377 research outputs found

    Patent Scope and Innovation in the Software Industry

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    Software patents have received a great deal of attention in the academic literature. Unfortunately, most of that attention has been devoted to the problem of whether software is or should be patentable subject matter. With roughly eighty thousand software patents already issued, and the Federal Circuit endorsing patentability without qualification, those questions are for the history books. The more pressing questions now concern the scope to be accorded software patents. In this Article, we examine the implications of some traditional patent law doctrines for innovation in the software industry. We argue that patent law needs some refinement if it is to promote rather than impede the growth of this new market, which is characterized by rapid sequential innovation, reuse and re-combination of components, and strong network effects that privilege interoperable components and products

    Impact of the Human Genome Project at the Interface between Patent and FDA Laws

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    Mr. Cunningham stresses the broad scope of biotechnological innovations. Besides endorsing the need for a new oversight commission to deal with potential social issues, he suggests, for example, that some products should be treated like biologics rather than new drugs

    What Is a Human Embryo –Non-Patentable- Today? The Brüstle Doctrine, Five Years Later

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    El artículo lleva a cabo una revisión de la doctrina Brüstle, analizando su impacto en diversos ámbitos: el de las decisiones de la Comisión y el Parlamento europeo, especialmente en lo que respecta a la financiación de la investigación en el marco de H2020; el del propio Bundesgerichtshof y su solución al caso Brüstle; el de la Oficina Europea de Patentes, en sus decisiones posteriores sobre la patente europea solicitada por Brüstle (teniendo en cuenta el nuevo escenario que supone la patente unitaria) y, por último, en relación con la propia jurisprudencia posterior de TJUE (asunto ISCO). Este análisis nos permite afirmar que la doctrina Brüstle continua planteando interrogantes en cuanto al estatuto jurídico del embrión humano. Se apunta, en particular, la necesidad de aclarar el régimen de los embriones supernumerarios no viablesThe article is a revision of Brüstle’s doctrine. Its impact on different fields is analysed: the decisions of the European Commission and the European Parliament (whit special regard to research within the framework of H2020); the final decision of Brüstle case at the German Federal Court of Justice; the European Patent Office and its final decision on Brüstle european patent and, finally, the ECJ case law post-Brüstle (ISCO v. Comptroller, 2014). This analysis allows us to affirm that there are still some remaining questions about the legal status of human embryo. The need for clearing up the status of non-viable embryos is highlighted

    Non-Obviousness and Complementary Innovations

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    This paper explores which patent policy should be applied to complementary innovations that are aggregated into broader technologies. I compare a setting in which complementary innovations must be bundled prior to patenting, with a second setting in which they can be patented separately. The first setting can improve static efficiency by avoiding the costs resulting from the scattering of complementary patents. But it also limits the disclosure of small innovations, which may lead to inefficient R&D cost duplications. A model capturing these effects shows that patenting complementary innovations separately is not efficient when innovations can be developed rapidly. This result justifies the enforcement of a severe “inventive step” or “non-obviousness” requirement in sectors where complementary innovations are frequent.Innovation; Brevet; R&D; Complementarité

    Ordinary Creativity in Patent Law: The Artist within the Scientist

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    Patent law is intended to promote the creativity of scientists and engineers. The system recognizes that the work of the individual is the engine that ultimately increases the state ofscientific knowledge. As economist Paul Romer recognized, Technological advance comes from things that people do. Furthering creativity represents the constitutional, theoretical and doctrinal heart of patent law. Yet the field has not meaningfully evaluated the fundamental question of what creativity is. Using theories from psychology, sociology, history and the philosophy of science, this work examines and proposes how patent law can formulate a legal conception of creativity. To undertake this inquiry, this work focuses on the U.S. Supreme Court\u27s KSR International Co. v. Teleflex Inc. decision. When considering the appropriate standard for assessing nonobviousness under 35 U.S.C. § 103, the KSR Court used the phrase ordinary creativity to refer to the capabilities of the person of ordinary skill, a standard roughly analogous to tort law\u27s reasonable person. KSR\u27s choice of this phrase is intriguing, particularly because creativity as a human attribute is notoriously difficult to define. In order to provide a theoretical background that leads to an understanding of KSR\u27s ordinary creativity standard, this work explores creativity from an interdisciplinary perspective. Further, the work proposes guidelines that may be used to implement KSR\u27s flexible standard. More broadly, this work proposes that these interdisciplinary sources can be useful to the field\u27s understanding of the process of inventio

    Perspectivas de la experimentación animal en ciencias biomédicas

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    En la presente revisión bibliográfica se pretende realizar un ejercicio de divulgación científica de un tema tan controvertido como es la experimentación con animales en los últi¬mos siglos, los orígenes, sujetos y objetivos de esta práctica, el estado actual tanto ético como legislativo y lo que nos cabe esperar de la misma en los años venideros. Una visión verificada con un importante componente social de hacia dónde se dirigen este tipo de ensayos, los retos, el futuro que nos cabe esperar y las perspectivas que del mismo se derivan en relación al ejercicio de la actividad.In the present literature review intends to carry out an exercise of scientific disclosure of such a controversial topic as is the experimentation with animals in the past few centuries, the mos signal sources, subjects and objectives of this practice, the current state both ethical as legislative and what we can expect from the same in the coming years. A vision verified with an important social component of where they are headed this type of testing, the challenges, the future that we can expect and the prospects arising from it in relation to the exercise of the activity

    History of Construction Cultures Volume 1

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    History of Construction Cultures Volume 1 contains papers presented at the 7ICCH – Seventh International Congress on Construction History, held at the Lisbon School of Architecture, Portugal, from 12 to 16 July, 2021. The conference has been organized by the Lisbon School of Architecture (FAUL), NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities, the Portuguese Society for Construction History Studies and the University of the Azores. The contributions cover the wide interdisciplinary spectrum of Construction History and consist on the most recent advances in theory and practical case studies analysis, following themes such as: - epistemological issues; - building actors; - building materials; - building machines, tools and equipment; - construction processes; - building services and techniques ; -structural theory and analysis ; - political, social and economic aspects; - knowledge transfer and cultural translation of construction cultures. Furthermore, papers presented at thematic sessions aim at covering important problematics, historical periods and different regions of the globe, opening new directions for Construction History research. We are what we build and how we build; thus, the study of Construction History is now more than ever at the centre of current debates as to the shape of a sustainable future for humankind. Therefore, History of Construction Cultures is a critical and indispensable work to expand our understanding of the ways in which everyday building activities have been perceived and experienced in different cultures, from ancient times to our century and all over the world

    Modelo para el desarrollo de la gestión del conocimiento en los centros de investigación de las universidades públicas colombianas. Caso aplicativo Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia (UPTC)

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    1 archivo PDF (16 páginas). magyetfLa gestión del conocimiento se ha desarrollado muy rápidamente durante la última década, aun así, muchas veces el término ha derivado en una simple moda o ha sido utilizado de manera acomodaticia. Por otra parte la investigación se concibe como la efectividad encaminada al descubrimiento de nuevos conocimientos en el campo de las ciencias, las artes o las letras, que ayudan a la toma decisiones y al comportamiento humano. Así pues, las empresas comienzan a darse cuenta de la importancia de saber que es lo que saben. El conocimiento está siendo reconocido como el más importante activo de la empresa, como el único recurso económico significativo. ABSTRACT: The Knowledge Management has developed very rapidly over the last decade even so, many times the term has resulted in a simple fashion or has been used so accommodative, on the other hand, the investigation was then conceived as the effectiveness aimed at the discovery of new knowledgeable in the field of science arts or letters that help decision-making and human behavior as well as companies are beginning to realize the importance of (know what they know). Knowledge is being recognized as the most important asset of the company, such as (single significant economic resource). PALABRAS CLAVE: Conocimiento, gestión, capital intelectual, universidad, investigación, exteriorización, interiorización, grupo de investigación, tecnologías de la información, comunicación, administración. KEYWORDS: Knowledge, management, intellectual capital, university, research, externalization, internalization, investigation group, information technology, communication

    The Technological Edge

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    To grant a patent to natural phenomena hinders innovation, taking back from the public that which the public has a right to possess. To deny a patent to man’s manufacture undercuts the fundamental bargain of the patent system. All inventions, at their core, may be deemed natural, rendering it difficult to distinguish between man’s manufacture and natural phenomena. Determining whether the innovative aspect of the product is a technological one, rather than a natural one, can clarify whether the patent grant promotes the progress of science and the useful arts. The higher the level of skill in the art required to innovate the less likely it is that the invention is already in the public domain. The technological edge provides the distinction between man’s manufacture and nature’s handiwork

    Contrary to First Impression, Genes are Patentable: Should There be Limitations?

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