43 research outputs found

    Web-Based Virtual Classroom Discussions and Remote Collaboration

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    Tools for educational content preparation and delivery

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    Supplemental information by the authors of the article "Problems and prospects of hybrid learning in Higher Education"N/


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    In the last few decades, education has witnessed some advances in technologies involving computeraided learning that promises to drastically change the methods of teaching and learning. The World Wide Web has played a major role in information storage and dissemination in the educational community. Conventional classroom based teaching involves the delivery of course materials by the lecturer in a particular place at a defined time. Hence it imposes a constraint of time and place on both the instructor and the student. Due to human factor arising from the traditional classroom method, the lecturer may not always be able to put in optimum effort towards preparing and delivering course materials. There may also be inconsistencies in the pedagogy and learning style due to repetitive nature of teaching/learning. The objective of this paper is to develop a virtual classroom system to enhance learning on campus. The system was developed using PHP and MySQL as server side programming and database respectively. The web-based virtual classroom provides a web enabled interactive model for e-learning in which the course material is presented using multimedia and hypermedi

    An Implementation of Virtual Classroom and Performance Analysis of Teaching-Learning Outcome

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    Virtual classroom is an irreplaceable part of distant learning systems and an important direction in the online education research field. A number of research works have been carried out in this area and many of them have been successfully implemented. However, most of them are video tutorial-based learning portal and video streaming classroom. In this paper, a model of real-time interactive virtual classroom has been proposed and implemented that provides real-time interactive classes with the collaboration of teacher and students in a single portal. It allows some responsive and co-operative tools that help teachers and students to interact easily irrespective of their distance. This virtual classroom has been designed to focus on the learners living is remote areas who cannot access the modern amenities of education. One of the main research goals is to provide the effective teaching and learning system where the distance between teacher and students can be reduced. Moreover, this paper makes some analysis and discussion about the testing and effectiveness of virtual classroom and analyzes the learning outcome

    Auto Mechanics

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    This history for the Auto Mechanics program was written to commemorate DMACC\u27s 50th anniversary celebration during the 2015-16 academic year


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    Abstract: The digital shifts in academic world have been widely used to enhance language learning. This paper describes a pilot project on the adoption of a blended approach, i.e. the physical and virtual classroom approach, in learning writing skill for the second semester university students majoring in English language and literature. The purpose of using the blended learning approach is to increase the participation and understanding of the students in the learning process. In addition, it aims at encouraging students to be more active in discussions which can be quite difficult in large-sized classes. The physical classroom is used, in a traditional manner, e.g. physical interactions between teachers and students. Meanwhile, the virtual classroom is used, among others, to allow a class to have online discussion (with text) (Whitney, 2002), either with the whole class or with smaller groups. It is as well possible to share documents, such as essays or summaries with other students in the virtual classroom. The blended learning method is especially useful for language teacher as well as curriculum designers. Keywords: blended classroom, physical classroom, virtual classroom, writing skil

    The student perceptions on online biology learning during the Covid-19 pandemic

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the patterns of learning in schools. This study aims to determine: (1) the pattern of implementation of online Biology learning at SMAN 1 Kediri; (2) students' perceptions of online Biology learning at SMAN 1 Kediri; (3) differences in students' perceptions of online Biology learning at SMAN 1 Kediri based on grade level; 4) differences in students' perceptions of online biology learning at SMAN 1 Kediri based on gender. This type of research is exploratory, descriptive research. The population in this study were students majoring in science at SMAN 1 Kediri. The research sample consisted of 137 students. The sampling technique used was stratified random sampling. Data analysis was carried out using qualitative and quantitative approaches (calculating categories, percentages, and median tests). The results show that the implementation of online Biology learning at SMAN 1 Kediri used WhatsApp Group (WAG) and Google Classroom (GC) media. Students' perceptions of online learning of Biology subjects during the Covid-19 pandemic varied, both positive and negative. Online learning provides flexibility and easy access to learning resources, but there are also difficulties in student-teacher interaction and understanding of the learning material. Students' perceptions of online learning are similar between grade levels and genders

    Text Modeling in Adaptive Educational Chat Room Based on Madamira Tool

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    his paper discusses how to enhance the ability of text modeling in Arabic during chat sessions. Hanini and Jabari et al. modeled the text in chat sessions, but there is still a problem when using Arabic , because the Arabic language is very difficult to comprehend, has complex derivative and many ambiguities. This paper enhanced the previous study and added MADAMIRA tool to analyze the Arabic text. Monitoring and modeling has been completed through the text modeling process by evaluating the student expressions within the chat session using MADAMIRA tool and machine learning. MADAMIRA tool enables the modeling process to categorize Arabic text into different categories, which makes it easier to use the levels of the used expressions and discover the importance of the chat session between two peers. The process of the student modeling using MADAMIRA and Machine learning will update the student model which gathers information about the student achievements within the AVCM

    Pemanfaatan media pembelajaran berbasis kelas virtual di masa pandemi

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    During distance learning (PJJ), teachers have difficulty developing creativity regarding the online learning process, especially when compiling learning media. Service activities were carried out by the Eduscape Group Research team from the Sebelas Maret University FKIP together with the Sociology MGMP of Karanganyar Regency as an effort to optimize online learning. The learning media provided by Google for Education, especially Google Slides, was chosen to be the main target for the preparation of virtual classes because it has flexibility, ease of use, and is easily accessible by both teachers and students. The method of implementing service activities is carried out in the meeting room of SMA Negeri Karangpandan, Karanganyar Regency, face to face with stringent health protocols. Service activities consist of material presentation, demonstration, mentoring and collection of virtual class results. The result of this activity is that teachers can compose and use and create learning media through various online platforms (google slides, online quizzes, pdf converters, exploration of material content on youtube) to prepare virtual classes