232 research outputs found

    Internet Banking integration within the banking system

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    Internet Banking developed due to increasing demand of online banking transactions. The biggest advantages of Internet Banking consist of complex banking solutions, 24 hours availability, quick and secure access to the back-end application through Internet. These advantages are due to the use of SOA (service-oriented architecture). SOA appeared as a necessity of companies to integrate big and independent portions of applications, in order to obtain an homogeneous functionality of the system. For the Internet Banking applications, SOA proved to be the optimal architectural solution, for a smoth integration between banking services from the front-end to the back-end.This paper intend to offer an insite analyse of the Internet Banking applications architecture integrated with other banking systems. A SOA oriented analyse will establish the scope of the integration architecture.Internet Banking, SOA, architecture, front-end, back-end, Banking Systems

    Installation und Konfiguration eines DB2Connect Enterprise Edition Servers

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    Installation und Konfiguration eines DB2Connect Enterprise Edition Servers inclusive Tests, Screenshots und Code. Der Connector wirde auf einem Windows PC installiert und auf eine OS390 verbunden.Installation and configuration guideline of a DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition Servers including tests, code and screenshots. The three tier configuration was setup as following: Client: eg. Windows PC Mid Tier: Windows PC with the DB2 connect software Server: OS390 running a DB2 installatio

    Injecting continuous time execution into service-oriented computing

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    Service-Oriented Computing is a computing paradigm that utilizes services as fundamental elements to support rapid, low-cost development of distributed applications in heterogeneous environments. In Service-Oriented Computing, a service is defined as an independent and autonomous piece of functionality which can be described, published, discovered and used in a uniform way. SENSORIA Reference Modeling Language is developed in the IST-FET integrated project. It provides a formal abstraction for services at the business level. Hybrid systems arise in embedded control when components that perform discrete changes are coupled with components that perform continuous processes. Normally, the discrete changes can be modeled by finite-state machines and the continuous processes can be modeled by differential equations. In an abstract point of view, hybrid systems are mixtures of continuous dynamics and discrete events. Hybrid systems are studied in different research areas. In the computer science area, a hybrid system is modeled as a discrete computer program interacting with an analog environment. In this thesis, we inject continuous time execution into Service-Oriented Computing by giving a formal abstraction for hybrid systems at the business level in a Service-Oriented point of view, and develop a method for formal verifications. In order to achieve the first part of this goal, we make a hybrid extension of Service-Oriented Doubly Labeled Transition Systems, named with Service-Oriented Hybrid Doubly Labeled Transition Systems, make an extension of the SENSORIA Reference Modeling Language and interpret it over Service-Oriented Hybrid Doubly Labeled Transition Systems. To achieve the second part of this goal, we adopt Temporal Dynamic Logic formulas and a set of sequent calculus rules for verifying the formulas, and develop a method for transforming the SENSORIA Reference Modeling Language specification of a certain service module into the respective Temporal Dynamic Logic formulas that could be verified. Moreover, we provide a case study of a simplified small part of the European Train Control System which is specified and verified with the approach introduced above. We also provide an approach of implementing the case study model with the IBM Websphere Process Server, which is a comprehensive Service-Oriented Architecture integration platform and provides support for the Service Component Architecture programming model. In order to realize this approach, we also provide functions that map models specified with the SENSORIA Reference Modeling Language to Websphere Process Server applications

    CICS Transaction Gateway-Architektur und Anwendung

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    Die Programmiersprache Java hat sich in den letzten Jahren als ein leistungsfähiges Werkzeug für WWW-orientierte Anwendungen durchgesetzt. Mit den EJB’s und dem J2EE-Standard bemüht man sich, einen objektorientierten Ansatz auch für die Geschäftslogik einzusetzen. Von dem Ziel, existierende Geschäftslogik durch neue EJB-Implementierungen zu ersetzen, sind wir jedoch noch weit entfernt. Dies gilt besonders für die größeren Unternehmen, die in der Regel z/OS mit IMS, CICS, VSAM, DB2, Oracle und Adabas auf ihrem zentralen Server einsetzen. Vorhandene Java-Implementierungen von Internet-Anwendungen benutzen häufig Konnektoren, um mit Hilfe der Java Connector-Architektur (JCA) auf vorhandene Anwendungslogik zuzugreifen, die in der Form von Anwendungen unter CICS, IMS/DC,DB2 Stored Procedures oder Stapelverarbeitungsanwendungen auf dem z/OS Server vorliegen. Der vorliegende Beitrag erläutert, wie mit unterschiedlichen Konnektoren auf existierende CICS-Anwendungen zugegriffen werden kann. Hierbei wird besonders die Internet-Integration mit Hilfe des CICS Transaction Gateways beschrieben. Eine erfolgreiche Integration des Internets in existierende unternehmerische IT-Strukturen ist ein wichtiges Thema für die Ausbildung des akademischen Nachwuchses. Es wird dargestellt, wie an der Universität Leipzig die Studenten mit praktische Übungen am Beispiel des CICS Transaction Gateways an dieses Ziel herangeführt werden

    A Case Study on Enterprise Content Management using Agile Methodology

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    Every organization has the need to create, classify, manage and archive information so that it is accessible when they need it. The amount of data or information needed for an organization to build their business and for them to be more positive in today’s business world is increasing exponentially, which also includes unstructured data or unstructured content. It is not appropriate only to “manage” content, but whether the correct version of the data or document or record can be accessed. Enterprise Content Management is an efficient collection and planning of information that is to be used by a very particular type of audience for pure business objectives. It is neither a single type of technology nor a process, it is a combination of strategies, methods and tools used to preserve, store and deliver information supporting key enterprise processes through its entire lifecycle. This research is classified into a case study research because it takes a particular focus on a certain area, i.e., the ECM implementation in XYZ organization where I completed my summer internship this year. Besides research, this study also helped me understand the in-depth implementation of ECM in an enterprise which directly depicts the working environment and methodologies in XYZ

    Internet Banking integration within the banking system

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    Internet Banking developed due to increasing demand of online banking transactions. The biggest advantages of Internet Banking consist of complex banking solutions, 24 hours availability, quick and secure access to the back-end application through Internet. These advantages are due to the use of SOA (service-oriented architecture). SOA appeared as a necessity of companies to integrate big and independent portions of applications, in order to obtain an homogeneous functionality of the system. For the Internet Banking applications, SOA proved to be the optimal architectural solution, for a smoth integration between banking services from the front-end to the back-end.This paper intend to offer an insite analyse of the Internet Banking applications architecture integrated with other banking systems. A SOA oriented analyse will establish the scope of the integration architecture

    An Embedded Domain Specific Language to Model, Transform and Quality Assure Business Processes in Business-Driven Development

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    Business process models are produced by business analysts to graphically communicate the business requirements to IT specialists. As business processes are updated to meet the new demands in the competitive market, the underlying IT solution is adapted, to reflect precisely the current goals of the organisation. The models should then act as an abstract representation of the solution. It is essential to adapt to Business-Driven Development (BDD), whereby models are refined into the IT solution and implemented in a Service-Oriented Architecture. This means that models must be free from data and control-flow errors, such as deadlocks. If models are not quality assured at the modelling phase, errors would be discovered later and the entire BDD lifecycle would have to be repeated. Combining model transformations with quality assurance would help modellers to preserve the correctness of models and rapidly carry out modifications. Although various modelling languages have been developed to assist modellers in the production of high quality business process models, none of them adopted a functional approach, based on higher-order logic. As BDD is being adopted by most organisations, the need for such a language is becoming more evident. Since specialized functionality is required, a general-purpose language is not really necessary. Instead, a domain-specific language which provides the right abstraction and captures precisely the semantics of the business process modelling domain, should be developed. The definitions of the models would be easy to comprehend and reason about, by anyone who is not necessarily an IT specialist. However, since languages are made up of domain independent and dependent linguistic components, it is more cost effective and feasible to embed the new language in a general-purpose language. In this project we present a domain specific language embedded in the functional language, Haskell, to model, transform and quality assure business processes in Business-Driven Development. By adopting a functional approach, we developed a language: 1) with which various models can rapidly be produced in a concise and abstract manner, 2) allows users to focus on the required behaviour rather than its implementation, 3) ensures that all the required details, to generate the executable code, are specified, 4) the abstract representation can be interpreted, analysed and transformed in various ways, 5) quality assures models by carrying out three types of checks; by Haskell’s type checker, at construction-time through our embedded type system, and by specialised functions that analyse the components in the model. By embedding our language in Haskell, the models, quality assurance checks and transformations are essentially functions which can easily be composed and defined. Connection patterns, defined in the language, play an important role to ensure that definitions are concise, readable and easy to comprehend. Different from other previous modelling tools, users are able to define their own parameterized models and transformations. By generating a directed graph for the models, various types of analysis can be carried out with greater ease. Moreover, quality assurance can be combined to model transformations by declaratively defining pre and post conditions for each transformation. These conditions as well as transformations can easily be composed of other previously defined checks or transformations. With this language, we aim to capture the domain semantics of IBM’s WebSphere Business Modeler Advanced v6.0.2