1,120 research outputs found

    Robotics in space-age manufacturing

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    Robotics technologies are developed to improve manufacturing of space hardware. The following applications of robotics are covered: (1) welding for the space shuttle and space station Freedom programs; (2) manipulation of high-pressure water for shuttle solid rocket booster refurbishment; (3) automating the application of insulation materials; (4) precision application of sealants; and (5) automation of inspection procedures. Commercial robots are used for these development programs, but they are teamed with advanced sensors, process controls, and computer simulation to form highly productive manufacturing systems. Many of the technologies are also being actively pursued in private sector manufacturing operations

    Robotic and automatic welding development at the Marshall Space Flight Center

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    Welding automation is the key to two major development programs to improve quality and reduce the cost of manufacturing space hardware currently undertaken by the Materials and Processes Laboratory of the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center. Variable polarity plasma arc welding has demonstrated its effectiveness on class 1 aluminum welding in external tank production. More than three miles of welds were completed without an internal defect. Much of this success can be credited to automation developments which stabilize the process. Robotic manipulation technology is under development for automation of welds on the Space Shuttle's main engines utilizing pathfinder systems in development of tooling and sensors for the production applications. The overall approach to welding automation development undertaken is outlined. Advanced sensors and control systems methodologies are described that combine to make aerospace quality welds with a minimum of dependence on operator skill

    Weld analysis and control system

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    The invention is a Weld Analysis and Control System developed for active weld system control through real time weld data acquisition. Closed-loop control is based on analysis of weld system parameters and weld geometry. The system is adapted for use with automated welding apparatus having a weld controller which is capable of active electronic control of all aspects of a welding operation. Enhanced graphics and data displays are provided for post-weld analysis. The system provides parameter acquisition, including seam location which is acquired for active torch cross-seam positioning. Torch stand-off is also monitored for control. Weld bead and parent surface geometrical parameters are acquired as an indication of weld quality. These parameters include mismatch, peaking, undercut, underfill, crown height, weld width, puddle diameter, and other measurable information about the weld puddle regions, such as puddle symmetry, etc. These parameters provide a basis for active control as well as post-weld quality analysis and verification. Weld system parameters, such as voltage, current and wire feed rate, are also monitored and archived for correlation with quality parameters

    Index to NASA Tech Briefs, January - June 1966

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    Index to NASA technological innovations for January-June 196

    Skúšanie opakovanej presnosti polohovania plazmovej rezacej hlavy

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    Článok stručne opisuje experimentov zameraných na overenie vybraných technologických parametrov plazmového rezacieho stroja. Konštrukčné riešenie tohto stroja predstavuje komplexnú kinematickú štruktúru s deviatimi stupňami voľnosti. Jedným z najdôležitejších parametrov, ktoré sa od stroja požadujú, je dosiahnutie predpísanej opakovanej presnosti polohovania. Úplný návrh experimentov si vyžaduje viac ako tisíc experimentov. preto sa pripravil redukovaný návrh experimentov, ktorý s vyžaduje vykonanie iba 32 experimentov. Predpokladáme pritom iba jedno opakovanie každého experimentu. Ak sa má sledovať aj rozptyl nameraných údajov, vyžaduje sa najmenej päť opakovaní každého experimentu, čo vedie k značnému nárastu ich počtu.Paper briefly describes design of experiments aimed at verification of selected technological parameters of the plasma cutting machine. Design solution of the plasma cutting machine represents a complex kinematic structure with 9 DOF. Reaching the prescribed repeated accuracy of the positioning is one of the main parameters that is required from the machine. Full experiment design covers more than thousands experiments. Therefore reduced experiment design was prepared tehat requires only 32 experiments. We consider only one execution of each experiment. When thae data variability should be observed, five repeating of each experiment is required, resulting in respective increase of the number of experiments

    Development of a Production Ready Automated Wire Delivery System

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    The current development effort is a Phase 3 research study entitled "A Production Ready Automated Wire Delivery System", contract number NAS8-39933, awarded to Nichols Research Corporation (NRC). The goals of this research study were to production harden the existing Automated Wire Delivery (AWDS) motion and sensor hardware and test the modified AWDS in a range of welding applications. In addition, the prototype AWDS controller would be moved to the VME bus platform by designing, fabricating and testing a single board VME bus AWDS controller. This effort was to provide an AWDS that could transition from the laboratory environment to production operations. The project was performed in two development steps. Step 1 modified and tested an improved MWG. Step 2 developed and tested the AWDS single board VME bus controller. Step 3 installed the Wire Pilot in a Weld Controller with the imbedded VME bus controller

    A calibration method for a laser triangulation scanner mounted on a robot arm for surface mapping

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    This paper presents and discusses a method to calibrate a specially built laser triangulation sensor to scan and map the surface of hydraulic turbine blades and to assign 3D coordinates to a dedicated robot to repair, by welding in layers, the damage on blades eroded by cavitation pitting and/or cracks produced by cyclic loading. Due to the large nonlinearities present in a camera and laser diodes, large range distances become di cult to measure with high precision. Aiming to improve the precision and accuracy of the range measurement sensor based on laser triangulation, a calibration model is proposed that involves the parameters of the camera, lens, laser positions, and sensor position on the robot arm related to the robot base to find the best accuracy in the distance range of the application. The developed sensor is composed of a CMOS camera and two laser diodes that project light lines onto the blade surface and needs image processing to find the 3D coordinates. The distances vary from 250 to 650 mm and the accuracy obtained within the distance range is below 1 mm. The calibration process needs a previous camera calibration and special calibration boards to calculate the correct distance between the laser diodes and the camera. The sensor position fixed on the robot arm is found by moving the robot to selected positions. The experimental procedures show the success of the calibration scheme

    Thin film temperature sensor

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    Thin film surface temperature sensors were developed. The sensors were made of platinum-platinum/10 percent rhodium thermocouples with associated thin film-to-lead wire connections and sputtered on aluminum oxide coated simulated turbine blades for testing. Tests included exposure to vibration, low velocity hydrocarbon hot gas flow to 1250 K, and furnace calibrations. Thermal electromotive force was typically two percent below standard type S thermocouples. Mean time to failure was 42 hours at a hot gas flow temperature of 1250 K and an average of 15 cycles to room temperature. Failures were mainly due to separation of the platinum thin film from the aluminum oxide surface. Several techniques to improve the adhesion of the platinum are discussed

    How to succeed in robotic arc welding:Hubert K. Rampersad

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    Torch Mounted Wire Nipper

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