59 research outputs found

    An Empirical Study on the Effect of Perceived Usefulness and Ease of Use on Purchase Intention Through Mobile Devices in Pakistan: A Mediating Role of Online Trust

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    In Pakistan, electronic commerce market is in developing phase, and people are not much familiar with technology. Customers feel fear for providing debit/credit card information to online retailers. This research proposes a theoretical model in which online trust is used as a mediator among perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness and intention to purchase through mobile devices. In this study Smartphone, cellular phones and tablets with internet connection conceived as mobile devices. Data were collected through questionnaire from the students and employees of different universities in Pakistan and analyzed by partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) method. Results suggest that PEOU have an insignificant effect while PU has a positive effect on online trust and purchase intention through mobile devices. Also, online trust does not mediate between PEOU and purchase Intention through mobile devices while it partially mediates between PU and purchase intention through mobile devices. Keywords: Electronic Commerce, Online trust, Intention to purchase through mobile devices, Perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness

    The impact of educational technologies in higher education

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    The formation of human capital is key to countries’ social, cultural, and economic development. The current literature review pays considerable attention to the ever-increasing proliferation of technology in the careers of college and school graduates. While the presence of educational technology in higher education offers multiple benefits, its implementation also presents challenges. In that sense, the literature has considered multiple tools for improving learning processes. However, the results of such tools vary and are difficult to measure in terms of quality. In this literature review, we analyze the issues surrounding educational technology in higher education.La formación de capital humano es clave para el desarrollo social, cultural y económico de los países. Esta revisión de literatura presta una atención considerable a la introducción cada vez mayor de la tecnología en las carreras universitarias y en las escuelas de posgrados. Si bien la presencia de tecnología educativa en la educación superior ofrece múltiples beneficios, su implementación también presenta desafíos. En ese sentido, la literatura ha considerado múltiples herramientas para mejorar los procesos de aprendizaje. Ahora bien, los resultados de estas herramientas varían y son difíciles de medir en términos de calidad. En esta revisión de la literatura, analizamos los problemas que rodean la tecnología educativa en la educación superiorA formação de capital humano é fundamental para o desenvolvimento social, cultural e econômico dos países. Esta revisão de literatura presta uma atenção considerável à introdução cada vez maior da tecnologia nas carreiras universitárias e nas escolas de pós-graduações. Embora a presença de tecnologia educativa na educação superior ofereça múltiplos benefícios, sua implementação também apresenta desafios. Nesse sentido, a literatura tem considerado múltiplas ferramentas para melhorar os processos de aprendizagem. Agora bem, os resultados destas ferramentas variam e são difíceis de medir em termos de qualidade. Nesta revisão da literatura, analisamos os problemas que rodeiam a tecnologia educativa na educação superio

    El impacto de las tecnologías educativas en la educación superior

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    The formation of human capital is key to countries’ social, cultural and economic development. The current literature pays considerable attention to the ever-increasing proliferation of technology in the careers of college and graduate school. While the presence of educational technology in higher education offers multiple benefits, its implementation also presents challenges. The literature has considered multiple tools for improving learning processes. The results of such tools vary and are difficult to measure in terms of quality. In this document, we analyze the issues surrounding educational technology in higher education.La formación de capital humano es clave para el desarrollo social, cultural y económico de los países. La literatura actual presta una atención considerable a la proliferación cada vez mayor de la tecnología en las carreras de los graduados universitarios. Si bien la presencia de tecnología educativa en la educación superior ofrece múltiples beneficios, su implementación también presenta desafíos. La literatura ha considerado múltiples herramientas para mejorar los procesos de aprendizaje. Los resultados de estas herramientas varían y son difíciles de medir en términos de calidad. En este documento, analizamos los problemas que rodean la tecnología educativa en la educación superior

    Requirements model of collaborative mobile learning (CML)

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    Mobile technology is one of innovative tools used to facilitate learning. However, the existing studies related to mobile learning (M-learning) have not deeply combined relevant learning approaches for giving a new way that benefits the learning sphere. Accordingly, many researchers believe that there is a need to incorporate pedagogical and instructive models into M-learning technology, especially for supports of team-learning. At the same time, many investigations prove that designers faced challenges in designing systems that involve collaboration with various stationaries. Therefore, researchers suggest for an initiative on more investigations for modern learning in modeling of Mlearning domain. The model should provide rich amount of information through Mlearning for collaborative learning (CL). This comes from understanding, collecting and modeling usable design, holds functionalities and non-functionalities issues to be the corner stone of the intended model. Consequently, this research studies the possibility of modeling an instructional model for Android mobile application combining the CL and M-learning concepts calls Collaborative M-learning (CML) model. Thus, determining the essential requirements by exploring the most important issues in the existing models and related works in the literatures, as well as interviewing learners are the priorities of this study. Content analysis method was used to analyze the gathered data in determining the requirements needed. The model and the prototype have been reviewed and verified by four experts. Also, 43 respondents in the field of Information Technology (IT) have tested the prototype and provided feedback on their acceptance, through Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) questionnaire under the usability evaluation. Results show that their acceptance upon the model is high, validating the functionality of the CML. Such findings recommend that the model is able to improve productivity, showing the technique to utilize mobile technology in CL. This study serves as a guidance for designers and developers in M-learning

    Screencasts: how effective are they and how do students engage with them?

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    The use of screencasts as an instructional technology is increasing rapidly in higher education. While there appears to be a consensus around students’ satisfaction with the provision of technology enhanced tools, there is limited evidence revolving around their impact in terms of knowledge acquisition. Moreover, the reasons why students choose to engage (or not) with these resources remain largely unreported. The study assessed the effect of using screencasts on undergraduate students’ understanding and engagement with learning material in one of their modules. Customised screencasts were used as optional additional learning and teaching resources. Grades obtained in a test module (with screencasts) and a control module (without screencasts) were compared to gauge the impact of screencasts on knowledge acquisition. Furthermore, the reasons for students’ engagement (or lack thereof) with the screencasts were explored using questionnaires. A modest but significant impact of screencasts on knowledge acquisition was found and students’ perception of the screencasts was overwhelmingly positive. Students suggested that screencasts should be kept short to summarise lectures or delve in-depth into complex concepts but should not replace whole lectures. Reasons for not using screencasts revolved around a lack of understanding of what the resources were but also a reported lack of fit between the nature of the tool and self-assessed learning style

    Screencasts: how effective are they and how do students engage with them?

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    The use of screencasts as an instructional technology is increasing rapidly in higher education. While there appears to be a consensus around students’ satisfaction with the provision of technology enhanced tools, there is limited evidence revolving around their impact in terms of knowledge acquisition. Moreover, the reasons why students choose to engage (or not) with these resources remain largely unreported. The study assessed the effect of using screencasts on undergraduate students’ understanding and engagement with learning material in one of their modules. Customised screencasts were used as optional additional learning and teaching resources. Grades obtained in a test module (with screencasts) and a control module (without screencasts) were compared to gauge the impact of screencasts on knowledge acquisition. Furthermore, the reasons for students’ engagement (or lack thereof) with the screencasts were explored using questionnaires. A modest but significant impact of screencasts on knowledge acquisition was found and students’ perception of the screencasts was overwhelmingly positive. Students suggested that screencasts should be kept short to summarise lectures or delve in-depth into complex concepts but should not replace whole lectures. Reasons for not using screencasts revolved around a lack of understanding of what the resources were but also a reported lack of fit between the nature of the tool and self-assessed learning style


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    Technology and mobile devices have been successfully integrated in peoples´ everyday activities. Educational institutions around the world are increasing their interest to create mobile learning (ML) environments considering the advantage of connectivity, situated learning, individualized learning, social interactivity, portability, affordability and more widely ubiquity. Even with the fast development of ML environments. There is however a lack of understanding about the factors that influnce ML adoption. This paper proposes a framework for ML adoption integrating a modified Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) with constructs from the Expectation-Confirmation Theory (ECT). Since the goal for education is learning, this research will include individual attributes such as learning styles (LS) and experience to understand how they moderate ML adoption and actual use. For this reason, the framework brings together the adoption theory for initial use and the constructs of continuance intention for actual and habitual use as an outcome of learning. The framework is divided in two stages, acceptance and actual use. The purpose of this paper is to test the first stage: ML acceptance through the structural equation modeling statistical techniqu. The data was collected from students that already are experiencing ML. Findings demonstrate that performance and effort expectation constructs are significant predictors of ML and there is some influnce of LS and experience as moderators for ML adoption. The practical implication in educational services is to incorporate LS influnce when designing strategies for learning enhanced by mobile devices

    The digital ecologies of Korean college students: An exploration of digital self-directed learning

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    The wealth of readily available online digital English language learning resources presents vast opportunities for students to engage in self-directed language learning. The extent to which such resources are known to students, however, let alone how they are being utilized, typically remains largely unknown to teachers. In order to design a curriculum that maximizes student learning opportunities by guiding them towards online digital resources that afford self-directed learning, it is essential for teachers to first develop an intimate understanding of the students’ relationships with such resources. This may include awareness, patterns of use, and the variables that constrain them from using the resources more extensively. To accomplish this objective, the Self-Directed Digital Study Instrument (SDDSI) was developed and implemented to survey 197 Korean college students. While the results of this study are indicative of a reality in which digital resources are being underused, they also point towards an area of great potential for pedagogical change in Korean post-secondary English learning education. In contrast to the traditional pedagogical model, the results suggest that self-directed learning or even self-determined learning models, facilitated via various digital resources, can present students with opportunities for more deeply engaging, individualized, and self-directed approaches to language learning

    ¿Es compatible la compra por móvil con mi vida? ¿De qué depende?

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    Un factor clave en la adopción del comercio móvil es la compatibilidad que percibe el consumidor con su vida. Dado que las investigaciones sobre compatibilidad con la compra móvil realizadas hasta el momento la tratan como un antecedente de la adopción, esta investigación analiza de manera pionera dos determinantes intrínsecos y dos extrínsecos. El modelo fue testado mediante PLS con información de 583 compradores mexicanos por móvil. Nuestros resultados muestran un efecto positivo de la propensión a las innovaciones, la implicación y el entretenimiento percibido sobre la compatibilidad. Por el contrario, la autoeficacia no parece ser determinante de la percepción de compatibilidad del comercio móvil con la vida del consumidor. Este trabajo arroja importantes implicaciones para la práctica de los profesionales dedicados al comercio móvil.A key factor in the adoption of mobile commerce is the compatibility that the consumer perceives with his/her life. Given that the research on compatibility with mobile purchases made so far treats it as an antecedent of adoption, this pioneer research studies two intrinsic and two extrinsic determinants. The model was tested using PLS with information from 583 Mexican mobile buyers. Our results show a positive effect of innovativeness, involvement and perceived entertainment on compatibility. On the contrary, self-efficacy does not seem to influence the perception of compatibility of mobile commerce with consumer life. This work has important implications for the practice of professionals dedicated to mobile commerce
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