2,287 research outputs found

    A linear domain decomposition method for partially saturated flow in porous media

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    The Richards equation is a nonlinear parabolic equation that is commonly used for modelling saturated/unsaturated flow in porous media. We assume that the medium occupies a bounded Lipschitz domain partitioned into two disjoint subdomains separated by a fixed interface Γ\Gamma. This leads to two problems defined on the subdomains which are coupled through conditions expressing flux and pressure continuity at Γ\Gamma. After an Euler implicit discretisation of the resulting nonlinear subproblems a linear iterative (LL-type) domain decomposition scheme is proposed. The convergence of the scheme is proved rigorously. In the last part we present numerical results that are in line with the theoretical finding, in particular the unconditional convergence of the scheme. We further compare the scheme to other approaches not making use of a domain decomposition. Namely, we compare to a Newton and a Picard scheme. We show that the proposed scheme is more stable than the Newton scheme while remaining comparable in computational time, even if no parallelisation is being adopted. Finally we present a parametric study that can be used to optimize the proposed scheme.Comment: 34 pages, 13 figures, 7 table

    Gradient discretization of Hybrid Dimensional Darcy Flows in Fractured Porous Media with discontinuous pressures at the matrix fracture interfaces

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    We investigate the discretization of Darcy flow through fractured porous media on general meshes. We consider a hybrid dimensional model, invoking a complex network of planar fractures. The model accounts for matrix-fracture interactions and fractures acting either as drains or as barriers, i.e. we have to deal with pressure discontinuities at matrix-fracture interfaces. The numerical analysis is performed in the general framework of gradient discretizations which is extended to the model under consideration. Two families of schemes namely the Vertex Approximate Gradient scheme (VAG) and the Hybrid Finite Volume scheme (HFV) are detailed and shown to satisfy the gradient scheme framework, which yields, in particular, convergence. Numerical tests confirm the theoretical results. Gradient Discretization; Darcy Flow, Discrete Fracture Networks, Finite Volum

    Efficient Solvers for Nonstandard Models for Flow and Transport in Unsaturated Porous Media

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    We study several iterative methods for fully coupled flow and reactive transport in porous media. The resulting mathematical model is a coupled, nonlinear evolution system. The flow model component builds on the Richards equation, modified to incorporate nonstandard effects like dynamic capillarity and hysteresis, and a reactive transport equation for the solute. The two model components are strongly coupled. On one hand, the flow affects the concentration of the solute; on the other hand, the surface tension is a function of the solute, which impacts the capillary pressure and, consequently, the flow. After applying an Euler implicit scheme, we consider a set of iterative linearization schemes to solve the resulting nonlinear equations, including both monolithic and two splitting strategies. The latter include a canonical nonlinear splitting and an alternate linearized splitting, which appears to be overall faster in terms of numbers of iterations, based on our numerical studies. The (time discrete) system being nonlinear, we investigate different linearization methods. We consider the linearly convergent L-scheme, which converges unconditionally, and the Newton method, converging quadratically but subject to restrictions on the initial guess. Whenever hysteresis effects are included, the Newton method fails to converge. The L-scheme converges; nevertheless, it may require many iterations. This aspect is improved by using the Anderson acceleration. A thorough comparison of the different solving strategies is presented in five numerical examples, implemented in MRST, a toolbox based on MATLAB.publishedVersio

    Solution strategies for nonlinear conservation laws

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    Nonlinear conservation laws form the basis for models for a wide range of physical phenomena. Finding an optimal strategy for solving these problems can be challenging, and a good strategy for one problem may fail spectacularly for others. As different problems have different challenging features, exploiting knowledge about the problem structure is a key factor in achieving an efficient solution strategy. Most strategies found in literature for solving nonlinear problems involve a linearization step, usually using Newton's method, which replaces the original nonlinear problem by an iteration process consisting of a series of linear problems. A large effort is then spent on finding a good strategy for solving these linear problems. This involves choosing suitable preconditioners and linear solvers. This approach is in many cases a good choice and a multitude of different methods have been developed. However, the linearization step to some degree involves a loss of information about the original problem. This is not necessarily critical, but in many cases the structure of the nonlinear problem can be exploited to a larger extent than what is possible when working solely on the linearized problem. This may involve knowledge about dominating physical processes and specifically on whether a process is near equilibrium. By using nonlinear preconditioning techniques developed in recent years, certain attractive features such as automatic localization of computations to parts of the problem domain with the highest degree of nonlinearities arise. In the present work, these methods are further refined to obtain a framework for nonlinear preconditioning that also takes into account equilibrium information. This framework is developed mainly in the context of porous media, but in a general manner, allowing for application to a wide range of problems. A scalability study shows that the method is scalable for challenging two-phase flow problems. It is also demonstrated for nonlinear elasticity problems. Some models arising from nonlinear conservation laws are best solved using completely different strategies than the approach outlined above. One such example can be found in the field of surface gravity waves. For special types of nonlinear waves, such as solitary waves and undular bores, the well-known Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation has been shown to be a suitable model. This equation has many interesting properties not typical of nonlinear equations which may be exploited in the solver, and strategies usually reserved to linear problems may be applied. In this work includes a comparative study of two discretization methods with highly different properties for this equation

    Parallel numerical modeling of hybrid-dimensional compositional non-isothermal Darcy flows in fractured porous media

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    This paper introduces a new discrete fracture model accounting for non-isothermal compositional multiphase Darcy flows and complex networks of fractures with intersecting, immersed and non immersed fractures. The so called hybrid-dimensional model using a 2D model in the fractures coupled with a 3D model in the matrix is first derived rigorously starting from the equi-dimensional matrix fracture model. Then, it is dis-cretized using a fully implicit time integration combined with the Vertex Approximate Gradient (VAG) finite volume scheme which is adapted to polyhedral meshes and anisotropic heterogeneous media. The fully coupled systems are assembled and solved in parallel using the Single Program Multiple Data (SPMD) paradigm with one layer of ghost cells. This strategy allows for a local assembly of the discrete systems. An efficient preconditioner is implemented to solve the linear systems at each time step and each Newton type iteration of the simulation. The numerical efficiency of our approach is assessed on different meshes, fracture networks, and physical settings in terms of parallel scalability, nonlinear convergence and linear convergence

    Iterative schemes for surfactant transport in porous media

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    In this work, we consider the transport of a surfactant in variably saturated porous media. The water flow is modelled by the Richards equations and it is fully coupled with the transport equation for the surfactant. Three linearization techniques are discussed: the Newton method, the modified Picard, and the L-scheme. Based on these, monolithic and splitting schemes are proposed and their convergence is analyzed. The performance of these schemes is illustrated on five numerical examples. For these examples, the number of iterations and the condition numbers of the linear systems emerging in each iteration are presented.publishedVersio
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