8 research outputs found

    Watch Out-It’s My Private Space! Examining the Influence of Technology Driven Intrusions on Employee Performance

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    In this research we draw upon organizational literature on spatial intrusion to identify two components of technology related employee intrusion concerns -- employee accessibility and employee visibility. Situating our arguments in learning and control perspectives, we theorize the influence of employee ‘accessibility’ and ‘visibility’ on two technology enabled employee outcomes of productivity and innovation. We test the proposed research model through a survey of senior organizational managers who regularly use organizational technologies for executing their routine tasks. Results indicate that employee accessibility generally has positive while employee visibility has negative relationship with performance outcomes. Findings have significant implications for research and practice because they show that spatial intrusion does not necessarily have a negative influence on employee performance

    How Do Knowledge Management Strategy and Communication Channels Influence Innovation?

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    How do knowledge management (KM) strategy and communication channels influence individuals’ innovative behavior? We answer this research question by drawing on media richness theory, and studying how two KM strategies (codification and personalization) and communication approaches with varying degree of media richness (i.e., telephone communication and email communication) shape innovative behavior at the individual level. Our analyses of the survey collected from more than 900 employees from several firms belonging to a leading conglomerate reveal three findings. First, we find that codification KM strategy has a positive effect on employees’ innovative behavior. Second, we find that both face-to-face communication and telephone communication foster innovative behavior, but such an effect is absent for email communication presumably due to its lack of media richness. Finally, we find that the codification KM approach diminishes the advantages of face-to-face communication in innovative behavior. We discuss implications for research and practice

    How Do Firms Adjust IT Investments in Response to Revenue Changes? The Role of Computing Eras and Aspiration

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    This study explores a novel question relating to responsiveness of IT investments, and documents three key findings. First, we find that firms adjust IT investments more actively in response to the revenue fluctuation during the 2001-2011 period than in the 1990-2000 period. Second, we find that underperforming firms are more likely to increase their IT investments in response to revenue increase in 2001-2011 than in 1990-2000, while outperforming firms are much more likely to decrease their IT investments in response to revenue decrease in 2001-2011 than in 1990-2000. Finally, underperforming firms have similar levels of adjustments in their IT investments in response to revenue decrease in both periods, while outperforming firms have similar levels of adjustments in their IT investments in response to revenue increase. We discuss the implications of these novel findings

    How ‘Zerodha’ Used Technology to Disrupt the Indian Stock Trading Industry?

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    In this practitioner-oriented research, we describe how “Zerodha” entered and disrupted the Indian stock trading industry through the use of technology by overcoming the challenges of (1) developing a new business offering that is accessible to all, (2) gaining trust across the community, and (3) fostering and growing their business ecosystem. Our case-based research illustrates how an organization can enter a well-established business area and create value by (1) rethinking the business model, (2) treating technology as a business enabler, (3) empowering the end user, and (4) proactively investing in the business and community. Based on Zerodha’s experiences, we provide guidelines and recommendations for other businesses contemplating to enter and disrupt an established industry by leveraging technology

    The Future of Outsourcing in the Asia-Pacific Region: Implications for Research and Practice—Panel Report from PACIS 2014

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    This paper summarizes a panel discussion held at the 18th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) in Chengdu, China, 2014, with the same title. The panel discussed the future of outsourcing in the Asia-Pacific region (specifically the importance of outsourcing, new trends, and issues in outsourcing). This paper provides directions for future research that surpasses regional specificity (i.e., the Asia-Pacific region), and contributes to research interests on outsourcing in general

    Adopción de mejores prácticas en la prestación de servicios de infraestructura de TI: de la teoría a la práctica

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    Las organizaciones viven en un entorno de constante cambio, que tiene ciclos cada vez más rápidos -- Sin embargo, la tecnología no ha cambiado dentro de las organizaciones, al mismo ritmo que los cambios de las organizaciones -- Las pequeñas y medianas empresas tienen tecnología obsoleta; por lo que las inversiones en tecnología tienden a ser más grande y más costoso en el tiempo si no se hacen de manera planeada -- Esto crea una situación más compleja para vender una inversión en TI a nivel gerencial -- Para acceder en la actualidad al presupuesto de TI, con el fin de invertir en la infraestructura de TI, es cada vez más compleja -- Hay una serie de políticas de control de costos que forman una barrera para la Gestión de Servicios de TI de acuerdo a los planes y operaciones de TI, por lo tanto, se requiere recurrir a mejores prácticas al momento de sustentar estas inversione

    Consideraciones para la formulación e implementación de estrategia de innovación en centros de investigación del sector farmacéutico de Medellín

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    El sector de la industria farmacéutica es considerado como un agente importante para la economía colombiana. No obstante, siendo la innovación un importante argumento para sostener y prolongar el efecto económico de esta importante industria, muy poco se conoce acerca de la formulación e implementación de estrategias de innovación en los centros de investigación farmacéutico de la ciudad de Medellín. El presente trabajo pretende mostrar el alcance que puede lograrse en los centros de investigación del sector farmacéutico de Medellín al incorporar a sus estrategias corporativas, la formulación e implementación de estrategia de innovación. La metodología se aproxima al estudio de caso, al haber encontrado que en Medellín no existen centros de investigación farmacéutico; el único centro de investigación encontrado fue el Cecif, mismo que funciona en Sabaneta Antioquia. Se acerca entonces a estudio de caso. De esta manera, se hace seguimiento a factores y asuntos de orden administrativo y organizacional que pertenecen al Cecif, utilizando para ello como herramienta la entrevista estructurada, tratando de establecer cómo se encuentran frente al tema de formulación e implementación de la estrategia de innovación. Del análisis se concluye, que en el Cecif no siguen ninguna metodología científica, es por esto que se plantean unas consideraciones al Cecif, para que trabajen su desarrollo organizacional apegados a la innovación y en particular a la formulación de la estrategia de innovación, utilizando una herramienta que se aproxima al orden administrativo, como la que se propone en este proyecto. Además, se recomienda que otros actores del sector farmacéutico adopten de manera técnica lo propuesto en estos contenidos.The sector of the pharmaceutical industry is considered as an important agent for the Colombian economy. However, since innovation is an important argument to sustain and prolong the economic effect of this important industry, very little is known about the formulation and implementation of innovation strategies in the pharmaceutical research centers of the city of Medellín. The present work aims to show the scope that can be achieved in the research centers of the pharmaceutical sector of Medellín by incorporating into their corporate strategies, the formulation and implementation of innovation strategy. The methodology approaches the case study, having found that in Medellín there are no pharmaceutical research centers; the only research center found was Cecif, which works in Sabaneta Antioquia. It is then close to a case study. In this way, factors and issues of administrative and organizational order that belong to the Cecif are followed, using as a tool the structured interview, trying to establish how they are facing the issue of formulation and implementation of the innovation strategy. From the analysis it is concluded that in the Cecif do not follow any scientific methodology, this is why considerations are raised to Cecif, so that they work their organizational development attached to innovation and in particular to the formulation of the innovation strategy, using a tool that approaches the administrative order, like the one proposed in this humble project. In addition, it is recommended that other actors in the pharmaceutical sector adopt in a technical manner what is proposed in these contents.Magíster en Gestión de la Innovación Tecnológica, Cooperación y Desarrollo Regionalmaestrí

    Agile innovation: Innovating with enterprise systems

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    The contemporary organisations are presented with an eclectic collection of technologies that has dramatically shifted the process of innovation. This thesis investigates the nature and the process of attaining innovation through the modern IT portfolio. A qualitative study of nine organizations was conducted. The results identified that the modern IT portfolio innovates through a new innovation process called 'agile innovation,' which differs from the existing innovation types