15 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Aplikasi Berita Acara Pengajaran Online Berbasis Web Pada SMK Budi Utomo Perak Jombang

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan pengembangan aplikasi berita acara pengajaran online berbasis web yang dapat digunakan sebagai aplikasi pencatatan & pengolahan data berita acara pengajaran. Adapun rumusan masalah pada penelitian ini adalah (1) Bagaimanakah pembuatan aplikasi berita acara pengajaran online berbasis web pada SMK Budi Utomo Perak Jombang? (2) Bagaimanakah respon guru terhadap aplikasi berita acara pengajaran online berbasis web pada SMK Budi Utomo Perak Jombang? Rancangan penelitian ini menggunakan model pengembangan ADDIE. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu guru produktif SMK Budi Utomo Perak Jombang yang berjumlah 25 orang.  Sumber data yang didapat dari penelitian ini berasal dari hasil wawancara, hasil validasi aplikasi oleh 3 pakar ahli dan angket atau kuesioner respon guru. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa aplikasi berita acara pengajaran yang dikembangan ini  mendapatkan penilaian dari 3 validator  sebesar 100% dengan kategori sangat valid yang artinya sangat baik untuk digunakan sebagai aplikasi pencatatan dan pengolahan data berita acara pengajaran. Sedangkan hasil penilaian respon guru terhadap aplikasi yang dikembangkan menunjukan persentase sebesar 85,88% dengan kategori sangat valid yang artinya guru menyatakan aplikasi berita acara pengajaran ini mendapatkan tanggapan positif sehingga guru menyetujui dan menerima aplikasi berita acara pengajaran online berbasis web ini untuk dijadikan sebagai aplikasi pencatatan dan pengolahan data berita acara pengajaran. Kata kunci: berita acara pengajaran, web, mysql, ph

    Development of Teaching Material for Narrative Writing Using Graphic Organizer Story Map in Elementary School

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    Most of materials used in narrative writing are not interested and not related to the writing process (pre-writing, when writing, and post writing). Our goal is to measure the effectiveness, practicality, and validity of the narrative writing material namely Graphic Organizer Story Map. We are doing research and development. We used 4-D model which consists of 4 stages: define, design, develop and disseminate. The validity test is obtained through the learning plan sheet on implementation, and the assessment of teachers and students responses. The effectiveness is obtained from activity, process assessment and result of narrative writing. We conducted an evaluation and obtained the “very valid”, “very simple” and “very effective”. We found the enhancement number of student who meet the passing grade on narrative writing. The teaching material for narrative writing with using Graphical Organizer Story Map is valid, simple and effective to use


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    Untuk memaksimalkan penggunaan komputer sebagai sarana penunjang pembelajaran, perlu dikembangkan bahan ajar berbasis TIK. Sebagai upaya untuk mengitegrasikan TIK yang efektif dalam proses pembelajaran, Almekhlafi dan Almeqdadi (2010) merekomendasikan perlu adanya lokakarya pengembangan profesi, mengembangkan kurikulum berbasis teknologi seperti CD dan video, mengembangkan kerjasama antar sekolah di seluruh negri, dan memberikan kebebasan bagi guru untuk memilih juga mengembangkan materi dalam kurikulum. Tujuan penelitian adalah memperoleh bahan ajar matematika berbasis micromdia flash yang valid. Model pengembangan yang digunakan adalah modifikasi model Thiagarajan (dalam Trianto 2007:65) atau yang disebut Four-D Model. Berdasarkan proses dan hasil penelitian pengembangan dapat diketahui bahwa proses produksi bahan ajar dilakukan dalam rangka mengambangkan bahan ajar matematika untuk SMK materi Operasi Bilangan Real pokok bahasan Perbandingan, Skala dan Persen menggunakan software macromedia flash. Bahan ajar yang sudah berupa CD Pembelajaran divalidasi oleh beberapa ahli diantaranya ahli media dan ahli materi untuk mengetahui sekaligus menguji kelayakannya. Validator diberi beberapa pertanyaan dalam bentuk angket. Bahan ajar berbasis macromedia flash yang dikembangkan, desainnya memuat permasalahan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari khususnya dalam aplikasi Operasi Bilangan Real terhadap perhitungan teknik otomotif sebagai starter point dalam belajar. Deskripsi hasil validasi pada tahap pengembangan, menunjukkan bahwa hasil validasi dari ahli media dalam kategori valid, validasi ahli isi/materi dalam kategori valid, dan hasil dari validasi ahli pembelajaran juga dalam kategori valid. Kata Kunci: Bahan Ajar, Macromedia Flash, SM


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    The development of science and technology has changed the elements in all fields, especially education. The learning patterns have also changed; one of which is using computer-based or internet / web-based learning, such as: E-learning, online courses, web-based education, and others. This paradigm shift sometimes requires lecturers to be more creative in delivering learning materials to students, especially, in this research, in the subject of school curriculum development. This aims to increase the effectiveness and flexibility of learning. In its implementation, the school curriculum development subject still ituilize printed teaching materials during the learning process. The purpose of this research was to develop web-based teaching materials for the subject of school curriculum development. This research applied research and development method with ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). The development of web-based teaching materials in this research was assessed through the expert review stage with an accumulation of assessment results from media experts, design experts, linguists, and media experts. The result showed that the percentage of the expert review was 86%  very good category. Then, the percentage of the individual test (one to one) was 85% with very good category. After that, the percentage of small group test was 85% with very good category. Based on these results, it can be concluded that web-based teaching materials are feasible to be applied to in the subject of school curriculum development

    Eco-friendly website development in biology learning based on project activities on environmental pollution

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    This research aimed to develop eco-friendly website in Biology learning which based on project activities for environmental pollution based on the National Curriculum. This Research and Development (R & D) using Borg and Gall strategy. The research data was gathered using quality evaluation eco-friendly website questionnaire, portfolio assessment sheet, pretest and posttest questions, student’s respond questionnaire, and interview sheet. Data analysis and discussion result has proved that (1) the eligibility of eco-friendly website based on the evaluation of the content expert, media expert and peer reviewer is excellent; based on the student’s evaluation, good. (2) The ability of student’s cognitive increased after having the Biology class activities in the eco-friendly project. Based on this research result, it is suggested to have further research to know the effectiveness of the eco-friendly website implementation toward the increase of student’s interests and learning motivation and other research variables. Moreover, eco-friendly website can be developed into a mobile application which can be accessed in any Android and iOS gadgets


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    The research centers on examining probable pedagogical implications of film elements as viable innovative writing catalysts over the whole film in terms of materials’ authenticity, materials design, multimedia principles and conceivable tasks components reinforced by related-conducted researches. It is supposed that film elements’ utilization fundamentally needs practical and sanctioned assessment. The study demonstrated interests to the subsequent enquiries: What are the pedagogical implications of films and their elements in language instructions? What are the film elements-inspired writing tasks? How are they administered in the classrooms? Do they conform to input authenticity, materials design and multimedia standards? Do these principles sustain the writing tasks? What are other research standards that support the writing tasks? What are the significant components of these writing activities and how do they support writing viabilities? It is perceived that when authenticity, materials design and multimedia principles are incorporated in creating writing tasks from film elements, said instructions can be linguistically and technologically rewarding. An empirical investigation through survey of teachers’ practices of materials design standards towards the development of writing tasks alongside teachers and students technological skills’ involvement is suggested. Similarly, this paper warrants quantitative studies on how teachers asses writing viabilities through authenticity, materials design and multimedia principles using film elements as crucial variables.  Article visualizations

    Avaliação de uso de AVA no ensino de física

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    Os ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem (AVA) ampliam as possibilidades e iniciativas de produção de cursos, disciplinas e atividades baseadas no contexto online.  Neste contexto, investigamos as percepções de alunos e de professores em ambiente real de aprendizagem desenhado para apoio a uma disciplina de Física presencial em nível universitário. Ele foi elaborado para ampliar a sala de aula presencial com base nos elementos do design instrucional (DI), adequação aos conteúdos e à diversidade de sujeitos presentes neste espaço. A análise é feita utilizando-se estatística descritiva simples e análise de conteúdo das respostas dadas a um questionário e a entrevistas aplicados pelos pesquisadores aos participantes da proposta. A avaliação demonstra que o DI cumpriu com seus objetivos. Os alunos e professores entendem a importância da utilização de diversos meios e recursos para apoiar o aprendizado, a flexibilização da sala de aula e a colaboração entre pares. Os resultados obtidos fornecem subsídios para o levantamento de questões acerca da utilização de AVA como apoio ao ensino presencial, particularmente para o ensino de Física

    Students’ Perception On Teaching Material Used in The Classroom at Senior High School 1 Kubu Babussalam Rokan Hilir

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    ABSTRACT Juliana N (2020): Students’ Perception On Teaching Material Used in The Classroom at Senior High School 1 Kubu Babussalam Rokan Hilir The aim of the research was to describe how students’ perception on teaching material used in the classroom at senior high school 1 Kubu Babussalam Rokan Hilir. The sample of this research was 49 students which consist from 2 majors (XI IPA & XI IPS) which taken by simple random sampling technique. The method of this research was descriptive quantitative method and the researcher used Microsoft Excel and SPSS 20.0 to analyze the data. The researcher concludes that the students’ perception on teaching material used in the classroom in teaching English is high level perception positively at 75,10. Keyword : Students’ Perceptio