24 research outputs found

    Ontology For Europe's Space Situational Awareness Program

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    This paper presents an ontology architecture concept for the European Space Agency‘s (ESA) Space Situational Awareness (SSA) Program. It incorporates the author‘s domain ontology, The Space Situational Awareness Ontology and related ontology work. I summarize computational ontology, discuss the segments of ESA SSA, and introduce an option for a modular ontology framework reflecting the divisionsof the SSA program. Among other things, ontologies are used for data sharing and integration. By applying ontology to ESA data, the ESA may better achieve its integration and innovation goals, while simultaneously improving the state of peaceful SSA

    Aproximaciones a la ontología del arte (Approaches to the Ontology of Art)

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    El presenta trabajo describe y caracteriza de manera breve y concisa lo que podría ser una ontología del arte. En la primera sección se presentan las dificultades actuales, así\ud como las nociones y preguntas principales de la ontología. En la sección segunda, en base de los aportes del NCOR, se bosqueja las definiciones y caracterizaciones actuales\ud de la ontología, se hace especial hincapié, en la ontología aplicada. En la tercera y cuarta sección se caracteriza y configura lo que podría ser una ontología del arte, se\ud evidencian sus limitaciones así como sus perspectivas y trazabilidad para hacer viable dicha ontología; adicionalmente se abordan los aportes del realismo anglosajón a la cuestión. En la ultima sección se intenta abordar la situación de las artes en Latinoamérica, y de cómo una ontología del arte podría ayudar a su desarrollo. El propósito de esta caracterización es hacer evidente que es plausible dar un tratamiento integral al problema de la realidad y su configuración y desarrollo en los mundos\ud regionales, como, el mundo del arte. La mayor utilidad de este trabajo, reside en el impacto que en el mediano plazo tendrá en las técnicas y herramientas de análisis de la\ud realidad, así como, una mejor comprensión y entendimiento del mundo del arte

    Historical and conceptual foundations of diagrammatical ontology

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    Applying Ontologies to Terminology: Advantages and Disadvantages

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    This paper aims at discussing the main advantages that ontologies bring to the field of terminology and its users, focusing on different aspects and needs. Throughout the paper ontologies are acknowledged as a valuable resource to improve quality of terminological projects as well as the content of terminologies, but it also seems appropriate to define the concept of ontologies more precisely and to outline their benefits and limitations. To do so, we firstly discuss the multidisciplinarity of ontologies and the main recent uses within different disciplines. Secondly, we focus on terminology studies and theories and depict the evolution of this resource in the terminology field during the last decades, which has brought about the appearance of new methodologies and applications. Next, we put forward the advantages that ontologies bring to terminology in general and to several linguistic phenomena in particular (multidimensionality, for example) so as to shed some light on their importance in this field and, finally, we conclude with the discussion of significant drawbacks encountered, along with some final remarks about the use of ontologies in terminology work

    OntoDiccionario, un diccionario ontoterminológico multilingüe (español-inglés-alemán): aspectos de su construcción y resultados

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    This paper starts from the assumption that the conceptual structure underlying terms in a spe-cialized domain constitutes an essential aspect in terminology and in the elaboration of termi-nological resources, in a way that the precise representation of that conceptual structure can be of great use for specialized translators. Based on this premise we have constructed a multi-lingual (Spanish-English-German) terminological dictionary based on ontologies, which are a type of formal and explicit representation of the conceptual structure of a domain (in our case, package travel). Thus, we show how the dictionary has been built, by describing the corpus-based preparatory phase, its implementation in the Web Ontology Language (OWL) using an ontology editor, TopBraid Composer Free Edition, and the creation of an interface to consult the dictionary in an easy and intuitive way; this application is called OntoDiccionario. We will discuss the results, by describing some of its most relevant features, by indicating short-comings, and by comparing the resulting dictionary to other general and specialized dictiona-ries, through the search for some terms from the domain in question

    Conceptual Modeling Founded on the Stoic Ontology: Reality with Dynamic Existence and Static Subsistence

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    According to the software engineering community, the acknowledgement is growing that a theory of software development is needed to integrate the currently myriad popular methodologies, some of which are based on opposing perspectives. Conceptual modeling (CM) can contribute to such a theory. CM defines fundamental concepts to create representations of reality to achieve ontologically sound software behavior that is characterized by truthfulness to reality and conceptual clarity. In this context, CM is founded on theories about the world that serve to represent a given domain. Ontologies have made their way into CM as tools in requirements analysis, implementation specification, and software architecture. This paper involves building a direct connection between reality and CM by establishing mapping between reality and modeling thinging machines (TMs). Specifically, Stoic ontology serves to define the existence of TM things and actions in reality. Such a development would benefit CM in addition to demonstrating that classical concepts in philosophy can be applied to modern fields of study. The TM model includes static and dynamic specifications. The dynamic level involves time-based events that can be mapped to reality. The problem concerns the nature of a time-less static description, which provides regions where the actions in events take place; without them, the dynamic description collapses. The Stoics came up with a brilliant move: the assumed reality to be a broader category than being. Reality is made of things that exist and things that subsist. In this case, the dynamic TM description is in existence, whereas the static, mapped portion of the dynamic description is in subsistence. We apply such ontology to a contract workflow example. The result seems to open a new avenue of CM that may enhance the theoretical foundation for software and system development.Comment: 11 pages, 21 figure

    \u2018Ontology\u2019 and Terminological Frameworks: an Overview of Issues and Term(s)

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    This paper addresses the question of the protean nature of \u2018ontology\u2019, with special attention paid to its use within the domain of terminology theories and applications. This term is widely used nowadays within various disciplines for designating different types of organising relational frameworks. Yet, its designations remain unvaried and, in this way, it causes ambiguity. The multifaceted nature of the so-called \u2018ontology\u2019 hinders the possibility of providing an unambiguous defi nition. This is mainly due to the multi- and interdisciplinary dimension of this notion, which is outlined here through an overview of its application within philosophy, information science, and linguistic disciplines. The reference model of ontology that is applied nowadays in various disciplines corresponds to an object, or more precisely, to various types of objects which are all based on a relational framework, and are used for organising different types of knowledge units. This view differs from the original value of ontology that was shaped within philosophy as a purely theoretical model, a global and universally-valid abstract classifi cation of reality. Therefore, it seems appropriate that this term should acquire greater precision especially when it is used within the domain of terminology

    The birth of ontology

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    This review focuses on the Ogdoas scholastica by Jacob Lorhard, published in 1606. The importance of this document turns on the fact that it contains what is almost certainly the first published occurrence of the term “ontology.” The body of the work consists in a series of diagrams called “diagraphs.” Relevant features of these diagraphs are: 1. that they do not in fact contain the word “ontology,” and 2. that Lorhard himself was not responsible for their content

    Про деякі особливості побудови онтологічних моделей предметних областей

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    Розглянуто особливості різних моделей побудови онтологій предметних областей. Виконано їх порівняльний аналіз і показано, що перспективним напрямком є побудова веб-онтологій в середовищіProtйgй. Наведено приклад розробки такої онтології в інтегрованому середовищі онторедактора Protege, механізму міркувань Pellet і SPARQL-процесора з відповідними до неї запитами.Цель статьи — анализ наиболее известных инструментов формального описания онтологий предметных областей, их сравнительный анализ и выбор формального языка онторедактора для практического использования. Методы. Методы и модели, используемые в работе, базируются на информационных технологиях Semantic Web, ориентированных на разработку и использование онтологий предметных областей. Онтологии есть базовыми компонентами указанных технологий как для проведения научных исследований, так и для создания емких проектов, в том числе коммерческого характера. Использование метода системно-онтологического анализа позволило определить преимущества и недостатки разных формальных и неформальных описаний онтологий. Из неформальных моделей была рассмотрена CRF-модель, а из формальных — Frame-модель и OWL-модель. Также проведено сравнение характеристик указанных моделей с множеством дескрипционных логик. Результаты. Разработана информационная технология, позволяющая реализовать этапы построения онтологий предметных областей, включая этап эскизного проектирования, введения в компьютер входной информации, этап формального описания проекта и этап практического использования онтологий.Purpose. Consideration of the most well-known tools for the formal description of domain ontologies, their comparative analysis and the choice of a formal language and ontoeditor for practical use. Methods. The methods and models used in the work are based on the information technologies of the Semantic Web, focused on the development and use of domain ontologies. Ontologies are the basic components of these technologies for both research and the creation of large projects, including commercial ones. The use of methods of system-ontological analysis revealed the advantages and disadvantages of various formal and informal descriptions of ontologies. Of the informal models, the CRF model was considered, and the formal models, the Frame model and the OWL model. It also compares the characteristics of these models with a set of descriptive logics. Results. Information technology has been developed to enable the construction of ontologies of subject areas, including the outline design stage, the input information input into the computer, the formal description of the project, and the practical use of ontologies

    Modeling a domain ontology focused in competencies for recommendation systems in education

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    Este artigo relata o resultado de um estudo que integra os Sistemas de Recomendação (SRs) - os quais têm tido seu uso ampliado diante da quantidade de conteúdos disponibilizados na web; as ontologias - visto sua contribuição no apoio a aprendizagem de conceitos de um domínio; e as competências no campo da Educação - as quais também assumem importância como perspectiva formativa. A motivação deste trabalho justifica-se nos embaraços normalmente encontrados, por professores e alunos, durante a utilização de Sistemas de Recomendação educacional baseados em competências. Esses usuários, por vezes, possuem dificuldades em entender o conceito de competências e a sua conexão com atividades de ensino e recursos educacionais do Sistema de Recomendação. O objetivo, portanto, é apresentar a modelagem, implementação e verificação de uma ontologia de domínio, com foco em competências, voltada a Sistemas de Recomendação Educacional (SREs). Como método, são descritas as etapas de modelagem, a implementação com o software Protégé e a linguagem owl e o seu processo de verificação. O software permitiu a sua avaliação quanto a definição adequada dos axiomas da ontologia e a utilização de requisições em seu sistema de inferência. A metodologia adotada e modificada, a 101, e a estrutura da ontologia modelada foram discutidas com alunos de uma disciplina de pós-graduação em informática na educação. Como resultado, verificouse a pertinência da utilização da ontologia proposta em Sistemas de Recomendação educacional. Desse modo, pretende-se disponibilizá-la à comunidade acadêmica e apoiar professores e alunos no uso de SRE baseados em competênciasThis article reports the result of a study that integrates Recommendation Systems (RSs) - which have had their use expanded due to the amount of content available on the web; ontologies - given their contribution in supporting the learning of concepts of a domain; and competences in education field - which also assume importance as a formative perspective. The motivation of this work is justified by the embarrassments normally faced by teachers and students when using Educational Recommender Systems (ERSs) based in competencies. These users sometimes have difficulty in understanding the concept of competencies and its connection with teaching activities and educational resources of the recommendation system. The objective, therefore, is to present the modeling, implementation and verification of a domain ontology, focused on competencies, for use in Educational Recommender Systems. As a method, the modeling steps are described as well as Protégé software and owl language implementation and evaluation process. The software allowed its evaluation concerning suitable axioms definition and required use in its inference system. The adopted and modified 101 methodology and the modeled ontology structure were discussed with students of a postgraduate course in computer science in education. As a result, the relevance of using the proposed ontology in educational recommendation systems was verified. Thus, it is intended to make it available to the academic community and to support teachers and students in the use of ERS based in competencies