?

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    WOS: 000375811900043The purpose of this study is to determine levels of technological proficiency among university students to see if they should be characterized as "digital natives." For this purpose, rather than using types and frequency of technology use to characterize a digital native, the Digital Native Assessment Scale (DNAS) developed by Teo (2013) was employed. This scale has an established reliability and validity measure. It measures several factors (e.g., grew up with technology, comfortable with multi-tasking, reliant on graphics for communication, thrive on instant gratifications and rewards, etc.) relating to accepted characteristics of a digital native. The participants in the study were 560 university students, 278 of whom were from Turkey and 282 from Kyrgyzstan. The findings indicate that these university students actively used computers and the Internet. The statistical results show that digital natives can be characterized by including their academic year (Freshman, Sophomore, etc.), national culture, and experiences with technology (computers, tablet PCs, and the Internet). The results also indicate that there are no significant differences in the participants' perceptions of themselves as digital natives due to their gender or academic disciplines. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    The Impact of Using Mining Technology on the Environment in the Manggarai Mine Circle Community From the Ethical Perspective of Hans Jonas

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    This paper focuses on the issue of the impact of the use of mining technology on the environment of the Manggarai mining circle community from the perspective of Hans Jonas responsibility ethics. Technological advances increasingly developing have a tangible impact on the entire order of human life. In addition to being very helpful to humans in everyday life, it turns out that the presence of technology negatively impacts humans, including the environment. The environment is often used as an object that provides satisfaction and benefits for humans, even so, many problems arise due to the transition of functions to nature to generate profits. The environment becomes threatened because it is polluted and damaged. The authors raised this issue using the literature method with the sources used in the form of literature from various books and journals. According to Hans Jonas, the findings of this paper are that the environment is the place and future of all living things, especially humans. Therefore, the living environment needs to be appropriately maintained, cared for, and preserved for the integrity of the existing creation and living in it


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    The article focuses on yacht cruises treated as complex tourist products. For the purposes of the article, it was assumed that the measure of attractiveness of such products is the satisfaction of the tourist after the end of the consumption process. It is influenced by the ability to choose from among a wide range of individual products that are best suited to the needs of a given tourist. The main purpose of the article was to indicate the possibility of using online tools that facilitate the access to information on individual tourist products and support the subsequent stages of consumption of the tourist product. The article presents a typical process of consumption of a nautical tourism product, research on the activity of sailors and their purchase preferences regarding goods and services purchased in the visited ports. It also presents the possibilities of making nautical tourism products more attractive by Internet tools, for example by facilitating the finding of up-to-date information, its consolidation or increasing the safety of navigation. At the end, recommendations regarding the widespread use of online tools by entities offering goods and services purchased by sailors are presented. The article uses such research methods as: critical literature analysis, participant observation and questionnaire surveys

    Digitalization and the Writing Classroom: A Reflection on Classroom Practices

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    This paper outlines the educational benefits of creating digital stories for a variety of academic purposes as well as the professional need for students to develop and showcase digital proficiency. Digital stories fall under the category of multimodal composition and new media studies, and they encourage students to expand their digital literacy skills while reconceptualizing ways in which traditional writing projects can appeal to a broader audience. The article also addresses some of the classroom challenges teachers may face when trying to implement the practice and some practical resources that might assist teachers to integrate digital stories into their classrooms

    Language of Existential Experience of a Person in the Digital Age

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    The article presents the problem of the existential feasible in the digital. The relevance of the problem is gaining weight in the so-called digital age, when the objectives in the human world are represented by technology and the technological. The following questions from the 20th century are becoming relevant again: the relationship between a person and technology; the future of a person and technology; the human / existential in the context of multiplying technology. In the 21st century, the digital can be seen as a cluster of external objectivity in the everyday life. The article raises questions about how the talk about the existential dimension in the digital age is possible; whether there are grounds of speaking about the dynamics of human existential conditions in the process of intensification of everything that is called digital today; and if yes, then in what format and with what language. Given these questions, we understand the digital as a special topos of human existence, a space of manifestation, “highlighting” the existential, which can be comprehended and conceptualized. In the digital age the human being remains, same as his/her existentials. In the markup of the digital, both the individual and the existentials are subject to serious transformation. This is illustrated by digital subjects, digital twins, digital traces/prints, which have an effect on the individual and his/her existential filling. From this we deduce the idea of digital anthropology as a new research field

    E-Learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Spain: A Case Study with High School Mathematics Students

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    The covid-19 pandemic has significantly altered the organization and scheduling of high schools in Spain. Due to pandemic restrictions, most students from grades 9 to 11 come to class only on alternate days. In this situation, e-learning and distance learning have gained prominence as necessary methods of instruction. In this study 68 students from grades 9 and 10, attending on alternate days, participated in an online teaching experience for the first time in their lives. This took place during the first trimester of the 2020-2021 academic school year. On days when they did not attend class in person, students were expected to watch the mathematics classes which were broadcasted live via YouTube. Students could either watch the classes live and ask the teacher questions via an online chat, or alternatively, they could watch the pre-recorded classes at a later time. The two options were analyzed using quantitative and qualitative methods. Results showed a continuous decrease in the number of students who preferred the first option, switching progressively from online live classes to pre-recorded classes as the weeks passed. The qualitative results explained this progressive decrease as students preferred to watch the teacher’s explanations several times. Although e-learning is absolutely necessary in the 21st century, and especially during the current pandemic, controlling students’ level of application to distance work and online learning is still a challenge


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    Penggunaan media pembelajaran IPA berbasis digital di salah satu sekolah di kecamatan Cimanggung didapati masih kurang bervariasi terutama di masa pandemi. Penggunaan media pembelajaran didominasi oleh gambar dan buku teks. Diperlukan media pembelajaran digital yang lebih menarik dan lebih mengaktifkan siswa. Maka, sebagai upaya menambah variasi penggunaan media pembelajaran, peneliti mengembangkan suatu media pembelajaran digital dalam bentuk aplikasi berbasis augmented reality dengan jenis pemodelan objek 3D menggunakan marker based tracking (QR code) pada topik jaring-jaring makanan. Topik jaring-jaring makanan dipilih karena komponen-komponen makhluk hidup dalam jaring-jaring makanan memungkinkan dibuat menjadi AR. Penelitian pengembangan ini menggunakan model ADDIE dari Jampel, Tegeh & Pudjawan yang terdiri dari tahap analysis, design, development, implementation dan evaluation. Dalam tahap implementation atau uji coba produk, peneliti menggunakan pendekatan saintifik. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah angket validasi media, angkat respon dan wawancara. Berdasarkan hasil validasi oleh ahli materi, ahli media dan ahli pembelajaran, didapatkan akumulasi skor rata-rata sebesar 91,2% yang menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi JARMAVIS dikategorikan sangat layak digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran. Adapun akumulasi skor rata-rata dari guru, siswa dan orang tua sebagai pengguna aplikasi, menunjukan persentase 92,2% sehingga aplikasi JARMAVIS juga dikategorikan sangat layak bagi pengguna. Media pembelajaran aplikasi JARMAVIS ini mendapat respon positif dari para pengguna khususnya siswa yang mengaku merasa senang dan seru menggunakan aplikasi JARMAVIS dalam pembelajaran. Selain itu, aplikasi ini memungkinkan terjadinya pembelajaran saintifik berbasis HOTs dengan pengembangan sikap rasa ingin tahu, kolaborasi dan kerja sama karena terdapat tahap pembuatan karya papan jaring-jaring makanan. ----- The use of digital-based science learning media in one school of Cimanggung sub-district is still less varied, especially during the pandemic. The use of learning media is dominated by pictures and textbooks. More interesting and more activating students digital learning media is required. So, as an effort to increase the variety of learning media, researcher developed a digital learning media in the form of augmented reality (AR)-based applications with 3D object modeling using marker based tracking (QR code) on the topic of food webs. The topic of food webs was chosen because the components of living things in food webs are possible to be made into AR. This development research uses the ADDIE model from Jampel, Tegeh & Pudjawan which consists of the stages of analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. In the implementation phase or product testing, researcher use scientific approach. The instruments used in this study were media validation checks, responses and interviews. Based on validation by material experts, media experts and learning experts, an average score accumulation of 91.2% was obtained which indicates that the JARMAVIS application is categorized as very suitable to be used as a learning media. As for the accumulated average score of teachers, students and parents as application users, the percentage is 92.2% so that the JARMAVIS application is also categorized as very feasible for users. The JARMAVIS application learning media received a positive response from users, especially students who claimed to be happy to use the JARMAVIS application in learning. In addition, this application allows HOTs-based scientific learning to occur and developing an attitude of curiosity, collaboration and cooperation because there is a stage of making food web boards