88 research outputs found

    The Acceptance of the i-NILAM System by Librarian Media Teacher

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    The i-NILAM system is a system that records activity of Nadi Ilmu Amalan Membaca (NILAM) in school. In order to predict user acceptance in technology, the researchers have decided to assess the current system based on theory acceptance model. The Technology Acceptance Model has been adopted as the theoretical framework to determine whether it could help to explain actual individual behavior using the technology. A questionnaire survey has been used and it involves 120 librarian media teachers from schools in Batang Padang district. More importantly, this system will contribute to the efficiency of the management of NILAM Programme. This paper also discusses the theory acceptance model which is a specific model based to explain and expect consumer acceptance towards technology. The results of structural equation modeling using AMOS 18 supported the adequacy of research model

    IV-SIETDH-50193 - Inovação Educativa, Práticas de Liderança e Tecnologias

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    O problema em estudo prende-se com a falta de inovação educativa existente na maioria das escolas, ao nível da aprendizagem baseada em projetos e tecnologias. Apesar de vivermos na era da sociedade da informação e do conhecimento, o sistema educativo ainda não se adaptou a estes novos tempos, nomeadamente aos alunos com que nos deparamos, atualmente, nas nossas escolas. No sentido de diminuir o desinteresse pelas atividades escolares, a utilização de Metodologia Ativas, por exemplo, Metodologia de Trabalho de Projeto, apresenta um papel preponderante no processo de ensino aprendizagem, visto que os alunos estão envolvidos na construção do seu próprio saber, através do aprender fazendo, aumentando a sua motivação.No entanto, tem-se assistido à introdução de sucessivos projetos ao nível das TIC nas escolas e de utilização das tecnologias, em contexto sala de aula, desbravando supostos novos caminhos para introduzir inovação. Mas, aparentemente, o efeito destas inovações tem-se revelado débil, o que indicia que não basta dotar as escolas de equipamentos e soluções tecnológicas. É necessário ligar lideranças, tecnologias e pedagogia, o que só se consegue ao nível de cada escola. Neste estudo, pretendemos realizar uma abordagem qualitativa e interpretativa, utilizando uma metodologia mista, através de um estudo de caso múltiplo, utilizando como técnicas de recolha de dados, entrevistas semiestruturadas, um questionário e análise documental, para aferir o papel das lideranças na inovação educativa, ao nível do desenvolvimento da metodologia de trabalho de projeto e na utilização das novas tecnologias, em três escolas do 3º ciclo, entrevistando o diretor, professores e alunos. Através desta investigação, pretendemos aprofundar o conhecimento da relação entre Inovação Educativa, Práticas de Liderança e Tecnologias.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    21st century English Primary teachers and technology [Los profesores del siglo XXI y la tecnología]

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    Abstract: Being a teacher is much more that delivering contents in the classroom. It implies setting standard behaviors as well as showing ways to work. In one word, teachers are an example in the classroom. The implementation of their way to teach will be considered as good or bad teaching by their own students for many years. Likewise, the way they use technology in the classroom can trigger motivation and perceptions in their future students. That is why, teachers need to be conscious of what they do in the classroom and adopt technology principles to be applied in a near future. This paper addresses how teachers do that at Universidad de Alcalá (Madrid, Spain). The paper shows the main work done in class and considers the effect in the short and long run.Keywords: technology, attitudes, teacher education, English teaching. Resumen:Ser un maestro es mucho más que entregar contenidos en la clase. Implica establecer comportamientos estándar, así como mostrar formas de trabajar. En una palabra, los maestros son un ejemplo en el aula. La implementación de su forma de enseñar será considerada como buena o mala enseñanza por sus propios estudiantes durante muchos años. Del mismo modo, la forma en que utilizan la tecnología en el aula puede desencadenar motivación y percepciones en sus futuros estudiantes. Es por eso que los maestros deben ser conscientes de lo que hacen en el aula y en el futuro. Este trabajo aborda la forma en que los maestros lo hacen en la Universidad de Alcalá (Madrid, España). El trabajo muestra el trabajo principal realizado en la clase y considera el efecto a corto y largo plazo.Palabras clave: tecnología, actitudes, formación de profesorado, enseñanza de inglés

    Using Discussion Forums in Blackboard to Facilitate Electronic Government Course Delivery

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    Recent pedagogical trends called for a transformation in the educational process where students are given more control and responsibility over their learning process. Instructors are expected to act as facilitators and mentors. This research shows the results of using the discussion forums feature in blackboard (BB) to effectively deliver an electronic government (eGov) course. The course emphasizes both the soft and the hard aspects of managing eGov projects. This is considered quite challenging to senior undergraduate students as it requires familiarity with the outside world and organizational dynamic. The use of the BB in this course is intended to achieve two main objectives. Firstly, by reading the assigned material prior to coming to class, students have already started to demonstrate an understanding of the specified topic/chapter. Secondly, students are requested to further push their understanding of the topic by posting a contribution in a BB discussion forums relating to an issue in their readings selected from the Internet and other resources. This research depicts the protocol of this technique and shows its usage in a classroom setting

    Adoption vs. usage of interactive white board technology by teachers in higher education institutions

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    This research investigates teaching faculty&rsquo;s adoption and usage of Interactive White Board Technology (IWBT) in teaching in UAE University (UAEU). The research extended the technological innovation theories and proposed a model made of different contexts. The research model was partially supported and highlighted interesting insights pertaining to adoption and usage of IWBT in teaching. Contrasting findings pertaining to the same factors across adoption and usage proved to be both insightful as well as challenging at the same time. Implications arising from significant and insignificant factors lead to a conclusion that IWBT is evolving in UAEU. The research discusses theoretical as well as professional contributions and implications emerging and portrays different research areas in this field.<br /

    Comparative Study of the Impact of Instructional Materials and Technology on Traditional and Distance Education Systems.

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    Recent changes in information and communication technologies have significantly impacted teaching and learning processes. Methods of doing business have also changed. Many experts now recommend that students’ educational experiences be reformed to better prepare students for their future, which entails incorporating technology in the teaching process. The objective of this study is to assess the importance of technology and good instructional materials on two educational systems – distance and traditional systems. We conclude, among others, that good instructional materials should be clear, precise, and must deliver accurate message as were initially designed to do irrespective of traditional or distance educational system. We further conclude that whereas technology may have greater influence on distance education than on the traditional classroom system, however, when applied appropriately, technology will also enhance learning in the traditional classroom system. Students will comprehend faster, and it will make the teaching task less difficult. Education planners and instructors must ensure that application of technology; especially in distance education does not jeopardize the quality of learning

    Integrating CALL Into English Language Learning: Bangladeshi College Students’ Perceptions and Challenges

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    This study aims to explore Bangladeshi college students’ attitude, perception, interests and challenges with regard to the application of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) in learning English. A mixed method research was designed and administered to obtain the purposes of the present study. One hundred undergraduate students (52 male and 48 female) of English Department studying at a government college in Bangladesh participated in the questionnaire survey while twenty students (11 male and 09 female) were purposively chosen for the semi-structured interview section. The collected data of quantitative part were analysed by SPSS software and the responses of the qualitative part were thematically analysed. The findings revealed that students showed positive attitude towards the integration of CALL in English language learning and teaching process. Nonetheless, the Chi-square value revealed that there is no significant relationship between gender variation and the attitude to CALL. The results also revealed that students face some difficulties in using computer and other relevant technological equipment for English Language learning. The results provide concepts and suggestions to the future researchers for further investigations in relation to CALL for the benefits of learners and learning


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    This study presents the method and results of an experiment conducted to investigate whether kids (5-8 years) can use technology to learn in such unsupervised learning conditions. This study also assesses the skills and understanding that children develop through unsupervised technology exposure. The study, carried over 6 months, focused on two primary schools (School ‘A’ and School ‘B’) both found in Mauritius. Both quantitative and qualitative approaches were adopted to collect data for this investigation. The qualitative data focused on interviews with kids, examination of the students’ work on PCs, observation in their ability to explore an interface, use a mouse, keyboard and the Internet. The quantitative data provide information which is easy to analyze statistically and fairly reliable. Descriptive statistics and charts have been used to analyze the quantitative data. It has been found that kids who had access to computers and Internet-based resources both at school and at home can self – educate themselves, but only to some extent because there will come such a moment when they will need a facilitator for guidanc


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    Este artigo tem como objetivo verificar a influência dos fatores comportamentais na intenção e uso de tecnologias de informação e comunicação pelos docentes do curso de administração e ciências contábeis das universidades integrantes do Sistema ACAFE. Para atingir ao objetivo proposto utilizou-se uma pesquisa causal, quantitativa, descritiva, por meio de levantamento, com amostragem por conveniência. Como instrumento de coleta dos dados, utilizou-se um questionário baseado no modelo de Venkatesh et al. (2003), denominado Teoria Unificada de Aceitação e Uso da Tecnologia. Os resultados deste estudo apontaram que, de modo geral, os docentes apresentam expectativa, intenção e condições de uso positivas em relação ao uso de TICs no ensino. No entanto, observa-se que, na prática, utilizam pouca diversidade de tecnologia. Em relação às hipóteses, apenas uma, dentre as cinco levantadas no estudo, (as Condições Facilitadoras influenciam positivamente sobre o Comportamento de Uso) foi rejeitada. Verificou-se também, que a dimensão Intenção de Uso influencia em 93% e explica em 86% o Comportamento de Uso