4 research outputs found

    FlexiWall - The design and development of a prototype system that integrates Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, architecture and mobile interaction

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    In this paper we present the final step of our Internet of Things (IoT) project called FlexiWall. On an overall level, FlexiWall is a fully working prototype system in the form of an interactive wall element that demonstrates how IoT technologies can be seamlessly integrated in our built environment. In this paper we present the background and the design of the FlexiWall prototype, and we suggest that the FlexiWall prototype demonstrate how Internet of Things (IoT) technologies can be embedded in the everyday architecture of a building as an ambient information display, or as an embedded surface for interaction. Further on, we suggest that FlexiWall works as an illustration of how technologies can be seamlessly embedded in our everyday environments, how it materializes interaction in our built environment, and how the Internet of Things open up new opportunities for systems design the ranges from mobile solutions, to embedded solutions, to interaction across mobile and embedded systems in these new environments. In short and if now directing our attention to the design part of our project as reported in this paper we view the FlexiWall prototype as an interactive, flexible, and wood-based wall element that can bend as to form the light that shines through it as to display different patterns. As such, FlexiWall illustrates a novel ambient display that can be fully embedded in the architecture of a building. We present the background of this design project, including our method that rely on a concept-driven approach to interaction design, and we also present how we draw on theories of light design in architecture in the design of FlexiWall. Further on, we present how our work is related to some existing work in this area, and we present the design and implementation of this interactive wall. Having presented this project we discuss how our work adds to the current body of research within the area of the Internet of Things and mobile interaction with embedded systems before concluding the paper

    Metode Design Thinking Hadis: Pembelajaran, Riset, dan Partisipasi Masyarakat

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan membahas peluang pengembangan model design thinking hadis untuk pengajaran, penelitian, dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat di lingkungan pendidikan tinggi keagamaan Islam. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan jenis kualitatif melalui studi pustaka dan studi lapangan dengan analisis isi. Hasil dan pembahasan penelitian ini meliputi ulasan tentang tinjauan umum konsep design thinking yang menyediakan ide-ide baru melalui proses kreatif, peluang pengembangan model design thinking hadis untuk pelaksanaan pengajaran, penelitian, dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat, dan bentuk penulisan artikel metode design thinking hadis untuk keberhasilan publikasi di jurnal ilmiah. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa konsep umum design thinking memiliki peluang besar untuk dikembangkan ke dalam proses pembelajaran progresif, riset inovatif, dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang solutif berdasarkan insiprasi dari hadis Nabi Saw. untuk mengatasi berbagai problem yang berkembang di masyarakat kontemporer. Rekomendasi penelitian ini adalah pentingnya para peminat bidang hadis dan ilmu hadis memulai menerapkan metode design thinking hadis dalam pemecahan masalah melalui proses kreatif sejalan dengan implementasi tri dharma pendidikan tinggi keagamaan Islam di Indonesia

    Evaluation Strategies for HCI Toolkit Research

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    Toolkit research plays an important role in the field of HCI, as it can heavily influence both the design and implementation of interactive systems. For publication, the HCI community typically expects toolkit research to include an evaluation component. The problem is that toolkit evaluation is challenging, as it is often unclear what ‘evaluating’ a toolkit means and what methods are appropriate. To address this problem, we analyzed 68 published toolkit papers. From our analysis, we provide an overview of, reflection on, and discussion of evaluation methods for toolkit contributions. We identify and discuss the value of four toolkit evaluation strategies, including the associated techniques that each employs. We offer a categorization of evaluation strategies for toolkit researchers, along with a discussion of the value, potential limitations, and trade-offs associated with each strategy

    Diseño de interacciones vibrotáctiles en dispositivos móviles

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    El presente trabajo de grado se ubica en el área del diseño de experiencias de usuario que incluyen estímulos hápticos. El objetivo de esta tesina es contribuir con los diseñadores de estas experiencias mediante herramientas que se integren en su proceso de trabajo y faciliten la asociación de efectos de vibración con los otros componentes de las interfaces de usuario en aplicaciones móviles.Facultad de Informátic