73 research outputs found

    Error-Floors of the 802.3an LDPC Code for Noise Assisted Decoding

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    In digital communication, information is sent as bits, which is corrupted by the noise present in wired/wireless medium known as the channel. The Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) codes are a family of error correction codes used in communication systems to detect and correct erroneous data at the receiver. Data is encoded with error correction coding at the transmitter and decoded at the receiver. The Noisy Gradient Descent BitFlip (NGDBF) decoding algorithm is a new algorithm with excellent decoding performance with relatively low implementation requirements. This dissertation aims to characterize the performance of the NGDBF algorithm. A simple improvement over NGDBF called the Re-decoded NGDBF (R-NGDBF) is proposed to enhance the performance of NGDBF decoding algorithm. A general method to estimate the decoding parameters of NGDBF is presented. The estimated parameters are then verified in a hardware implementation of the decoder to validate the accuracy of the estimation technique

    Physical-Layer Cooperation in Coded OFDM Relaying Systems

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    Mobile communication systems nowadays require ever-increasing data rate and coverage of wide areas. One promising approach to achieve this goal is the application of cooperative communications enabled by introducing intermediate nodes known as relays to support the transmission between terminals. By processing and forwarding the receive message at the relays, the path-loss effect between the source and the destination is mitigated. One major limit factor for relay assisted communications is that a relay cannot transmit and receive using the same physical resources. Therefore, a half-duplex constraint is commonly assumed resulting in halved spectral efficiency. To combat this drawback, two-way relaying is introduced, where two sources exchange information with each. On the other hand, due to the physical limitation of the relays, e.g., wireless sensor nodes, it's not possible to implement multiple antennas at one relay, which prohibits the application of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) techniques. However, when treating multiple relays as a cluster, a virtual antenna array is formed to perform MIMO techniques in a distributed manner. %This thesis aims at designing efficient one-way and two-way relaying schemes. Specifically, existing schemes from the literature are improved and new schemes are developed with the emphasis on coded orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) transmissions. Of special interest is the application of physical-layer network coding (PLNC) for two-phase two-way relaying. In this case, a network coded message is estimated from the superimposed receive signal at the relay using PLNC schemes. The schemes are investigated based on a mutual information analysis and their performance are improved by a newly proposed phase control strategy. Furthermore, performance degradation due to system asynchrony is mitigated depending on different PLNC schemes. When multiple relays are available, novel cooperation schemes allowing information exchange within the relay cluster are proposed that facilitate distributed MIMO reception and transmission. Additionally, smart signaling approaches are presented to enable the cooperation at different levels with the cooperation overhead taken into account adequately in system performance evaluation

    Factor Graph Based Detection Schemes for Mobile Terrestrial DVB Systems with Long OFDM Blocks

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    This PhD dissertation analyzes the performance of second generation digital video broadcasting (DVB) systems in mobile terrestrial environments and proposes an iterative detection algorithm based on factor graphs (FG) to reduce the distortion caused by the time variation of the channel, providing error-free communication in very severe mobile conditions. The research work focuses on mobile scenarios where the intercarrier interference (ICI) is very high: high vehicular speeds when long orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) blocks are used. As a starting point, we provide the theoretical background on the main topics behind the transmission and reception of terrestrial digital television signals in mobile environments, along with a general overview of the main signal processing techniques included in last generation terrestrial DVB systems. The proposed FG-based detector design is then assessed over a simpli ed bit-interleaved coded modulation (BICM)-OFDM communication scheme for a wide variety of mobile environments. Extensive simulation results show the e ectiveness of the proposed belief propagation (BP) algorithm over the channels of interest in this research work. Moreover, assuming that low density parity-check (LDPC) codes are decoded by means of FG-based algorithms, a high-order FG is de ned in order to accomplish joint signal detection and decoding into the same FG framework, o ering a fully parallel structure very suitable when long OFDM blocks are employed. Finally, the proposed algorithms are analyzed over the physical layer of DVB-T2 speci cation. Two reception schemes are proposed which exploit the frequency and time-diversity inherent in time-varying channels with the aim of achieving a reasonable trade-o among performance, complexity and latency.Doktoretza tesi honek bigarren belaunaldiko telebista digitalaren eraginkortasuna aztertzen du eskenatoki mugikorrean, eta faktoreen grafoetan oinarritzen den hartzaile iteratibo bat proposatzen du denboran aldakorra den kanalak sortzen duen distortsioa leundu eta seinalea errorerik gabe hartzea ahalbidetzen duena. Proposatutako detektorea BICM-OFDM komunikazio eskema orokor baten gainean ebaluatu da lurreko broadcasting kanalaren baldintzak kontutan hartuz. Simulazio emaitzek algoritmo honen eraginkortasuna frogatzen dute Doppler frekuentzia handietan. Ikerketa lanaren bigarren zatian, faktoreen grafoetan oinarritutako detektorea eskema turbo zabalago baten baitan txertatu da LDPC dekodi katzaile batekin batera. Hartzaile diseinu honen abantaila nagusia da OFDM simbolo luzeetara ondo egokitzen dela. Azkenik, proposatutako algoritmoa DVB-T2 katearen baitan inplementatu da, bi hartzaile eskema proposatu direlarik seinaleak duen dibertsitate tenporal eta frekuentziala probesteko, beti ere eraginkortasunaren, konplexutasunaren eta latentziaren arteko konpromisoa mantenduz.Este trabajo de tesis analiza el rendimiento de la segunda generación de la televisión digital terreste en escenarios móviles y propone un algoritmo iterativo basado en grafos de factores para la detección de la señal y la reducción de la distorsión causada por la variación temporal del canal, permitiendo así recibir la señal libre de errores. El detector basado en grafos de factores propuesto es evaluado sobre un esquema de comunicaciones general BICM-OFDM en condiciones de transmisión propios de canales de difusión terrestres. Los resultados de simulación presentados muestran la e ciencia del algoritmo de detección propuesto en presencia de frecuencias Doppler muy altas. En una segunda parte del trabajo de investigación, el detector propuesto es incorporado a un esquema turbo junto con un decodi cador LDPC, dando lugar a un receptor iterativo que presenta características especialmente apropiadas para su implementación en sistemas OFDM con longitudes de símbolo elevadas. Por último, se analiza la implementación del algoritmo propuesto sobre la cadena de recepción de DVB-T2. Se presentan dos esquemas de recepción que explotan la diversidad temporal y frecuencial presentes en la señal afectada por canales variantes en el tiempo, consiguiendo un compromiso razonable entre rendimiento, complejidad y latencia

    On Code Design for Interference Channels

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    abstract: There has been a lot of work on the characterization of capacity and achievable rate regions, and rate region outer-bounds for various multi-user channels of interest. Parallel to the developed information theoretic results, practical codes have also been designed for some multi-user channels such as multiple access channels, broadcast channels and relay channels; however, interference channels have not received much attention and only a limited amount of work has been conducted on them. With this motivation, in this dissertation, design of practical and implementable channel codes is studied focusing on multi-user channels with special emphasis on interference channels; in particular, irregular low-density-parity-check codes are exploited for a variety of cases and trellis based codes for short block length designs are performed. Novel code design approaches are first studied for the two-user Gaussian multiple access channel. Exploiting Gaussian mixture approximation, new methods are proposed wherein the optimized codes are shown to improve upon the available designs and off-the-shelf point-to-point codes applied to the multiple access channel scenario. The code design is then examined for the two-user Gaussian interference channel implementing the Han-Kobayashi encoding and decoding strategy. Compared with the point-to-point codes, the newly designed codes consistently offer better performance. Parallel to this work, code design is explored for the discrete memoryless interference channels wherein the channel inputs and outputs are taken from a finite alphabet and it is demonstrated that the designed codes are superior to the single user codes used with time sharing. Finally, the code design principles are also investigated for the two-user Gaussian interference channel employing trellis-based codes with short block lengths for the case of strong and mixed interference levels.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 201

    LDPC code-based bandwidth efficient coding schemes for wireless communications

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    This dissertation deals with the design of bandwidth-efficient coding schemes with Low-Density Parity-Check (LDPC) for reliable wireless communications. Code design for wireless channels roughly falls into three categories: (1) when channel state information (CSI) is known only to the receiver (2) more practical case of partial CSI at the receiver when the channel has to be estimated (3) when CSI is known to the receiver as well as the transmitter. We consider coding schemes for all the above categories. For the first scenario, we describe a bandwidth efficient scheme which uses highorder constellations such as QAM over both AWGN as well as fading channels. We propose a simple design with LDPC codes which combines the good properties of Multi-level Coding (MLC) and bit-interleaved coded-modulation (BICM) schemes. Through simulations, we show that the proposed scheme performs better than MLC for short-medium lengths on AWGN and block-fading channels. For the first case, we also characterize the rate-diversity tradeoff of MIMO-OFDM and SISO-OFDM systems. We design optimal coding schemes which achieve this tradeoff when transmission is from a constrained constellation. Through simulations, we show that with a sub-optimal iterative decoder, the performance of this coding scheme is very close to the optimal limit for MIMO (flat quasi-static fading), MIMO-OFDM and SISO OFDM systems. For the second case, we design non-systematic Irregular Repeat Accumulate (IRA) codes, which are a special class of LDPC codes, for Inter-Symbol Interference (ISI) fading channels when CSI is estimated at the receiver. We use Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) to convert the ISI fading channel into parallel flat fading subchannels. We use a simple receiver structure that performs iterative channel estimation and decoding and use non-systematic IRA codes that are optimized for this receiver. This combination is shown to perform very close to a receiver with perfect CSI and is also shown to be robust to change in the number of channel taps and Doppler. For the third case, we look at bandwidth efficient schemes for fading channels that perform close to capacity when the channel state information is known at the transmitter as well as the receiver. Schemes that achieve capacity with a Gaussian codebook for the above system are already known but not for constrained constellations. We derive the near-optimum scheme to achieve capacity with constrained constellations and then propose coding schemes which perform close to capacity. Through linear transformations, a MIMO system can be converted into non-interfering parallel subchannels and we further extend the proposed coding schemes to the MIMO case too

    Multitrack Detection for Magnetic Recording

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    The thesis develops advanced signal processing algorithms for magnetic recording to increase areal density. The exploding demand for cloud storage is motivating a push for higher areal densities, with narrower track pitches and shorter bit lengths. The resulting increase in interference and media noise requires improvements in read channel signal processing to keep pace. This thesis proposes the multitrack pattern-dependent noise-prediction algorithm as a solution to the joint maximum-likelihood multitrack detection problem in the face of pattern-dependent autoregressive Gaussian noise. The magnetic recording read channel has numerous parameters that must be carefully tuned for best performance; these include not only the equalizer coefficients but also any parameters inside the detector. This thesis proposes two new tuning strategies: one is to minimize the bit-error rate after detection, and the other is to minimize the frame-error rate after error-control decoding. Furthermore, this thesis designs a neural network read channel architecture and compares the performance and complexity with these traditional signal processing techniques.Ph.D

    Solutions for New Terrestrial Broadcasting Systems Offering Simultaneously Stationary and Mobile Services

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    221 p.[EN]Since the first broadcasted TV signal was transmitted in the early decades of the past century, the television broadcasting industry has experienced a series of dramatic changes. Most recently, following the evolution from analogue to digital systems, the digital dividend has become one of the main concerns of the broadcasting industry. In fact, there are many international spectrum authorities reclaiming part of the broadcasting spectrum to satisfy the growing demand of other services, such as broadband wireless services, arguing that the TV services are not very spectrum-efficient. Apart from that, it must be taken into account that, even if up to now the mobile broadcasting has not been considered a major requirement, this will probably change in the near future. In fact, it is expected that the global mobile data traffic will increase 11-fold between 2014 and 2018, and what is more, over two thirds of the data traffic will be video stream by the end of that period. Therefore, the capability to receive HD services anywhere with a mobile device is going to be a mandatory requirement for any new generation broadcasting system. The main objective of this work is to present several technical solutions that answer to these challenges. In particular, the main questions to be solved are the spectrum efficiency issue and the increasing user expectations of receiving high quality mobile services. In other words, the main objective is to provide technical solutions for an efficient and flexible usage of the terrestrial broadcasting spectrum for both stationary and mobile services. The first contributions of this scientific work are closely related to the study of the mobile broadcast reception. Firstly, a comprehensive mathematical analysis of the OFDM signal behaviour over time-varying channels is presented. In order to maximize the channel capacity in mobile environments, channel estimation and equalization are studied in depth. First, the most implemented equalization solutions in time-varying scenarios are analyzed, and then, based on these existing techniques, a new equalization algorithm is proposed for enhancing the receivers’ performance. An alternative solution for improving the efficiency under mobile channel conditions is treating the Inter Carrier Interference as another noise source. Specifically, after analyzing the ICI impact and the existing solutions for reducing the ICI penalty, a new approach based on the robustness of FEC codes is presented. This new approach employs one dimensional algorithms at the receiver and entrusts the ICI removing task to the robust forward error correction codes. Finally, another major contribution of this work is the presentation of the Layer Division Multiplexing (LDM) as a spectrum-efficient and flexible solution for offering stationary and mobile services simultaneously. The comprehensive theoretical study developed here verifies the improved spectrum efficiency, whereas the included practical validation confirms the feasibility of the system and presents it as a very promising multiplexing technique, which will surely be a strong candidate for the next generation broadcasting services.[ES]Desde el comienzo de la transmisión de las primeras señales de televisión a principios del siglo pasado, la radiodifusión digital ha evolucionado gracias a una serie de cambios relevantes. Recientemente, como consecuencia directa de la digitalización del servicio, el dividendo digital se ha convertido en uno de los caballos de batalla de la industria de la radiodifusión. De hecho, no son pocos los consorcios internacionales que abogan por asignar parte del espectro de radiodifusión a otros servicios como, por ejemplo, la telefonía móvil, argumentado la poca eficiencia espectral de la tecnología de radiodifusión actual. Asimismo, se debe tener en cuenta que a pesar de que los servicios móviles no se han considerado fundamentales en el pasado, esta tendencia probablemente variará en el futuro cercano. De hecho, se espera que el tráfico derivado de servicios móviles se multiplique por once entre los años 2014 y 2018; y lo que es más importante, se pronostica que dos tercios del tráfico móvil sea video streaming para finales de ese periodo. Por lo tanto, la posibilidad de ofrecer servicios de alta definición en dispositivos móviles es un requisito fundamental para los sistemas de radiodifusión de nueva generación. El principal objetivo de este trabajo es presentar soluciones técnicas que den respuesta a los retos planteados anteriormente. En particular, las principales cuestiones a resolver son la ineficiencia espectral y el incremento de usuarios que demandan mayor calidad en los contenidos para dispositivos móviles. En pocas palabras, el principal objetivo de este trabajo se basa en ofrecer una solución más eficiente y flexible para la transmisión simultánea de servicios fijos y móviles. La primera contribución relevante de este trabajo está relacionada con la recepción de la señal de televisión en movimiento. En primer lugar, se presenta un completo análisis matemático del comportamiento de la señal OFDM en canales variantes con el tiempo. A continuación, con la intención de maximizar la capacidad del canal, se estudian en profundidad los algoritmos de estimación y ecualización. Posteriormente, se analizan los algoritmos de ecualización más implementados, y por último, basándose en estas técnicas, se propone un nuevo algoritmo de ecualización para aumentar el rendimiento de los receptores en tales condiciones. Del mismo modo, se plantea un nuevo enfoque para mejorar la eficiencia de los servicios móviles basado en tratar la interferencia entre portadoras como una fuente de ruido. Concretamente, tras analizar el impacto del ICI en los receptores actuales, se sugiere delegar el trabajo de corrección de dichas distorsiones en códigos FEC muy robustos. Finalmente, la última contribución importante de este trabajo es la presentación de la tecnología LDM como una manera más eficiente y flexible para la transmisión simultánea de servicios fijos y móviles. El análisis teórico presentado confirma el incremento en la eficiencia espectral, mientras que el estudio práctico valida la posible implementación del sistema y presenta la tecnología LDM c

    Transmission strategies for broadband wireless systems with MMSE turbo equalization

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    This monograph details efficient transmission strategies for single-carrier wireless broadband communication systems employing iterative (turbo) equalization. In particular, the first part focuses on the design and analysis of low complexity and robust MMSE-based turbo equalizers operating in the frequency domain. Accordingly, several novel receiver schemes are presented which improve the convergence properties and error performance over the existing turbo equalizers. The second part discusses concepts and algorithms that aim to increase the power and spectral efficiency of the communication system by efficiently exploiting the available resources at the transmitter side based upon the channel conditions. The challenging issue encountered in this context is how the transmission rate and power can be optimized, while a specific convergence constraint of the turbo equalizer is guaranteed.Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem Entwurf und der Analyse von effizienten Übertragungs-konzepten für drahtlose, breitbandige Einträger-Kommunikationssysteme mit iterativer (Turbo-) Entzerrung und Kanaldekodierung. Dies beinhaltet einerseits die Entwicklung von empfängerseitigen Frequenzbereichs-entzerrern mit geringer Komplexität basierend auf dem Prinzip der Soft Interference Cancellation Minimum-Mean Squared-Error (SC-MMSE) Filterung und andererseits den Entwurf von senderseitigen Algorithmen, die durch Ausnutzung von Kanalzustandsinformationen die Bandbreiten- und Leistungseffizienz in Ein- und Mehrnutzersystemen mit Mehrfachantennen (sog. Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO)) verbessern. Im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit wird ein allgemeiner Ansatz für Verfahren zur Turbo-Entzerrung nach dem Prinzip der linearen MMSE-Schätzung, der nichtlinearen MMSE-Schätzung sowie der kombinierten MMSE- und Maximum-a-Posteriori (MAP)-Schätzung vorgestellt. In diesem Zusammenhang werden zwei neue Empfängerkonzepte, die eine Steigerung der Leistungsfähigkeit und Verbesserung der Konvergenz in Bezug auf existierende SC-MMSE Turbo-Entzerrer in verschiedenen Kanalumgebungen erzielen, eingeführt. Der erste Empfänger - PDA SC-MMSE - stellt eine Kombination aus dem Probabilistic-Data-Association (PDA) Ansatz und dem bekannten SC-MMSE Entzerrer dar. Im Gegensatz zum SC-MMSE nutzt der PDA SC-MMSE eine interne Entscheidungsrückführung, so dass zur Unterdrückung von Interferenzen neben den a priori Informationen der Kanaldekodierung auch weiche Entscheidungen der vorherigen Detektions-schritte berücksichtigt werden. Durch die zusätzlich interne Entscheidungsrückführung erzielt der PDA SC-MMSE einen wesentlichen Gewinn an Performance in räumlich unkorrelierten MIMO-Kanälen gegenüber dem SC-MMSE, ohne dabei die Komplexität des Entzerrers wesentlich zu erhöhen. Der zweite Empfänger - hybrid SC-MMSE - bildet eine Verknüpfung von gruppenbasierter SC-MMSE Frequenzbereichsfilterung und MAP-Detektion. Dieser Empfänger besitzt eine skalierbare Berechnungskomplexität und weist eine hohe Robustheit gegenüber räumlichen Korrelationen in MIMO-Kanälen auf. Die numerischen Ergebnisse von Simulationen basierend auf Messungen mit einem Channel-Sounder in Mehrnutzerkanälen mit starken räumlichen Korrelationen zeigen eindrucksvoll die Überlegenheit des hybriden SC-MMSE-Ansatzes gegenüber dem konventionellen SC-MMSE-basiertem Empfänger. Im zweiten Teil wird der Einfluss von System- und Kanalmodellparametern auf die Konvergenzeigenschaften der vorgestellten iterativen Empfänger mit Hilfe sogenannter Korrelationsdiagramme untersucht. Durch semi-analytische Berechnungen der Entzerrer- und Kanaldecoder-Korrelationsfunktionen wird eine einfache Berechnungsvorschrift zur Vorhersage der Bitfehlerwahrscheinlichkeit von SC-MMSE und PDA SC-MMSE Turbo Entzerrern für MIMO-Fadingkanäle entwickelt. Des Weiteren werden zwei Fehlerschranken für die Ausfallwahrscheinlichkeit der Empfänger vorgestellt. Die semi-analytische Methode und die abgeleiteten Fehlerschranken ermöglichen eine aufwandsgeringe Abschätzung sowie Optimierung der Leistungsfähigkeit des iterativen Systems. Im dritten und abschließenden Teil werden Strategien zur Raten- und Leistungszuweisung in Kommunikationssystemen mit konventionellen iterativen SC-MMSE Empfängern untersucht. Zunächst wird das Problem der Maximierung der instantanen Summendatenrate unter der Berücksichtigung der Konvergenz des iterativen Empfängers für einen Zweinutzerkanal mit fester Leistungsallokation betrachtet. Mit Hilfe des Flächentheorems von Extrinsic-Information-Transfer (EXIT)-Funktionen wird eine obere Schranke für die erreichbare Ratenregion hergeleitet. Auf Grundlage dieser Schranke wird ein einfacher Algorithmus entwickelt, der für jeden Nutzer aus einer Menge von vorgegebenen Kanalcodes mit verschiedenen Codierraten denjenigen auswählt, der den instantanen Datendurchsatz des Mehrnutzersystems verbessert. Neben der instantanen Ratenzuweisung wird auch ein ausfallbasierter Ansatz zur Ratenzuweisung entwickelt. Hierbei erfolgt die Auswahl der Kanalcodes für die Nutzer unter Berücksichtigung der Einhaltung einer bestimmten Ausfallwahrscheinlichkeit (outage probability) des iterativen Empfängers. Des Weiteren wird ein neues Entwurfskriterium für irreguläre Faltungscodes hergeleitet, das die Ausfallwahrscheinlichkeit von Turbo SC-MMSE Systemen verringert und somit die Zuverlässigkeit der Datenübertragung erhöht. Eine Reihe von Simulationsergebnissen von Kapazitäts- und Durchsatzberechnungen werden vorgestellt, die die Wirksamkeit der vorgeschlagenen Algorithmen und Optimierungsverfahren in Mehrnutzerkanälen belegen. Abschließend werden außerdem verschiedene Maßnahmen zur Minimierung der Sendeleistung in Einnutzersystemen mit senderseitiger Singular-Value-Decomposition (SVD)-basierter Vorcodierung untersucht. Es wird gezeigt, dass eine Methode, welche die Leistungspegel des Senders hinsichtlich der Bitfehlerrate des iterativen Empfängers optimiert, den konventionellen Verfahren zur Leistungszuweisung überlegen ist