227,822 research outputs found

    Hydrogen slush density reference system

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    A hydrogen slush density reference system was designed for calibration of field-type instruments and/or transfer standards. The device is based on the buoyancy principle of Archimedes. The solids are weighed in a low-mass container so arranged that solids and container are buoyed by triple-point liquid hydrogen during the weighing process. Several types of hydrogen slush density transducers were developed and tested for possible use as transfer standards. The most successful transducers found were those which depend on change in dielectric constant, after which the Clausius-Mossotti function is used to relate dielectric constant and density

    An Investigation of W3C Standardization Processes using Rational Discourse

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    Standards, in particular Web standards, have become critical and complex information technologies as they influence our everyday activities. Standards making is a social practice where in experts engage in discussions to develop standards by weighing various alternative design solutions. Processes followed to develop these standards and how decisions for core features are made are not well understood. In this paper, we have drawn on concepts of rational discourse described by Habermas to examine whether processes followed at W3C meets requirements of rational discourse. Our investigation shows that processes followed at W3C do exhibit an approximation of rational discourse, while some concerns exist

    Making-Up Conditions Of Employment: The Unequal Burdens Test as a Flawed Mode of Analysis in Jespersen v. Harrah\u27s Operating Co.

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    Part I of this Note reviews Title VII and foundational caselaw, including cases regarding sex discrimination and appearance standards. Part II examines the Ninth Circuit\u27s Jespersen opinion. Part III compares the Supreme Court decision in Price Waterhouse v. Hopkins, which expanded Title VII protection to include gender stereotyping, with the Jespersen holding. Part III also explores a Seventh Circuit case, Carroll v. Talman Federal Savings and Loan Association of Chicago, and Judge Thomas\u27s dissent in Jespersen, which both argue for inclusion of less tangible factors such as gender stereotyping in the unequal burdens test. Part III finally contends that the unequal burdens test should consider a job-relatedness element in the initial weighing of burdens based on the intent of Title VII. Finally, this Note concludes that by incorporating intangible considerations such as gender stereotyping and weighing job-relatedness in the plaintiff s initial showing under the unequal burdens test, the Ninth Circuit will better protect employees from discriminatory appearance and grooming standards

    Making-Up Conditions Of Employment: The Unequal Burdens Test as a Flawed Mode of Analysis in Jespersen v. Harrah\u27s Operating Co.

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    Part I of this Note reviews Title VII and foundational caselaw, including cases regarding sex discrimination and appearance standards. Part II examines the Ninth Circuit\u27s Jespersen opinion. Part III compares the Supreme Court decision in Price Waterhouse v. Hopkins, which expanded Title VII protection to include gender stereotyping, with the Jespersen holding. Part III also explores a Seventh Circuit case, Carroll v. Talman Federal Savings and Loan Association of Chicago, and Judge Thomas\u27s dissent in Jespersen, which both argue for inclusion of less tangible factors such as gender stereotyping in the unequal burdens test. Part III finally contends that the unequal burdens test should consider a job-relatedness element in the initial weighing of burdens based on the intent of Title VII. Finally, this Note concludes that by incorporating intangible considerations such as gender stereotyping and weighing job-relatedness in the plaintiff s initial showing under the unequal burdens test, the Ninth Circuit will better protect employees from discriminatory appearance and grooming standards

    Criminal Adjudication, Error Correction, and Hindsight Blind Spots

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    Concerns about hindsight in the law typically arise with regard to the bias that outcome knowledge can produce. But a more difficult problem than the clear view that hindsight appears to provide is the blind spot that it actually has. Because of the conventional wisdom about error review, there is a missed opportunity to ensure meaningful scrutiny. Beyond the confirmation biases that make convictions seem inevitable lies the question whether courts can see what they are meant to assess when they do look closely for error. Standards that require a retrospective showing of materiality, prejudice, or harm turn on what a judge imagines would have happened at trial under different circumstances. The interactive nature of the fact-finding process, however, means that the effect of error can rarely be assessed with confidence. Moreover, changing paradigms in criminal procedure scholarship make accuracy and error correction newly paramount. The empirical evidence of known innocents found guilty in the criminal justice system is mounting, and many of those wrongful convictions endured because errors were reviewed under hindsight standards. New insights about the cognitive psychology of decision-making, taken together with this heightened awareness of error, suggest that it is time to reevaluate some thresholds for reversal. The problem of hindsight blindness is particularly evident in the rules concerning the discovery of exculpatory evidence, the adequacy of defense counsel, and the harmfulness of erroneous rulings at trial. The standards applied in each of those contexts share a common flaw: a barrier between the mechanism for evaluation and the source of error. This essay concludes that reviewing courts should consider the trial that actually occurred rather than what “might have been” in a different proceeding and proposes some new vocabulary for weighing error

    Filter weighing procedure for 2007 and newer heavy duty diesel engines

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    The 2007 heavy-duty on road diesel engine particulate matter standards will require that the particulate matter (PM) levels being emitted from the exhaust will be less than 0.01 g/bhp-hr. This ten-fold decrease in the existing regulations created the need for changes in the PM filter-weighing environment and procedures. The Code of Federal Regulations Title 40, Part 86 Subpart N (40 CFR 86) has stated that a weighing environment must meet Federal Standard 209E class 1000 classification. This regulation required a new cleanroom facility in the West Virginia University Center for Alternative Fuels, Engines and Emissions laboratories.;Weighing procedures were determined by the specifications of 40 CFR 86, conducting experiments and by varying procedures to determine the procedure that yielded the lowest variation. The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) documentation and Center for Alternative Fuels, Engines and Emissions laboratory procedures for particulate matter filter handling and weighing were also reviewed to assist in the evaluation of procedures that will yield the smallest error. This study compares the particulate matter collection on two types of filter media, dual 70 mm and single 47 mm T60A20 and 47 mm Teflo filter. The average difference between the 70 mm T60A20 and the 47 mm Teflo was determined to be 0.259 g/testphase. The average difference between the 70 mm T60A20 and the 47 mm T60A20 was determined to be 0.205 g/testphase

    Use of the new World Health Organization child growth standards to describe longitudinal growth of breastfed rural Bangladeshi infants and young children.

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    BACKGROUND: Although the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) reference has been widely used, in 2006 the World Health Organization (WHO) released new standards for assessing growth of infants and children worldwide. OBJECTIVE: To assess and compare the growth of breastfed rural Bangladeshi infants and young children based on the new WHO child growth standards and the NCHS reference. METHODS: We followed 1343 children in the Maternal and Infant Nutrition Intervention in Matlab (MINIMat) study from birth to 24 months of age. Weights and lengths of the children were measured monthly during infancy and quarterly in the second year of life. Anthropometric indices were calculated using both WHO standards and the NCHS reference. The growth pattern and estimates of undernutrition based on the WHO standards and the NCHS reference were compared. RESULTS: The mean birthweight was 2697 +/- 401 g, with 30% weighing <2500 g. The growth pattern of the MINIMat children more closely tracked the WHO standards than it did the NCHS reference. The rates of stunting based on the WHO standards were higher than the rates based on the NCHS reference throughout the first 24 months. The rates of underweight and wasting based on the WHO standards were significantly different from those based on the NCHS reference. CONCLUSIONS: This comparison confirms that use of the NCHS reference misidentifies undernutrition and the timing of growth faltering in infants and young children, which was a key rationale for constructing the new WHO standards. The new WHO child growth standards provide a benchmark for assessing the growth of breastfed infants and children

    Use of the new World Health Organization child growth standards to describe longitudinal growth of breastfed rural Bangladeshi infants and young children.

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    BACKGROUND: Although the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) reference has been widely used, in 2006 the World Health Organization (WHO) released new standards for assessing growth of infants and children worldwide. OBJECTIVE: To assess and compare the growth of breastfed rural Bangladeshi infants and young children based on the new WHO child growth standards and the NCHS reference. METHODS: We followed 1343 children in the Maternal and Infant Nutrition Intervention in Matlab (MINIMat) study from birth to 24 months of age. Weights and lengths of the children were measured monthly during infancy and quarterly in the second year of life. Anthropometric indices were calculated using both WHO standards and the NCHS reference. The growth pattern and estimates of undernutrition based on the WHO standards and the NCHS reference were compared. RESULTS: The mean birthweight was 2697 +/- 401 g, with 30% weighing <2500 g. The growth pattern of the MINIMat children more closely tracked the WHO standards than it did the NCHS reference. The rates of stunting based on the WHO standards were higher than the rates based on the NCHS reference throughout the first 24 months. The rates of underweight and wasting based on the WHO standards were significantly different from those based on the NCHS reference. CONCLUSIONS: This comparison confirms that use of the NCHS reference misidentifies undernutrition and the timing of growth faltering in infants and young children, which was a key rationale for constructing the new WHO standards. The new WHO child growth standards provide a benchmark for assessing the growth of breastfed infants and children

    Penimbangan ikan dalam jual beli di pasar besar Palangka Raya

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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh cara penimbangan penjual ikan yang meletakkan anak timbangan pada piring timbangan serta kurangnya pemahaman penjual ikan terhadap tata cara penggunaan timbangan yang sesuai dengan standar penimbangan. Penggunaan timbangan yang tidak sesuai dengan tata cara penimbangan akan berpengaruh terhadap kebenaran berat timbangan. Akibatnya akan merugikan para konsumen. Fokus penelitian ini adalah cara penimbangan ikan dalam jual beli di pasar besar Palangka Raya dan pemahaman penimbangan yang sesuai dengan standar penimbangan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian empiris yuridis sosiologis. Subjek penelitian berjumlah empat orang penjual ikan. Adapun pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan hukum Islam dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini (1) Cara penimbangan yang dilakukan penjual ikan di pasar subuh pasar besar Palangka Raya dilakukan dengan dua cara yaitu: pertama, dilakukan dengan cara penjual ikan terlebih dahulu meletakkan anak timbangan pada piring timbangan kemudian penjual melakukan proses penimbangan, yang kedua, dilakukan dengan meletakkan ikan ke dalam bak timbangan kemudian penjual melakukan proses penimbangan. (2) Dilihat dari tata cara penimbangan yang dilakukan para penjual ikan di pasar besar Palangka Raya masih kurangnya pemahaman penjual ikan terhadap tata cara penimbangan yang sesuai dengan standar penimbangan, serta kurangnya kesadaran dan pemahaman penjual ikan dalam melakukan tera ulang terhadap timbangan yang dipakai dalam menimbang. Abstract This research is motivated by the method of weighing fish sellers who place the weights on the weighing plate as well as a lack of understanding of fish sellers on how to use the scales according to the weighing standards. The use of a scale that is not in accordance with the weighing procedure will affect the correctness of the weighing scale. The result will be detrimental to consumers. The focus of this research is how to weigh fish in buying and selling in the big market of Palangka Raya and understanding weighing in accordance with weighing standards. This research is a sociological juridical empirical research. The research subjects were four fish sellers. The approach used is the Islamic legal approach with data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study (1) The method of weighing fish sellers in the subuh market of the large Palangka Raya market is carried out in two ways, namely: first, it is done by first placing the weights on the weighing plate, then the seller doing the weighing process, the second is carried out. by putting the fish into the weighing tank then the seller carries out the weighing process. (2) Judging from the weighing procedures carried out by fish sellers in the big market of Palangka Raya, fish sellers still lack understanding of the weighing procedures in accordance with weighing standards, as well as lack of awareness and understanding of fish sellers in re-calibrating the scales used in weighing