15 research outputs found

    How to capitalise on mobility, proximity and motion analytics to support formal and informal education?

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    © 2017, CEUR-WS. All rights reserved. Learning Analytics and similar data-intensive approaches aimed at understanding and/or supporting learning have mostly focused on the analysis of students' data automatically captured by personal computers or, more recently, mobile devices. Thus, most student behavioural data are limited to the interactions between students and particular learning applications. However, learning can also occur beyond these interface interactions, for instance while students interact face-to-face with other students or their teachers. Alternatively, some learning tasks may require students to interact with non-digital physical tools, to use the physical space, or to learn in different ways that cannot be mediated by traditional user interfaces (e.g. motor and/or audio learning). The key questions here are: why are we neglecting these kinds of learning activities? How can we provide automated support or feedback to students during these activities? Can we find useful patterns of activity in these physical settings as we have been doing with computer-mediated settings? This position paper is aimed at motivating discussion through a series of questions that can justify the importance of designing technological innovations for physical learning settings where mobility, proximity and motion are tracked, just as digital interactions have been so far

    Evaluación Abierta y Transparente en Tiempo Real de Asignaturas de Ingeniería Telemática

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    [ES] Existe una cantidad enorme de métodos de evaluación de la docencia universitaria a día de hoy (tan grande como la cantidad de enseñantes). Las asignaturas de Ingeniería Telemática en España tienen distintas metodologías docentes y métodos de evaluación, pero en su mayoría tienen docencia de teoría, problemas en el aula y prácticas de laboratorio. Cada una de esas metodologías tiene sus propios métodos de evaluación particulares. Normalmente, se suelen marcar exámenes de evaluación de competencias que se realizan en una fecha determinada; elaboración de problemas o trabajos teóricos a desarrollar en un plazo prefijado; trabajos en grupo… que se evaluán después del plazo de entrega. Para este tipo de evaluación no conocemos ninguna iniciativa en la que tanto los profesores como los alumnos puedan recibir realimentación en tiempo real de la evaluación que se está realizando por parte de los profesores y comentarios de los otros alumnos. En este artículo planteamos un sistema de evaluación que permite que los alumnos y profesores puedan tener información, en tiempo real sobre la evaluación que se está realizando puntualmente. A partir de nuestra experiencia práctica, afirmamos que este sistema de evaluación ha demostrado ser muy efectivo y ahorra tiempo de revisión, a la vez que aumenta la calidad de las tareas y evaluaciones realizadas.Macías López, E.; Suarez Sarmiento, A. (2018). Evaluación Abierta y Transparente en Tiempo Real de Asignaturas de Ingeniería Telemática. En XIII Jornadas de Ingeniería telemática (JITEL 2017). Libro de actas. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 363-370. https://doi.org/10.4995/JITEL2017.2017.6590OCS36337

    Efforts in Europe for data-driven improvement of education : A review of learning analytics research in seven countries

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    Information and communication technologies are increasingly mediating learning and teaching practices as well as how educational institutions are handling their administrative work. As such, students and teachers are leaving large amounts of digital footprints and traces in various educational apps and learning management platforms, and educational administrators register various processes and outcomes in digital administrative systems. It is against such a background we in recent years have seen the emergence of the fast-growing and multi-disciplinary field of learning analytics. In this paper, we examine the research efforts that have been conducted in the field of learning analytics in Austria, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Germany, Spain, and Sweden. More specifically, we report on developed national policies, infrastructures and competence centers, as well as major research projects and developed research strands within the selected countries. The main conclusions of this paper are that the work of researchers around Europe has not led to national adoption or European level strategies for learning analytics. Furthermore, most countries have not established national policies for learners’ data or guidelines that govern the ethical usage of data in research or education. We also conclude, that learning analytics research on pre-university level to high extent have been overlooked. In the same vein, learning analytics has not received enough focus form national and European national bodies. Such funding is necessary for taking steps towards data-driven development of education

    Learning analytics for enhanced professional capital development: a systematic review

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    Background/MotivationThis article presents a systematic review aimed at examining the utilization of learning analytics (LA) to enhance teachers’ professional capital.AimThe study focuses on three primary research questions: (1) exploring the characteristics and approaches of LA in professional capital, (2) investigating suggestions from LA for assessing and improving professional capital, and (3) examining variables studied in enhancing the most intricate dimension of professional capital using LA.MethodologyTo address the research objectives, a systematic review was conducted focusing on the key concepts “learning analytics” and “professional capital.” Following the procedures outlined encompassed in four stages: identification, screening, inclusion, and adequacy. The PRISMA 2009 protocol guided the systematic review process.Principal findingsThe findings of the study underscore the efficacy of LA as a catalyst for improving professional capital, particularly through collaborative learning and the utilization of tools like forums and online learning platforms. Social capital emerges as a pivotal component in integrating diverse types of professional capital, fostering opportunities for knowledge creation and social networking.Conclusion/SignificanceIn conclusion, the study highlights the paramount significance of addressing teachers’ professional capital development through collaborative approaches and leveraging technology, particularly in primary education. The article concludes by emphasizing the imperative for more research and knowledge dissemination in this field, aiming to ensure equity in learning and address the challenges posed by the COVID−19 pandemic

    Educational Data Analytics for Teachers and School Leaders

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    Educational Data Analytics (EDA) have been attributed with significant benefits for enhancing on-demand personalized educational support of individual learners as well as reflective course (re)design for achieving more authentic teaching, learning and assessment experiences integrated into real work-oriented tasks. This open access textbook is a tutorial for developing, practicing and self-assessing core competences on educational data analytics for digital teaching and learning. It combines theoretical knowledge on core issues related to collecting, analyzing, interpreting and using educational data, including ethics and privacy concerns. The textbook provides questions and teaching materials/ learning activities as quiz tests of multiple types of questions, added after each section, related to the topic studied or the video(s) referenced. These activities reproduce real-life contexts by using a suitable use case scenario (storytelling), encouraging learners to link theory with practice; self-assessed assignments enabling learners to apply their attained knowledge and acquired competences on EDL. By studying this book, you will know where to locate useful educational data in different sources and understand their limitations; know the basics for managing educational data to make them useful; understand relevant methods; and be able to use relevant tools; know the basics for organising, analysing, interpreting and presenting learner-generated data within their learning context, understand relevant learning analytics methods and be able to use relevant learning analytics tools; know the basics for analysing and interpreting educational data to facilitate educational decision making, including course and curricula design, understand relevant teaching analytics methods and be able to use relevant teaching analytics tools; understand issues related with educational data ethics and privacy. This book is intended for school leaders and teachers engaged in blended (using the flipped classroom model) and online (during COVID-19 crisis and beyond) teaching and learning; e-learning professionals (such as, instructional designers and e-tutors) of online and blended courses; instructional technologists; researchers as well as undergraduate and postgraduate university students studying education, educational technology and relevant fields

    Un plan de toma de decisiones basado en datos en función de las áreas de DigCompOrg en una escuela primaria en Grecia

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    Las tecnologías digitales son un elemento clave de gran importancia para las organizaciones educativas y pueden contribuir a marcar el camino hacia una educación de calidad. La integración de las tecnologías digitales exige un proceso de innovación educativa basado en tres pilares básicos: pedagógico, tecnológico y organizacional. En la propuesta de la Comisión Europea para promover la digitalización de la educación, se destaca que la competencia digital es una de las ocho claves que los gobiernos europeos deben trabajar en el ámbito de la formación competencias. Otro elemento básico e importante de las competencias clave son los modelos de evaluación de las competencias digitales. a nuevos y mejores métodos de evaluación. Los principales pilares de esta tesis son la evaluación de competencias digitales basada en DigCompOrg y el conjunto de los datos obtenidos para ser utilizados en un modelo de toma de decisones basada en datos (Data Driven Decision Making - DDDM) para la mejora escolar. El modelo DigCompOrg orienta los procesos de análisis y toma de decisiones sobre la digitalización organizacional y DDDM explota la importancia de los procesos de toma de decisiones apoyados en datos reales de la organización, en este caso orientados a que la escuela pueda abordar procesos de mejora educativa. Los datos en el contexto de las escuelas se entienden como el conjunto de información que se recopila y organiza para representar algún aspecto de las escuelas que se está estudiando y como indica el marco teórico de nuestra investigación, la mejor manera de recuperar información sobre datos que conciernen a las competencias digitales es el modelo DigCompOrg. Por las razones anteriores, el objetivo principal de esta investigación es evaluar la competencia digital de una escuela primaria en Grecia en función de las áreas de DigCompOrg y proponer un plan de toma de decisiones basado en datos (DDDM) para la mejora escolar a partir del análisis de evidencias del estado real. Hemos estudiado, pues, el caso específico de un centro para su mejora, pero también hemos sido capaces de integrar dos modelos teóricos (DigCompOrg y DDDM) en una propuesta práctica. Los objetivos de investigación se concretan en: a) Analizar el grado de desarrollo de la competencia digital de un colegio en Grecia según las áreas contempladas en el modelo DigCompOrg teniendo en cuenta la opinión de profesores y alumnos. b) Analizar cómo se afectan entre sí las variables del modelo DigCompOrg a partir del cuestionario de docentes, con el fin de tener una autoevaluación y mejora escolar. c) Diseñar un plan de toma de decisiones basado en un modelo DDDM y los resultados previos obtenidos sobre la competencia digital de la organización. El análisis de los resultados de la investigación destacó una correlación negativa moderada entre la influencia psicológica positiva por el uso de las TIC y la influencia negativa en la educación de los estudiantes por el uso de las TIC. Se ha comprobado una correlación positiva moderada entre la influencia psicológica positiva por el uso de las Las TIC y la cooperación con otros estudiantes mediante el uso de las TIC, lo que indica que el uso de las TIC mejoró el desarrollo psicológico de los estudiantes según su percepción y al mismo tiempo aumentó la cooperación entre ellos. Finalmente, esta tesis llegó a la propuesta de un plan de acción DDDM relacionado con las áreas DigCompOrg de la dimensión docente y extrajo datos para la mejora escolar.Digital technologies are a key element of great importance for educational organisations and can help lead the way towards quality education. The integration of digital technologies requires a process of educational innovation based on three basic pillars: pedagogical, technological and organisational. In the European Commission's proposal to promote the digitisation of education, digital competence is highlighted as one of the eight key competences that European governments should work on in the field of skills training. Another basic and important element of the key competences is the assessment models of digital competences. to new and better assessment methods. The main pillars of this thesis are the DigCompOrg-based assessment of digital competences and the collection of the obtained data to be used in a Data Driven Decision Making (DDDM) model for school improvement. The DigCompOrg model guides the analysis and decision-making processes on organisational digitalisation and DDDM exploits the importance of decision-making processes supported by real organisational data, in this case oriented towards school improvement processes. Data in the context of schools is understood as the set of information that is collected and organised to represent some aspect of the schools under study and as the theoretical framework of our research indicates, the best way to retrieve information on data concerning digital competences is the DigCompOrg model. For the above reasons, the main objective of this research is to assess the digital competence of a primary school in Greece in terms of the DigCompOrg areas and to propose a data-driven decision making (DDDM) plan for school improvement based on the analysis of real state evidence. We have therefore studied the specific case of a school for improvement, but we have also been able to integrate two theoretical models (DigCompOrg and DDDM) into a practical proposal. The research objectives are as follows: a) To analyse the degree of development of the digital competence of a school in Greece according to the areas covered by the DigCompOrg model taking into account the opinion of teachers and students. b) To analyse how the variables of the DigCompOrg model affect each other on the basis of the teachers' questionnaire, in order to have a self-evaluation and school improvement. c) To design a decision-making plan based on a DDDM model and the previous results obtained on the organisation's digital competence. The analysis of the research results highlighted a moderate negative correlation between the positive psychological influence of ICT use and the negative influence of ICT use on students' education. A moderate positive correlation was found between the positive psychological influence of ICT use and cooperation with other students through ICT use, which indicates that ICT use improved students' psychological development according to their perception and at the same time increased cooperation among them. Finally, this thesis came to the proposal of a DDDM action plan related to the DigCompOrg areas of the teaching dimension and extracted data for school improvement