129 research outputs found

    Robust Monotonic Optimization Framework for Multicell MISO Systems

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    The performance of multiuser systems is both difficult to measure fairly and to optimize. Most resource allocation problems are non-convex and NP-hard, even under simplifying assumptions such as perfect channel knowledge, homogeneous channel properties among users, and simple power constraints. We establish a general optimization framework that systematically solves these problems to global optimality. The proposed branch-reduce-and-bound (BRB) algorithm handles general multicell downlink systems with single-antenna users, multiantenna transmitters, arbitrary quadratic power constraints, and robustness to channel uncertainty. A robust fairness-profile optimization (RFO) problem is solved at each iteration, which is a quasi-convex problem and a novel generalization of max-min fairness. The BRB algorithm is computationally costly, but it shows better convergence than the previously proposed outer polyblock approximation algorithm. Our framework is suitable for computing benchmarks in general multicell systems with or without channel uncertainty. We illustrate this by deriving and evaluating a zero-forcing solution to the general problem.Comment: Published in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 16 pages, 9 figures, 2 table

    A Deep Learning Framework for Optimization of MISO Downlink Beamforming

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    Beamforming is an effective means to improve the quality of the received signals in multiuser multiple-input-singleoutput (MISO) systems. Traditionally, finding the optimal beamforming solution relies on iterative algorithms, which introduces high computational delay and is thus not suitable for realtime implementation. In this paper, we propose a deep learning framework for the optimization of downlink beamforming. In particular, the solution is obtained based on convolutional neural networks and exploitation of expert knowledge, such as the uplink-downlink duality and the known structure of optimal solutions. Using this framework, we construct three beamforming neural networks (BNNs) for three typical optimization problems, i.e., the signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) balancing problem, the power minimization problem, and the sum rate maximization problem. For the former two problems the BNNs adopt the supervised learning approach, while for the sum rate maximization problem a hybrid method of supervised and unsupervised learning is employed. Simulation results show that the BNNs can achieve near-optimal solutions to the SINR balancing and power minimization problems, and a performance close to that of the weighted minimum mean squared error algorithm for the sum rate maximization problem, while in all cases enjoy significantly reduced computational complexity. In summary, this work paves the way for fast realization of optimal beamforming in multiuser MISO systems

    Transmit Beamforming Design with Received-Interference Power Constraints: The Zero-Forcing Relaxation

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    The use of multi-antenna transmitters is emerging as an essential technology of the future wireless communication systems. While Zero-Forcing Beamforming (ZFB) has become the most popular low-complexity transmit beamforming design, it has some drawbacks basically related to the effort of "trying" to invert the channel coefficients towards the interfered users. In particular, ZFB performs poorly in the low Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) regime and does not work when the interfered users outnumber the transmit antennas. In this paper, we study in detail an alternative transmit beamforming design framework, where we allow some residual received-interference power instead of trying to null it completely out. Subsequently, we provide a close-form non-iterative optimal solution that avoids the use of sophisticated convex optimization techniques that compromise its applicability onto practical systems. Supporting results based on numerical simulations show that the proposed transmit beamforming is able to perform close to the optimal with much lower computational complexity.Grant numbers : TERESA - Hybrid TERrEstrial/Satellite Air Interface for 5G and Beyond project (code : TEC2017-90093-C3-1-R).@ 2020 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works

    Multicell Coordinated Beamforming with Rate Outage Constraint--Part I: Complexity Analysis

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    This paper studies the coordinated beamforming (CoBF) design in the multiple-input single-output interference channel, assuming only channel distribution information given a priori at the transmitters. The CoBF design is formulated as an optimization problem that maximizes a predefined system utility, e.g., the weighted sum rate or the weighted max-min-fairness (MMF) rate, subject to constraints on the individual probability of rate outage and power budget. While the problem is non-convex and appears difficult to handle due to the intricate outage probability constraints, so far it is still unknown if this outage constrained problem is computationally tractable. To answer this, we conduct computational complexity analysis of the outage constrained CoBF problem. Specifically, we show that the outage constrained CoBF problem with the weighted sum rate utility is intrinsically difficult, i.e., NP-hard. Moreover, the outage constrained CoBF problem with the weighted MMF rate utility is also NP-hard except the case when all the transmitters are equipped with single antenna. The presented analysis results confirm that efficient approximation methods are indispensable to the outage constrained CoBF problem.Comment: submitted to IEEE Transactions on Signal Processin

    Fundamental Limits of Cooperation

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    Cooperation is viewed as a key ingredient for interference management in wireless systems. This paper shows that cooperation has fundamental limitations. The main result is that even full cooperation between transmitters cannot in general change an interference-limited network to a noise-limited network. The key idea is that there exists a spectral efficiency upper bound that is independent of the transmit power. First, a spectral efficiency upper bound is established for systems that rely on pilot-assisted channel estimation; in this framework, cooperation is shown to be possible only within clusters of limited size, which are subject to out-of-cluster interference whose power scales with that of the in-cluster signals. Second, an upper bound is also shown to exist when cooperation is through noncoherent communication; thus, the spectral efficiency limitation is not a by-product of the reliance on pilot-assisted channel estimation. Consequently, existing literature that routinely assumes the high-power spectral efficiency scales with the log of the transmit power provides only a partial characterization. The complete characterization proposed in this paper subdivides the high-power regime into a degrees-of-freedom regime, where the scaling with the log of the transmit power holds approximately, and a saturation regime, where the spectral efficiency hits a ceiling that is independent of the power. Using a cellular system as an example, it is demonstrated that the spectral efficiency saturates at power levels of operational relevance.Comment: 27 page